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In my opinion, teachers should encourage students to take part in

extracurricular activities for 2 main reasons.

Firstly, they promote self-confidence. After school clubs or classes

provide a safe place and support system for a student. A place where we
can have fun and forget about all our worries and stress . They allow kids
who struggle in school, to learn in a fun, low-stress environment ,and the
activities are a great way for kids to focus on their  strengths and
passions instead. Like minded mates and teachers, serve as vital
supportters and mentors for the members. and they can actually help in
building the teenager’s self esteem, even beyond the classes.

Another great part about joining an out of school community is that it

not only helps you enhance relationships with other people but also  your
social skills . Not having friends and always being alone is no fun at all.
Humans are designed to work with others in teams. Those who can’t
collarborate with others well and don’t have good relationships or social
skills, usually tend to fall behind the rest , especially when it comes to
mental health. This is something very important and it’s crucial to learn at
a young age, which is why students should definitely take part in
extracurricular activities. And for all the reason above, I believe that
extracurr classes should be promoted, esp by the teachers to the students
Online shopping is becoming a trend. Personally, I believe more and
more people these days prefer buying things online for its numerous

Firstly, Shopping online is convenient. It allows customers to shop from

any location of their choice. Some people are so burdened by a lengthy
commute after a long day that ,the thought of traveling to another location
before heading home is an impossibility.  With virtual shopping , you can
easily visit their website, find the product you want and buy it.Shopping
online allows you to buy things without affecting your schedule. If you
work on irregular hours or are very busy, then you probably don’t have
the time to visit the store.

 Another advantage is that,The choices online are surprising.

Litureturally, You can find almost any brand or item you're looking for. It
also allows retailers to reach out to a more extensive network of
purchasers, instead of being restricted by geographical boundaries. The
ability to get your order shipped overseas is incredibly common these
days. Plus, Online buyers have the ability to easily compare prices for
the best possible deal. And many stores will offer free shipping deal if
you purchase to a certain amount.

For all the reasons above, I belive the online shopping industry stands a
high chance of growing even larger in the future.

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