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6356 Langmuir 2005, 21, 6356-6365

Adsorption of Organic Matter at Mineral/Water Interfaces.

6. Effect of Inner-Sphere versus Outer-Sphere Adsorption
on Colloidal Stability
Stephen B. Johnson,† Gordon E. Brown, Jr.,†,‡ Thomas W. Healy,§ and
Peter J. Scales*,§
Surface & Aqueous Geochemistry Group, Department of Geological & Environmental Sciences,
Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-2115, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation
Laboratory, SLAC, 2575 Sand Hill Road, MS 69, Menlo Park, California 94025, and
Particulate Fluids Processing Centre, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering,
The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia

Received December 2, 2004. In Final Form: March 29, 2005

The effects of the adsorption modes of several low molecular weight (LMW) organic anions (maleate,
oxalate, and citrate) on the colloidal stability of corundum-water suspensions have been examined using
electrokinetic and shear yield stress (τy) measurements over a broad range of pH conditions and LMW
organic anion concentrations. Consistent with previous studies, increasing concentrations of maleate,
oxalate, and citrate progressively shift the electrokinetic isoelectric point and pH of the maximum shear
yield stress (τy,max) to more acidic conditions. Due to its predominant electrostatic driving force for adsorption,
outer-spherically adsorbed maleate possesses a very limited ability to charge reverse the corundum-water
interface or bind to the negatively charged corundum surface. By contrast, inner-spherically adsorbed
oxalate and citrate can significantly charge reverse the corundum-water interface, with the extent of
charge reversal being related to the relative binding strengths of the oxalate and citrate anions. Adsorbed
maleate, oxalate, and citrate generate steric barriers to interparticle approach, leading to substantial
reductions in the magnitude of τy,max at low to intermediate concentrations of those LMW anions. At the
highest anion concentrations investigated, however, increases in τy,max are observed, and can be attributed
to the formation of bridging Al(III)-organic surface precipitates, as suggested by in situ attenuated total
reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic measurements of corundum-oxalate suspensions at
high oxalate concentrations. The extent of precipitate formation is greatest for the corundum-oxalate
system due to the strong dissolution-enhancing properties of the inner-spherically adsorbed oxalate anion
(i.e., its ability to generate enhanced concentrations of dissolved Al(III) which can then participate in
precipitate formation). The effects of the LMW organic anion adsorption modes on both the forms of the
measured τy versus pH data, and the ability to quantitatively compare τy and ζ potential data measured
at different corundum concentrations, are also discussed.

1. Introduction workers have demonstrated that LMW anions that bind

Low molecular weight (LMW) organic and inorganic in an inner-sphere, mononuclear, bidentate manner can
anions are generally considered to bind to the surfaces of dramatically enhance the dissolution kinetics of a variety
(oxyhydr)oxide minerals through one of two fundamental of (oxyhydr)oxide minerals by polarizing bridging metal-
adsorption modes: inner-sphere adsorption, in which one oxygen bonds in the mineral substrate.3-7 In contrast,
or more direct chemical bonds are formed between anionic LMW anions that adsorb to form inner-sphere, binuclear,
functional group(s) and metal cation(s) in the mineral bidentate complexes tend to inhibit mineral dissolution8-10
surface, and outer-sphere adsorption, in which no direct due to the high activation energies associated with
bonds are formed, and the anion is instead held at the simultaneous detachment of two metal cations from the
mineral surface through electrostatic and/or hydrogen- mineral surface. Similarly, outer-spherically adsorbed
bonding forces. The mode of anion adsorption has a LMW anions can inhibit mineral dissolution through steric
significant influence on a number of the physicochemical blocking of access to dissolution-active surface sites for
properties of the mineral surface. For example, outer- dissolution-promoting species such as protons.11
sphere surface complexes are generally more susceptible
to desorption in the presence of competitive ligands, and (3) Furrer, G.; Stumm, W. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 1986, 50, 1847.
therefore often (but not always1) possess a strong depen- (4) Zinder, B.; Furrer, G.; Stumm, W. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta
dence on solution conditions such as ionic strength.2 The 1986, 50, 1861.
(5) Stumm, W.; Furrer, G. The dissolution of oxides and aluminum
nature of the adsorption mode is also of considerable silicates; examples of surface-coordination-controlled kinetics. In Aquatic
importance when considering the dissolution behavior of Surface Chemistry; Stumm, W., Ed.; Wiley-Interscience: New York,
(oxyhydr)oxide particles. For example, Stumm and co- 1987; p 197.
(6) Stumm, W. Adv. Chem. Ser. 1995, 244, 1.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Phone: +61 3 (7) Stumm, W. Colloids Surf., A 1997, 120, 143.
(8) Bondietti, G.; Sinniger, J.; Stumm, W. Colloids Surf., A 1993, 79,
83446480. Fax: +61 3 83446233. E-mail: 157.
† Stanford University.
(9) Biber, M. V.; Afonso, M. D.; Stumm, W. Geochim. Cosmochim.
Acta 1994, 58, 1999.
§ The University of Melbourne.
(10) Eick, M. J.; Peak, J. D.; Brady, W. D. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 1999,
(1) Johnson, B. B.; Sjoberg, S.; Persson, P. Langmuir 2004, 20, 823. 63, 1133.
(2) Stumm, W.; Morgan, J. J. Aquatic Chemistry: Chemical Equilibria (11) Johnson, S. B.; Yoon, T. H.; Kocar, B. D.; Brown Jr, G. E.
and Rates in Natural Waters; John Wiley and Sons: New York, 1996. Langmuir 2004, 20, 4996.

10.1021/la047030q CCC: $30.25 © 2005 American Chemical Society

Published on Web 06/04/2005
Organic Matter Adsorption at Mineral/Water Interfaces Langmuir, Vol. 21, No. 14, 2005 6357

In addition to the above processes, the adsorption of as outer-spherically adsorbed anions are often held at
LMW anions is known to have a significant effect on positively charged surfaces by electrostatic means, the
properties affecting the colloidal stability of mineral extent of their adsorption is likely to have a strong
(oxyhydr)oxide suspensions. Adsorbed LMW anions com- dependence on the interfacial potential. As a result, anions
monly affect colloidal stability in two ways: first, by that tend to adsorb in an outer-sphere manner may have
modifying the effective interfacial charge,12-16 so alter- a limited ability to charge reverse mineral surfaces (due
ing the nature of the electrical double layer interac- to the electrostatic repulsion that will exist between like-
tion between the sorbate particles,17 and, second, by charged interfaces and anions), a factor that will affect
generating a short-range steric barrier to interparticle the nature of the electrical double layer interaction
approach,12,16,18,19 thus effectively truncating the short- between adsorbate particles. In contrast, inner-spherically
range strength of the attractive van der Waals force. adsorbed anions are unlikely to exhibit such behavior (at
Similar effects have been reported in the presence of sorbed least to the same extent) due to the presence of a significant
macromolecular organic matter20-26 and in combination chemical (nonelectrostatic) contribution to the adsorption
(where they are collectively referred to as electrosteric free energy. The dissolution-enhancing properties of
effects) can have a dramatic impact on the colloidal anions adsorbed in an inner-sphere, mononuclear, bi-
behavior exhibited by mineral particles in the environ- dentate manner may also impact the colloidal stability of
ment. For example, Lowry et al.27 and Slowey et al.28 have mineral suspensions in two manners: first, by markedly
demonstrated that the presence of common LMW organic increasing the ionic strength through the production of
anions such as malonate, oxalate, and citrate can sig- significant concentrations of dissolved metal cations, an
nificantly enhance the stability (and therefore the un- effect that decreases the effective interfacial potential and
desirable transport) of mercury- and arsenic-bearing so alters the strength of the electrical double layer
mineral nanoparticles. Adsorbed organic matter can also interaction between adsorbate particles,34-37 and, second,
act to physically stabilize particles in natural waters,29,30 by driving the dissolution of sufficiently high concentra-
while the stability-enhancing characteristics of a common tions of metal cations from mineral surfaces to allow the
LMW organic anion, citrate, have recently been investi- formation of metal-organic precipitates which, should
gated in the context of remediating aquifer sediments they bridge between particles, will generate an additional
containing heavy metal contaminants.31 Similarly, in an attractive interparticle force. A reduction in the suspension
industrial context, the enhancement of colloidal stability stability will then result. Such bridging precipitates are
that can be imparted by adsorbed LMW organic anions likely to be formed to a lesser extent (if at all) in the
has led to species such as citrate being investigated for presence of outer-spherically adsorbed anions due to the
use as dispersants in the aqueous-based formulation of dissolution-inhibiting effect these anions can exhibit under
advanced ceramic components.13,32,33 acidic solution conditions.11
While a significant number of studies have now ad- The purpose of the present study is to examine the effects
dressed the effects of LMW anion adsorption on colloidal of outer-sphere versus inner-sphere adsorption of LMW
stability, none to our knowledge have yet attempted to organic anions on the colloidal stability of a model mineral
distinguish between the relative impacts of inner-spheri- suspension. To this end, two common LMW organic anions,
cally versus outer-spherically adsorbed LMW anions. Such maleate and oxalate, and a model mineral substrate,
differences in adsorption mode are anticipated to be of corundum (R-Al2O3), were selected for study. Several
potential importance in a number of contexts. For example, recent studies have demonstrated that maleate adsorbs
in a predominantly outer-sphere manner to aluminum
(12) Leong, Y. K.; Scales, P. J.; Healy, T. W.; Boger, D. V.; Buscall, (oxyhydr)oxide particles, including corundum.11,38 In
R. J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 1993, 89, 2473. contrast, provided a sufficiently long equilibration period
(13) Hidber, P. C.; Graule, T. J.; Gauckler, L. J. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. is allowed,39 oxalate will adsorb to aluminum (oxyhydr)-
1996, 79, 1857.
(14) Hidber, P. C.; Graule, T. J.; Gauckler, L. J. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc.
oxides, including corundum, primarily in an inner-sphere,
1997, 17, 239. mononuclear, bidentate fashion.39-41 As a result, the use
(15) Yao, H. L.; Yeh, H. H. Langmuir 1996, 12, 2989. of maleate and oxalate, both of which are simple dicar-
(16) Johnson, S. B. The Relationship Between the Surface Chemistry boxylate LMW anions, allows the effects of outer-sphere
and the Shear Yield Stress of Mineral Suspensions. Ph.D. Thesis, The
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 1998. and inner-sphere adsorption, respectively, to be probed.
(17) Hunter, R. J. Foundations of Colloid Science, 2nd ed.; Oxford Corundum was selected for study due to its well-
University Press: Oxford, U.K., 2001. understood electrokinetic,13,14,36,42 dissolution,11,41,43,44 and
(18) Leong, Y. K.; Boger, D. V.; Scales, P. J.; Healy, T. W.; Buscall,
R. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 1993, 639. rheological16,37,42 properties.
(19) Biggs, S.; Mulvaney, P.; Zukoski, C. F.; Grieser, F. J. Am. Chem. In the present study, the properties affecting the
Soc. 1994, 116, 9150. colloidal stability of model corundum suspensions have
(20) Davis, J. A. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 1982, 46, 2381.
(21) Tipping, E.; Higgins, D. C. Colloids Surf. 1982, 5, 85. (34) Wiese, G. R.; Healy, T. W. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 1975, 51, 427.
(22) O’Melia, C. R. Colloids Surf. 1989, 39, 255. (35) Larson, I.; Drummond, C. J.; Chan, D. Y. C.; Grieser, F. J. Am.
(23) Tiller, C. L.; O’Melia, C. R. Colloids Surf., A 1993, 73, 89. Chem. Soc. 1993, 115, 11885.
(24) Amirbahman, A.; Olson, T. M. Colloids Surf., A 1995, 95, 249. (36) Johnson, S. B.; Scales, P. J.; Healy, T. W. Langmuir 1999, 15,
(25) Killmann, E.; Adolph, H. Colloid Polym. Sci. 1995, 273, 1071. 2836.
(26) Mosley, L. M.; Hunter, K. A.; Ducker, W. A. Environ. Sci. Technol. (37) Johnson, S. B.; Franks, G. V.; Scales, P. J.; Healy, T. W. Langmuir
2003, 37, 3303. 1999, 15, 2844.
(27) Lowry, G. V.; Shaw, S.; Kim, C. S.; Rytuba, J. J.; Brown, G. E., (38) Rosenqvist, J.; Axe, K.; Sjoberg, S.; Persson, P. Colloids Surf.,
Jr. Environ. Sci. Technol., in press. A 2003, 220, 91.
(28) Slowey, A. J.; Johnson, S. B.; Rytuba, J. J.; Brown, G. E., Jr. (39) Axe, K.; Persson, P. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 2001, 65, 4481.
Environ. Sci. Technol., in press. (40) Yoon, T. H.; Johnson, S. B.; Musgrave, C. B.; Brown, G. E., Jr.
(29) Ali, W.; O’Melia, C. R.; Edzwald, J. K. Water Sci. Technol. 1985, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 2004, 68, 4505.
17, 701. (41) Johnson, S. B.; Yoon, T. H.; Slowey, A. J.; Brown, G. E., Jr.
(30) Weilenmann, U.; O’Melia, C. R.; Stumm, W. Limnol. Oceanogr. Langmuir 2004, 20, 11480.
1989, 34, 1. (42) Johnson, S. B.; Russell, A. S.; Scales, P. J. Colloids Surf., A
(31) Johnson, C. R.; Hellerich, L. A.; Nikolaidis, N. P.; Gschwend, P. 1998, 141, 119.
M. Ground Water 2001, 39, 895. (43) Carroll-Webb, S. A.; Walther, J. V. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta
(32) Sacks, M. D.; Tseng, T. Y. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 1983, 66, 242. 1988, 52, 2609.
(33) Luther, E. P.; Yanez, J. A.; Franks, G. V.; Lange, F. F.; Pearson, (44) Samson, S. D.; Stillings, L. L.; Eggleston, C. M. Geochim.
D. S. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 1995, 78, 1495. Cosmochim. Acta 2000, 64, 3471.
6358 Langmuir, Vol. 21, No. 14, 2005 Johnson et al.

been examined over a broad range of maleate and oxalate In this study, electroacoustic measurements were generally
concentrations and solution pH conditions. The electrical performed at φ ) 0.02, although for comparison, several systems
properties of the corundum-water interface have been containing substantially higher solids volume fractions (φ ) 0.25)
probed using electrokinetic (electroacoustic) means over were also examined. A temperature of 25 οC and a constant
stirring speed of 500 rpm were used in all experiments.
a range of different corundum volume fractions, φ (φ ) Calculations of particle-averaged ζ potentials from the net ESA
0.02-0.25). The shear yield stresses of the corresponding responses were performed using the AcoustoSizer software (DOS
concentrated (φ ) 0.25) suspensions were then measured version 1.26).
as an indicator of the net interparticle force at each pH 2.3. Shear Yield Stress Measurements. Shear yield stress
condition examined. Analogous results obtained for an (τy) measurements were performed on concentrated particulate
additional LMW organic ligand, citrate (which strongly suspensions using the vane technique of Keentok, Nguyen, and
adsorbs to corundum in an inner-sphere manner13), are Boger.49-51 Experimentally, the shear yield stress apparatus
also presented for the purpose of comparison. In selected consists of a small four-bladed vane attached to the spring-driving
cases, in situ attenuated total reflectance Fourier trans- motor of a Haake RV-3 viscometer. The vane is immersed in a
form infrared (ATR-FTIR) measurements have addition- concentrated colloidal suspension of interest, with the spring
then being wound up at a low and constant rate. As a result, the
ally been undertaken to probe for the existence of metal- spring torque is increased without perceptible movement of the
organic precipitates. The results serve to demonstrate vane, with the maximum observed torque corresponding to the
some novel differences in colloidal stability promoted by moment of yielding. The maximum torque can then be related
outer-spherically versus inner-spherically adsorbed LMW to τy using the shear yield stress theory of Nguyen and Boger.51
organic ligands. In this study, an MK-500 driving head and a stainless steel
vane with dimensions Hv ) 30.17 mm and Dv ) 25.02 mm and
2. Experimental Section a blade thickness of 0.55 mm were used for all τy measurements.
Shear yield stress experiments were performed at the ambient
2.1. Materials. A well-characterized, high-purity (>99.99%)
temperature (23-24 °C), and using a rate of spring rotation of
AKP-30 corundum with a BET surface area of 7 m2/g, a mean
0.2 rpm (a condition at which the measured shear yield stress
particle diameter of 0.30 µm, and a density of 3.97 g/cm3 was
is expected to be independent of the speed of rotation50,52).
obtained from Sumitomo Chemical Co., Japan. It was used as
received. Maleic acid, oxalic acid, citric acid, crystalline aluminum 2.4. Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transform
oxalate, KNO3, and KCl were obtained from a variety of suppliers, Infrared Measurements. ATR-FTIR measurements of oxalate
and were of reagent grade or higher. Milli-Q grade water and maleate adsorbed to corundum were performed in situ on
(resistivity 18.2 MΩ cm at 25 °C) was used in all experiments. wet corundum-oxalate and corundum-maleate pastes using a
All suspensions were prepared by briefly ultrasonicating the Nicolet NEXUS 470 FTIR spectrometer equipped with a deu-
aqueous corundum-organic mixtures using a Branson model terated triglycine sulfate (DTGS) detector, a horizontal attenu-
450 digital sonifier equipped with a 1.3 cm horn. The sonifier ated total reflectance attachment, and a germanium crystal. Data
was operated at a frequency of 20 kHz, and the power output was collection and spectral calculations were performed using OMNIC
maintained at 50% of the limiting power (350 W). The maximum software (version 6.0a, Nicolet Instrument Corp.). A total of 500
suspension volume ultrasonicated at any one time was ap- scans (with a spectral resolution of 4 cm-1) were performed and
proximately 90 cm3. Following ultrasonication, all suspensions averaged for each sample.
were allowed to stand for several hours prior to measurement. Wet pastes for ATR-FTIR analysis were obtained by centri-
For electroacoustic and shear yield stress measurements, a fuging aqueous corundum-oxalate or corundum-maleate sus-
background electrolyte of 0.01 M KNO3 was utilized, and the pH pensions (see section 2.1) at a centrifugal force of ∼10000g for
was adjusted using small volumes of 1-5 M HNO3 and KOH. 20 min in a Beckman Avanti 30 benchtop centrifuge. The
The concentrations of organic anions utilized were selected to supernatant liquids were then decanted and passed through 20
allow comparison with previously published measurements of nm syringe filters (Whatman Anotop 25 Plus) to remove any
maleate, oxalate, and citrate adsorption on corundum.11,13,41 residual corundum particles. The concentrated wet pastes were
All electroacoustic and shear yield stress experiments were applied directly to the germanium crystal. To hinder evaporation
undertaken with the pH progressing from acidic to more basic during ATR-FTIR measurements, a small volume of the corre-
conditions. For ATR-FTIR measurements, a background elec- sponding filtered supernatant was placed on top of each paste
trolyte of 0.01 M HCl was instead utilized to avoid spectral and the sample-holding region was sealed with a lid.
complications introduced by the FTIR response of the nitrate To obtain the ATR-FTIR signals from surface-associated
anion. In the latter cases, the suspension pH was instead adjusted oxalate and maleate species alone, it was first necessary to
using 1-5 M HCl and KOH solutions. eliminate the strong infrared absorbance of water. This was
2.2. Electroacoustic Measurements. All electroacoustic achieved by measuring the ATR-FTIR spectrum of each filtered
measurements were performed using an AcoustoSizer instrument supernatant, and subtracting this from the ATR-FTIR spectrum
(Colloidal Dynamics, Warwick, Australia). The AcoustoSizer measured for the corresponding corundum-oxalate or corundum-
measurement cell consists of a sample-holding vessel of volume maleate wet paste. In addition, the hydrated corundum surface
∼400 cm3, a variable-speed stirrer, built-in pH and conductivity itself was also found to possess a significant ATR-FTIR response.
probes, a dual titrator syringe module for acid and base additions, For each wet paste, the latter unwanted spectral contribution
and a heat exchange thermocouple for maintenance of a preset was removed by measuring the spectrum of a corundum-KCl
suspension temperature. The AcoustoSizer utilizes two parallel paste at an equivalent pH condition, and then subtracting this
plate electrodes embedded in opposite walls of the measurement from the ATR-FTIR spectrum measured for each corundum-
cell to generate pulsed alternating electric fields in the megahertz oxalate or corundum-maleate paste, as described elsewhere.11,41
frequency domain. Upon application of an ac voltage pulse,
charged particles are induced to oscillate with a velocity 3. Results and Discussion
dependent upon their charge and size, and the frequency of the
applied voltage. Such particle oscillations produce pressure
3.1. Electrokinetic Studies of LMW Organic An-
changes at the suspension boundaries, a phenomenon referred ions Adsorbed on Corundum. The ζ potential proper-
to as the electrokinetic sonic amplitude (ESA) effect. The ties of corundum are shown as a function of maleate
AcoustoSizer utilizes a combination of glass rods and piezoelectric
transducers to quantify the ESA signal.45 The ESA signal can (47) O’Brien, R. W. J. Fluid Mech. 1988, 190, 71.
then be related to the particle-averaged complex dynamic (48) O’Brien, R. W.; Cannon, D. W.; Rowlands, W. N. J. Colloid
mobility, 〈µD〉, and in turn the electrokinetic ζ potential, by the Interface Sci. 1995, 173, 406.
(49) Keentok, M. Rheol. Acta 1982, 21, 325.
theory of O’Brien and co-workers.46-48 (50) Nguyen, Q. D.; Boger, D. V. J. Rheol. 1983, 27, 321.
(51) Nguyen, Q. D.; Boger, D. V. J. Rheol. 1985, 29, 335.
(45) Hunter, R. J. Colloids Surf., A 1998, 141, 37. (52) Liddell, P. V.; Boger, D. V. J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 1996,
(46) O’Brien, R. W. J. Fluid Mech. 1990, 212, 81. 63, 235.
Organic Matter Adsorption at Mineral/Water Interfaces Langmuir, Vol. 21, No. 14, 2005 6359

Figure 1. Variation of the ζ-potential of corundum as a function Figure 2. Variation of the ζ-potential of corundum as a function
of maleate concentration (Γ) and pH. The corundum volume of oxalate concentration (Γ) and pH. The corundum volume
fraction was 0.02, and the background electrolyte concentration fraction was 0.02, and the background electrolyte concentration
was 0.01 M KNO3 in all cases. Key: b, Γ ) 0 µmol/m2; O, Γ ) was 0.01 M KNO3 in all cases. Key: b, Γ ) 0 µmol/m2; O, Γ )
0.36 µmol/m2; 2, Γ ) 0.71 µmol/m2; 4, Γ ) 1.4 µmol/m2; [, Γ 0.36 µmol/m2; 2, Γ ) 0.71 µmol/m2; 4, Γ ) 1.4 µmol/m2; [, Γ
) 3.6 µmol/m2; ], Γ ) 7.1 µmol/m2; 1, Γ ) 14 µmol/m2. ) 3.6 µmol/m2; ], Γ ) 7.1 µmol/m2.

concentration and solution pH in Figure 1. The background case for corundum in the presence of maleate, Figure 2
electrolyte concentration is 0.01 M KNO3 in all cases. In demonstrates that the position of the iep of corundum
the absence of maleate, Figure 1 shows that the isoelectric decreases markedly as a function of increasing oxalate
point (iep) of the bare corundum surface is 9.4, in good concentration. Except at very short reaction times, oxalate
agreement with values in the vicinity of 9 previously adsorbs to aluminum (oxyhydr)oxide minerals including
reported for corundum powders dispersed in aqueous corundum41 in a predominantly inner-sphere manner to
media.13,14,36,42,53,54 Figure 1 also shows that the position form bidentate, mononuclear surface complexes with
of the iep systematically decreases as a function of surface Al(III) cations.39,40 As a result, in addition to an
increasing maleate concentration, reaching a value of 5.8 electrostatic attraction between the oxalate anion and the
at the highest maleate concentration examined (Γ ) 14 positively charged corundum surface, a significant chemi-
µmol/m2, where Γ is defined as the total (i.e., adsorbed + cal component of the adsorption energy will exist as a
free) concentration of maleate normalized by the corundum result of the direct surface Al(III)-oxalate bonds that are
surface area). In addition, at pH < 10, the measured ζ formed. As a consequence of this chemical component,
potential data at each pH condition are observed to Figure 2 shows that oxalate is able to charge reverse the
progressively decrease as the concentration of maleate corundum surface to a significantly greater extent than
rises. Such results are driven by the significant surface maleate, with ζ potentials as low as -34 mV being observed
association of maleate (primarily in its fully deprotonated at pH 7.1 and the highest oxalate concentration examined
form, Mal2-) that has previously been observed by Johnson (Γ ) 7.1 µmol/m2). Interestingly, however, Figure 2 also
et al.11 on the positively charged corundum surface. shows that the ζ potential versus pH behavior observed
Maleate adsorbs at aluminum (oxyhydr)oxide surfaces, at pH g 11 is relatively insensitive to oxalate concentra-
including corundum, predominantly as an outer-sphere tion. The latter finding is in accordance with the recent
complex.11,38 As a result, the adsorption of maleate is adsorption study of Johnson et al.,41 which demonstrated
expected to be largely governed by its electrostatic that the extent of oxalate adsorption on corundum is very
interactions with the corundum surface. This expectation low above the iep of the bare corundum surface (i.e., the
is borne out in Figure 1, where at pH conditions above the surface in the absence of oxalate). The latter finding may
iep of bare corundum (i.e., pH > 9.4), the measured ζ indicate that the unfavorable electrostatic repulsion that
potential is relatively insensitive to maleate concentration. exists between oxalate anions and the corundum surface
Such results are consistent with the very low extent of under such high pH conditions is sufficient to overcome
maleate adsorption measured by Johnson et al.11 at pH the chemical component of adsorption. Alternatively, it
> 9.5, and indicate that anionic maleate is unable to adsorb may be a function of a different outer-sphere binding mode
to the negatively charged corundum surface to a significant dominating adsorbed oxalate speciation in the vicinity of
extent. Similar electrokinetic results have previously been the iep of the bare surface.
reported for the interaction of maleate with δ-Al2O3.15 The electrokinetic behavior exhibited in Figure 2 can
Figure 1 also demonstrates that, at pH < 9.4, maleate is be contrasted with that obtained in the presence of a more
able to charge reverse the corundum surface to only a strongly binding LMW ligand, citrate, as shown in Figure
small extent, even at the highest maleate concentrations 3. In agreement with past electrokinetic studies of aqueous
examined. The latter result can again be attributed to the corundum-citrate systems,13,14,33 Figure 3 shows that both
low affinity of maleate anions for like-charged mineral- the corundum iep and the corundum ζ potentials measured
water interfaces. Similar results have previously been at each pH condition are significantly reduced as the citrate
reported for the interaction of sulfate (which adsorbs to concentration is raised. Past in situ studies have dem-
(oxyhydr)oxide surfaces in an outer-sphere manner at all onstrated that citrate adsorbs to (oxyhydr)oxide minerals,
but quite acidic conditions55) with corundum.16 including corundum,13 in a predominantly inner-sphere
Figure 2 shows the ζ potential properties of corundum manner involving one or two of the citrate carboxyl
as a function of oxalate concentration and pH. As was the groups.56 The citrate R-hydroxyl group also participates
in the formation of inner-spherically adsorbed citrate
(53) Franks, G. V.; Meagher, L. Colloids Surf., A 2003, 214, 99.
(54) Kosmulski, M. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2004, 275, 214.
(55) Wijnja, H.; Schulthess, C. P. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2000, 229, (56) Lackovic, K.; Angove, M. J.; Wells, J. D.; Johnson, B. B. J. Colloid
286. Interface Sci. 2003, 257, 31.
6360 Langmuir, Vol. 21, No. 14, 2005 Johnson et al.

Figure 3. Variation of the ζ-potential of corundum as a function Figure 4. Variation of the ζ potential of corundum versus pH
of citrate concentration (Γ) and pH. The corundum volume at a maleate concentration, Γ, of 3.6 µmol/m2 and a background
fraction was 0.02, and the background electrolyte concentration electrolyte concentration of 0.01 M KNO3. This concentration
was 0.01 M KNO3 in all cases. Key: b, Γ ) 0 µmol/m2; O, Γ ) of maleate corresponds to the τy versus pH curve at which τy,max
0.071 µmol/m2; 2, Γ ) 0.14 µmol/m2; 4, Γ ) 0.36 µmol/m2; [, is at its minimum value. Key: b, φ ) 0.02; O, φ ) 0.25.
Γ ) 0.71 µmol/m2; ], Γ ) 1.4 µmol/m2; 1, Γ ) 3.6 µmol/m2.

complexes, and significantly enhances the inner-sphere

binding strength of citrate, as evidenced by the substan-
tially stronger adsorption of citrate compared with tri-
carballylate (the analogous tricarboxylate anion, but
lacking an R-hydroxyl group).13 The R-hydroxyl group is
believed to act as a “supporting” electron donor group in
concert with the adjacent citrate carboxyl group,57 and
results in a substantial chemical component to the
adsorption energy. This effect is evidenced in Figure 3,
where citrate is shown to be able to charge reverse the
corundum surface to a substantially greater extent than
even oxalate, consistent with its very strong inner-sphere
adsorption strength and higher (-3) anionic charge. Figure
3 also shows that the presence of citrate has a significant
impact on the ζ potential properties of corundum at all Figure 5. Variation of the ζ potential of corundum versus pH
but the highest pH conditions examined (pH 12). The latter at an oxalate concentration, Γ, of 1.4 µmol/m2 and a background
electrolyte concentration of 0.01 M KNO3. This concentration
finding indicates that the large chemical component of of oxalate corresponds to the τy versus pH curve at which τy,max
the adsorption free energy allows citrate to remain is at its minimum value. Key: b, φ ) 0.02; O, φ ) 0.25.
adsorbed to corundum even at pH conditions significantly
higher than the iep of the bare corundum surface, in
agreement with the previous macroscopic adsorption data
of Hidber et al.13,14
The effects of the different adsorption modes and
strengths of maleate, oxalate, and citrate on the surface
charging properties of corundum are further demonstrated
in Figures 4-6, respectively, where the ζ potential
properties of corundum are shown as a function of pH at
two significantly different solids concentrations (φ ) 0.02
and 0.25). The higher solids concentration shown was
chosen to allow later comparison with relevant shear yield
stress data (see section 3.2). The organic anion concentra-
tions shown were selected to minimize τy,max (see section
3.2) for each corundum-organic anion system at φ ) 0.25,
so allowing measurements of ζ to be practical across the Figure 6. Variation of the ζ potential of corundum versus pH
entire pH range of interest. at a citrate concentration, Γ, of 1.4 µmol/m2 and a background
The predominant outer-sphere mode of adsorption of electrolyte concentration of 0.01 M KNO3. This concentration
maleate means that its affinity for the corundum surface of citrate corresponds to the τy versus pH curve at which τy,max
is driven by nonchemical (electrostatic) considerations, is at its minimum value. Key: b, φ ) 0.02; O, φ ) 0.25.
so its adsorption should demonstrate a significant de-
pendence on corundum concentration. As shown in Figure higher solution ionic strength generated by nonadsorbed
4 , the result is a substantially lower iep (iepφ)0.02 - iepφ)0.25 maleate at φ ) 0.25.
) 2.9), and a higher extent of charge reversal at pH < 10, The significant chemical adsorption component associ-
being measured at φ ) 0.25 than at φ ) 0.02, corresponding ated with inner-sphere adsorption of oxalate (and so its
to a higher extent of maleate adsorption. By contrast, the stronger intrinsic surface association) is expected to lead
lower magnitude ζ potential data measured for φ ) 0.25 to its adsorption (and its electrokinetic) properties,
than for φ ) 0.02 at pH > 10 is a function of the much demonstrating a weaker dependence upon the corundum
concentration. This is borne out in Figure 5, where the ζ
(57) Strathmann, T. J.; Myneni, S. C. B. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta potential properties of corundum in the presence of oxalate
2004, 68, 3441. are shown at φ ) 0.02 and 0.25. The iep measured at φ
Organic Matter Adsorption at Mineral/Water Interfaces Langmuir, Vol. 21, No. 14, 2005 6361

Figure 7. Variation of the shear yield stress (τy) of corundum Figure 8. Variation of the shear yield stress (τy) of corundum
as a function of maleate concentration (Γ) and pH. The corundum as a function of oxalate concentration (Γ) and pH. The corundum
volume fraction was 0.25, and the background electrolyte volume fraction was 0.25, and the background electrolyte
concentration was 0.01 M KNO3 in all cases. Key: b, Γ ) 0 concentration was 0.01 M KNO3 in all cases. Key: b, Γ ) 0
µmol/m2; O, Γ ) 0.36 µmol/m2; 2, Γ ) 0.71 µmol/m2; 4, Γ ) 1.4 µmol/m2; O, Γ ) 0.36 µmol/m2; 2, Γ ) 0.71 µmol/m2; 4, Γ ) 1.4
µmol/m2; [, Γ ) 3.6 µmol/m2; ], Γ ) 7.1 µmol/m2; 1, Γ ) 14 µmol/m2; [, Γ ) 3.6 µmol/m2; ], Γ ) 7.1 µmol/m2.

) 0.25 is slightly lower than that obtained at φ ) 0.02,

although the magnitude of this iep shift ()0.3) is far
smaller than was observed for maleate, and may be
accounted for by the pH suspension effect (see the
discussion below). At pH < 10.5, ζ potentials measured
at φ ) 0.25 lie consistently below those found at φ ) 0.02
(indicative of a higher degree of oxalate adsorption at φ
) 0.25), but again, the magnitudes of these ζ potential
differences are significantly less than observed in Figure
4. The lower magnitude ζ potentials obtained at φ ) 0.25
than at φ ) 0.02 at pH > 10.5 can be attributed once more
to the substantially greater ionic strength that arises due
to nonadsorbed oxalate at the higher corundum concen-
The effects of corundum concentration on its ζ potential Figure 9. Variation of the shear yield stress (τy) of corundum
as a function of citrate concentration (Γ) and pH. The corundum
properties measured in the presence of the inner-spheri- volume fraction was 0.25, and the background electrolyte
cally adsorbed citrate anion are shown in Figure 6. In this concentration was 0.01 M KNO3 in all cases. Key: b, Γ ) 0
case, with citrate possessing a very strong chemical µmol/m2; O, Γ ) 0.071 µmol/m2; 2, Γ ) 0.14 µmol/m2; 4, Γ ) 0.36
association with the surface, the electrokinetic properties µmol/m2; [, Γ ) 0.71 µmol/m2; ], Γ ) 1.4 µmol/m2; 1, Γ ) 3.6
are shown to possess only a very minor dependence upon µmol/m2.
the corundum concentration, with the ζ potential versus
pH curves being effectively shifted to more acidic pH by respectively. The background electrolyte concentration is
0.4-0.6 units. Such changes may be due to a slightly higher 0.01 M KNO3 in all cases. In the absence of LMW anions,
adsorption of citrate at φ ) 0.25 than at φ ) 0.02, but are the τy versus pH curves measured for aqueous corundum
more likely to be accounted for by the pH suspension effect. suspensions fall into an approximately parabolic form,
The latter effect occurs as a result of the modification of with the position of the maximum shear yield stress, τy,max
H+ and OH- mobilities (and so the measured pH) induced ()9.0 ( 0.1) lying in close proximity to the electrokinetic
by the presence of electrical double layers surrounding iep of the bare corundum surface ()9.4; see Figures 1-3).
colloidal particles in aqueous solution.58 Its influence is The latter finding is consistent with the concept that a
therefore expected to increase as a function of rising maximum in the shear yield stress (i.e., a minimum in the
corundum concentration, and will lead to slightly different physical stability of the corundum particles) arises when
experimental pH values being measured under equivalent the repulsive electrical double layer force between the
solution conditions at φ ) 0.02 and 0.25, consistent with particles is minimized.37,42,59 Under such circumstances,
the data of Figure 6. the net interparticle force is dominated by strongly
The correlation between the electrokinetic and stability attractive van der Waals interactions. The slightly lower
behavior of corundum-LMW organic anion suspensions, pH value of τy,max compared with the electrokinetic iep
and the effects of different corundum concentrations on can be attributed to the pH suspension effect,58 and is a
this relationship, is further examined in the following function of the higher solids concentration used in τy
section. measurements (φ ) 0.25) compared with that used in
3.2. Shear Yield Stress Studies of Concentrated determining the iep of bare corundum (φ ) 0.02).
Corundum-LMW Organic Anion Suspensions. The Figures 7-9 also show that, as the concentrations of
shear yield stress properties of several corundum- maleate, oxalate, and citrate are increased, the position
maleate, corundum-oxalate, and corundum-citrate sus- of τy,max progressively shifts to lower pH, in qualitative
pensions at φ ) 0.25 are shown as a function of both LMW agreement with the downward shifts in the iep observed
organic concentration and suspension pH in Figures 7-9, as a function of increasing maleate, oxalate, and citrate

(58) Lyklema, J. Fundamentals of Interface and Colloid Science; (59) Scales, P. J.; Johnson, S. B.; Healy, T. W.; Kapur, P. C. AIChE
Academic Press: London, 1991; Vol. 1. J. 1998, 44, 538.
6362 Langmuir, Vol. 21, No. 14, 2005 Johnson et al.

Table 1. Electrokinetic Isoelectric Points Obtained at O

) 0.020 and O ) 0.250 and the pH Positions of the
Maximum Shear Yield Stresses Obtained at O ) 0.250 for
Various Corundum-LMW Organic Anion Suspensionsa
LMW organic Γ iep iep pH(τy,max)
anion (µmol/m2) (φ ) 0.02) (φ ) 0.25) (φ ) 0.25)
citrate 1.4 5.3 4.8 5.1
malate 1.4 7.0 6.6 6.6
lactate 7.1 8.9 7.8 7.7
maleate 3.6 8.3 5.4 5.7
oxalate 1.4 7.5 7.2 7.0
a Maleate, oxalate, and citrate data are based on Figures 1-9,

while malate and lactate data are from ref 16. Values of Γ were
selected to allow direct comparison of electrokinetic and rheological
data obtained under conditions where τy,max is at its minimum
Figure 10. Comparison of the changes in the electrokinetic value.16
iep (obtained at φ ) 0.02) and changes in the pH of τy,max
(measured at φ ) 0.25) measured for aqueous corundum- minimum value at Γ ) 1.4 µmol/m2 for both oxalate and
organic acid suspensions as a function of various LMW organic citrate, and Γ ) 3.6-7.1 µmol/m2 for maleate. Similar
anion concentrations. Data for maleate, oxalate, and citrate observations have previously been reported by Leong et
are from Figures 1-3 and 4-6, while data for malate and lactate
are from ref 16. Key: b, maleate; O, oxalate; 2, citrate; 4, malate;
al.,12,18 and are attributable to the finite sizes of the strongly
[, lactate. adsorbed LMW organic anions on (oxyhydr)oxide surfaces.
As a result, in this case, the adsorbed maleate, oxalate,
concentrations in Figures 1-3. A quantitative comparison and citrate anions generate short-range steric barriers to
between the pH positions of τy,max and the iep data obtained interparticle approach, so truncating the strength of the
from Figures 1-3 is shown in Figure 10, and demonstrates strongly attractive van der Waals attraction, and leading
that while the pH of τy,max and iep data are in close to an increase in the physical stability of the suspended
correlation for inner-spherically adsorbed oxalate and corundum particles (i.e., a decrease in τy,max). The minimum
citrate, substantial deviations are apparent for maleate. values of τy,max observed in Figures 7-9 decrease in the
The latter findings are presumably due to the different order oxalate > maleate > citrate, implying that the size
corundum concentrations utilized in the electrokinetic (φ of the steric barrier imposed in the vicinity of the iep follows
) 0.02) and τy (φ ) 0.25) measurements, which evidently the reverse order. Such findings are consistent with the
has little effect on adsorbates with a strong chemical relative sizes of (and so the size of the steric barriers
component of adsorption, but significantly affects results presented by) the maleate, oxalate, and citrate anions
obtained for LMW organic adsorbates instead adsorbed (i.e., citrate > maleate > oxalate).16 Further details
in an outer-sphere manner. Similar findings are obtained regarding the effects of adsorbed organic anions on the
for corundum particles suspended in aqueous solution in magnitude of τy,max are given in the studies of Leong et
the presence of other LMW organic anions. For example, al.12,18
Figure 10 shows that similar to the corundum-oxalate Interestingly, Figures 7-9 show that, at the highest
and corundum-citrate data, the pH of τy,max and iep data maleate, oxalate, and citrate concentrations examined,
obtained in the presence of malate are closely correlated. increases in τy,max are observed compared with its mag-
This finding is understandable given that malate strongly nitude at intermediate concentrations of those LMW
adsorbs to corundum to an extent comparable with that anions. Several possible explanations exist for these
of citrate,14 and via an adsorption mode that (on the basis findings. First, a rise in the magnitude of τy,max at the
of ATR-FTIR observations of its complexation to metal maleate, oxalate, and citrate concentrations examined
cations in solution57) is expected to be predominantly inner- could be consistent with a lower extent of adsorption of
sphere in nature. By contrast, the pH of τy,max data obtained the LMW anions at low pH, leading to a decrease in the
in the presence of lactate exhibit significant deviations size of the effective steric barriers presented by the
from the corresponding iep data (Figure 10). The latter maleate, oxalate, and citrate species. Such an explanation
finding is not surprising given that lactate adsorbs is particularly applicable to inner-spherically adsorbed
comparatively weakly to mineral (oxyhydr)oxides such as oxalate, which acts to significantly increase the dissolution
corundum14 in a combination of weak inner-sphere and kinetics of aluminum (oxyhydr)oxide materials3,40 includ-
outer-sphere adsorption modes.60,61 By contrast, a com- ing corundum,41 leading to the generation of substantial
parison of the pH of τy,max and iep data instead obtained dissolved Al(III) concentrations in solution. As oxalate
at φ ) 0.25 demonstrates close correlations for all organic forms a range of stable complexes with Al(III) in solution,62
anions examined in Figure 10 (see Table 1). In combina- dissolved Al(III) can then strongly compete with the
tion, the data of Figure 10 indicate that a quantitative corundum surface for oxalate, leading to a decreased extent
comparison of electrokinetic data (typically obtained at of oxalate adsorption under low pH conditions, as has
low φ) and rheological data (obtained at higher φ) obtained been recently demonstrated by Johnson et al.41 An Al-
for aqueous mineral-LMW organic anion systems only (III)-induced reduction in the extent of oxalate adsorption
appears reasonable in the case of strongly inner-spheri- compared with that obtained at intermediate oxalate
cally bound LMW organic anions. concentrations would, however, be expected to lead to a
Figures 7-9 further demonstrate that the magnitude corresponding upward shift in the iep and pH position of
of τy,max initially decreases as a function of increasing τy,max at the highest oxalate concentration examined (Γ )
maleate, oxalate, and citrate concentrations, reaching a 7.1 µmol/m2), an expectation that is clearly inconsistent
with the data of Figures 2 and 8 (where shifts to lower pH
(60) Filius, J. D.; Hiemstra, T.; Van Riemsdijk, W. H. J. Colloid are instead observed). Similarly, substantial downward
Interface Sci. 1997, 195, 368.
(61) Ha, J.; Johnson, S. B.; Brown, G. E., Jr., Manuscript in (62) Sjoberg, S.; Ohman, L. O. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 1985,
preparation. 2665.
Organic Matter Adsorption at Mineral/Water Interfaces Langmuir, Vol. 21, No. 14, 2005 6363

shifts of both the iep and pH position of τy,max are also

noted at the highest concentrations of maleate (Γ ) 14
µmol/m2) and citrate (Γ ) 3.6 µmol/m2) examined, again
being inconsistent with decreased extents of maleate and
citrate adsorption compared with those measured in the
vicinity of τy,max at lower total maleate and citrate
Instead, the increase in τy,max observed at the highest
maleate, oxalate, and citrate concentrations examined is
likely to be generated by the formation of Al(III)-organic
gel-like precipitates at the corundum surface. The forma-
tion of amorphous Al(III)-oxalate precipitates has been
previously observed down to pH 3.5 in bulk solution by
Masion et al.63 The formation of Al(III)-oxalate surface
precipitates is, however, likely to be possible at signifi- Figure 11. ATR-FTIR spectra obtained for (a) a corundum-
cantly lower bulk pH conditions in this study due both to oxalate suspension paste at Γ ) 7.1 µmol/m2, pH 2, and φ ) 0.25
the higher reactant concentrations present (with very and (b) a crystalline aluminum oxalate powder. For ease of
substantial Al(III) concentrations arising from the oxalate- comparison, both spectra have been normalized against their
promoted dissolution of corundum) and to the positive maximum absorbances. Vertical lines represent the positions
interfacial charge that exists at low pH, even at the highest of major absorption peaks previously reported for oxalate
adsorbed on corundum in a bidentate, mononuclear, inner-
oxalate concentration examined (see Figure 2). The latter sphere manner.40,41
factor can lead to the effective interfacial pH being
significantly higher than that in bulk solution,11 thus Furrer and Stumm3 have demonstrated that citrate has
promoting precipitate formation. a very limited ability to enhance the dissolution kinetics
By way of example using data previously measured for of aluminum (oxyhydr)oxide surfaces under quite acidic
another common LMW ligand, phosphate, Goldshmid and (pH < 3) conditions. Furthermore, outer-spherically
Rubin64 have demonstrated that, at an aluminum con- adsorbed maleate can inhibit the dissolution of corundum
centration of 10-3 M and phosphate concentrations in under acidic conditions.11 As a result, under acidic
excess of ca. 10-2.7 M, the critical pH above which conditions, substantially lower concentrations of dissolved
precipitation occurs, pHp, is approximately 3. At higher Al(III) will be produced, allowing the formation of sig-
Al(III) and phosphate concentrations (provided phosphate nificantly lower quantities of Al(III)-citrate and Al(III)-
is not in large excess), however, pHp moves to progressively maleate precipitates. Such expectations are in good
lower pH, i.e., favors the onset of precipitation under more agreement with the data of Figures 7-9, which show that
acidic conditions. In addition, Liu et al.65 have shown that, the increase in τy,max at high Γ is greatest for oxalate, but
even at moderate concentrations of short-chain phosphates relatively small for maleate and citrate, consistent with
(Γ ) 1-4 µmol/m2, depending on the phosphate chain the formation of substantially lower concentrations of
length), gel-like amorphous Al-phosphate surface pre- bridging Al(III)-organic gels.
cipitates are formed on alumina particles dispersed under Several attempts were made to directly confirm the
acidic pH conditions (pH 2). Such Al(III)-phosphate gels presence of Al(III)-organic precipitates at high Γ and low
were observed to dramatically increase the viscosity of pH using in situ ATR-FTIR spectroscopy. An example of
the aqueous suspensions by bridging between neighboring these results is shown in Figure 11, where the ATR-FTIR
particles. As a result, at high phosphate concentrations spectrum collected for a corundum-oxalate suspension
and low pH, the formation of bridging Al(III)-phosphate at φ ) 0.25, Γ ) 7.1 µmol/m2, and pH 2 (i.e., in the vicinity
surface precipitates on corundum is also expected, as has of τy,max for that system) is compared with that obtained
been shown by the substantial increase in τy,max observed for a crystalline Al(III)-oxalate powder (Al2Ox3‚xH2O).
at Γ(phosphate) ) 7.1 µmol/m2 by Johnson.16 Also included in Figure 11 are four lines indicating the
Similar precipitation phenomena are likely to have positions of major experimental absorption peaks previ-
governed the increase in τy,max observed at low pH and the ously measured by Yoon et al.40 and Johnson et al.41 for
highest maleate, oxalate, and citrate concentrations oxalate adsorbed to corundum in a bidentate, mono-
examined in this study. A comparison of Figures 7-9 nuclear, inner-sphere manner.
indicates that the increase in τy,max is most marked for An examination of Figure 11 shows that the spectrum
oxalate, a finding that is likely to be a function of the of the corundum-oxalate suspension exhibits significant
strong dissolution-enhancing properties of the inner- deviations from the spectrum of crystalline aluminum
spherically adsorbed oxalate anion when it interacts with oxalate. At 1580-1780 cm-1, a significantly broader series
aluminum (oxyhydr)oxide minerals.3,40,41 As a result, the of peaks are obtained for aluminum oxalate than for the
concentration of dissolved Al(III) available to participate corundum-oxalate suspension, a finding that is attribut-
in the formation of bridging Al(III)-oxalate precipitates able to the spectral contribution from “structural” water
will have been substantial, as demonstrated by ATR-FTIR in the crystalline aluminum oxalate powder. This spectral
analyses of centrifuged suspension supernatants (not contribution could not be removed even after extended
shown), which showed the concentration of dissolved Al- heating at 120 °C, and therefore prevents an accurate
(III) to be sufficient to fully complex all nonadsorbed comparison of the crystalline aluminum oxalate and
oxalate at Γ ) 7.1 µmol/m2 and pH 2 (primarily as AlOx+ corundum-oxalate suspension spectra in this spectral
and AlOx2-, on the basis of a comparison with spectra region. At lower wavenumbers, however, a number of
previously reported by Johnson et al.41). Unlike oxalate, additional spectral differences are apparent between the
crystalline aluminum oxalate and corundum-oxalate
(63) Masion, A.; Thomas, F.; Bottero, J. Y.; Tchoubar, D.; Tekely, P. spectra, namely, significant shifts in the positions of the
J. Non-Cryst. Solids 1994, 171, 191. major peaks and the appearance of several additional
(64) Goldshmid, T.; Rubin, A. J. Sep. Sci. Technol. 1988, 23, 2269.
(65) Liu, J.; Wang, L. Q.; Samuels, W. D.; Exarhos, G. J. J. Phys. minor peaks in the crystalline aluminum oxalate spec-
Chem. B 1997, 101, 8264. trum. These differences suggest that any surface Al(III)-
6364 Langmuir, Vol. 21, No. 14, 2005 Johnson et al.

τy versus ζ2 data is consistent with both the approximately

symmetrical ζ versus pH behavior that is observed within
ca. 2 pH units of the iep (Figure 3, i.e., where τy > 0 at Γ
) 1.4 µmol/m2) and a constant interparticle separation
when τy > 0. The latter requirement is in agreement with
the almost constant degree of citrate adsorption on
corundum observed by Hidber et al.13 at pH < 6 and an
almost equivalent citrate concentration (Γ ) 1.6 µmol/m2,
corresponding to 0.3 wt % citrate in that case). Interest-
ingly, a significantly lower ζ potential (31 mV) is required
to achieve dispersed conditions (i.e., τy ) 0) at Γ ) 1.4
µmol/m2 citrate than is needed in the absence of citrate
(ζ potential for dispersion 40-45 mV). The latter finding
is a function of the significant steric repulsion generated
Figure 12. τy versus ζ2 data obtained for an aqueous by the adsorbed citrate anions.
corundum-citrate suspension at Γ ) 1.4 µmol/m2 and φ ) 0.25. A comparison of Figures 7-9 shows that the τy versus
This system corresponds to the concentration of citrate at which
the minimum value of τy,max is obtained. τy data are from Figure pH behavior exhibited by corundum-maleate and co-
9, while ζ potential data are derived from Figure 6 after slight rundum-oxalate suspensions is significantly more com-
adjustment of the iep to exactly match the pH of τy,max (see plex than is observed for corundum-citrate systems. At
Table 1). low maleate and oxalate concentrations (Γ e 1.4 µmol/
m2), a broadening of the τy versus pH curves is observed,
oxalate precipitate that is formed is not crystalline in most significantly on the basic side of the maximum shear
nature, a finding that is not surprising given that Al- yield stress. Such behavior is (at least qualitatively)
(III)-oxalate precipitates formed in bulk aqueous solution consistent with the systematic lowering of the ζ potentials
tend to be amorphous.63 Significantly, small differences observed as a function of increasing maleate and oxalate
in the peak positions of the corundum-oxalate suspension concentrations in Figures 1 and 2, a process that reduces
from those of bidentate, mononuclear, inner-spherically the magnitude of the repulsive electrical double layer force.
adsorbed oxalate, and the appearance of a new shoulder At higher maleate and oxalate concentrations, Figures 7
in the vicinity of 1325 cm-1, are also evident in Figure 11, and 8 show that the τy versus pH curves become bimodal
and are in agreement with previous findings at low pH
in nature, with the maximum shear yield stress occurring
by Johnson et al.41 Such findings suggest the presence of
at low pH, and a second peak being present in the pH
additional minor inner-spherically adsorbed or precipi-
tated species. Given that the new peak positions are in range of 9-11. These observations are consistent with a
poor agreement with quantum chemical predictions for decreasing extent of maleate and oxalate adsorption on
other possible inner-sphere oxalate species,40 we therefore corundum as pH increases,11,41 with the τy versus pH
attribute these minor spectral changes to the formation behavior being governed by that of the corundum-maleate
of an amorphous surface Al(III)-oxalate precipitate, and corundum-oxalate interfaces under acidic pH condi-
consistent with the high Γ, low pH data of Figure 8. tions, but approaching that of the bare corundum surface
Attempts to directly probe the formation of surface Al- at high pH conditions. The substantial changes in the
(III)-organic precipitates for other LMW organic anions extent of maleate and oxalate adsorption are expected to
were also performed using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy (not lead to significant changes in the net interparticle
shown). In those cases, however, the spectra failed to reveal separation in the pH regions where τy > 0. As a result, the
significant new features that could be associated with the maleate τy versus ζ2 data of Figures 5 and 7 (Γ ) 3.6 µmol/
formation of Al(III)-organic precipitates, presumably due m2), and the oxalate τy versus ζ2 data of Figures 6 and 8
to the much lower anticipated concentrations of Al(III)- (Γ ) 1.4 µmol/m2) (i.e., at the maleate and oxalate
organic precipitates formed (see the discussion above). As concentrations at which the minimum values of τy,max are
a result, the very minor spectral contributions from the obtained), demonstrated nonlinear τy versus ζ2 behavior
precipitates were presumably swamped by those from (not shown).
other major adsorbed species, leading to inconclusive ATR- At pH 11.5 in Figures 7 and 8, the greatest values of
FTIR results being obtained. τy are measured for the highest total maleate and oxalate
Interestingly, an examination of Figures 7-9 reveals concentrations, a finding that is attributable to the
that the forms of the τy versus pH curves measured are significantly greater ionic strength (generated by non-
quite distinct for the corundum-citrate system compared adsorbed maleate and oxalate) at those conditions. This
with the corundum-maleate and corundum-oxalate increased ionic strength acts to reduce the repulsive
suspensions. The latter findings can be rationalized with
electrical double layer force, leading to enhanced values
reference to the electrokinetic data of Figures 1-3 and
of τy at high pH.37 Interestingly, at intermediate pH
previous adsorption data measured for these organic
anions on corundum.11,13,41 In the case of citrate, ap- conditions (7-8.5) and high oxalate concentrations (Γ g
proximately parabolic τy versus pH data are obtained. Such 3.6 µmol/m2), corundum-oxalate suspensions are fully
behavior is consistent with the approximately linear τy dispersed (τy ) 0), while at similar pH conditions and the
versus ζ2 data that are expected for systems in which the highest maleate concentrations examined (Γ g 7.1 µmol/
mean interparticle separation is constant for conditions m2), net attractive interparticle networks persist (τy > 0).
where the net interparticle electrostatic interaction is The latter behavior can be attributed to the greater degree
attractive.59 An example of the latter behavior is shown of charge reversal (and so the larger electrical double layer
in Figure 12, where τy data from Figure 9 and ζ2 data repulsion) that is generated by the inner-spherically
derived from Figure 6 (i.e., at equivalent φ) are plotted at adsorbed oxalate species compared with that of the outer-
the citrate concentration at which the minimum τy,max spherically absorbed maleate anion in this near-neutral
value is obtained (Γ ) 1.4 µmol/m2). The linearity of the pH domain (see section 3.1).
Organic Matter Adsorption at Mineral/Water Interfaces Langmuir, Vol. 21, No. 14, 2005 6365

4. Conclusions magnitude of τy,max is also reduced as the concentrations

The effects of outer-spherically adsorbed maleate and of maleate, oxalate, and citrate are raised, a finding that
inner-spherically adsorbed oxalate and citrate on the is attributable to the steric barriers to interparticle
colloidal stability of corundum particles in aqueous media approach produced by these adsorbed species. By contrast,
have been examined as a function of pH and maleate, at the highest maleate, oxalate, and citrate concentrations
oxalate, and citrate concentrations using electrokinetic investigated, an increase in the magnitude of τy,max is
and shear yield stress measurements. ζ potential data observed, and can be attributed to the formation of gel-
indicate that outer-spherically adsorbed maleate possesses like Al(III)-organic precipitates that bridge between
a very limited ability to charge reverse the corundum adjacent particles, resulting in an additional interparticle
surface, or affect the electrokinetic properties of corundum attraction. The extent of this increase in τy,max is greatest
above the iep of the bare surface. By contrast, inner- for oxalate due to its strong dissolution-enhancing prop-
spherically adsorbed oxalate and (to a greater extent) erties, which allow increased concentrations of dissolved
citrate are capable of significant charge reversal of the Al(III) to be made available to participate in precipitate
corundum surface. With its very substantial chemical formation. The forms of the τy versus pH data observed
binding component, inner-spherically adsorbed citrate is
for the corundum-maleate, corundum-oxalate, and
also able to adsorb to the corundum surface and affects
its ζ potential properties at pH conditions well above the corundum-citrate suspensions can also be rationalized
iep of bare corundum. with reference to the relative binding strengths, electro-
Consistent with the corresponding iep properties, shear kinetic behavior, and (at least to some extent) the differing
yield stress measurements show that the position of τy,max adsorption modes of the maleate, oxalate, and citrate
is systematically moved to lower pH as a function of anions.
increasing maleate, oxalate, and citrate concentrations.
Except at the highest concentrations examined, the LA047030Q

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