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07 Social Change
The Big Ideas
How were immigration, industrialization and urbanization connected?
They are all connected because they all have something to do with growth of cities

What inventions led to the upward and outward spread of cities?


Describe the three social classes that emerged during this period.

The working class, the middle class, and the wealthy class

Why was child labor so common? How did social reformers work to protect children?
It was common for poor children to be forced to do child labor because there parents could
bring in enough money so they kids had to work too they helped by working hard to stop
child labor

What were the goals of the Social Gospel Movement?

To apply the christain ethics to everything like alcoholism, crimes,child labor, ect.

People Events (Describe the event, its causes and

Mary Harris “Mother” Jones – (What is she effects)
known for?) Cities experience rapid growth
(urbanization) –

Washington Gladden – (How did he help

bring about the Social Gospel Movement?) Tenements are created –

Jane Addams – (How did she introduce the Settlement houses come to the U.S. -
field of social work?)
Vocabulary (fill in effects from the lesson where possible or put the definition in your own
Settlement house – a community center providing support to residents of poor, urban
Something that helps poor people
Social Gospel movement – social movement wherein Christians were urged to improve
social conditions for those less fortunate
They wanted to improve fast
Tenements – poorly constructed apartment buildings that housed many impoverished
residents in the late 1800s and early 1900s
People who made really bad homes
Urbanization – the process by which cities grow as more people move to urban areas in
search of better jobs or a higher standard of living
When places grow really fast

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