I Am Writing This Reflection in English Even Though The Other Ones Are Written in Spanish Because I Feel That I Can Best Express My Personal and Professional Goals This Way

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I am writing this reflection in English, even though the other ones are written in Spanish,

because I feel that I can best express my personal and professional goals this way. I am very

proud of the work that I have done in all of my Spanish classes that reflects my creativity, and I

chose to include the first entry because of my Spanish literature class. In that class, we had

learned quite a bi about poetry and its use as a tool for social change and simple expression

among people of all backgrounds and beliefs. I was inspired by what I had learned, and felt that I

could express myself in such a way as to have a similar effect or show my background in a more

meaningful way. The poem has to do with my dual identity as a citizen of the state of Arizona,

but also as someone who comes from the city of Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, because of the time

I had spent there as a missionary. It is an expression of my willingness to accept cultural

distinctions from both places, and my pride in being a bit bicultural. My second work is an

expression of my professional use of Spanish. I chose to include my resume because I worked

very hard to prepare it, and I used and synthesized all of the information taken from my Spanish

business writing class to do so. I feel that I incorporated elements of what is common in a

Spanish resume, and I have even used elements from this document in my application to jobs

having to do with Spanish.

I am so grateful for the opportunity I have had to increase my personal and professional

use of the language. I think my personal or creative use of thel language is best expressed by my

work in my Spanish literature class, and is made up mainly of poetry. I feel that mastering this

use of the language is an indicator of one’s advanced linguistic level, because you are not just

analyzing something else: you are making it yourself. I feel that, later on in my Spanish career, I

am able to express my ideas with more ease and clarity as my fluency improved. In the

beginning, it was very obvious that I was limited by the language I was using, much like the
ancient Nephites in writing down their record. I think the evolution of my professional use of the

language is best expressed in the work of my Spanish business writing class. Taken towards the

end of my time as a Spanish student, it demonstrated clearly my ability to be professional and

use more mature vocabulary and grammar in order to address specific audiences. In my

professional-style work before this class, I demonstrated understanding of the topics at hand, but

I didn'tLearning Reflection do it in a way becoming of a prospective or future employee of a

large company or someone in the academic world.

I have two goals to keep my personal and professional use of the language strong. Firstly,

I will write songs in Spanish. Recently, I have gotten into music, and I have found a passion for

singing and playing the ukulele and guitar. I love listening to Spanish music, and I would love to

write my own songs in the language as a way to express myself and keep up that skill.

Additionally, I will update my resume and cover letter in Spanish as well as English., I hope to

one day become a legal interpreter and work in other capacities in the Spanish language. I know

it will be beneficial for me to keep Spanish copies of these documents and submit them to help

showcase my professional handle of the language.

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