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To our distinguished guests headed by our very humble District Supervisor

Mr.Severino Soro, to our hard Working Principal Mrs.Helen Rollan, and to our Guest
Speaker Ms.Euniza Gail Pavon, School Administrators, Dedicated Teachers, Beloved
Parents, Co-Graduates, Ladies and Gentelmen, Good afternoon. Today is the day
remembering all of the hard work and sacrifice of all the graduates this school
year. "Graduation day" such a momentus occasion that will be cherished even when
you leave STCS. Today we acknowledge and give recognition to the people we've met,
the lessons we've learned, the tears, the laughter and the memories we've shared in
our years as grade school students... Success such a word. Most say that success is
only for the best but it is not. It's for you, and you, and you, basically every
single one of you. But success should not be taken for granted. Success is not just
your alibi or ticket to a better reputation, a better person in front of others.
You achive success not because you want to but you need to. But life is just about
success. Life is also about happiness. Now what is happiness?...There is not too
much to life when you focus too much on one goal. When reaching a certain goal, you
have to focus, Or else you'll lose track and wander off somewhere else. As a car,
you have to follow the route, the directions or else you'll go off- road and reach
a place far away from your goal. As I was writing this speech, I thought of sharing
with what I think made me successful this year. The 3As. The 3As are three words I
want you guys to always remember at the future. The first A is Aspire. To aspire to
aim. To aspire is to envision your plans. To aspire is to taking action, and this
is the first step becoming an Achiver. The second A is Achieve. To Achive is to go
and begin to take steps closer to your goal. This is the part when you have to keep
running. This is the part when you have to face obstacles and life chances and
survive the risks you take. This is the part when you set out all your plans and
targets and take gameplay. This is the part when you say "I can and I will". The
third and final A is Advance. To advance is to take it to the next level, to deny
your comfort zone and go out of the box. Don't forget the three words: Aspire,
Achieve and Advance.

To all my teachers since preschool to 6th Grade, Thank you for being part of my
journey. Without you guys, I wouldn't have graduated and become who I am today. To
my friends, classmates and batchmates, thank u for the memories we've been made.
Congratulations to all of us for finishing grade school! We are one big family, the
leaders of tommorow, the movers of the society and the people of the future. But
remember, it does not just end there. Just follow the way life leads you and look
towards and look towards your family first because at the end, your heart will lead
you back home. Speaking of home I would like to thank two people who have been the
biggest inspiration in my life. Ma, Pa, thank you I know those two words don't mean
that much for what you've done to help me become who I am. You were there since the
begining, helping me to stand and take my first steps. You supported me every
single step of my way, even as I grew older and gained Independence. Thank u for
being there in times of my need. Thank u for everything. I hope I have maked you
proud. Dear graduates please stand up and let's give a round of a plause to our
heroes! Our parents and also our teachers....Just remember the 3As: Aspire, Achive
and Advance...And yes there's a big chance that you will fail, but there's even
bigger chance you won't....Thank u and once again Good afternoon❤️

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