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Inglés V

Tarea no.
no. 1,
1, IIl
IIl Parcial

Campus San
San Pedro
Pedro Sula

Licenciatura en
en Mercadotecnia

Lic. Madelin Moreno

28 de
de Marzo
Marzo del
del 2020

Yadira Waldina Córdova Hernández



Pollution is defined as the introduction of harmful substances or products into the

environment, which are typically foreign substances, particularly a contaminant or
toxin, that produce some kind of a negative or harmful impact on the environment
or living beings. Pollution occurs in many forms ranging from chemicals in the form
of gases or liquids, noise, energy sources such as light or heat, or solids such as
the types of waste that end up in landfills.

Even naturally occurring substances, such as carbon dioxide and mercury, can be
considered pollution when additional quantities are added to the environment in
unsafe amounts by industries which can have detrimental effects on the
environment and all forms of life, including humans.

The Pollution in The World

Air Pollution: Both indoor and outdoor air pollution is a major environmental health
problem affecting everyone in developed and developing countries alike. Most of
the world's population will be subject to degraded air quality in 2050 if human-made
emissions continue as usual. In this 'business-as-usual' scenario, the average
world citizen 40 years from now will experience similar air pollution to that of
today's average East Asian citizen. Air pollution is a mix of particles and gases that
can reach harmful concentrations both outside and indoors. Its effects can range
from higher disease risks to rising temperatures. Soot, smoke, mold, pollen,
methane, and carbon dioxide are a just few examples of common pollutants.

Water Pollution: Water is where life began and why life continues, but it is also the
world's most threatened essential resource. In addition to the accelerating climatic-
driven threat of drought, where water sources all over the world face the threat of
potentially drying up as the warming climate accelerates, water is becoming
increasingly polluted every year. Polluted, unsafe water is the leading cause of
sickness and death with half of the world's hospital beds filled with people suffering
from water-related illnesses. Water pollution can come from a variety of sources.
Pollution can enter water directly, through both legal and illegal discharges from
factories, for example, or imperfect water treatment plants. Spills and leaks from oil
pipelines or hydraulic fracturing (fracking) operations can degrade water supplies.
Wind, storms, and littering especially of plastic waste can also send debris into

Soil Pollution: Soil pollution occurs when the presence of toxic chemicals,
pollutants or contaminants in the soil is in high enough concentrations to be of risk
to plants, wildlife, humans and of course, the soil itself. Arable land is turning to
desert and becoming non-arable at ever-increasing rates, due largely in part to
global warming and agricultural fertilizers and pesticides, lessening the hope that
we can feed our booming population.


 Indoor air pollution can be reduced by making sure that a building is well-
ventilated and cleaned regularly to prevent the buildup of agents like dust
and mold.
 Increasing temperatures are directly linked to poor air quality which, in turn,
can affect the heart and exacerbate cardiovascular disease.
 Finally, drinking water pollution can happen via the pipes themselves if the
water is not properly treated.
 Water covers over 70% of the Earth’s surface and is a very important
resource for people and the environment.
 Water pollution affects drinking water, rivers, lakes and oceans all over the
 All soils, whether polluted or unpolluted, contain a variety of compounds
(contaminants) which are naturally present.
 All soils, whether polluted or unpolluted, contain a variety of compounds
(contaminants) which are naturally present.







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