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epee I think it was, V verbs: invent, discover, etc. invented by a P [j,-ed, sentence stress woman, Are you 1 LISTENING a Look at the photos. Five of these things were invented by women. In pairs, decide which five you think they are b (4379) Now listen to a radio programme about inventions. Were you right? Complete the sentences with the invention, 1 The was invented by Josephine Cochrane in 1886 2 were invented by Mary Anderson in 190. 3 were invented by Marion Donovan in 19) 4 was invented by Bette Nesmith Graham in 1956 5 The was invented by Stephanie Kwolek in 196 © Listen again and answer the questions 1 What happened after Josephine Cochrane's dinner parties? 2 What was the problem with cars in 1903 when it rained ot snowed? How many disposable nappies are used every day? What was Bette Nesmith Graham's job? What was special about the material Stephanie Kwolek invented d_ Which of the five inventions do you think was the best? 2 GRAMMAR passive a Make five true sentences using the words in the cl dishwasher iscalled Tipp-€x today Disposable nappies wasinvented | by Marion Donovan. More than 55 milion nappies | are protected | every day. : MrsGraham's invention | were invented | by the bulletproof vest. Policemen all over the world | are used D y an American woman, The dishwasher was invented by an American woma b_ Look at the two sentences below and answer the questions a An American woman invented the dishwasher b The dishwasher was invented by an American woman 1 Do the sentences have the same meaning? 2 Inwhich sentence is the focus more on the dishwasher? 3. Inwhich sentence is the focus more on the woman? © > p.144 Grammar Bank 10A. Learn more about the passive and practise it READING & VOCABULARY verbs: invént, discover, etc. Match the verbs to the dictionary definitions. base design discover invent 1 verb to find or learn sth for the first time eg DNA was in 1953, 2 verb to make sthusing sthelseas a startin point, eg This film is - ona orue story. a verb to draw a plan which shows how to make sth, e.g, The building was ~ by a German architec 4 verb to make or think of sth forthe first time eg, Who - the bicycle? ‘Complete the ‘Did you know. .?”text with the past participle of a verb from the list. base call design discover give invent open play show use Read the rext again. One of the pieces of information is not true. Which one do you thinkit is? PRONUNCIATION §, -ed, sentence stress: 4/39) Listen and repeat the words and sounds. | dishwasher invention special washing machine What four ways can you see for spelling the f sound? Which one do you think is not typical? Go to the Sound Bank p.167 nd check. How is-ed pronounced in these past participles? Pur them in the right column. based called crelajted delsigned dijrecited discolvered inlven{ted pain|ted pro|duced used Gt ee Ad 4/40) Listen and check. Underline the stressed syllable in each malt-syllable verb, Gy4t}) Listen and write six sentences. Then listen again and repeat. Copy the rhythm SPEAKING > Communication Passives quiz A p.105 6 p.109. Make sentences for your partner to decide ifthey are true or false Did you know. ..? Opreeite most famous ogos in the world is the Nike logo. twas byan American student, Carolyn Davidson, in 4971. Ms Davidson was only paid $35 dollars for her design. However, she was later a gold ring Inthe shape of the logo and Nike shares. Inned food was jn 1810 in Britain by Peter Durand, Unfortunately, he did not also invent a tin ‘opener, so tins were * with difficulty using a knife and a hammer. It wasn't until ‘nearly 50 years later that the American Ezra Warner invented the tin opener. hen people at toy company Parker Brothers were first >___ the board game Monopoly’, they were not interested. They said it had 52 fundamental errors, Including taking too long to play. However, a few days later the company president ssaw the game and took it home to try it, He stayed up until :Laum. to finish playing it, and the next day he wrate to the inventor, Charles Darrow, and offered to buy it! 1e madern game of golf was invented in Scotland in the 18th century. It was originally only © by men, and was’____‘golt’ because of the rule Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden. This is how the word golf entered into the English language. otox was first®__in 1985 to (correct strabismus (lazy eye) in children. ‘The possibility of using it to make people's faces look ‘younger was only * 20 years later. e character Gregory House in the hit TV series House M.D. is!°__on Conan Doyle's detective Sherlock Holmes. Like Holmes, House uses his intelligence and knowledge of psychology to solve ‘cases, House's relationship with his friend Dr James ‘Wilson is similar to that between Holmes and his friend, Dr John Watson, and the address on his driving licence 1s 221B Baker St, a direct reference to Holmes's address. Citutory 77 |

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