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Berthoud Elementary PTA General meeting minutes


Attendees: Suzy Bullett

Lisa Wagner

Jen Lyman

Tammy & Kris Godfrey

Tara Olivas

Carrie Bartmann

Tawni Maystack

Laura Hoime

Lisa Beard

Laura Alig

Jeanne Carmichael

Jennifer Legault

AnnaMarie Rataj

Micelle Ostler

Janet Kincaid

Camilla Logeske

Megan Courtwright

Emily Hidalgo

Meeting called to order at 4:05

Old business:

1. Approve meeting minutes

2. Budget changes, increase babysitting to cover SAC increase science club from $300 to $700

New business:

1. Fall Carnival
a. First planning meeting on 9/22/15
b. Motion to trade class baskets for cash donations, approved
2. Options for proceeds from fall fundraising
a. Chrome books
b. Water bottle filter and filler, motioned and approved
c. VITAL laptop, motioned and approved
3. Other items for PTA to pay for
a. Printer cartridges, $650, motioned and approved
b. 4th grade field trip scholarships, will be covered
4. $10,000 from jogathon to Health and Wellness to pay for new mats and disc golf. Pay for
deescalating boxes if enough money left. 2 nd grade team to prepare proposal.
5. Bash to pay for AR program and possibly 8 teacher laptops.

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