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Modul Bahan Ajar


Ni Wayan Swardhani W., Scarletina Vidyayani Eka


English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes


This book is developed to support teaching and learning activity specifically in

intention to support speaking skills. Speaking for Transactional Purposes
focuses on supporting the students to deliver idea and thoughts within
practical circumstances.
We thus hope to provide a better aid in the learning experience through
content of the module.
English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Table of Content

Unit 1 Socializing ……………………………………………………………….. 1

Unit 2 Making Request ………………………………………………………. 9
Unit 3 Taking Messages ……………………………………………………… 16
Unit 4 Eating Out ……………………………………………………………….. 22
Unit 5 Living Away from Home …………………………………………… 29
Unit 6 Shopping …………………………………………………………………. 35
Unit 7 Sightseeing ……………………………………………………………… 41
Unit 8 Travelling ………………………………………………………………… 45
Unit 9 Money Talks ……………………………………………………………. 52
Unit 10 Health ……………………………………………………………………… 58
Unit 11 Emergencies ……………………………………………………………. 67
Unit 12 Bureaucracy ……………………………………………………………. 74
Unit 13 Problems at Work ……………………………………………………. 79
Unit 14 Interview …………………………………………………………………. 84


Mata Kuliah : Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Semester :
Kode :
Jurusan : Bahasa dan Sastra
Program Studi : S-1 Sastra Inggris
Dosen : Tim

Deskripsi singkat:

Mata kuliah ini membekali mahasiswa dengan kemampuan untuk menyampaikan ide dan gagasan untuk keperluan praktis transaksional.
Setelah mengikuti perkuliahan ini, mahasiswa diharapkan dapat mengetahui jenis-jenis percakapan dan mempraktekkan Speaking for
Transactional Purposes dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Bahan kajian: Speaking for Socializing, Making Request, Taking Messages, Eating Out, Living Away from Home, Shopping, Sightseeing,
Travelling, Money Talks,

Pelaksanaan Kuliah:

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 1. Mahasiswa mampu Public Speaking Ceramah, diskusi 1. Mampu menyebutkan 6
memahami kontrak Overview dan praktek tujuan matakuliah
perkuliahan 1. Kontrak Kuliah speaking dan mampu
2. Memulai dan (RPKPS) Sarana : LCD menjelaskan jenis-jenis
mengakhiri 2. Unit 1- Socializing. percakapan dan pentingnya
percakapan dengan Speaking for Transactional
natural; Purposes.
3. Dapat memberikan 2. Dapat memulai,
respon yang sesuai; mempertahankan dan
4. Dapat mengakhiri percakapan
mempertahankan dengan natural
percakapan 3. Dapat mengutarakan
5. Dapat pendapat

2 1. Dapat memahami 1. Membaca dari buku Ceramah, diskusi, 1. Dapat memberikan 6

permintaan dengan detil dan handout dari dan praktek. informasi detil permintaan
2. Dapat mengutarakan dosen. 2. Dapat memilih kata-kata
permintaan dengan 2. Unit 2 – Making yang sopan dalam meminta
sopan request bantuan atau
mengutarakan alasan

3 1. Mengerti pesan yang 1. Membaca dari buku Ceramah, diskusi, 1. Mampu memahami detil 6
disampaikan dan handout dari dan praktek. pesan yang disampaikan
2. Menulis dan mengulangi dosen. 2. Mampu mengulangi
pesan yang disampaikan 2. Unit 3 – Taking kembali pesan yang
Messages disampaikan

4 1. Mengerti penjelasan atas 1. Membaca dari buku Ceramah, diskusi, 1. Mengerti penjelasan atas 6
sebuah menu dan handout dari dan praktek. sebuah menu
2. Menawarkan untuk dosen. 2. Menawarkan untuk
membayar sebuah 2. Unit 4 – Eating Out membayar sebuah pesanan
pesanan 3. Dapat mengutarakan
3. Dapat mengutarakan keluhan atas pesanan
keluhan atas pesanan makanan

5 1. Mampu menjelaskan 1. Membaca dari Ceramah, diskusi, 1. Mampu menjelaskan 6

kebutuhan tempat tinggal buku dan handout dan praktek. kebutuhan tempat tinggal
2. Dapat mencari tahu dari dosen. 2. Dapat mencari tahu
alternatif tempat tinggal 2. Unit 5 – Living alternatif tempat tinggal,
3. Dapat menanyakan harga Away from Home dan informasi terkait
sewa dan peraturan 3. Dapat mengutarakan
terkait keluhan dengan efektif
4. Dapat mengutarakan
keluhan dengan efektif

6 1. Mengutarakan 1. Membaca dari buku Ceramah, diskusi, 1. Mengutarakan pertanyaan 6

pertanyaan tentang dan handout dari dan praktek. tentang barang yang dijual
barang yang dijual dosen. 2. Dapat menawar barang
2. Dapat menawar barang 2. Unit 6 – Shopping Dapat mengajukan keluhan
3. Dapat mengajukan atas barang yang sudah
keluhan atas barang yang dibeli
sudah dibeli

7 1. Dapat mencari 1. Membaca dari buku Ceramah, diskusi, 1. Dapat mencari 6

rekomendasi perjalanan dan handout dari dan praktek. rekomendasi perjalanan
2. Dapat mengerti detil dosen. 2. Dapat mengerti detil
perjalanan 2. Unit 7 – Sightseeing perjalanan.

8 Kompetensi sasaran minggu Diberi dua topic untuk Ujian Praktik

1-7 Role Play (minggu 1-
7), ujian dilakukan
secara berkelompok.

9 1. Dapat mencari 1. Membaca dari buku Ceramah, diskusi, 1. Dapat mencari 6

rekomendasi perjalanan dan handout dari dan praktek. rekomendasi perjalanan
2. Dapat mengerti detil dosen. 2. Dapat mengerti detil
perjalanan 2. Unit 8 – travelling perjalanan.
3. Dapat menyela dan 3. Dapat menyela dan
menanyakan lebih jauh menanyakan lebih jauh
atas sebuah informasi atas sebuah informasi

10 1. Dapat menjelaskan suatu 4. Membaca dari buku Ceramah, diskusi, 1. Dapat menjelaskan suatu 6
hal dengan jelas dan handout dari dan praktek. hal dengan jelas
2. Dapat meminta dosen. 2. Dapat meminta penjelasan
penjelasan atas suatu hal 5. Unit 9 – Money atas suatu hal
3. Dapat meminta Talks 3. Dapat meminta seseorang
seseorang mengulangi mengulangi informasi

11 1. Mampu mendeskripsikan 1. Membaca dari buku Ceramah, diskusi, 1. Mampu mendeskripsikan 6

gejala penyakit dan handout dari dan praktek. gejala penyakit
2. Dapat menunjukkan dosen. 2. Dapat menunjukkan
kekhawatiran 2. Unit 10 – Health kekhawatiran

12 1. Dapat menjelaskan 1. Membaca dari buku Ceramah, diskusi, 1. Dapat menjelaskan 6

penampilan seseorang dan handout dari dan praktek. penampilan seseorang
2. Dapat menjelaskan ciri- dosen. 2. Dapat menjelaskan ciri-ciri
ciri barang 2. Unit 11 – barang
3. Dapat berbicara secara Emergencies 3. Dapat berbicara secara
singkat dan jelas singkat dan jelas

13 1. Dapat meminta 1. Membaca dari buku Ceramah, diskusi, 1. Dapat meminta penjelasan 6
penjelasan atas suatu hal dan handout dari dan praktek. atas suatu hal
2. Dapat berbicara dengan dosen. 2. Dapat berbicara dengan
padat dan jelas 2. Unit 12 – padat dan jelas
14 1. Menangani keluhan 1. Membaca dari buku Ceramah, diskusi, 1. Menangani keluhan 6
2. Memberikan konfirmasi dan handout dari dan praktek. 2. Memberikan konfirmasi
ulang atas sebuah dosen. ulang atas sebuah
informasi 2. Unit 13 – Problems informasi
3. Memberikan solusi at Work 3. Memberikan solusi

15 Dapat membicarakan dan 1. Membaca dari buku Ceramah, diskusi, Dapat membicarakan dan 6
memberikan deskripsi dan handout dari dan praktek. memberikan deskripsi tentang
tentang diri sendiri dosen. diri sendiri
2. Unit 14 – Interview

16 Kompetensi sasaran minggu Diberi dua topic untuk UAS dalam bentuk 6
9-15 Role Play (minggu 9- Performance test.
15), ujian dilakukan
secara berkelompok.

Kriteria Nilai Akhir;

Presentasi aktif : 20%

Diskusi Kelas : 10%
UTS : 30%
UAS : 40%


Craven, Miles. 2008. Real Listening and Speaking 3 with Answers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Craven, Miles. 2008. Real Listening and Speaking 4 with Answers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
McClure, Kevin. 1996. Putting It Together – A Conversation Management Text. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc.
English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Unit 1 Socializing


Unit Outcomes:
After finishing this unit, you will be able to:
 Begin and end a conversation in a natural way;
 React to what you hear
 Maintain a conversation and ask follow-up questions
 Express opinions and defend them

catch up on : Do something that should have been done earlier
exhibit : To show outwardly; display
time flies : something that you say which means that time
passes very quickly, often so quickly that you are
comprehend : grasp mentally; understand
backgammon : Board game for two, playing pieces with dice.
racquetball : A game played on a handball court with short-
handled rackets.
ran into : Met unexpectedly.

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Warming Up
Here are some examples of introductions. You can practice it with your friends.
Steve goes into his Boss’ office.
Boss : Steve, come on in. I’d like to introduce you to my new assistant.
(pause) This is Marilyn Boggs. She just finished her M.B.A. at
Steve : It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms Boggs.
Marilyn : Oh, please call me Marilyn.
Steve : And please call me Steve!
Marilyn : O.K. Steve. I’m looking forward to working with you. Ms Smith has
told me about your plans to increase production.

At Work
Sally : Good Morning, Ms Johnson.
Ms. Johnson : Good Morning Sally. How are you today?
Sally : Fine Thanks you. And you?
Ms Johnson : O.K., I guess.
Sally : Did you have a nice weekend?
Ms Johnson : No, Not really. I had some paperwork to catch up on. How was
Sally : I went skiing in Aspen.
Ms Johnson : That sound very nice (pause). Could you get me the McDonald file?
Sally : Here it is.

Two high school students meet.

Warren : Hi Carl.
Carl : Hi Warren. What’s up?
Warren : Nothin’ much. Umm, did you get a haircut?
Carl : Yeah I did.
Warren : It looks great!
Carl : Thanks. Hey, there was a great movie on TV last night!
Warren : What was it?
Carl : The Slasher…..

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Tomonori and Jae meet at the museum.

Tomonori : Sorry I’m late Jae!
Jae : It’s O.K., Tomonori. I just got here myself. Well, how have you been?
Tomonori : Pretty well, but I’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t had a chance
to relax
Jae : Then, I hope you’ll enjoy this exhibit on South American art.

Three people meet at a restaurant.

Marty : Bob , I’m glad that you could come!
Bob : Well, I really wanted to meet your fiancée.
Marty : Let me introduce you. Bob, this is Carol. We’ve been going out for
over a year now.
Bob : Nice to meet you.
Carol : Nice to meet you too Bob. Marty has told me a great deal about you.
Marty : That’s true Bob, I told her all about high school and college.
Bob : And she still wanted to meet me?
Carol : Of Course!

At a supermarket
Fred : Joe! I didn’t expect to see you here.
Joe : Hey, Fred. How are you doing?
Fred : Not bad. Not bad at all. How about you?
Joe : Oh, I’m slowing down a bit, but I’m getting along.
Fred : Glad to hear it! How’s your wife?
Joe : Isabella’s just fine. She got another promotion at work.
Fred : Really!
Joe : Yeah, she’s a district manager now.
Fred : Well, that’s great!
Joe : Say, how’re the kids?
Fred : Well, Steve’s in college now.
Joe : I can’t believe it! Time really flies…

Points to Ponder:
1. Have you ever introduced to a new person?
2. Have you ever met your old friend?
3. How do you feel, is it different when you met a new person
and old friend?

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Resources and Activities:

Resource 1 Expressions in socializing.
 Hi, there..  Right, I must dash.
 How’s it going?  It was nice talking with
 How are you doing? you.
 What’s up?  Talk to you later.
 I’ve got to go.  See you later.
 I guess I’d better be  See you around.
going.  Have a nice weekend

Pre-closing (give the idea “I will be leaving soon”)

 I’m so glad I ran into you yesterday.
 Oh! What time do you have Ron?
 I didn’t realize that it was that late. I guess that I’d better be
 Well, it was really nice talking to you again.
 But listen, we’ll have to get together again sometime
 Well, I’d better get on, I’ll give you a call when I get home
 Well, it’s been nice talking to you John.
 Well, I’d better be going now. I’ve got a lot of homework
 I’m sorry, but I’ve really got to go now. It’s starting to get late
 It was wonderful seeing you again
 I’ll probably see you tomorrow

Good wishes for the future

 Have a good weekend
 Have a nice trip
 Well, take care, Mary, and don’t forget to send us a postcard

 Bye
 See you next January
 Good-bye
 I’ll see around
 Well, good night John

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Resource 2 In socializing, you can usually start the conversation with topics such
as hobbies. You can express your agreement or disagreement upon
something to continue the conversation.

In stating your opinion, you can use: me too or me neither to agree

with someone. This is one strategy to be friendly to the person you
are talking to. This expression not only keeps the conversation going,
but also shows that you comprehend it.

Here is the example:

Tim : How long have you been here in Malang?
John : Nearly a week now. I like this town.
Tim : me too. I don’t like big cities.
John : me neither.

Resource 3 Question tags

In maintaining a conversation, or to ask your partner about
something, you can use question tags.

You only have to add negative question tag to a positive statement.

E.g. That was a great movie, wasn’t it?

You can also add positive question tag to a negative statement.

E.g. You didn’t see Miki, did you?

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Activity 1 Try Out

Make some question tags out of this conversation below and
practice it.

At a party
Brigitte: Hi, I’m Brigitte.
Peter : Excuse me?
Brigitte: Brigitte, it’s a French name.
Peter : Are you French?
Brigitte: No, actually I’m an American.
Only my name is French.
Peter : I’m Peter.
Brigitte: It’s nice to meet you Peter. Where are you from?
Peter : I’m from Russia.
Brigitte: Really? What city are you from?
Peter : Smolensk.
Brigitte: Im Sorry, but I didn’t catch that.
Peter : Smolensk. It’s west of Moskow on the Dneiper
Brigitte: What does Dneiper mean?
Peter : it’s a river.
Brigitte: Oh, I see. How do you spell that?
Peter : it spells as D-N-E-I-P-E-R.
Brigitte: I think I’ve heard of it (pause).
Peter : What city are you from.
Brigitte: I’m from Atlanta.
Peter : That’s on the Atlantic Ocean?
Brigitte: No, actually it’s in the middle of Georgia!
Peter : What is it in the middle of?
Brigitte: Georgia.
Peter : I’m sorry, but I don’t really know the U.S. very well.
Is it in the North or South?
Brigitte: It’s in the South, just North of Florida.
Peter : Oh now I understand. It’s North of Cuba!
Brigitte: Yes. That’s right (pause).
Peter : Well, it’s been very nice talking to you. It’s getting
rather late and I should be leaving.
Brigitte: Maybe we’ll meet again.
Peter : I hope so. Good night.
Brigitte: Good night.

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Resource 4 Vocabulary
 I want to go visit my sister
 I’d like to go swimming
Note: be careful with I’d like to… (future) and I like to… (habitual)

Activities with go
 Go camping
 Go driving / go for a  Go shopping
drive  Go sightseeing
 Go for a bicycle ride  Go swimming
 Go hiking  Go to mosque
 Go home  Go visit someone
 Go to school  Call someone (on the
 Go to see someone phone)
 Go to work  Visit a museum
 Listen to music  Watch a video
 Sleep late  Write a letter
 Take a nap
Teams sports Individual sports
 Baseball  Golf
 Football  Tennis
 Soccer  Racquetball
 Basketball  Ping pong
 Volleyball

 Chess
 Checkers
 Backgammon
 (playing) cards

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Activity 2 Extended Practice

Ask five of the member of the class for the information in the chart
below. Compare your list with your classmate’s list.

Name What classes are you Do you have any What is your favorite
taking? hobbies? What are they? sport?

Teachers Questions and Answers:

Please tick what you can do after you finish this unit

Can Do Need More

I can begin and end a conversation in a natural way; ………. ……….

I can react to what I hear

………. ……….
I can maintain a conversation and ask follow-up ………. ……….
………. ……….
I can express opinions and defend them

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Unit 2 Making Request


Unit Outcomes:
After finishing this unit, you will be able to:
 Understand detailed requirements.
 Make polite requests and explain what you want.
 Interrupt politely and ask for help.
 Specify your requirements and justify your reasons.

a bunch of : Many
catch you later! : See you later!
don’t blow it! : Don’t fail!
Coach seat : Economy class seat
fly : Going on a plane trip
here you go : Used when giving something to someone
out on the town : Going out on a date (to a movie, dinner, dancing, etc.)
to have a chance with : To have the opportunity to ask out on a date

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Warming Up
Making a plane reservation.
Clerk : Oklahoma Airlines. May I help you?
John : Yes, I’d like to fly from Dallas to Mexico City.
Clerk : And when would you like to go?
John : The fifth of October.
Clerk : That’s Friday the fifteenth?
John : No, I’m sorry, but I think you’ve made a mistake. That’s
Tuesday the fifth.
Clerk : O.K. Tuesday the fifth. What time of day would you like to
John : I’m sorry but the phone connection isn’t very good. Could
you repeat that?
Clerk : What time of day would you like to fly?
John : Oh, I’d like to fly in the morning.
Clerk : We have a flight at ten forty.
John : When is the flight?
Clerk : Ten-forty.
John : Did you say four-zero or one-four?
Clerk : Four-zero.
John : O.K. I’d like on seat on that flight.
Clerk : Could you give me your name?
John : Borlowski. John Borlowski.
Clerk : Could you spell your last name?
John : B-O-R-L-O-W-S-K-I
Clerk : And your address?
John : 1460 15th St. in Dallas.
Clerk : 1460 50th St.?
John : Uh no, that’s not quite right. It’s not 50th St. It’s 15th St.
Clerk : That’s one-five?
John : Yes, that’s correct.
Clerk : And your telephone number?
John : 431-8976
Clerk : Pardon me?
John : 431-8976
Clerk : 8976?
John : Yes, that’s right.
Clerk : So…. That’s john Borlowski, flying to Mexico City from Dallas
on Tuesday, October 5th at 10.40.

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

John : Yes, that’s right.

Clerk : Your telephone number is 431-8976 and your address in
Dallas is 1460 15th street.
John : Correct.
Clerk : All right Mr Borlowski, you should be at the check-in counter
one hour before the flight.
John : Thanks you very much.
Clerk : Thank you.

Points to Ponder:
1. What probably John is going to do?
2. Who is he calling?
3. Can you elicit his requirements from the conversation above?

Resources and Activities:

Resource 1 You can use these expression to ask for goods or services:
 Would you mind
 Could you possibly …?
 Can I ask you to … ?
 I’d appreciate it if you could …
 I wonder if you could …
 I’d be grateful if you could …

Message for someone

 Say hello to Huang Ling for me, will you?
 And if you see Mrs. Kim, tell her to give me a call
 Say hello to Harry.

Resource 2 Sometimes in making a request, you need to justify reasons.

Look at the conversation below:
Assistant : We can’t get anyone there until late afternoon, I’m
Jane : I’m sorry, but that’s no good at all. We’re very busy here
and we need this fixing immediately.

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Here some expressions to ask for something and to justify reasons:

 I could (really) do with a hand
 It would help a lot if someone could write up the report
 I’m in danger of falling behind
 I may not finish on time if I don’t get any help

Resource 3 You can also use the following expressions to ask for clarification:
Asking for clarification
 Pardon me? / Excuse me?
 I’m sorry, but I didn’t catch that
 Could you repeat that?
 Could you spell your last name?
 How do you spell that?
 What does Dneiper mean?

Repeating information as a question

 1460 50th St.?
 8976?

Paraphrasing information to check it

 So, … that’s John Borlowski, flying to Oklahoma City from
Dallas on Friday, October 5, at 10.40.

Telling someone that they’ve understood

 Yes, that’s right
 Yes, that’s correct
 Correct

Correcting mistakes
 No, I’m sorry, but I think that you’ve made a mistake
 No, actually it’s in the middle of Georgia.
 Uh, no. that’s not quite right

WH-Questions for Clarification

 (Use rising intonation)
 What it is in the middle of?
 When is the flight?

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Confirming Numbers
 Did you say four-zero or one-four?
 That’s one-five?

Activity 1 Try Out

Plan a trip – work in pairs
Case 1

Student A is a travel agent. You must ask student B for

information about the trip he/she wants to plan. Use the
questions below and confirm all the information.

Student B wants to plan a trip. You must answer Student A’s

questions. Do not look at the questions. When you have
finished, switch roles.

You can use following questions:

1. What is your name?
2. How many people will be traveling with you? What are their
3. Where would you like to go?
4. When would you like to leave? When would you like to return?
5. How much money do you have to spend on the trip?
6. Would you like smoking or non-smoking seats on planes, buses,
trains, etc?
7. Do you want first-class, business-class, or tourist (coach) seats?
8. Could you give me your address/telephone number?

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Case 2
Work in pair

Students A works at a university office to register students for

classes. You must ask students B for information about the class
he/she wants to take. Use the questions below and confirm all
the information.

Students B would like to sign up for an evening class. You must

answer student A’s questions. When you have finished, switch

You can use following questions:

1. What is your name?
2. What class would you like to sign up for?
3. Would you like the 6.00 pm or the 7.30 pm class?
4. Would you prefer a Monday-Wednesday class or Tuesday-
Thursday class?
5. Have you graduated from high school? Have you ever studied
in a college or university? If so, where and for how long?
6. Would you prefer to study at our downtown campus or at
the main campus outside the city?
7. Are you interested in taking this class for college credit (for a
degree, such as B.A.) or on a non-credit basis?
8. What is your address/telephone number?
9. Do you have a telephone number at work?

Activity 2 Extended Practice

Imagine you work in an office. Use the ideas below to make
requests, and justify your reasons.
Example: I could really do with some help to finish this sales report.
I’m in danger of missing the deadline.
a. explain how to use new database (make mistake).
b. need new, color printer (reports not clear).
c. help photocopy reports (not finish in time).
d. need holiday soon (become ill).

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Imagine you and your partner both work together in an office.

Prepare to role play the following situation.
Interrupt politely
Ask how you can help
Explain a problem
Express sympathy
Make a request
Respond negatively
Justify your request
Respond positively

Now role play the conversation you made.

Teachers Questions and Answers:

Please tick what you can do after you finish this unit

Can Do Need More


………. ……….
I can understand detailed
requirements. ………. ……….
I can make polite requests and
explain what you want.
I can interrupt politely and ask for ………. ……….

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Unit 3 Taking Messages


Unit Outcomes:
After finishing this unit, you will be able to:
 Note all the important details in a complex phone message
 Ask for clarification and check you have understood
 Leave a message and check others have understood you
 Leave a clear and concise voicemail message

asap : As soon as possible
hang up : End the (phone) call
(the line) engaged : (The line) busy

Warming Up

Leslie: Hello.

Cameron: Hi, is this Leslie?

Leslie: Yes. Who’s this?

Cameron: It's Cameron here. Is Maria in?

Leslie: No, she just stepped out for a moment. Can I take a message?

Yes, thanks. Could you ask her to meet me at the Capitol 4 movie
theatre at 7 pm tonight?

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Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Sure. Just let me write that down. Oh Cameron. Could you hold for a
second? I have to take another call.

Cameron: No problem.
Hi. Sorry about that. Now could you please repeat that information? I
didn't have a pen handy.

Cameron: Sure. It's the Capitol 4 theatre at 7 o'clock.

Leslie: Okay, I've got it. Is there anything else?

Cameron: No, that's great.

Leslie: Okay. Uh-oh, there's my other line again. I'd better run.

Cameron: Okay, thanks again. Bye for now.

Leslie: Bye-bye

Points to Ponder:
1. Who is the woman?
2. Who is the man?
3. What is he up to?

Resources and Activities:

Resource 1 Speaking strategy: repeating key information
 Look at the example above. Notice how you can repeats only
the key information
 Here are some other expressions you can use
Ok, so…
Right. I think I’ve got that.
Let me repeat that, just to make sure.
I’ll just go over that to confirm

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Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Resource 2 Expressions
 Would it be possible to speak with Mr. Frederick, please?
 Will he be available this afternoon?
 Could you ask him to call me?
 Thanks very much, goodbye.
 I see. Will she be available this afternoon?
 Could you ask her to call me as soon as possible?
 (your name) from University of Brawijaya. My mobile
number is 099756209
 Do you know when she’ll be back?
 OK, can you say I called?
 I’m on extension 284
 Thanks a lot, bye.
 I’m afraid she is on another line right now.
 Would you like to leave a message?
 Certainly. Can I ask who’s calling?
 That’s fine. I’ll make sure she gets the message. Thanks for
 No, sorry. The line is engaged
 Can I take a message?
 Sure, no problem. Samantha isn’t it?
 OK, I’ll pass that on for you. Bye for now.
 Can/could you mind speak/would you mind speaking a little
slower, please?
 Sorry, can you run that by me again?
 Would you mind spelling/ do you think you could spell that
for me?
 I think we have a bad connection. I’ll call you back.

Resource 3 Identifying yourself

 Good afternoon, Thornton Computers.
 Hello. My name is Margarite Powers.
 Hello. This is Susan
 This is Sonya.
 Hi, This is Sergei
 I’m John. I’m in her Chemistry class

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Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Asking for a name

 May I say who’s calling?

Stating your purpose of calling

(This is especially important for business call)
 I’m calling about the secretary position advertised in the

Asking for a message

 Would you like me to give her a message?
 Can I take a message?

Finding the right person

 I’ll check and see if Anna’s here
 I’ll get her
 I’ll see if I can find her
 I’ll transfer you to the Director of Personnel

Giving a message
 Tell her (that) I have two tickets for Berlin

Activity 1 Try Out 1

Imagine you call an important client and get put through to their
voicemail. Use the information below to leave a message.

Sam Kenshaw / Industrial Design / your order is

ready / need to pay in full before can send / call
Accounts to pay /ring me if necessary / office
0208-5415690 /mobile 07967-431094

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Activity 2 Try Out 2

Imagine you and your classmates work together in the same
company. Decide who you want to call, and why.

Call a classmate on their mobile phone and leave a

voicemail message. Give your name, say why you
are calling, say what you want them to do, give your
. contact details and then finish the call.
Check any messages on your mobile phone. Then
call back to give your reply

Activity 3 Extended Practice

Imagine you are organizing a conference for your company. You call
the conference center to make some final changes.
You say: I’d appreciate it if you could give us three rooms with a
bath, rather than a shower.

Use the ideas below to make polite requests.

a. Three rooms with bath (not shower)
b. All rooms on ground floor
c. Refreshment breaks – 3 pm not 3.30 pm
d. Fresh flowers (all rooms)
e. Early morning call 7 am (all rooms / every day)
f. Mr. Hammond ground floor  top floor
g. Turn up the air conditioner (all rooms)
h. Repair the shower (Room G29)
i. Lend video camera (tomorrow morning, meeting room c)
j. All training rooms
k. I don’t know what it’s called but you use it to clean your
l. I need something to put these posters on a display board
m. Have you got anything for cleaning marks off clothes?

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Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Teachers Questions and Answers:

Please tick what you can do after you finish this unit

Can Do Need More


 I can note all the important

………. ……….
details in a complex phone
message ………. ……….
 I can ask for clarification and
check you have understood
 I can leave a message and check ………. ……….
others have understood you
 I can leave a clear and concise ……… ……….
voicemail message

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Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Unit 4 Eating Out


Unit Outcomes:
After finishing this unit, you will be able to:
 Understand explanations of dishes on a menu
 Offer to pay
 Complain effectively if there is a problem
 Understand restaurant reviews

bucks : Dollars
calorie : A measure of the amount of heat or energy in food
cuisine : A national style of cooking
disaster : A complete failure
grains : (For example wheat and rye)
salad bar : A counter where a customer can choose from many
vegetables and dressings
soy burger : Artificial hamburger made from soy beans
spices : (For example: cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg)
split the bill : To share the cost equally. It is also called to go
Dutch. It is quite common for people, especially
young people, to go Dutch in many English-speaking
takeout : Food prepared by a restaurant to be eaten
tip : Usually 15% extra left in a restaurant as payment to
the waiter
vegetarian : No meat
yuck! : An expression of distaste

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Warming Up
Kim and Harry are trying to decide where to go for a meal.
Kim : I’m starving to death. Why won’t we go get something to eat.
Harry : Do you want to go to a restaurant or would you rather get takeout?
Kim : Let’s go to a restaurant.
Harry : What kind of food do you want to eat?
Kim : How about Chinese food? I know a place where they make great sweet and
sour pork.
Harry : Well, I don’t really like Chinese food, especially pork.
Kim : Why not?
Harry : I don’t know. The taste is just so-so. What about Japanese? Their food is so
Kim : Japanese food is so bland- it’s boring! Besides, it’s too salty.
Harry : Japanese food isn’t bland, it’s subtle.
Kim : sure it’s bland. There are no spices. It all tastes the same.
Harry : It’s true that there are few spices, but they use wasabi, ginger, shiso and …
Kim : What’s Wasabi?
Harry : It’s a plant that’s similar to horseradish.
Kim : I Hate Horseradish!
Harry : Well, then, let me see….
Kim : Let’s eat Mexican food! It’s my favorite!
Harry : Not today. I don’t feel like having anything too spicy.
Kim : Well, if you don’t want spicy food, Thai cooking is out.
Harry : I’m afraid so. (pause) Hey isn’t there a new French restaurant near your
Kim : We can’t eat French cuisine. It’s too rich and I’m on a diet.
Harry : But the new French cuisine doesn’t have as much fat.
Kim : It’s still too many calories.
Harry : You’re probably right. I should lose a few pounds myself.
Kim : I know. Let’s go to the vegetarian restaurant on Third Street.
Harry : Which one?
Kim : The Harvest Home Café.
Harry : I don’t know it, I’ve never gone there.
Kim : Its great! They have a huge salad bar and soy burgers.
Harry : Soy burgers?
Kim : They’re delicious and nutritious! They also have vegetables dishes with
different kinds of grains.
Harry : Grains? You mean like wheat and rye?
Kim : Sure! They’re good for you!

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Harry : No, I don’t think so, but how about Burger City.
Kim : Yuck! Burgers are too greasy! They’re disgusting and all of that fat in beef is
really bad for your heart.
Harry : But Burger City also has fantastic salad bar and I can get a hamburger and
some French fries.
Kim : Well, I guess that would be O.K. I could really use a salad right now.
Harry : And they have low-fat chocolate cake!
Kim : The salad sounds good, but I’ll pass on the cake.
Harry : I’ll buy
Kim : That sounds even better.
Harry : So it’s settled.
Kim : I guess so.
Harry : and afterwards we could go somewhere for some nice jazz and a cup of
Kim : We’ll see.
Harry : O.K. let’s go!

Points to Ponder:
1. What are they going to do?
2. Do they eat at the restaurant or take out?
3. Where do they decide to go?
4. Why do they decide to go to that place?

Resources and Activities:

Resource 1 Talking about food
Do you want to go to a restaurant or would you rather get
What kind of food do you want to eat?

Why don’t we go get something to eat?
How about Chinese?
What about Japanese?
Let’s eat Mexican food.
Afterwards, we could go somewhere for a cup of coffee.

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Idioms: Deciding what to eat

I’m starving to death = I’m very hungry
Don’t feel like having anything = I don’t want anything too
too spicy spicy
Thai cooking is out = I don’t want Thai food
I’m on a diet = I want to lose weight
I could really use a salad right = I would really like a salad
All of the fat in beef is really = Unhealthy
bad for your heart
They’re good for you = They’re healthy
I’ll pass on the cake = I don’t want any cake
I’ll buy = I’ll order
So it’s settled = So it’s decided

Adjectives for food

 beautiful  greasy
 bland  overcooked
 boring  rich
 delicious  salty
 disgusting  so-so
 greasy (oily)  sour
 healthy  spicy
 low-fat  subtle (delicate)
 tender  sweet
 tough  nutritious
 bland  rare …
 under-done  baked …
 crispy  fried …
 fresh  steamed …
 juicy  medium …
 tasty  well-done …grilled …

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Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Resource 2 Sound Smart

The schwa in the weak vowel sound in an unstressed syllable and is
pronounced /a/. It is very common in spoken English.
tender wonderful
medium salmon
under-done sugar

Now listen to these words spoken by your Teacher and underline the
starter popular
potato waiter
pasta reservation

Resource 3 Offering to pay

Look at these short conversation and notice the expressions in bold.
A: let me get this, will you?
B: no, it’s on me.

A: Shall we split the bill?

B: No, I’ll get it. This is my treat.

Activity 1 Find examples of these kinds of restaurants

 Expensive restaurants
 Small, local restaurants
 Family restaurants
 Fast food restaurants
 Self-service restaurant

Describe the dishes below:

 Bruschetta
 Caesar salad
 Minestrone soup
 Risotto
 Ravioli
 Tiramisu
 Cheesecake
 Espresso

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Activity 2 Match the expressions (1-6) below with the correct response (a-f):

The Expressions
1. We’ve been waiting for our drinks for half an hour
2. Excuse me. These carrots are almost raw
3. I’m afraid I asked for it rare, but this steak is virtually
4. I didn’t know this dish had nuts in it. I’m allergic to
5. Don’t you have any high chairs for children to sit in?
6. Sorry, but I asked for the bill ten minutes ago.

The Response
a. Sorry, sir. I forgot to mention it. Would you like to order
a different main course?
b. I’ll find out what’s happened to it
c. Oh, dear. I’ll get some more for you
d. Sorry, Sir. I’ll bring you another one as quickly as
e. Sorry, I’ll bring them for you now.
f. I’m afraid not. Would a cushion do?

Activity 3 Imagine you are a customer in a restaurant. Look at these problems.

Think of what you can say to the waiter. Then say your answer.
You say: excuse me. My soup is cold and the bread is rather hard as
1. Your soup is cold and your bread is rather hard.
2. You’ve been waiting for your main course for twenty
3. You don’t like the wine. You think it’s “corked”.
4. The vegetables are under-cooked.

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5. You think the bill is wrong. You have been charged too
6. You asked for sparkling mineral water, but you have still
mineral water.
7. You asked for green salad, but it has tomato in it. You are
allergic to tomato.
8. Your glass of mineral water is warm.

Activity 4 Extended Practice

Make a role play with your friends

Customers: ask about the dishes on the menu and decide

what to have. Unfortunately the meal and the service are
not very good, so you will need to complain.

Waiter: welcome your customers. Explain the dishes on

the menu then take their order and serve the food

Manager: deal with any problems and try to keep the

customers happy!

Teachers Questions and Answers:

Please tick what you can do after you finish this unit

Can Do Need More

I can understand explanations of
dishes on a menu ………. ……….
I can offer to pay
………. ……….
I can complain effectively if there is
a problem ………. ……….
I can understand restaurant
reviews ………. ……….

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Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Unit 5 Living Away From Home


Unit Outcomes:
After finishing this unit, you will be able to:
 explain your accommodation requirements
 ask about alternatives to help me find the right place
 ask detailed questions about costs and legal requirements
 Deal with problems and complain effectively

have a blast : Have fun
heating : System provides warmth to the whole interior of a
building (or portion of a building) from one point to
multiple rooms
landlord : The owner of a house, apartment, condominium,
land or real estate which is rented or leased
lousy : Bad / poor quality
rental agent : The person who receives compensation to
coordinate the dealings between potential tenants
and landlords
sink : (Also sinker, washbowl, hand basin and wash basin)
is a bowl-shaped plumbing fixture used for washing
hands, for dishwashing or other purposes
tap : A device consisting of a spout and valve attached to
the end of a pipe to control the flow of a fluid
tenant : The ones who rent a house, apartment,
condominium, land or real estate

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Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Warming Up
You happen to see your old friend:
John : Excuse me, do you happen to know … hey, I know you! It’s
Tim, isn’t it?
You : John! It can’t be! Fancy seeing you here!
John : Incredible! After all this time ...
You : You’re the last person I expected to meet out here. What are you doing
here, anyway?
John : Oh, I’ve come here to work in this town and need a place to stay. I try to
find information and my Friend at the office said that I should meet some
chap who’s … wait a minute ... Of course! Timothy Simon! Now that is a

Points to Ponder:
1. Who is John?
2. What is John doing there?
3. Why does he say ‘wait a minute’?
4. Who do you think the person that John is looking for?
5. What probably the next conversation is about?

Resources and Activities:

Resource 1 Words to describe your house
a semi-detached house modern
a cottage cramped
a terrace house private
a detached house quiet
a block of flats noisy
a condominium isolated
an apartment spacious

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Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Resource 2 Asking about alternatives

Match the suitable expression. Then categorize it as expressions for
asking about alternatives or expressions for expressing a preference.
a. Do you have anything with a larger garden?
b. Is there anything away from the main road?
c. Don’t you have anything cheaper?
d. I’d rather have something near a better school
e. I’d prefer something closer to the city centre.
f. That’s the most central one we have.
g. There’s one in Hobart Street. That’s very quiet
h. We have one near the Rileys School. That’s a good one.
i. Yes. This one has nearly half an acre.
j. I’m afraid not. That’s the least expensive.

Asking permission and making request

a. Is it OK if I have broadband installed?
b. Could you send someone to repair the cooker, please?
c. Would you mind fixing the tap in the bathroom?
d. I was wondering if I would paint the kitchen a different color.

Activity 1 Try Out 1

Imagine you have just moved in to a rented flat and want to make
some changes. Think of what you can say to ask the landlord to fix
them. Then say your answer.
a. The washing machine has stopped working
You say: could you send someone to repair the washing
machine please? It’s stopped working.
b. Your bedroom window is broken
c. The heating doesn’t work properly
d. The garden is a mess
e. The front doorbell doesn’t work

Activity 2 Try Out 2

Use more elaborate expression to complain such as:
I told you four days ago that the roof in my bedroom leaks.
But nobody has been to repair it yet. I’m not very happy
about this all. When are you going to send someone to fix it?

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Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Now, try to practice elaborating the expressions by using the issues

listed below:
 Roof in bedroom leaks (told four days ago)
 Smoke alarm broken (told two weeks ago)
 Gardening not done (for two months)
 Kitchen sink blocked ( since last week)
 Saw mouse in the kitchen (last night)

Resource 2 Reduced Forms

Standard English Transformation Reduced language

(Have) you been here You  ya Ya been ‘ere long?
long? Here  ‘ere
What are you doing? What are you  wha-der-ya Wha-der-ya doin’?
-ing  -in’
I’m just thinking about About  ‘bout I’m just thinkin’ ‘bout
what I ought to do after Ought to  awda wha-die-awda do after
high school high school
What do you want to do What do you  wha-dya Wha-dya wanna do after
after you graduate (what did you  wha-dja) ya graduate
Want to  wanna
*) do you alone may reduce
to dya
I don’t know Don’t know  dunno I dunno
I’m going to be a pilot Going to  gonna I’m gonna be a pilot.
because they get to go Because  ‘cause ‘cause they getta go
wherever they want to Get to  getta wherever they wanna
I want to go to Indonesia To  da I wanna go da Indonesia
and France And ’n’ ‘n’ France
Don’t you know anything Don’t you  don-chya Don-chya know anything
about geography? ‘bout geography
You have to study harder Have to  hafta Ya hafta study harder
(has to  hasta)
I want to get out of here Out of  ouda I wanna get ouda here
What did he want What did he  what-dee Wha-dee want?
Do you know the time? Do you dya Dya know the time?
Won’t you please come? Won’t you  won-chya Won-chya please come?
Is this your hat? Your  yer Is this yer hat?
She must have been sick Must have  must-uv She must-uv been sick

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Activity 3 Extended Practice 1

Read the sentences below and try to make reduced forms of the
1. What do you know about South America?
2. Do you like sushi?
3. What are you thinking about?
4. I don’t know
5. I want to go hiking.
6. You have to do it!
7. He ought to be working.
8. Do you not like rock and roll?
9. How are you going to do it?
10. What did he say?

Activity 4 Extended Practice 2

Make reduced forms out of the conversation below and practice it
with your friend.
Two teenagers, Pam and Stan, are discussing their futures.
Pam : Hi, Stan. You been here long?
Stan : No, Just got here
Pam : What are you doing?
Stan : Nothing much. I’m just thinking about what I ought to do after
high school.
Pam : What do you want to do after you graduate?
Stan : I don’t know. What do you want to do?
Pam : I’m going to be a pilot because they get to go wherever they
want to.
Stan : Where do you want to go?
Pam : I want to go to Indonesia and France
Stan : Indonesia?
Pam : It’s in Asia. Don’t you know anything about geography?
Stan : Nah, I had a lousy teacher for geography.
Pam : You have to study harder, Stan, or you’ll stay in high school
Stan : That’s OK with me. High school is really interesting. I’m having
a blast!
Pam : I really like it too, but someday I want to get out of here
Stan : Hey, why don’t we go out for lunch?
Pam : I can’t. I’m going to see my uncle.
Stan : That’s too bad! Maybe we can have lunch some other time.

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Pam : Yeah, but I’ll see you tomorrow anyway. We’re going to go to
the movies, right?
Stan : Yeah, I’ll see you at 08.00
Pam : Bye.

Teachers Questions and Answers:

Please tick what you can do after you finish this unit

Can Do Need More

I can explain my accommodation
………. ……….
I can ask about alternatives to help
………. ……….
me find the right place
I can ask detailed questions about ………. ……….
costs and legal requirements
I can deal with problems and ……… ………
complain effectively

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Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Unit 6 Shopping


Unit Outcomes:
After finishing this unit, you will be able to:
 Make complain in a shop
 Understand a shop’s returns policy
 Ask questions about various products
 Bargain and reach an agreement

a bargain : (N) something on sale at a much lower price than normal
a credit voucher : (N) a piece of paper from a shop that allows you to buy
goods up to the value shown
a receipt : A piece of paper you receive that proves what you
bought, when, and how much you paid
a refund : (N) money you receive when you return something
an extended warranty : (N) a guarantee that lasts longer than the normal period
Faulty : (Adj) describing an item which is not working correctly
to exchange : (V) to change something you bought for something else
of similar value
to haggle : (v) To negotiate the price of something before buying it

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Warming Up
Brian : Wow there sure is a lot of stuff this shop!
Mr Smith : Yes, I’ve collected things from almost every country in the world.
Nancy : What’s this?
Mr Smith : It’s Kora.
Brian : It looks like a type of musical instrument.
Mr Smith : It is musical instrument. The strings are plucked with the thumbs.
Nancy : Where’s it from.
Mr Smith : It’s from Sahara desert region of Africa.
Brian : How about this?
Mr Smith : This called a raclette machine. It’s from Switzerland.
Brian : What’s it used for?
Mr Smith : It’s used for melting a special cheese over potatoes. Pickles and
onion are added after it’s cooked.
Nancy : How about this?
Mr Smith : That’s our Japanese section. It’s called a Tansu.
Nancy : What’s it used for?
Mr Smith : It’s a kind of furniture used to store clothing. They are usually made
from very beautiful kinds of wood.
Brian : Does it have two parts?
Mr Smith : Yes, most tansu consist of two sections; a top and a bottom.
Nancy : What’s this?
Mr Smith : That’s a Kotatsu, also from Japan.
Nancy : Uh-huh. It looks like a low table.
Mr Smith : Yes there’s a heater under the table so that people sitting down
feel warm.
Nancy : That’s amazing!
Brian : Where are all of these cloths from?
Mr Smith : Those are Indonesian Batiks.
Brian : Batiks?
Mr Smith : Yes, the dying process is very complicated.
Brian : They’re beautiful. What are they used for?
Mr Smith : They used for anything and everything.
Nancy : This is an incredible shop.
Mr Smith : I’m glad that you like it.
Nancy : What’s this?
Mr Smith : It’s a Mexican hammock. It comes from the Yucatan Peninsula.
Brian : A hammock. It’s so big.
Mr Smith : Yes, it’s the biggest size. A husband and wife can sleep in it

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Brian : It is used for sleeping?
Mr Smith : Yes.
Brian : What’s it made of?
Mr Smith : It’s made of fine cotton thread.
Brian : What’s this?
Nancy : Is this Chinese Pottery?
Mr Smith : Actually, that’s from Thailand. It’s called Celadon.
Nancy : It’s very similar to Chinese pottery.
Mr Smith : Yes, you’re right. The Celadon technique came from China. (pause)
Well, I need to be back to work.
Nancy : Thank you very much for showing us your shop. Can we keep
looking around?
Mr Smith : Yes, feel free to stay as long as you want. I’ll be in the office if you
need me.
Brian : Thanks.
Mr Smith : Come in later and we’ll have some tea.
Nancy : We’ll do that.

Points to Ponder:
1. Where are they?
2. Whose shop are they visiting?
3. What are the things in the shop?
4. What is special from the shop?
5. Are they looking for a certain thing to buy?

Resources and Activities

Resource 1 Classification
It looks like a type of musical instrument.
It’s a kind of furniture.

It’s very similar to Chinese pottery.
It looks like a low table.

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That’s called a raclette machine. (called=named)

Question Answers
Does it have two parts? Yes, most tansu consist of two
sections: A top and a bottom.

Question Answers
What’s it used for? It’s used for melting a special
cheese over potatoes

It’s used to store clothing.

Used to + verb + ing
Used to + verb

Question Answers
What is made of? They are usually made from
very beautiful woods.

It’s made of fine cotton thread.

Question Answers
Where’s it from? It’s from the Sahara desert
region of Africa.

It comes from the Yucatan


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Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Resource 2 Accepting and Rejecting Price

To accept a price: To reject a price:

That’s OK with me. No, I can’t pay that
OK. That’s fine Sorry, it’s too much
It’s a deal It’s not worth it.

Activity 1 Extended
Try Out 1 Practice

Choose an electronic item you own, e.g. A television or a

mobile phone, and make a list of its features. Then
imagine a friend asks you about it. Talk about its features.

Activity 1 Try Out 2

Half of the class is market stakeholders; the other half is customers.

Stallholders: decide what items you have to sell, e.g.

Jacket, a camera, and the price. Try to sell them.

Customers: speak to various stallholders. Find out what

they are selling haggle.

Resource 3 When shopping, sometimes you will need to say your preferences or
A : Hey, there’s a recently open pop shop! They also sell pop
music albums. I really love pop music.
B : Oh? I prefer rock n’ roll to pop music.
A : There’s a new released book out in the store. It is about
paintings. I really love painting.
B : Me too. I’m crazy about Picasso.

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Activity 3 Extended Practice

In pairs, fill in the blanks. Then tell your partner your answers. The
listener must respond to the speaker, using listener expressions and
an opinion/preference.
Try to answer the questions below with your partner.
1. I really love _____________________________
2. I really hate _____________________________
3. I usually watch ______________________________
4. My favorite is _____________________________
5. Lately I have been listening to ________________________
6. I prefer __________________ to _____________________
7. I like __________________ better than _______________

In pairs, interview a partner using the question above. Ask for

reasons for each of your partner’s answer.

Interview questions:
 You prefer electric to acoustic musical instruments, don’t you?
 You like loud better than soft music, don’t you?
 What musical instruments have you studied?
 What is you favorite song or piece of music?

Teachers Questions and Answers:

Please tick what you can do after you finish this unit

Can Do Need More

I can make complain in a shop ………. ……….
I can understand a shop’s returns
………. ……….
I can ask questions about various ………. ……….
I can bargain and reach an ……… ………

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Unit 7 Sightseeing


Unit Outcomes:
After finishing this unit, you will be able to:
 Ask for recommendations before going on a trip
 Understand the details of a guided tour
 Interrupt politely and ask further explanation
 Ask for further details

cosmopolitan : International
crowded : Full
fascinating : Interesting
lively : Vibrant
old-fashioned : Historic
peaceful : Quiet
picturesque : Beautiful
polluted : Dirty
pricey : Expensive
touristy : Popular
trend : Fashionable

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Warming Up
Where the last place you visited on a sightseeing trip? Did you enjoy it?
Did you enjoy it?
What is the best way to look around a city? Number these options in order (1-4)
 On your own
 With a friend
 With a group of friends
 On a guide tour

Resources and Activities:

Resource 1 a. Making polite request
b. Do you think you could suggest a few places to see?
c. I don’t suppose you know anywhere good to stay?
d. I wonder if you’d mind giving me a bit of advice.

Resource 2 Asking for Recommendation

Here are some expressions you can use to ask for recommendations
 Do you think I should …
 Is it worth visiting/ going to ….
 Do you think it is good idea to walk to ….
 Is it too far to walk to …
 Would you recommend going to the ….

Resource 3 Interrupting politely

 Sorry, can I ask a question?
 I’m sorry, but could I ask a question?
 Excuse me. I have a question.
 Sorry to interrupt, but …
 Could I interrupt for a moment?

Resource 4 Asking for further details

 Can you say (a bit) more about..?
 I’d like to know more about …
 I’d be interested to hear more about …

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Activity 1 Try Out

Imagine you are going on a short sightseeing trip. You know
someone who comes from the place you are visiting. Ask politely for
Example: on accommodation
You say: I was wondering if you could suggest a good place to

Now try to obtain information on details below:

 weather  money  shopping  nightlife

 transport  food  safely

Activity 2 Extended Practice

1. Underline the expressions you can use for recommendation.
Do you think I should exchange money at a bank or bureau of
Is it worth visiting the aquarium?
Do you think it’s good idea to walk to the castle, or is it too far?
Would you recommend going to the National Museum?

3. Speak up!
Imagine you are on holiday in Singapore. There are lots of
things to do and you don’t have much time. Look at the
pictures and ask the hotel receptionist for some

For instance:

Is it worth going on a sightseeing bus?

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Teachers Questions and Answers:

Please tick what you can do after you finish this unit

Can Do Need More

I can ask for recommendations
………. ……….
before going on a trip
I can understand the details of a ……….
guided tour
I can interrupt politely and ask ………. ……….
further explanation
I can ask for further details ……… ………
complain effectively

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Unit 8 Travelling


Unit Outcomes:

Upon the completion of this unit, the students will be able to:
 make recommendations
 respond to recommendation
 ask for detailed information

emergency numbers : Local phone numbers to call during emergency
which are phone numbers of the Police, Fire
Department, and ambulance. The number is varied
from country to country; e.g. the Police number in
Indonesia is 110, USA is 911, and UK is 112 or 999.
en route : On the route.
excess : More than is necessary.
international license : International driving license. License one needs to
obtain to be eligible to drive in different country
other than his/her own.
mileage : The distance that a vehicle has travelled, measured
in miles.

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Resources and Activities:

Activity 1 Warm Up
Let’s discuss and share to class about your travelling experience:
1. Do you like to travel? What do you like or don’t like about traveling?
2. Where do you like to travel?
☐ around the city ☐ different countries ☐ rural areas

☐ the mountain ☐ the beach ☐ big cities

3. Who do you prefer to travel with?
☐ with family ☐ with friends ☐ alone
4. Which one is the best way to travel?
☐ with a tour, so everything is organized for you
☐ by booking transport and hotel in advance
☐ no fixed plan, making all the arrangements en route

5. Match each type of holiday below:

☐ a cruise ☐ a city break

☐ a skiing holiday ☐ camping holiday
☐ holiday by the seaside ☐ an activity holiday

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Resource 1 How should I express it?

There are some useful expressions that you can use when you travel.
Do you know how to use them?

Is insurance included?
Do I have to pay an excess if I have an accident?
Is accident cover included?
What documents do I need?

What range of cars do you have?

Can I rent a car one-way?
Is there a mileage limit?
Do you provide child care seats?

What time does it leave?

Where exactly does it leave

How long does it last?

What exactly is included?
Is there anything you have to pay
extra for?

OK. That’s good to know. Thanks for the tip.

That sounds worth a visit.

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Resource 2 What I might hear

These are some expressions that you might hear when you travel.
Do you know in what situation you may hear them?

I recommend staying there.

I recommend you stay at the Emerald Lake Lodge

It’s expensive, but it’s well worth going there.

It’s not really worth staying there too long.

It’s a perfect place to explore from.

Actually, we have a special offer on at the moment.

Full cover is provided for every named driver.

There’s a 24-hour emergency number to call if you
need assistance.
You need a valid driver’s license or an international
license with a passport.
What class of car would you like to have?

You should definitely hire a car.

We’ll pick you up by bus outside the hotel.

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Activity 2 Let’s Talk! 1

By using the expression you have learned, find a partner and let’s do
a role play.

Student A saw an advertisement on a cruise to Pherro Island.

Student B is the one managing the cruise. Student A asks Student
B further information on the cruise.


Departs from Pherro Harbour

Route: West to Coral Bay

(Sea Bottom Observation Deck Visit 50 USD extra)

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Resource 3 Sound Smart

The sounds /t/, /d/, and /h/ often disappear in connected

speech. For instance:
Why doesn(‘t) she ren(t) the For(d) Fiesta?
Did (h)e say (h)e’d (h)ave the car for nex(t) week?

Activity 3 Look at the sentences below. Which /t/, /d/, and /h/ sounds do you
think are not pronounced?
a) I’ve go(t) jus(t) one question.
b) You didn’t say you couldn’t swim.
c) We could go tomorrow.
d) You must be tired.
e) Have you played before?
f) I managed to talk to her last night.
g) Are you taking him to the station?
h) I didn’t know the answer, so I kept quiet.

Activity 4 Language Focus

Phrasal Verbs
Complete the sentences using the particles below. a) part has been
done for you :

around to off back in out of back up off

a) What time shall we set ……off….. tomorrow?

b) We’ll pick you …………………………. at six.
c) I forgot to bring …………………………. any souvenirs, I’m afraid.
d) I’m looking forward …………………………. this trip.
e) You can’t check …………………………. before 2 pm.
f) The best way to get …………………………. the city is by train.
g) We checked …………………………. the hotel and then left.

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

h) All my friends saw me …………………………. at the airport.

i) I didn’t get …………………………. to the hotel until very late.

Activity 5 Making Recommendations

Look at the expressions below. Which can you use:
a to recommend someone to do something?
b to recommend someone not to do something?

1. It’s well worth ……………… ☐

2. Don’t bother ……………… ☐

3. You should definitely ……………….. ☐

4. It’s not really worth ……………… ☐

5. I recommend (that) you ……………….. ☐

6. I wouldn’t ……………….. if I were you. ☐

7. I recommend ……………… ☐

Teachers Questions and Answers:

Please tick what you can do after you finish this unit

Can Do Need More

I can understand how to make travel
arrangements ………. ……….

I can make and respond to ………. ……….


I can ask for detailed travel ………. ……….


English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Unit 9 Money Talks

Unit Outcomes:
Upon the completion of this unit, the students will be able to:
 clarify statement
 ask for clarification
 ask someone to repeat statement or information

bank statement : A printed record of all the money paid into and out
of a customer’s bank account within a particular
period, usually monthly and yearly.
checking account : A deposit account held at a bank for the purpose of
securely and quickly providing frequent access to funds
on demand, through a variety of different channels.
cheque (british english) : “Check” in American English. Printed form that you
can write on and sign as a way of paying for
something instead of using money.
e-saving account : Online saving account.
interest : Extra money that you pay back when you borrow
money or you receive when you invest money.
overdraft : The amount of money that you owe to bank when
you have spent more money than is in your bank
pay-in slip : A bank record which he customer has to fill in before
depositing the cash into bank.
penalty : Punishment for breaking the contract.
saving account : Account with interest.
traveler’s cheque : A cheque for a fixed amount that can be cashed or used
in payment after endorsement with the holder's

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Resources and Activities:

Activity 1 Warm Up
1. Discuss these questions below:
- How do you save your money?
- Do you go to Bank often?
- What kind of activity do you do at the Bank?

2. Check the picture below:

What are these?

Look at the picture above and write the number of each item (1-7) next
to the correct word or phrase (a-g)
a) a chequebook …………..
b) a bank card …………..
c) a bank book …………..
d) a bank statement …………..
e) a paying-in slip …………..
f) an ATM machine …………..
g) some traveller’s cheques …………..

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Resource 1 How should I express it?

These are some expressions that are useful to use when you are at a Bank
Do you know how to use them?

Things you can say

 I’d like to open an account, please.
 I’d like to pay this cheque into my current account, please.
 Can I send some money abroad from here?
 I want to deposit this money into my savings account.
 I’d like to buy some traveler’s cheque, please.
 Could I see someone to arrange an overdraft, please?
 Does that mean I can get the money immediately?
 So that means if I save over 25,000 USD, I’ll get 3.5% interest?
 Do you mean that I can’t withdraw the money for three years?
 So you’re saying that I have to pay 300 USD if I want to open this
 What do you mean by “penalty”?
 I’m sorry. Can you explain what “variable” means?
 Could you say that again?
 I’m sorry, but I didn’t quite catch that.
 I don’t quite get what you mean.
 Can you run that by me again, please?

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Resource 2 What I might hear

These are some expressions that you might hear when you travel.
Do you know in what situation you may hear them?

Things you may hear

 I’ll need to see some form of identification, such as your
passport, or driving license.
 I can certainly order a replacement for you here.
 You need to telephone our 24-hour emergency number to
report it.
 Can I have your paying-in slip and your bank card, too, please?
 Utility bills take seven working days to go through.
 Which type of savings account do you want?
 If you want to withdraw some money, then you should give 30
days’ notice.
 If you take money out, you won’t get any interest for that
 You have to apply online for that.
 We can’t do it here in the branch.

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Activity 2 Language Focus

Match each verb with an expression.
a borrow an overdraft
b lend a cheque into your account
c withdraw money to someone
d deposit money from your account
e arrange money from the bank

Resource 4 Confirming Details

Check out the mini conversation below. Underline the phrase Raymond
uses to make sure he has understood correctly.

Bank Clerk : Our e-Savings account has instant access, too.

Raymond : Does that mean I can get the money immediately?
Bank Clerk : Yes, and there is no penalty.

Here are some expressions you can use.

So, in other words, ………? Do you mean ………..?

So you’re saying that ……………..? So that means ……….?

Activity 3 Let’s Talk! 1

By using the expression you have learned, find a partner and let’s do a role

Make a pair. Student A is thinking about opening a saving account.

However, student A does not have any clue which Bank gives better
service. So student A asks student B about this. Student B helps to
provide the explanations and Student A confirms the information
whether it is clear or not.

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Resource 5 Asking About Terms You Don’t Understand

Check out the mini conversation below. Underline the phrase Raymond
uses to ask the bank clerk to explain a term he does not understand.

Bank clerk : There’s penalty if you take the money out.

Raymond : What do you mean by “penalty”?
Bank Clerk : Well, if you withdraw money, then you won’t get
interest for that month.

Here are some expressions you can use.

What exactly does …………………………………. mean?

I’m sorry. Can you explain what …………………………… means?

Activity 4 Let’s Talk! 2

Make a pair and create a role play based on any of the scenario below.
Ask bank clerk about information on saving account and checking account.
There are some details that you need to clarify. The clerk is using difficult
terms that you ask for an explanation.
Going to a bank and complain about unrecognized transaction on your
account. The clerk checks it for you and explains that someone is using
your checking account illegally. The explanation is too complicated that
you demand the clerk to clarify it for you.

Teachers Questions and Answers:

Please tick what you can do after you finish this unit

Can Do Need More

I can ask wide services at Banks ………. ……….

I can understand detailed explanations of different ………. ……….

bank accounts

I can ask for clarification and explanation ………. ……….

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Unit 10 Health


Unit Outcomes:
Upon the completion of this unit, the students will be able to:
 describe symptoms
 show concern and relief
 reconfirm to support understanding on certain matter

blotch : A mark, usually not regular in shape, on skin, plants,
materials, etc.
cast : Case that covers broken bone and covers it.
crutch/crutches : One or two long sticks that you put under your arms
to help you walk after you have injured your leg or
hay fever : An illness that affects the nose, eyes and throat and
is caused by pollen from plants that are breathed in
from the air.
intestine : A long tube in the body between the stomach and
the anus.
lethargic : Not excited. Weary.
nauseous : Feels like about to vomit.
numb : Unable to feel anything.
rash : An area of red spots on a person’s skin, caused by
an illness or a reaction to something.
runny nose : A condition when your nose runs (that is, when liquid
comes out of your nose because of a cold, allergy, or
splitting headache : Intolerably painful, acute headache.

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Resources and Activities:

Activity 1 Warm Up
1. What are common health problem that you know?
2. Tick the health problem below that you or someone that you know
suffers from.
☐ skin problems ☐ insomnia
☐ asthma ☐ hay fever
☐ migraines ☐ high blood pressure
☐ stress ☐ gastritis
3. Match the picture (1-6) to each word provided below (a-f)
a an injection ☐ b an inhaler ☐ c crutches ☐
d antibiotics ☐ e a cast ☐ f a thermometer ☐

Did you know?

A dermatologist specializes in skin problems.
An ophthalmologist treats eye diseases.
A pediatrician is a specialist in children’s health.
A psychiatrist specializes in mental health.
A cardiologist is a heart specialist.

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Resource 1 How should I express it?

These are some expressions that are useful to use when you visit a doctor.
Do you know how to use them?

Things you can say

 I think I’m coming down with the flu.
 It started last week.
 I’ve been feeling like this since yesterday.
 I’ve got a runny nose, a sore throat and a
headache, as well.
 I feel a little feverish.
 I’ve been taking some aspirin,
 Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.
 Well, that’s good news.
 How awful!
 Oh, no! That’s terrible.
 Thank goodness for that!
 Oh, dear. Really?
 What a relief!

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Resource 2 What I might hear

These are some expressions that you might hear when you see a doctor.
Do you know in what situation you may hear them?

Things you may hear

 What seems to be the trouble?
 Do you know when it started?
 How long have you been feeling like this?
 Where does it hurt exactly?
 Is it painful if I do this?
 Do you know if you are allergic to anything?
 Have you got any other symptoms?
 Have you been taking anything for it?
 Well, I’d better take a look.
 I recommend aspirin to relieve the aches and pains.
 You should drink lots of water and stay in bed.
 The problem should go in a couple of days.
 You need to exercise more often.

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Activity 2 Language Focus

Describing health problems
1. Write each word in the correct category:

dry stabbing dull tickly shooting chesty

Words to describe cough:

dry, ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
Words to describe pain :

2. Complete the sentences, using the words below.

sprained runny blotches bleed sore feverish

temperature numb swollen itchy rash

a. My foot is badly …..swollen…..

b. I need some tissues. I’ve got a …………………………. nose.
c. Have you got anything for a …………………………. throat?
d. Mike often has a nose …………………………. in the morning.
e. Aunt Sophia has …………………………. her ankle.
f. I’ve got a high ………………………….
g. I feel very …………………………. I’m sweating a lot.
h. I have no feeling in my fingers. They’re ………………………….
i. I’ve got a bad …………………………. on my arm.
j. What are these …………………………. all over my neck?
k. My legs are very …………………………. I can’t stop scratching.

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

3. Match the health problem (a-f) with the symptoms (1-6)

a food poisoning 1 have a splitting headache, feel dizzy
b depression 2 have trouble sleeping, can’t unwind or relax
c hay fever 3 have stomach cramps, feel nauseous, have diarrhea
d migraine 4 feel lethargic, lacking in energy, pessimistic
e insomnia 5 have watery eyes, sneeze a lot, feel breathless
f a fever 6 have a high temperature, shiver and sweat

Resource 3 Describing Symptoms

Check out the mini conversation below. Mohammed describes his health
problem to the doctor.

Doctor : Now, what seems to be trouble?

Mohammed : I’ve got a terrible pain in my shoulder.

Here are some expressions you can use to describe your symptoms.

I think I’m suffering from stress.

I’m coming down with the flu.
My arm aches.

Resource 4 Reconfirming
Look at the extract from Bernie’s conversation with the doctor.
How does she check she has understood correctly?

Doctor : I’ll give you a prescription for some tablets. They’re

good. Take two every four hours and it should sort
itself out in a few days.
Bernie : OK, so I need to take two tablets every four hours.

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

You can also use these expressions when you want to reconfirm the

So, you mean I should …………………………

Right, so you’re saying I have to ………………………

Activity 3 Let’s Talk! 1

By using the expressions and vocabularies above, let’s set a role play.

Half of the class are the doctors; the other half are patients.

Patients: Imagine you are ill. Make a list of your symptoms.

Then find a doctor and describe what’s wrong.
Listen carefully to the doctor’s diagnosis and
instructions. Make sure you get all the information
you need and reconfirm to assure you understand

Doctors: Listen to your patients describe their health problems.

Ask questions to help you make an accurate diagnosis.
Then prescribe some medicine and give instructions.
Make sure the patient get the information needed.

Activity 4 Showing Concern and Relief

Underline the expressions to express concern and relief.
1. At the hospital

Dr Vasquez : You have some sort of virus, I’m afraid.

Patient : Oh, dear. Really? Are you sure?
Dr Vasquez : Yes. I don’t think it’s too serious, though.
Patient : Thank goodness for that!

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

2. Conversation between Debbie and Sarah

Debbie : I just get my lab result and it confirms that I have infection
in my intestine
Sarah : Oh, no. I am sorry to hear that.
Debbie : Thank you. The doctor says the infection can be cured.
Sarah : Thanks God!

3. Write C (concern) or R (relief) next to each expression below.

a. Thank goodness for that! …..R……
b. Oh, no. That’s terrible. …………………
c. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. …………………
d. Well, that’s good news. …………………
e. Oh, dear. Really? …………………
f. How awful! …………………
g. Phew! …………………
h. What a relief! …………………

Activity 5 Sound Smart

Say these sentences aloud. Which words do you think are linked with /w/
or /j/? some sentences have more than one example.
/w/ /w/
a. Are you allergic to anything?
b. Come back at the end of the week and we’ll see if you’re better.
c. It’s not serious, so I don’t want to give you any tablets.
d. The exercise will help you a lot, so please do it!
e. Who is your regular doctor?
f. You are quite ill, I’m afraid.
g. The good news is that we aren’t going to operate.
h. Your knee is a lot better now.

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Activity 6 Let’s Talk! 2

By using the expressions and vocabularies above, let’s set a role play.

Make a group of 2 or three.

One of you just visited a doctor. The doctor explains that he/she
needs some medical treatments.
The other student/s listens/listen carefully and share concern
toward the condition.
You make take turn on each role

Teachers Questions and Answers:

Please tick what you can do after you finish this unit

Can Do Need More

I can describe range of symptoms
………. ……….

………. ……….
I can understand the doctor’s
diagnosis and instructions.

………. ……….
I can react to news, showing
concern and relief.

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Unit 11 Emergencies


Unit Outcomes:
Upon the completion of this unit, the students will be able to:
 describe someone’s appearance
 describe things
 get to the point

muscular : Having large strong muscle.
permed : Curly hair style by using chemicals which may last
for several months.
scruffy : Dirty or untidy.
stocky : A person who is short but has strong and solid

Resources and Activities:

Activity 1 Warm Up
1. Which emergencies services have you had before? What situation
were you involved in? Tick the box for the answer.
police ☐
ambulance ☐
fire department ☐
coast guard ☐

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

2. How many phrases can you made by adding police or fire to the
words below?
officer car brigade fighter alarm
engine station siren force

police officer, …………………………………………………………………………….


3. Unscramble the letters to find the verbs and complete each

a orretp ………….. an accident
b nweisst ………………………. a crime
c mcitmo ………………………. a crime
d earkb ………………………. the law
e ctcah ………………………. a criminal
f tiingavtese ………………………. a robbery
g aepesc ………………………. from the police
h reasrt ………………………. a suspect
i crgaeh ………………………. someone with a crime

Activity 2 Language Focus 1

Adjectives to describe appearance
Write these words and expressions next to the correct category.

in his thirties slim forty-ish

wavy curly overweight

muscular scruffy stocky

round smart oval

Height/ casual skinny
build: ………………………………………………………………………….
Hair: ………………………………………………………………………………………..
straight permed square
Age: in his thirties, …………………………………………………………………..
Face: ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Style of dress: ………………………………………………………………………….

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Resource 1 How should I express it?

These are some expressions that are useful to use when you describe
someone or something.
Do you know how to use them?

Things you can say

 He’s short and stocky with long, wavy dark hair and a
square face.
 He looks in his early 20s and he’s quite scruffy.
 He’s slightly overweight.
 He’s wearing a blue jacket and a patterned tie.
 She’s medium height, rather skinny and she looks in her
 She looks very smart.
 She’s got some black high heels on and she’s carrying a
 He’s got on a pair of white running shoes.
 She looks fairly casual.
 It’s a small, black leather bag, with a zip along the top and
a shoulder strap.

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Resource 2 What I might hear

These are some expressions that you might hear when you are asked to
describe something or someone. Some of the expressions might also be
heard when you are asked to describe or explain emergency situation.
In which emergency situation will you hear these expressions?

Things you may hear

 Just let me get the right form.
 Can you describe the bag?
 Are there any distinguishing marks on it?
 Which service do you require?
 Where do you need the ambulance to come to?
 What has happened there?
 How many people are hurt?
 What exactly did you see?
 How fast was the car travelling?
 So how did the car hit the cyclist?
 Was the cyclist on the wrong side of the road?
 What about the car?
 So the collision happened here, you say?

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Activity 3 Let’s Talk! 1

Giving Description
1. Look at this extract. Underline the words and phrases Shane uses to
describe the thief.
Guard : OK. Did you get a look at him?
Shane : Yes. He was medium height with short dark hair and glasses.
Oh, and he had a moustache.

2. Look at the pictures below and describe each person’s appearance in

detail, including what they wear

Activity 4 Language Focus 2

Order on Adjectives
Look at the usual order of adjectives below, and then rearrange the
adjectives in each sentence.

opinion – size – age – shape – color – origin – material

a. I lost a Italian blue lovely silk scarf yesterday.
I lost a … scarf yesterday.
b. Someone’s stolen my black new denim jacket.
Someone’s stolen my …………………………………… jacket.
c. My pink wonderful diamond bracelet is missing.
My ……………….………………………… bracelet is missing.
d. It’s a rectangular large mahogany desk.
It’s a …………………………..…………………………… desk.
e. Someone’s taken my French tall crystal vase.
Someone’s taken my ………………………………………… vase.

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Activity 5 Describing Things

1. Look at the mini conversation below. Underline the words and
phrased Jack uses to describe his bag.
Guard : Can you describe the bag?
Jack : It’s a small, black leather bag with a zip along the top and
shoulder strap
2. Look at these bags and describe each one as fully as you can.

Activity 6 Let’s Talk! 2

Imagine someone has stolen something of yours, e.g. your camera

or mobile phone. With your partner, role play a conversation to
report the theft.

Activity 7 Getting to the Point

If you need to call the emergency services, you should speak clearly and
answer each question as directly as you can.
You need to:

 ask for the service you require

 say where you are
 say what has happened
 say if any people are injured

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Activity 8 Let’s Talk! 3

Imagine you witness the following situation and call the

emergency services to come to the place of accident.
The police officer: interview everybody and decide who is to
blame for the accident.
Witness : say exactly what you saw.
Cyclist : give your side of the story.
Motorist : give your version of events.

With your partners, role play a conversation to report this.

Teachers Questions and Answers:

Please tick what you can do after you finish this unit

Need More Practice Can Do Need More

I can describe people and ……….
things ……….

I can report an incident to ………. ……….

emergency services
………. ……….
I can get straight to the

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Unit 12 Bureaucracy


Unit Outcomes:
Upon the completion of this unit, the students will be able to:
 asking for clarification
 being concise and to the point

eligible : Qualified. Fits the criteria.
entry clearance : The technical description for obtaining a UK visa. There
are entry clearances for visitors and for work permit
social insurance number : A nine-digit number that you require to work in Canada
or to receive government benefits.

Resources and Activities:

Activity 1 Warm Up
1. Can you identify these documents?

2. Do you know when and why you need these documents?

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Resource 1 How should I express it?

These are some expressions that are useful to use when you work on visa
or other official documents.
Do you know how to use them?

Things you can say

 Can I extend my stay if I decide to study here
 Sorry, what exactly does “entry clearance”
 Can you explain what this term means?
 I need job support while I’m here.

Resource 2 What I might hear

These are some expressions that you might hear when you work on official
What kind of official documents do you need?

Things you may hear

 You need to fill out this form.
 Have you got all the supporting documents?
 You should check whether you are eligible before you
 You need to send the documents by registered mail.
 You need to provide your birth certificate in English.

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Activity 2 Language Focus

Official Documents
Imagine you are applying for a visa. Here are some phrases you may hear.
Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from the box.

status run out signature print

register official fill in origin

a. The …..official…..dealing with your application is at counter 17.

b. Please ………………………………… this form and take a ticket.
c. Your passport will ………………………………… in a few months. You need to
renew it.
d. If you want to make an application then you have to
………………………………… first.
e. We need your ………………………………… at the bottom of every page.
f. Can you ………………………………… your name in block capitals please?
g. What’s your marital …………………………………?
h. Please put your name and country of …………………………………

Activity 3 Asking for Clarification

1. Look at the mini-conversation between Yuki and the visa officer.
Underline the expression she uses to ask the visa officer to explain a
term she doesn’t understand.

Visa officer : ….. with your passport, two recent color

passport-sized photos and the necessary
supporting documents.
Yuki : Sorry, what do you mean by “supporting

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

2. Here are some other expressions you can use.

What exactly does ……………………………… mean?

I’m sorry. Can you explain what ……………………………… means?
Sorry. I don’t understand. What are ………………………………?

Activity 4 Let’s Talk! 1

By using the expressions you have learned, create a role play in pairs.

Prepare to role play an interview for a visa. Decide with your partner
who will be the interviewer and who will be the applicant.

Make a list of questions to ask. You can use the questions in this unit
to help you.

Prepare for the interview. Anticipate what questions you may be
asked and practice your answers.

Take turns for the role with your pair.

Resource 3 Be Concise and To the Point

If you have an interview for a visa or permit, you will need to answer
questions that the officials may have regarding your application.

a. keep your answers short and to the point?
b. talk a lot, giving all the information you can think of?

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Activity 5 Let’s Talk! 2

By using the expressions you have learned, create a role play in pairs.
Choose one of the cases below. One student will be the traveler/ the
student and the other one is the Immigration officer.

You are travelling through Europe on holiday. You’ve been in

France for three weeks and really like it. You want to stay longer
so you have found a job in a supermarket. You need to apply for a
temporary work permit. You intend to leave in a few months to
continue your trip around Europe. You have all the necessary
supporting documentation.

You are studying sociology at university in Canada. You need to

get job to support yourself for the next year while you study. You
have found a job in a local restaurant but you need a work permit
to work off campus. You haven’t got Social Insurance Number.

Teachers Questions and Answers:

Please tick what you can do after you finish this unit

Can Do Need More

I can enquire official ………. ……….

I can understand explanations ………. ……….

of the various steps involved in
official processes

I can answer questions clearly ………. ……….

and concisely

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Unit 13 Problems at Work


Unit Outcomes:
Upon the completion of this unit, the students will be able to:
 deal with complaints
 confirm information
 put forward a solution

committed : Dedicated.
courteous : Polite. Well-mannered.
tactful : Polite. Thoughtful.

Resources and Activities:

Activity 1 Warm Up
1. Match each adjective (a-f) with another adjective (1-6) that has similar
a. polite 1. tactful
b. flexible 2. well-informed
c. sympathetic 3. dedicated
d. committed 4. caring
e. knowledgeable 5. accommodating
f. diplomatic 6. courteous

2. Have you ever had to interact with Customer Service staff of a

company? What kind of qualities do you see in Customer Service Staff?

3. From the qualities shown on section (1), choose 3 (three) most

important qualities you think someone needs to work in Customer
Services. Then explain the reason of your choice to class.

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Activity 2 Language Focus

Handling Customer Complaints
1. These are some expressions commonly used in Customer Services
Do you know how to use them?

a. I’m sorry for …………………………..

b. I’m afraid we’ve been …………………………..
c. Please give me a moment and I’ll get back to you.
d. I’ll get onto it.
e. I do apologize for …………………………..
f. I understand, but unfortunately we’ve been having ……………………..
g. Could you bear with me ………………………….., please?
h. I’ll sort it out.

2. Based on the expressions above, put them under these categories.

Ask someone to be patient ………. ……….

Apologize ………. ……….
Promise to take action ………. ……….
Explain the cause of a problem ………. ……….

Resource 1 How should I express it?

These are some expressions that are useful to use when you have to deal
with Customer Services or when you have to deal with complaints.
Do you know how to use them?

Things you can say

 I need it urgently.
 How can we sort this out?
 Can you post the order special delivery?
 I think the air conditioning’s on the blink again.
 I can’t get this fax to go through.
 The computer keeps crashing.
 Have you any idea what this symbol means?
 You could try pulling that lever.
 It might be worth changing supplier.
 Have you tried asking a technician to look at it?
 You’d like delivery of Friday, is that correct?

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Resource 2 What I might hear

These are some expressions that you might hear when you deal with
Customer Services or complaints.
In what kind of situation will the expression be used?

Things you may hear

 Paul speaking. How may I help you?

 I’m very sorry for the delay.
 I do apologize for the mix up.
 Please give me a moment and I’ll check.
 Could you bear with me a moment, please?
 I’m afraid your order hasn’t been processed yet.
 I’m sorry but there’s been an administrative error.
 I’ll get onto it immediately.
 I’ll sort it out right away.

Resource 3 Getting it right

Look at the extracts from mini conversation below:

a. You want 35 HP653 printer cartridges. Is that correct?

b. So, you want eight wine glasses. Is that right?

The expressions typed in bold shows that the speaker is confirming the
information mentioned prior to it.

Remember, your tone should rise at the end of the question
when you want to confirm.

In this way, the listener will understand that you are asking for

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Activity 3 Finding Solutions

1. Look at this extract from Martin and Laura’s conversation. Underline
two expressions Laura uses to put forward a solution.
Laura : Maybe it means there’s some paper stuck inside. It might be
worth opening it and having a look.
Martin : How do I do that?
Laura : You could try pulling that lever there. That’s the one.

2. Look at the sentences below and find two more expressions you can
use to propose a solution. In what situation will you suggest them?
Have you tried switching it off for a few minutes?
What about pressing the reset button?

Activity 4 Sound Smart

Look at these sentences. Which sounds do you think are linked with /w/ or
/j/? There are more than one in one sentences.

a. I asked you over a month ago for a brochure.

b. Please give me a moment to check.

c. I’ll get onto it immediately.

d. We’ll post the order special delivery.

e. I’ll post it in the afternoon.

f. Can I ask who is speaking, please?

g. I do apologize for all the inconvenience.

h. You sent me an email to ask about delivery.

i. I’ll be out of the office all next week.

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Activity 5 Let’s Talk!

Half of the class are costumer service assistants, the other half are the
Customer service assistants: Listen to each costumer’s complaint and
respond by apologizing explaining the reason for the problem, and
promising to take action. You may need to ask some costumers to be
Costumers: Think of a complaint you have about a products or service.
Then speak to various customer service assistants and complain. Try to
resolve your complaints.

Teachers Questions and Answers:

Please tick what you can do after you finish this unit

Can Do Need More

I can handle complaints effectively ………. ……….
and in a personal way.

I can confirm and check important ………. ……….


I can put forward solution. ………. ……….

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Unit 14 Interview

Unit Outcomes:
Upon the completion of this unit, the students will be able to:
 talk and describe about themselves

mumble : Speak unclearly.
over-confident : Excessively or unreasonably confident.

Resources and Activities:

Activity 1 Warm Up
Look at the interview tips below. Write Do or Don’t next
to each one.
……… appear interested only in the salary and benefits.
……… appear over-confident or superior.
……… arrive punctually.
……… criticize your current employers or colleagues.
……… dress smartly.
……… look at wall or floor when you talk.
……… mumble or fail to finish sentences.
……… research the company beforehand.
……… show enthusiasm.
……… tailor your CV to fit the job.

Now tick (√) three Do’s and two Don’ts that you think are the most important.

Did you know?

The first 30 seconds can make or break an interview.

Make a good impression by dressing professionally and giving a firm
Look at the interviewer straight in the eye and smile!

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Activity 2 How should I express it?

These are some expressions that are useful to use when you have an
interview. Do you know how to use them?

Things you can say

 I graduated in English from …………………….
 I think I’m good at working in a team.
 I work well under pressure.
 I’m an effective trouble-shooter.
 I always meet deadlines.

Activity 3 What I might hear

These are some expressions that you might hear when you have an
interview. How will you respond to them?

Things you may hear

 You should try to play to your strength.
 Employers look for people who can relate on many levels.
 You need to be a good people person.
 They want people who can act on their own initiative.
 It shouldn’t take you long to get up to speed.

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Activity 4 Beginning an Interview

Look at these expressions you can use to talk about yourself and your
experience in a job interview.

As you can see from my CV …………………………….

I graduated in [subject] from [institution]
I’ve got a lot of experience in …………………………….
I think I’m good at …………………………….
I’d really like the opportunity to …………………………….

Activity 5 Language Focus

Focus on Personal Qualities and Skills
1. Match an expression in A with a similar expression in B.
1. I work well under pressure. a. I get along well with
2. I always meet deadlines. b. I like to think of ways round
3. I am a good people person. c. I keep a clear head and
never get irritable.
4. I am an excellent communicator d. I make sure I finish reports
on time.
5. I am an effective troubleshooter. e. I am very good at putting
opinion across.

2. Write P (positive) or N (negative) next to each personality adjective.

Independent ☐ Well-organized ☐
Opinionated ☐ Boastful ☐
Strong-minded ☐ Domineering ☐
Tactful ☐ Creative ☐
Vain ☐ Determined ☐

3. Choose expressions from the two exercises above that best describe
your personality. Now make a list of your strengths and practice
talking about them. Then take turns to share it with class.

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Activity 6 Let’s Talk! 1

This is an individual activity.

Prepare a one-minute answer to the question

Can you tell me a little about yourself?
Prepare notes to help you answering the question.
Then, imagining that you are at an interview, give the answer
to the question above.
Use your mobile phone or any recording device to record what
you say and listen to yourself afterwards.
Can you identify any areas you could improve on, e.g.
grammar, pronunciation, etc.?
You may also share the recording to your peer and receive
feedback on the recording.

Learning Tip:

A confident speaker:

 speaks clearly
 doesn’t speak too fast
 pauses where appropriate
 has good pronunciation
 has a natural stress and rhythm
 doesn’t mumble
 doesn’t hesitate

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes

Activity 7 Let’s Talk! 2

Prepare to role play a job interview. Decide with your partner what
job is and who will be the interviewer/candidate.

Interviewer: Make a list of questions to ask. You can use the

questions in this unit to help you.

Candidate: Prepare for the interview. Anticipate what questions you

may be asked and practice your answers. Use the resource in the unit
to help you.

Now. Role play the interview. When you finish, swap roles.

Teachers Questions and Answers:

Please tick what you can do after you finish this unit

Can Do Need More

I can talk about myself and my ………. ……….

I can sound confident and make a ………. ……….

good impression.

I can deal with difficult questions. ………. ……….

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University
Speaking for Transactional Purposes


Craven, Miles. 2008. Real Listening and Speaking 3 with Answers. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press

Craven, Miles. 2008. Real Listening and Speaking 4 with Answers. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press

McClure, Kevin. 1996. Putting It Together – A Conversation Management Text. New

Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc.


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