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Total Population Dark Age

7 6 vills to sheep
11 4 to wood (with Lumber Camp)
12 1 lure boar
13 1 to make 2 houses then berries
17 4 to berries, lure 2nd boar with existing villager
19 2 to boar/sheep
20 1 make barracks and house then to wood
22 2 to gold
Click feudal age
Total per resource (5 wood, 5 berries, 2 gold, 9 sheep)

Whilst Advancing
make 3 militia and attack enemy
move 4 from food to wood with a new lumber camp
once sheep have ran out, make 4 farms and send 1 to wood
Total per resource (10 wood, 5 berries, 4 farms, 2 gold)

Feudal Age
immediately research Man At Arms
2 new villagers to wood
research Double Bit Axe
6 new villagers to gold.
make 2 ranges plus blacksmith & research fletching
Keep making farms with new villagers
make archers
make farms with berry villagers
get wheel barrow at around 35 villagers

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