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Artigos Originais / Original Articles

Validation of a questionnaire for the evaluation of informal social
support for the elderly: section 1

Marcello Barbosa Otoni Gonçalves Guedes1
Kenio Costa Lima¹
André Luiz Lima¹
Thais Sousa Rodrigues Guedes²

Objectives: to construct and carry out content (CV) and response process (RPV) validation
for a questionnaire to assess informal social support for the elderly. Method: a descriptive,
observational, quantitative study was performed between January and December 2016
in the city of Natal (Rio Grande do Norte) and other locations in Brazil. The inclusion
criteria were: proven experience in the area of social support (for experts) or 60 years of
age or older and with preserved cognitive status (for the elderly). The CV stage evaluated Keywoods: Social Support.
the relevance of the items according to the general Content Validity Index (CVI) and Health of the Elderly.
per item as well as the assembly of the panel based on the observations of the experts. Surveys and Questionnaires.
In the RPV stage, the understanding of the items by the target audience was evaluated. Validation Studies.
Results: the CV stage included a total of 40 interviewees. The overall CVI was 0.88 and
only one item had a CVI considered poor. In the RPV stage 41 people were interviewed.
Conclusion: the questionnaire exhibited good relevance for the proposed items and the
observations of the interviewees allowed an approximation of the language used in the
instrument to the language of the elderly.

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Departamento de Odontologia, Programa de Pós-graduação
em Saúde Coletiva. Lagoa Nova, Natal, Brasil.
² Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Saúde. Lagoa
Nova, Natal, Brasil.

Funding: Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - (CAPES) – Brazil - Code

001. Scholarship for doctorate.

Marcello Barbosa Otoni Gonçalves Guedes
Rev. Bras. Geriatr. Gerontol., Rio de Janeiro, 2018; 21(6): 647-656

INTRODUCTION Within the logic of the systematization of

the evaluation process, it is important that such
Social relations, when inadequate, constitute an instruments follow the methodological rigor of
obvious health risk, comparable to others proven to the stages of the validation process15,16. The careful
be harmful, such as smoking, high blood pressure, evaluation of ISS can become excessively complex,
obesity and sedentary lifestyle, and may have clinical abstract and subjective, if validated evaluation
implications for people's health1. Social support (SS) tools are not used in the research process. There
648 seems to have a broad impact in many aspects of are multiple observation variables, which can cause
people's lives, especially in populations that are difficulty for exclusively subjective observations.
vulnerable in social, psychological and health terms,
Validity refers to the ability of an instrument to
as is the case of the elderly2.
accurately measure the phenomenon being studied,
SS composes the social and individual coping or in other words, to what extent it can actually
resources in which people base their responses assess its objective17. For the construction and
to everyday needs and stressful situations3. An validation of a questionnaire, the steps of "content-
individual’s assessment of their SS as successful based validity" and "response process validity " are
has been related to several positive outcomes in required, which can be carried out by qualitative and
physical and mental health, influencing how stressful quantitative procedures, according to the proposed
situations are perceived, emotional and psychological methodology15,17-19. When validation is considered as
a process, the publication of steps already carried out
well-being and even longevity3,4,5.
for a certain instrument foments academic discussion
The differentiation of social support relationships and consequently, the creation of new researches that
according to their content, process and development corroborate its validity. Other steps to improve the
can directly impact the adaptation of individuals to instrument, such as Exploratory and Confirmatory
their social environment. From this perspective, Factor analysis, accuracy analysis and cross-cultural
SS must be evaluated by distinguishing its types in adaptations, are necessary and will be dealt with in
accordance with the relationships that give rise to later sections, as some have already been performed
it6. In scientific literature it is common to observe by the research group responsible.
a differentiation between Formal Social Support
Content-based validity assesses the degree to
(FSS), which includes state services, social security,
which each element of an instrument of measurement
and diverse organizations, such as church groups and is relevant and representative of a specific construct
health professionals, among others, and Informal with a particular purpose for evaluation, and is
Social Support (ISS), which includes the network usually developed through a comprehensive literature
of relatives, friends and neighbors, for example7,8. review, consulting experts by interviews, group
Isolating and breaking links within the ISS network discussion (focus groups) or panel building, followed
could increase the vulnerability of individuals to by assessment by judges18,20.
illness and become a barrier to achieving active
aging. ISS, therefore, is the main source of support Response process validity encompasses the
for many elderly people and, on many occasions, analysis of interviews with lay people potentially
the only one9,10. related to the study population and the subsequent
evaluation of judges. This step ensures the correction
In light of the above and other assumptions of sentences and an approximation of the language
regarding scientific evidence in the evaluation used in the instrument to the language frequently
process11, the importance of using instruments used by the target population, thus discarding
constructed and validated for the analysis of ISS is terms that were not clear for this audience15,17,20.
clear, due to the scarcity of resources in literature Unfortunately, most authors do not describe these
for the evaluation of this specific construct3. Most steps in detail. Therefore, the purpose of this section
such instruments deal with Formal Social Support is to analyze the content and response process validity
or do not separate the constructs from one another of a questionnaire that seeks to evaluate Informal
among the elderly population12,13,14. Social Support for the Elderly.
Validity of the Informal Social Support Questionnaire

METHOD Support, to evaluate the relevance of the proposed

items and possible changes or the addition of new
Research Characteristics items. Your participation is voluntary and will be
given through the answers made in this questionnaire.
A descriptive, observational, quantitative type
If you feel comfortable answering the questions, you
research was carried out. The present study took
will be making a significant contribution to our
place between January and October 2016, as part
research." All participants accepted the free and
of the project "Construction and Validation of a
informed consent form. 649
Social Support Scale for the Elderly". This research
project comprised two stages of the process of the
The second stage of response process validity was
construction and validation of the questionnaire:
also carried out with a convenience sample, totaling 41
content and response process validity15,18.
people (target population), in face-to-face interviews,
selected in a long-term institution, an association for
the elderly and a public health system clinic, all located
Data Collection in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte (RN).

The first stage referred to content-based validity, The inclusion criteria were: 60 years old or older
where the judges selected the items after a thorough and with cognitive ability maintained (no clinical
review of the literature for the preparation of the diagnosis of cognitive deficit). All participants
first version of the instrument16. Subsequently, the signed the informed consent form. In addition to
relevance of the items was judged by experts. The ISS questions, respondents were asked about their
initial construction of the questions concerning age, gender, schooling, and income. At this stage,
the first model of the questionnaire was therefore participants were asked whether they understood
carried out by two academic judges from the area each item or not, were asked to repeat the questions,
of Social Support, with the choice of each item and encouraged to suggest changes. In addition, the
always consensual, following a review of literature. non-verbal reactions of respondents were observed
The questionnaire was then issued to specialists via
during the question process (e.g. facial expressions
the internet, using the following inclusion criteria:
of doubt or discomfort) along with long response
authors of scientific articles in the area, professors of
times15,18,21. The maintenance, alteration or exclusion
Psychology and Social Services courses (those who
of the items occurred by the consensus decision of
train professionals working close to the evaluation and
the judges after the construction of a panel with
management of social support among the elderly) and
the information provided by the interviewees 17,22.
professionals who worked directly with the theme.

The sample at this stage was selected for

convenience and included 40 experts. Contact was Data Analysis
made following the creation of an e-mail database
of the authors responsible for the publication of The questionnaire addressed to the experts asked
articles available in the virtual computer network and for answers regarding level of schooling, as well as
contact with professors available on the websites of multiple choice and open questions relating to the
their respective institutions of higher education or proposed items with the following words: "1- Classify
the personal invitation of professionals in the area. each question below according to degree of relevance
The invitation was simultaneously sent to all experts for the evaluation of Social Support for the elderly"
through the SurveyMonkey® research tool. The letter (responses in this question followed the Likert Scale
of invitation contained the following words: "Social structure: 1- Irrelevant, 2- Not Very Relevant, 3-
support is an important determinant for the health of Relevant, 4- Very Relevant, 5- Extremely Relevant);
a range of elderly people. This study aims to construct 2- "If you would like to suggest the inclusion of an
and validate a questionnaire for the evaluation of item, do so in the text box below"; "3- If you would
Informal Social Support for the elderly. This is the like to suggest changes to an item, please state the
initial stage of the research, in which researchers and corresponding number and how you would like it
experts participate in the theme of Informal Social changed in the text box below”17.
Rev. Bras. Geriatr. Gerontol., Rio de Janeiro, 2018; 21(6): 647-656

In order to determine the degree of relevance of RESULTS

the items and the overall relevance of the instrument,
the Content Validity Index (CVI) was used to In terms of descriptive analysis, in the content-
measure the degree of relevance of each item, based based validity stage with experts, 90% of the
on the answers of the judges (responses 3, 4 or 5 were interviewees were doctors, 7.5% were masters and
considered suitable), where: CVI by item = number 2.5% were specialists. The response process validity
of suitable judgments (answers 3+4+5)/total number phase involving the elderly included a total of 41
650 of judgments. Items with a CVI greater than or equal interviewees, 17 (41.5%) of whom were males, 24
to 0.8 were maintained23. The overall CVI indicates (58.5%) of whom were women, and the mean age
the degree of relevance of the mean of the entire of whom was 70.87 (±8.01). The majority (39.0%)
instrument, where Overall CVI = Overall Mean of had completed primary education, followed by
all Suitable Responses/total number of judgments. secondary education (26.8%), and higher education
The maintenance, alteration or exclusion of the items (22.0%), those with no education (7.3%) and those
was based on the consensus decision of the judges with a post-graduate qualification (4.9%). The
after the construction of a panel with the information average income was: 2439.02 reais (± 2792.86).
provided by the interviewees and the analysis of the Table 1 shows the results of the overall CVI and
CVI of the items20,22,23. per item.

Chart 1 provides suggestions for changes and

Ethical Aspects the additions of new items made by experts. Chart
2 shows a comparison of before and after changes
This project was approved by the Ethics Research in the items after such suggestions. Chart 3 shows
Committee of the Hospital Universitário Onofre a comparison of before and after changes in the
Lopes, under approval number 1.644.533 and CAAE items after the suggestions of the elderly. Chart 4
54608616.8.0000.5292. The present study complied presents the proposal of the questionnaire after
with Resolutions nº 196/96 and nº 466/2012, of the validity steps based on the content and process
National Health Council (CNS). of responses.

Table 1. First version of items proposed by judges following a review of literature and the Content Validity Index
(CVI) by item and overall, according to the judgement of relevance by experts. Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, 2018.
Item Content Value Index by item
1. Can sir/madam rely on many people that are close to him/her? 0.92
2. Does sir/madam live with many people? 0.82
3. Does sir/madam have close friends? 0.90
4. Does sir/madam have a close relative that lives nearby? 0.90
5. Does sir/madam have a friend that lives nearby? 0.92
6. Does sir/madam have a neighbor present? 0.88
7. Does sir/madam often pay visits other people? 0.88
8. Does sir/madam often have visitors? 0.90
9. Does sir/madam have anyone to talk to? 0.92
10. Does sir/madam have someone to help with the housework? 0.92
11. Does sir/madam have someone to help them leave the house when they need it? 0.92
12. Does sir/madam have someone to help when they are bedridden or sick? 0.95
13. Does sir/madam have someone to help when they have financial difficulties? 0.95
14. Does sir/madam take part in discussions about family decisions? 0.90
15. Does sir/madam take part in discussions about decisions among friends? 0.82
to be continued
Validity of the Informal Social Support Questionnaire

Continuation of Table 1
Item Content Value Index by item
16. Does sir/madam take part in discussions about community decisions? 0.82
17. Does sir/madam listen to the problems of others when asked? 0.90
18. Does sir/madam comfort others when asked? 0.88
19. Does sir/madam share their leisure time with someone? 0.95
20.Is social contact with others enduring? 0.88
21.Was the help that sir received from others in the last 30 days adequate? 0.82 651
22. Did sir receive adequate help from other people when young? 0.65*
CVI – Overall 0.88
*Value below reference value of 0.8 .

Chart 1. Observations for amendments and suggestions for the inclusion of items of specialists accepted by
judges. Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, 2018.

Observations of specialists accepted

Restriction to Informal Social Support in the header
Use of the singular to facilitate understanding
Reduction of the number of words in some sentences
Use "you" instead of "sir/madam"
Suggestions for the inclusion of items by specialists accepted
When you are sad or miss someone do you have anyone to talk to?
Do you have close relatives who help you look after yourself when you need it?

Chart 2. Items with and without alterations, following specific suggestions of specialists accepted by judges.
Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, 2018.
Unaltered item Reformulated Item
Did sir/madam receive adequate help from other people When you were young, did you receive adequate help
when young? from other people?
Does sir/madam take part in discussions about family Do you take part in family decisions?
Does sir/madam participate in discussions about Do you take part in decisions among friends?
decisions among friends?
Does sir/madam listen to the problems of others when Do you listen to the problems of others when asked?
Does sir/madam often have visitors? Do you often have visitors?
Does sir/madam have a friend that lives nearby? Do you have a friend you see often?
Was the help that sir received from others in the last 30 Was the help you received in the last 30 days satisfactory?
days adequate?
Does sir/madam have a neighbor present? Do you have a neighbours you can rely on when
Does sir/madam have a relative that lives nearby? Do you have a relative you can rely on and who lives
Is social contact with other people enduring? Is your social contact with other people enduring?
Rev. Bras. Geriatr. Gerontol., Rio de Janeiro, 2018; 21(6): 647-656

Chart 3. Items with and without alterations following suggestions of target audience accepted by judges. Natal,
Rio Grande do Norte, 2018.
Unaltered item Reformulated Item
Do you have a relative that you can rely on and who lives Do you have a family member that you can rely on and
nearby? who lives nearby?
Do you often pay visits? Do you often visit other people?
Do you have someone who can help you leave the house Do you have someone who can help you leave the house
652 when you need it? in case you need it?
Do you have someone to help when you’re bedridden or Do you have someone to help in case you’re bedridden or
sick? sick?
Do you have someone to help when you have financial Do you have someone to help in case you have financial
difficulties? difficulties?
Do you take part in family decisions? Have you taken part in a family decision?
Do you listen to the problems of others when asked? Do you help others when asked?
Do you comfort others when asked? Do you console others when they’re sad?
Is your social contact with others enduring? Is your social contact with others permanent?
Was the help that you had or would have had in the last Was the help that you had or would have had in the last
30 days satisfactory? 30 days satisfactory, or would it have been?

Chart 4. Informal Social Support Questionnaire for the Elderly following content and response process evaluation
stages. Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, 2018.
Informal Social Support is all emotional, financial, material or daily support for activities of daily living, received by a
network of people (relatives, friends, neighbors, among others).
Item/Response alternatives YES NO
1.Can you rely on people close to you?
2. Do you live with many people?
3. Do you have a friend you see often?
4. Do you have a family member you can rely on and who lives nearby?
5. Do you have a friend that lives nearby?
6. Do you have a neighbor who you can rely on in case you need it?
7. Do you often visit other people?
8. Do you often have visitors?
9. Do you have someone you can talk to?
10. Do you have someone to help with the housework?
11. Do you have someone to help you leave the house in case you need to?
12. Do you have someone to help you in case you’re bedridden or sick?
13. Do you have someone to help you in case of financial difficulty?
14. Have you taken part in a family decision?
15. Do you take part in decisions among friends?
16. Have you taken part in a community decision?
17. Do you help other people when asked?
18. Do you console other people when they’re sad?
19. Do you share your leisure time with anyone?
20. Is your social contact with other people permanent?

to be continued
Validity of the Informal Social Support Questionnaire

Continuation of Chart 4
Item/Response alternatives YES NO
21. Was the help that you had or would have had in the last 30 days satisfactory,
or would it have been?
22. Have you received adequate help from other people throughout your life?
23. When you are sad or miss someone do you have anyone to talk to?
24. Do you have a family member who helps you look after yourself in case you
need it? 653

DISCUSSION the questionnaire18. The language of the sentences

was also improved, which could strengthen the
Some points for reflection concerning the link between the respondent and the process of
construction and validation of instruments should applying the instrument and thus increase adherence,
be highlighted. It is important to understand this leading to all the questions being answered, and
process as a collection of resources and procedures also facilitate the understanding of the interviewee,
that are organized as a process and not as a finished reducing response bias27. It was suggested that the
product. The stages of the validation process should questionnaire was restricted to the object of study
complement each other and the level of evidence of "Informal Social Support", which was not clear in
obtained by the instrument to measure a given the first version and was also accepted by the judges.
construct or phenomenon should be constantly
evolving15,21,24,25 . The experts also suggested the inclusion of some
items. Accepted suggestions covered important
In terms of descriptive analysis, a high degree questions that include variables that directly influence
of education and training was observed among the perceived informal social support and are presented
expert participants regarding the content-based as important dimensions for the evaluation of the
validity sample, which could reduce response errors construct studied. These are: "emotional support
caused by a failure to understand the questions or and social participation" and instrumental support
the purpose of the study. All levels of education were or availability28-30.
represented among the respondents of the response
process validity stage, from "uneducated" to formal Regarding the CVI, the overall index was
postgraduate education, with a quantitative balance satisfactory, demonstrating the general relevance
between men and women. In addition, data collection of the items initially included in the instrument 23.
was performed in both a long-term institution and in Item twenty-two, "Did you receive adequate help
public places. These aspects reinforce the applicability from other people when you were young?", was the
of the questionnaire whether in an institutionalized only question with an unsatisfactory performance
or non-institutionalized population. according to the item based CVI 23 and was
restructured in a way that facilitated understanding
Content-based validity was measured using a and gave the idea of perceived informal social support
panel of experts17. This tool was integrated into the throughout life. It was therefore restructured as
research as part of a preliminary phase, contributing follows: "Have you received adequate help from
to the establishing of the bases for research. This other people throughout your life?”.
phase was important to support the eradication of bias
and false evidence about the construct studied17,20,26 . On some occasions, experts can be an authority
on the subject studied, but when suggesting issues
The general observations made by the experts pertinent to the topic, may do so in a language of
regarding the instrument resulted in a reduction in debatable comprehension for the target audience. The
the length of sentences, making them more objective, response process validity stage is therefore important
which could reduce the final application time of to bring the language used in the instrument closer
Rev. Bras. Geriatr. Gerontol., Rio de Janeiro, 2018; 21(6): 647-656

to the target audience's usual language, making it situation occurred in the sentence that was rephrased
potentially more comprehensible15,21. as "do you have someone to help you leave the house
in case you need it?”
The collection of direct and indirect indicators,
such as the answers about the understanding of each At times, relatively simple terms created confusion
question and the reaction of the interviewees to each for the respondents. For example, many elderly
question, was important in this stage of interviews persons confused "have visitors" (receber visitas in
654 with the elderly 21. The documentation of the Portuguese) with "pay visits to" (realizar visitas in
reactions and perceptions about the understanding Portuguese), so the term was restructured to "do
of the questions by the target population, with you often visit?". The term "enduring" was unusual
the subsequent creation of the panel for this for this audience and was changed to "permanent".
population, allowed the specificities of this group The same occurred with the term "comfort", which
to be captured, which was only possible through was modified to "console”.
face-to-face interviews.
In general, the construct of Informal Social
The choice of the format of answers for the elderly, Support was familiar and easy to understand for
in terms of the understanding or not of each question, the elderly persons interviewed, mainly because the
was dichotomous instead of using, for example, a questions were common and had few technical or
Likert type scale. This format of responses could scientific terms. However, some reactions of surprise
facilitate the interviewee's understanding and reduce or delays in responding or negative responses of
the amount of random responses18. Regarding the understanding or difficulty in repeating the question
analysis of the responses of the target population, in that had just been read were noted, as well as
terms of the understanding of each item, the analysis suggestions of alterations by the interviewees, guided
was specific by item, with the aim of maximizing the reformulation of questions which frequently
the understanding of the sentence according to the presented problems.
objective of evaluation proposed by the question
and reducing the possibility of "does not apply” Limitations of the study included the fact that
type answers”22 . The specificities of the studied the answers of the experts were entirely collected
population were therefore taken into account in in online format, which made it difficult for the
the analysis of the acceptance or rejection of the responding professionals to explain their concerns
proposed changes. about the items, which may favor the emergence
of response bias in some cases. In addition, the
The questions used a language close to that most respondents were not asked for their locality. The
commonly spoken by the elderly, so that they still sample used in the face-to-face interviews with the
maintained the basic principles of the cultured norm target audience was from only one city. Ideally, this
of the Portuguese language and that understanding should be taken from different cities and regions of
was potentialized18. For example, in the question "do Brazil, in order to include the desired cultural variety
you listen to the problems of others when asked?", among the interviewees. It is worth highlighting
many elderly persons understood "listen to the the importance of other validation steps for this
problems of others" as something negative, so the instrument, such as Factor Analysis, accuracy and
solution found was to rephrase the question "do you reproducibility analysis, among others, which will
help other people when asked?”. be considered in later sections to reduce the length
of each article and ensure that each stage receives
The phrase "in case of" was used to refine some the proper attention.
questions, in order to reduce the possibility of "not
applicable" answers. For example, the question "do
you have someone to help when you have financial CONCLUSIONS
difficulties?" includes the possibility that some people
have never had financial difficulties. The phrase The content-based validity stage identified the
was therefore rephrased as "do you have someone effective relevance of the proposed items through
to help you in case of financial difficulty?" A similar positive indicators of both the overall and item content
Validity of the Informal Social Support Questionnaire

validity index. The suggestions of the specialists led by the elderly. A better understanding of the issues
to the inclusion of two items and the improvement of by the target population can result in more reliable
the other initially proposed questions. The response responses and more effective implementation of
process validity allowed an approximation of the the instrument, and other steps of the validation
language used in the instrument to that employed process are necessary.

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Received: June 24, 2018

Reviewed: September 21, 2018
Accepted: September 28, 2018

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