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What information is required in the PICs referral to the Discharge Liaison Nurses (DLN)

1. Reason for referral

2. Has the patient completed their rehabilitation and are they ready for discharge
3. What was the previous care setting and input from care services
4. Are there any communication issues ie deaf; blind ; Learning disabilities , difficulty with
5. What is their first language and is an interpreter required
6. Does the patient have challenging behaviour – if so have you started an ABC chart ; has a
capacity assessment been completed and what is the outcome; Have mental health or
RAID had any input ;
7. Is the patient requiring a high level of supervision – or 1:1 Specialing and why do they need
this input
8. Any swallowing or feeding problem/ weight loss
9. Tissue Viability – what is the patient’s Waterlow; skin assessment ; any pressure sores
(grades) or wound care
10. Does the patient require any level of respiratory support or care ie Oxygen ; Suction or
11. Is the patient compliant with their medication
12. Is pain an issue
13. Is there any evidence of seizures
14. What is the patient’s level or mobility? Are they a falls risk? Have they fallen?
15. Do they have any continence needs and what are they?
16. Has the patient been given a life limiting diagnosis and do we know prognosis – have
discussions taken place with patient / family about this. Is the patient on the SCP
17. Are the patient and family aware of the referral.

*Please ensure that the patient’s address; GP and NHS number are present and correct on the

* Any referrals that do not include a clear reason for referral will be returned to the Senior Sister/
Charge Nurse and will not be actioned until we have sufficient information to be able to process
the referral

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