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English Work

Name : AMMAR Karim

Section : 1
Theme : Optimism and Hope

Optimism is a magnet of happiness.

Life imposes itself and puts us in difficult situations, sometimes we fall, we lose
someone and valuable things, we make mistakes and we withdraw from our dreams
and goals and end in failure. This is called the loss of hope in life.
Hope and determination make what we think is impossible. Indeed, what the world is
going through has brought us a pessimism and depression, where returning to
normal life has become far from thought. But , this doesn’t prevent optimism and we
need to accept things as they are. As long as Allah is above us , in his hand
everything. Optimism is from God, pessimism is in the brain of man,Let us remain
optimistic, whatever the circumstances ; whether a disease will pass, and if a person
is absent or lost something, he will be compensated, and every need in life has a
generous god. Allah who does not skimp humans and our hope in Him is great and
endless. Just trust God and yourself.

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