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OPTIMAL DIET recipes and this suggested transition MENU are TOOLS for

anyone who is looking for a healthy everyday diet, that is not only good for
the body, but also healing and bringing improvements with time. This
protocol is also for those who want to attempt my signature Green Fix
Protocol and raw food lifestyle, described in my eBook The Fruit Cure.
When we come directly from all processed foods, meat&dairy diet, we need
to peel few layers before we start. This STAGE by STAGE transition will help
you to do this safely and slowly, so you don’t create any additional
blockages or problems, but instead increase your chances to heal faster.
Over the years of following this lifestyle with my family and helping others,
studying and learning from those who do it much longer than me, I have been able to
understand and practice carefully all the principals of it. This has made me an expert of
plant based high raw diet and at the same time, I have developed my own methods,
based on observations and results I was able to get during my practice.
Saying that, I am giving you my Optimal Diet protocol, to help you transition from
standard diet or regular vegan diet, or if you are lost in between different stages of detox
while attempting raw food lifestyle on your own.
It is quite common problem that while changing the diet, we don’t know what we
are doing, we make so many mistakes down the road that instead of feeling better, we
may actually make things worse. While you feel that you can’t move much forward and
feel stuck in the process, take it as a good thing. Your own body keeps you there, so you
don’t create new problems. Changing our diet, especially adding more fresh and living
foods is a big challenge for our body and systems. At the same time this is the trigger for
detoxification and healing, so being careful and taking is slow is very helpful.
I used to jump straight to solutions, just because I didn’t know better. Today I can
tell that I’d rather make a slow transition and take time, to allow the body to release
toxins on its own terms, to heal problems slowly and gradually, sort of PEEL the LAYERS.
That’s what this is all about. The Menu includes 3 stages, that will take you slowly towards
What is Mucus-Free? Animal products contain its own mucus but also when we eat
them, our body creates additional mucus to protect digestive system and tissues, that is
collected and builds up in our GI Track. Mucus is like Trojan Horse, it’s a trap for bacteria
and viruses, but also it’s a toxin holder. Kind of like a cushion. People who cannot loose
weight, very often just have pretty toxic mucus that keeps building up to protect their
organs from toxins. That’s why fat usually appears around our stomach, where most of our
organs are located. Mucus Free means that food is either free of mucus and doesn’t cause
additional mucus in the body after we consume it, for example fresh fruit. However there
are foods that are Mucus Low and they are not so bad in our diet, if we eat them in
moderate amounts and not every day. For example sprouted GF grains. The Mucus Free
lifestyle with some modifications that I have been able to make according to my own
experience and observations of my kids, my clients and myself, is in my opinion one of
the healthier ways to eat, while not abusing our own body and keeping our digestion and
organs in the best shape possible.
Life itself is unhealthy, you may say. Each food and just living is taking toll on our
body, there is no turning the time. New car will eventually become an old car, but the
better we take care of our body, our only “car” we have, the longer it will perform at its
best. Secondly - the body always wants to be in balance and when we let it, it will heal on
it’s own. Chronic problems, overweight, autoimmune etc, it all is just a name of the
symptom, that our body lost its balance. To help our body find that balance back and
heal, first thing we do is to reduce the toxic load in our food, in our mind and in our soul.
Diet is a bottom line, as all the change begins with. It allows to feel better and
think differently, it is a trigger for all the rest of the change. Good Luck!
Take your time on each STAGE, to stick with this menu before going to the next

This will allow to peel layers of problems more slowly and accurately with less side effects.


Coming OFF all animal products and processed foods

This means: limiting dairy, eggs, meat or fish and things that are packaged and
processed with oils, sugars chemicals and soy. Limiting bread and products with
yeast, no alcohol and no fermented products, all gluten free. One black coffee per
day is ok, to reduce it to zero more easily. Caffeine free or herbal teas are fine.

Morning ritual - HYDRATION, for example:

Lemon Water, Green Juice (celery or cucumber, apple, lemon, ginger)

Breakfast - FRUIT and STARCH, low fat, for example:

Oatmeal with banana, millet with berries, banana pancakes, cooked apples with
oatmeal. Do not eat fruit alone if you used to eat heavy breakfast. Banana is the
only fruit you could try to eat alone for breakfast, but take it slow, start with
oatmeal plus banana first.

Lunch - salads or soups, can include:

Potato, quinoa, buckwheat, sweet potato, pumpkin, squash, all vegetables. NO
FRUIT and no fruit after you ate LUNCH. At this point also legumes are fine, but try
to soak them 24hrs before cooking. Keep increasing vegetables in your meals.

Snack - vegetables or starch, can include:

Chopped raw veggies with hummus, guacamole with sliced cucumbers, tomato
salad, baked apple with cinnamon could be an exception but notice if you see any
bloating or gas after having an apple. Almonds, nuts and seeds in small amounts
are fine.

Dinner: mostly vegetables, for example:
Steamed, baked or sautéed vegetables with small amount of oil is fine, side of
lettuce and raw slices of cucumber, tomato, radish or carrots. Small amount of
starch is ok (potato or quinoa), but slowly move towards mucus free carbs like:
sweet potatoes or pumpkin, especially for dinner. Include small non-fruit green
juice 15 minutes before dinner (cucumber, kale, lemon).

WHAT WE CAN EAT at this stage:

- GF groats (buckwheat, millet) and we learn how to sprout them

- legumes - I mainly recommend chickpeas, lentils, or smaller beans that we soak
for at least 24h and the best is to sprout them, you can buy ready sprouted mix
of various lentils or just do it your own
- sprouted quinoa, white potatoes, cassava, tapioca, corn, wild rice
- GF pasta in small amounts (buckwheat, lentil, bean, chickpeas etc)
- nuts, almonds, seeds, soaked or sprouted and we limit the amount slowly
- sweet potatoes, pumpkin, all root vegetables, no restrictions
- any other raw and cooked vegetables, without restrictions
- lettuce and unsweetened fruit (tomato, cucumber, pepper) - no restrictions
- cooked and fresh fruit, in smaller quantities, we limit citrus until the body can
handle more detox, which is after GF protocol if you struggle with eczema and
digestive issues. Healthy person can eat citrus without problems at each stage
- small amounts of e.v coconut oil, e.v. olive oil
- healthy fats: avocados - up to 1 per day, hemp seeds 1-2 tablespoons
- herbal teas
- fresh herbs
- natural spices (turmeric, ginger etc)

Things we try to limit for some time because they can feed fungus (if you're
struggling with Candida (bloating, gas, digestive discomfort)

- garlic (replace with wild garlic)

- onion (replace with chives or leeks, but also observe how you feel, because they
are still similar plants and also have sulfur)
- pickled cucumbers and cabbage
- other fermented products - vinegar, kombucha, yogurt, kefir
- alcohol
- we limit salt, but we need some salt, do not eat salt free, it is necessary to give
our body minerals to stay hydrated. Moderate amount.

Limiting all GRAINS and LEGUMES

This means: Limiting GRAINS and LEGUMES, even those gluten free, in addition to
no dairy, eggs, meat, fish and nothing that is packaged and processed with oils,
sugar and chemicals, no soy. No bread and products with yeast, no alcohol and no
fermented products, gluten free. One black coffee per day is ok, to reduce it to
zero more easily. Caffeine free or herbal teas are fine.

Morning ritual - HYDRATION, for example:

Lemon Water, Green Juice (celery or cucumber, apple, lemon, ginger)

Breakfast - FRUIT but no STARCH (keep reducing) for example:

Bananas with berries, banana pancakes with almond flour and coconut flour,
cooked apples with bananas, fruit shake with almond milk (banana, apple, spinach,
date). You can have salad for breakfast, but there will be very little calories there
and if you eat fruit later it is not good for digestion. Having fruit first in the morning
is best option. You can make big smoothie or juice instead of eating it whole, but
sip slowly. 

Lunch - salads or soups, can include:

White potato, sweet potato, quinoa, pumpkin, squash, all vegetables. No FRUIT
after you ate LUNCH with COOKED food. Keep increasing vegetables in your
meals and keep reducing starches slowly.

Snack - vegetables or starch, can include:
Raw veggies with guacamole, tomato salad, cucumber salad, baked apple with
cinnamon could be an exception but notice if you see any bloating or gas after
having an apple. Almonds, nuts and seeds in small amounts are fine but have them
with greens or in salad. 

Dinner: mostly vegetables, for example:

Steamed, baked or sautéed vegetables with small amount of oil is fine, add lettuce
and raw slices of cucumber, tomato, radish or carrots. Small amount of starch is ok,
but move towards less starches, especially for dinner. Soups, salads with steamed
veg, stew or curry. Use of natural spices is fine. Include small vegetable juice 15
minutes before dinner (ex. celery, carrot, lemon, turmeric)

WHAT WE CAN EAT at this stage:

- sprouted buckwheat
- sprouted quinoa
- sprouted lentils or mung beans (moderate amount)
- white potatoes, in reasonable quantity, because they are very starchy
- soaked nuts, almonds, seeds
- sweet potatoes, pumpkin, root vegetables without restrictions
- any other raw and cooked vegetables without restrictions
- lettuce and unsweetened fruit (tomato, cucumber, pepper)
- cooked and fresh fruit
- Iimited citrus, until the body can handle more detox, which is after GF protocol if
you struggle with eczema and digestive issues. Healthy person can eat citrus
without problems at each stage
- small amounts of coconut oil, e.v. olive oil
- avocados (moderate)
- hemp seeds - 1-2 tablespoons per day
- herbal teas
- fresh herbs
- natural spices (turmeric, ginger etc)


Limiting all Complex Carbohydrates (Starches)

This means: Limiting STARCHES (mostly white potatoes at this stage) in addition to
limiting grains and legumes. No dairy, eggs, meat or fish and nothing that is
packaged and processed with oils, sugar and chemicals, no soy. No bread and
products with yeast, no alcohol and no fermented products, gluten free. One small
black coffee every other day or 2 times per week is ok to slowly reduce it to zero. 

Please stop coffee completely for GF Protocol and a few weeks after the protocol. It is
recommended to replace coffee with something else, but after the cleanse you could have
1-2 cups of black coffee per week without much harm, if you still can’t reduce it to zero.

Morning ritual - HYDRATION, for example:

Lemon Water, Green Juice (celery or cucumber, apple, lemon, ginger)

Breakfast: JUST FRUIT for example:

Bananas with berries, cooked apples with bananas, fruit shake with almond milk
(banana, apple, spinach, date). Whole apples, apples sauce, whole pears, mango,
grapes, persimon, plums, nectarines etc. Avoid watermelon, melons and citrus -
too detoxifying. You can add greens with the fruit. You can have a salad, but there
will be very little calories there, unless it is a salad with fruit , for example - apple
salad (lettuce, apple, avocado, cucumber). Having fruit first in the morning is best
option. You can make a big smoothie or juice instead of eating it whole, but sip on
it slowly. Greens are ok with fruits but not vegetables. 

Lunch - VEGGIE salads or soups can include:

Sweet potato, quinoa, pumpkin, squash, all vegetables. No FRUIT after you ate
LUNCH with COOKED food.

Snack - vegetables can include:
Raw veggies with guacamole, tomato salad, cucumber salad, baked apple with
cinnamon could be an exception but notice if you see any bloating or gas after
having an apple. Almonds, nuts and seeds in small amounts are fine but have them
with greens or in salad. 

Dinner - all vegetables (except white potato, yucca, cassava or taro):

Steamed, baked or sautéed with small amount of oil is fine, add lettuce and raw
slices of cucumber, tomato, radish or carrots. Soups, salads with steamed veg, stew
or curry. Use of natural spices is fine. Include small vegetable juice 15 minutes
before dinner (ex. celery, carrot, lemon, turmeric).
WHAT WE CAN EAT at this stage:

- sprouted buckwheat, 1-2 times a week

- sprouted quinoa, no restrictions
- white potatoes occasionally, rather not for dinner, in a reasonable amount,
because they are highly starchy
- soaked nuts, almonds, seeds, in small quantities
- sweet potatoes, pumpkin, root vegetables without restrictions
- any other raw and cooked vegetables without restrictions
- lettuce and unsweetened fruit (tomato, cucumber, peppers etc)
- cooked and fresh fruit, in smaller quantities, we are still limiting citruses until the
body can handle more detox, which is after GF protocol if you struggle with
eczema and digestive issues. Healthy person can eat citrus without problems at
each stage.
- small amounts of e.v. coconut oil, e.v. olive oil
- avocados - up to 1 piece per day
- raw hemp seeds - 1-2 tablespoons per day

When you follow ABOVE Menu for few weeks, slowly transitioning, you are
prepared BEST for the GREEN FIX protocol
and your results are going to be SMASHING!!!

YOU can simply just adopt this type of lifestyle as your everyday DIET PLAN
and stay there instead of going any further. This protocol is meant to be an
introduction and transition DIET before attempting Green Fix protocol, that is
helping to restore immune system and introduce more fruit without
experiencing side effects and reactions, when someone is dealing with eczema
or similar digestive issues.

For GREEN FIX protocol visit website

Where you can find an eBook or DIY Program by that name.

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