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Dysnatremia in the ICU

Milap Pokaharela and Clay A. Blocka,b

Section of Nephrology and Hypertension and Purpose of review
Dartmouth Medical School, Dartmouth Hitchcock
Medical Center, Lebanon, New Hampshire, USA
Dysnatremias, disorders of sodium concentration, are exceedingly common in critically
ill patients and confer increased risk for adverse outcomes including mortality. The
Correspondence to Clay A. Block, MD, 1 Medical
Center Dr., Lebanon, NH 03576, USA physiology that underpins the diagnosis and management of these disorders is complex.
Tel: +1 603 653 3830; fax: +1 603 653 3991; This review seeks to discuss current literature regarding the pathophysiology,
diagnosis, epidemiology, and management of these disorders.
Current Opinion in Critical Care 2011, Recent findings
The role of arginine vasopressin in the maintenance of normal and pathologic plasma
osmolality increasingly is refined, improving our ability to diagnose and understand
dysnatremia. Identified recent epidemiologic studies highlight the frequent hospital
acquisition or exacerbation of dysnatremia, confirm the recognized adverse
consequences and explore the potential causality. Despite the complex nature of these
disorders, simple consensus treatment strategies have emerged.
Dysnatremia remains a common disorder across the spectrum of critically ill patients. It
is frequently hospital acquired. Simplified treatment regimens are proposed and the
potential for prevention or earlier recognition and intervention is emphasized. Future
directions of interest include further exploration of how dysnatremia contributes to
adverse outcomes and new treatment strategies.

dysnatremia, hypernatremia, hyponatremia, vasopressin

Curr Opin Crit Care 17:581–593

ß 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

(ICF) compartment and the ECF compartment to main-

Introduction tain osmotic equilibrium. As the bulk of the intracellular
Disorders of sodium concentration, dysnatremias, are solute is accounted for by exchangeable potassium (Ke)
among the most commonly encountered electrolyte and extracellular solute by exchangeable sodium (Nae)
abnormalities in the ICU. They are disorders of relative and their companion anions, the relationship between
water excess or deficiency, resulting in alteration in effec- these quantities and total body water (TBW) can be
tive plasma osmolality (Posm) (tonicity), leading to trans- described as [1]:
cellular shift of water, thereby altering cell volume. This
is in contradistinction to disorders of sodium excess or 2  Nae þ 2  K e
Posm ¼ Iosm 
deficiency, which produce changes in the extracellular TBW
fluid (ECF) volume, namely edema or hypovolemia, res-
pectively. Hyponatremia is commonly defined as a plasma Posm will fall as a result of potassium depletion, sodium
sodium concentration (PNa) less than 136 mmol/l; hyper- depletion, or an increase in TBW. Likewise, Posm will
natremia, commonly as PNa greater than 145 mmol/l. increase if potassium or sodium is added or if TBW is
Both frequently develop or are exacerbated during reduced. Changes in Posm are usually identified by
hospitalization and are associated with increased length changes in PNa. TBW is estimated as a fraction of body
of stay (LOS) and mortality. Clinical manifestations may weight: 0.6 in children and healthy, nonelderly men, 0.5
range from absent to life threatening. Treatment may be in women and elderly men, and 0.45 in elderly women
life saving but carries substantial risk of harm. Appropriate [2].
management requires an understanding of underlying
pathophysiology and treatment principles. Posm homeostasis, or osmoregulation, requires the integ-
ration of water intake and excretion to be precisely
balanced with salt intake and excretion. Challenges to
Physiology osmoregulation occur on a regular basis due to ingestion
Understanding dysnatremia starts with an appreciation of water, salt, exercise, and other routine activities. For
that water moves freely between the intacellular fluid example, an elevation in Posm of approximately
1070-5295 ß 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins DOI:10.1097/MCC.0b013e32834cd388

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582 Renal system

10 mOsm/kg may occur after 40 min of strenuous exercise

Key points
in a hot environment; ingestion of two large glasses of
water (850 ml) can lower Posm by 6 mOsm/kg in 30 min  Even mild degrees of hyponatremia and hyperna-
[3]. Changes in Posm of as little as 1% result in activation tremia confer markedly increased risk for mortality
of homeostatic processes that are mediated via neuro- and increased length of stay.
endocrine pathways orchestrated in the hypothalamus.  Hospital acquired or exacerbated dysnatremia con-
Specialized neurons in the organum vasculosum laminae fers a worse prognosis than community acquired
terminalis (OVLT), supraoptic (SON), and paraventric-
 Severe hyponatremia, paradoxically, may have a
ular nuclei of the hypothalamus sense changes in Posm,
better prognosis than moderately severe hypona-
possibly through mechanically sensitive cation channels.
tremia, perhaps because it is more likely to occur
A rise in Posm results in the activation of thirst and the
as a primary disorder without multiple comorbid
secretion of antidiuretic hormone [also known as arginine conditions.
vasopressin (AVP)]. AVP is synthesized by specialized  Acute, symptomatic hyponatremia should be trea-
neurons in the SON and paraventricular nucleus that give ted with 3% saline given as 100 ml bolus(es) to
rise to long axons terminating in the posterior pituitary, raise the plasma sodium concentration rapidly by
wherein AVP is stored. A fall in the Posm results in 4–6 mmol/l.
suppression of thirst and suppression of AVP release.  Correction of hyponatremia should be no greater
Under normal conditions, AVP is maximally suppressed than 10 mmol/l in the first 24 h and no greater than
at PNa of approximately 135 mmol/l. The hypothalamus 18 mmol/l in the first 48 h; correction of hyperna-
also participates in salt intake (craving) and renal tremia should be no greater than 0.5 mmol/l per
excretion (via natriuretic peptides). These homeostatic hour and bolus therapy with isotonic saline should
mechanisms tend to maintain Posm within 1–3% of the be avoided unless there is circulatory collapse.
set point, a range compatible with health [4].

AVP exerts its effect by binding to a specific receptor Second, brain cells extrude intracellular solutes, thus
(V2R) on the basolateral membrane of principal cells of limiting ingress of water and cerebral edema. This pro-
the collecting tubule of the distal nephron, activating cess begins with extrusion of potassium and sodium
adenyl cyclase production of cyclic adenosine mono- within several hours and continues with the extrusion
phosphate, leading to activation of protein kinase A of organic osmolytes over several days. It is this adaptive
(PKA). PKA phosphorylates water channels, aquaporin response that predisposes to osmotic demyelination
2 (AQP2), which undergo exocytotic insertion into during correction of hyponatremia (discussed in detail
the apical membrane, increasing water permeability. below). In the setting of hypernatremia, brain cells will
Ultimately, reabsorbed water is returned to the systemic accumulate potassium and organic osmolytes, thus blunt-
circulation via the peritubular capillaries. In the absence ing cell shrinkage but predisposing the brain to edema if
of AVP, AQP2 is internalized and distal nephron water hypernatremia is rapidly corrected [6–8].
permeability is greatly reduced. The presence or absence
of AVP can be inferred by measuring the urine osmolality
(Uosm). A Uosm greater than maximally dilute (50– Classification of hyponatremia
100 mOsm/l) implies AVP activity. Other actions of The first step in classification of hyponatremia is to
AVP include vasoconstriction, platelet aggregation, and confirm the presence or absence of a hypoosmolar/
gluconeogenesis mediated by V1A receptors present on hypotonic condition. Nonhypotonic hyponatremia has a
smooth muscle cells, platelets, and liver. AVP activation limited differential diagnosis that is discussed below.
of V1B receptors on the anterior pituitary promotes Low Posm usually identifies hypotonic hyponatremia
release of adrenocorticotropic hormone. AVP secretion although hypotonic hyponatremia can also be seen in
is also stimulated by a reduction in effective arteriolar the setting of retention of an ineffective osmole (such as
blood volume (EABV) mediated by baroreceptors dis- urea or ethanol) that is able to permeate the cell mem-
tributed throughout the circulation. This effect overrides brane. In these cases, the Posm may be normal or high,
the expected suppression of AVP and accounts for the but the plasma tonicity will be low and the clinical
water retention observed in cases of hypovolemia and the consequences of hypotonic hyponatremia can occur,
edematous disorders [congestive heart failure (CHF), including cerebral edema. Hypotonic hyponatremia
cirrhosis, and nephrosis] [1,5]. due to impaired water excretion can be distinguished
from excess water intake or inadequate solute intake by
The brain responds to hypotonic stress in two ways. First, determining the Uosm. Low Uosm identifies primary
increased interstitial pressure caused by cerebral edema polydipsia, beer potomania, or tea diet and toast diet.
results in movement of interstitial fluid into the cere- Uosm greater than 100 mOsm/kg implies AVP activity.
brospinal fluid and ultimately into the circulation. Assessment of the volume status by clinical exam and

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Dysnatremia in the ICU Pokaharel and Block 583

measurement of UNa can then establish if there is volume depletion and elevated UNa in an appropriate
reduction in EABV producing a physiologic AVP stimu- clinical setting. Unfortunately, even direct hemodynamic
lation. If euvolemia is identified, AVP activity is most assessments sometimes fail to yield unequivocal results.
commonly due to the syndrome of inappropriate anti- Such patients should be managed with hypertonic saline
diuretic hormone (SIADH). Diagnostic criteria for or saline as necessary to ensure maintenance of normo-
SIADH require hypoosmolality, Uosm greater than natremia and adequate intravascular volume.
100 mOsm/l, absence of diuretics, absence of edema or
clinical signs of volume depletion, UNa greater than Saline infusion has been labeled the ‘gold standard’, as
30 mmol/l, absence of renal impairment, and a clinical volume expansion in a sodium-depleted patient should
response to water restriction with correction of hypona- suppress the hemodynamic stimulus for AVP secretion
tremia and a reduction in UNa. SIADH has myriad causes and allow excretion of a dilute urine and correction of
including malignant tumors (especially small cell lung hyponatremia. However, in clinical practice, this is not
cancer), pulmonary disorders (infections, airways obstruc- always practical or effective, as up to 30% of patients
tion, respiratory failure), central nervous system (CNS) treated with 2 l of isotonic saline failed to elevate PNa by
conditions (masses, hemorrhage, infection, multiple greater than 5 mmol/l or lower their Uosm. Likewise,
sclerosis, Guillain–Barre syndrome, etc.), drugs that some patients with SIADH will show an improved PNa
stimulate AVP secretion or enhance activity (serotonin with isontonic saline infusion if their Uosm is less than
reuptake inhibitors, tricyclics, chlorpropramide, ifosfa- 300 mOsm/l. The fractional excretions of Na, urea, and
mide, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, cyclophos- uric acid (Table 1) [10,11] have all been utilized to add
phamide, narcotics, psychotropics, etc.), drugs that have diagnostic accuracy. A fractional excretion of sodium
AVP activity (vasopressin, desmopressin, and oxytocin), (FENa) greater than 0.15% or a fractional excretion of
and miscellaneous conditions including postoperative urea (FEUrea) favors a diagnosis of SIADH. Plasma uric
state, stress, pain, and nausea. Adrenal insufficiency acid level of less than 4 mg/dl and FEUric acid greater
and hypothyroidism are associated with euvolemic hypo- than 16% also favor a diagnosis of SIADH [12].
natremia and measurement of these hormones is indi-
cated [5,9,10].
Nonhypotonic hyponatremia
Algorithms have been developed to facilitate correct Nonhypotonic hyponatremias include those that are
classification (Fig. 1) [9]. Application of such algorithms hypertonic due to the retention of a nonpermeable solute
improves the accuracy of classification compared with resulting in translocation of water from the intracellular
clinical judgment by experienced physicians but may still to the extracellular compartment, thereby lowering the
fail to arrive at the correct diagnosis as determined by PNa. The most common cause of this phenomenon is
retrospective review by an expert. Confusion can occur hyperglycemia due to diabetes mellitus. An analysis
due to overlap in the laboratory findings in conditions of published in 1973 by Katz [13] predicted that the serum
diuretic use, renal salt wasting, and cerebral salt wasting sodium concentration would fall by 1.6 mmol/l for every
(CSW). In these conditions, clinical exam for hypovole- 100 mg/dl increase in the glucose concentration above
mia is imprecise; UNa will be relatively high and can normal. This prediction rule appears to be valid in the
result in misclassification as SIADH. As water excretion setting of renal failure when there is no osmotic diuresis
may be subtly impaired in patients with primary poly- to complicate the situation. However, when renal func-
dipsia, Uosm may not be less than 100 mOsm/kg, leading tion is intact, some sodium loss occurs secondary to the
again to misclassification as SIADH. osmotic diuresis provoked by glucosuria leading to a
greater than expected fall in serum sodium concentration.
Renal salt wasting as a cause of hypovolemia is particu- An average fall in PNa of 2.5 mmol/l was seen in experi-
larly problematic as these patients have natriuresis by mentally induced hyperglycemia in healthy patients and
definition. Renal salt wasting can occur in adrenal insuf- a nonlinear change in PNa was observed (1.6 mmol/l for
ficiency that may be congenital or acquired. Renal tubular glucose levels up to 400 mg/dl then as high as 4 mmol/l for
injury by cisplatin can cause salt wasting within days to every 100 mg/dl of glucose concentration for glucose
weeks of exposure. As cisplatin is used to treat solid exceeding 400 mg/dl) [14].
tumors that can also cause SIADH, it is crucial to deter-
mine the presence or absence of volume depletion. Exogenous solutes such as mannitol can also result in
Autonomic dysfunction, which can accompany small cell hypertonic hyponatremia by similar mechanism. Manni-
lung cancer, can further confuse the situation. CSW can tol is used therapeutically in a variety of settings to induce
occur in the setting of neurosurgical conditions, such as an osmotic diuresis or to induce a hypertonic condition to
subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), that are also known to treat cerebral edema. If renal function is intact, the
be associated with SIADH. The diagnosis of CSW relies mannitol will be excreted and PNa will recover to normal.
on the simultaneous demonstration of unequivocal If renal function is impaired, dialysis may be used to

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584 Renal system

Figure 1 Algorithm for the classification of hyponatremia

Algorithm for the classification of hyponatremia

S-Na <130 mmol/l

Serum osmolality

Isotonic hyponatremia Hypotonic hyponatremia Hypertonic hyponatremia

 Hyperproteinemia  Hyperglycemia
 Hyperlipidemia  Positive osmotic gap
(mannitol, sorbitol)

<100 mmol/l Urine osmolality >100 mmol/l

Excess Impaired renal

fluid intake concentration

Frequent causes Urine sodium

 Primary polydipsia
 Low solute intake <30 mmol/l >30 mmol/l
 Potomania 1

Extracellular fluid volume

Hypovolemia Hypervolemia Hypovolemia Hypovolemia

[Total body water ↑↑] [Total body water ↑↑] [Total body water ↓] [Total body water ↓]
[Total body sodium ↓↓] [Total body sodium ↑] [Total body sodium ↓↓] [Total body sodium ↓↓]

Extrarenal solute Edematous Renal solute loss:  Glucocorticoid

loss: disorders:  Diuretic excess deficiency
 Gastrointestinal  Heart failure 5 6
(diarrhea, vomiting)  Liver cirrhosis
 ‘Third space’  Nephrotic  Salt losing  Hypothyroidism
burns syndrome nephritis  Pain
 Pancreatitis  Osmotic diuresis  Nausea
 Traumatized (mannitol, glucose)  SIAD
2 3 2 4


Clinical status Decision making Action required

Reproduced with permission from [9].

remove retained mannitol. The presence of mannitol (or respectively. An osmolar gap greater than 10 implies
other occult osmolyte) can be inferred by calculating the the presence of an unrecognized solute [15].
osmolar gap:
Various endoscopic procedures, including transurethral
resection of the prostate (TURP) and hysteroscopy, rely
Osmolar Gap ¼ Posm  ð2  PNa þ ½glucose; mmol=l on monopolar electrosurgical instruments that require
þ ½urea; mmol=lÞ optically transparent, nonconductive irrigation solution.
Although a variety of solutions are available, including
The concentrations of glucose and urea in mg/dl can those containing mannitol, dextrose, and sorbitol, 1.5%
be converted to mmol/l by dividing by 18 and 2.8, glycine has been a popular choice. When systemically

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Dysnatremia in the ICU Pokaharel and Block 585

absorbed, these solutions can cause hyponatremia and patients are not subjected to inappropriate interventions
volume overload. Glycine solutions can cause a constella- [5].
tion of symptoms and signs including nausea, vomiting,
confusion, hypotension, cardiac dysfunction, bradycardia,
visual disturbance, and even coma and death [16]. This Acute hypotonic hyponatremia
constellation has been referred to as TURP syndrome Acute hypotonic hyponatremia, also known as ‘acute
and correlates with postoperative glycine concentration. water intoxication’, is seen most frequently in primary
As ammonia is an intermediate metabolite of glycine, polydipsia, exercise-associated hyponatremia (EAH),
hyperammonemia can occur. The solution is isotonic drug ingestions (particularly of 3,4-methylenedioxy-
and initially is confined to the ECF compartment. PNa methamphetamine, ‘ecstasy’), and the administration
will fall but tonicity and Posm will remain normal. As or consumption of hypotonic fluids in a medical setting.
glycine is taken up by muscle cells and metabolized, a
process that requires several hours, PNa will return Primary polydipsia is a common disorder among patients
toward normal. In a single-center experience, hyponatre- with underlying psychiatric disorders, particularly those
mia occurred equally frequently in patients randomly with schizophrenia. This condition was found in up to
assigned to either glycine or dextrose irrigant solution, 47% of psychiatry inpatients in series from Cuba, with
but TURP syndrome developed only in 17 of 120 (14%) almost 7% developing hyponatremia [19]. Hyponatremia
patients randomly assigned to glycine irrigation [17]. occurs if the volume of water ingestion exceeds the
The major risk factor for TURP syndrome appears to excretory capacity of the kidneys. The water excretory
be the volume of irrigant absorbed. Newer technology capacity of normal kidneys is estimated to be approxi-
incorporating bipolar electrosurgical instruments that are mately 10% of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR),
compatible with use of isotonic saline as an irrigant which, in adults, ranges from approximately 108 to
should eliminate the occurrence of hyponatremia and 170 l per day depending on age. In the setting of reduced
TURP syndrome, but could still result in volume over- GFR, hyponatremia may occur with less dramatic fluid
load if systemic absorption is substantial. Glycine absorp- intake. Water intoxication due to excessive consumption
tion can be recognized by the presence of an osmolal has also been reported in water drinking contests [20].
gap in the appropriate clinical setting. The treatment of
TURP syndrome is supportive. Hypertonic saline Endurance exercise is associated with the nonosmotic
should not be used unless there is concomitant hypotonic release of AVP. EAH occurs when the ingestion of water
hyponatremia. Dialysis has been utilized in severe cases, is in excess of losses due to sweat, and the excess water is
particularly those with hyperammonemia and renal retained due to the presence of AVP. Sodium loss in
impairment [18]. sweat and excessive water intake driven by fear of dehy-
dration appear to contribute to the problem. This
Pseudohyponatremia is a relatively uncommon cause phenomenon has been identified in as many as 7% of
of nonhypotonic hyponatremia that relates to the endurance athletes. PNa testing in the finish-line tent at
measurement of PNa by instruments (chemical auto- the Boston Marathon has identified hyponatremia in
analyzers) that use indirect ion-specific electrodes 4.8% of runners. Two percent had PNa less than 130.
(ISEs). These devices dilute the plasma sample prior Sixteen were treated with hypertonic oral solution and
to measurement of the sodium concentration and are 10 were treated with i.v. 3% saline raising the PNa by
calibrated on the basis that normal plasma by volume 6–7 mmol/l in approximately 15–30 min and abolishing
contains 93% water and 7% protein and lipid. The symptoms [21,22].
sodium content of plasma is confined to the aqueous
phase. In the setting of hyperproteinemia or hyper- Ecstasy is a popular recreational drug among college age
lipidemia, the water content is actually less than 93%, people, particularly in association with rave parties and
leading to an artifactually low PNa determination. nightclub activities. It has been implicated as a cause of
Instruments that use ISEs to measure sodium concen- hyponatremia resulting in seizures and death in numer-
tration, such as blood gas analyzers, are not subject to ous case reports. The mechanism appears to be multi-
such artifact. Hyperlipidemia resulting from hypertrigly- factorial including induction of AVP release, induction of
ceridemia causes the specimen to appear turbid; thirst, and ready access to water and other hypotonic
hypercholesterolemia, on the contrary, does not produce fluids. Hyperpyrexia and vigorous activity may contribute
visibly lactescent serum. Hyperproteinemia can be seen to sodium loss via sweat and lead to volume contraction
in cases of endogenous hypergammaglobulinemia, as that further induces AVP. Women appear to be more
in the setting of hepatitis or HIV infection, or in the susceptible to ecstasy-related hyponatremia accounting
setting of exogenous administration of intravenous (i.v.) for approximately 85% of reported cases. Hyponatremia
gammaglobulin. Although relatively uncommon, it is often corrects spontaneously as a water diuresis ensues as
important to recognize pseudohyponatremia so that such the effect of the drug dissipates. Asymptomatic to

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586 Renal system

Table 1 Differential diagnosis of hyponatremia

Hypotonic antidiuretic hormone present Hypotonic antidiuretic hormone suppressed Isotonic or hypertonic

Reduced ECV (True volume depletion) Increased water intake Hypertonic

Renal losses Primary polydipsia Hyperglycemia
Diuretics Accidental ingestion Mannitol
Salt-wasting nephropathy Dilute formula
Cerebral salt wasting Swimming Isotonic
Osmotic diuresis Tap water enemas Pseudohyponatremia
Nonreabsorbable anion Absorption of hypotonic irrigant Hyperlipidemia
Gastrointestinal losses Inadequate solute intake Hyperproteinemia
Extreme exercise/sweating Tea and toast diet Isotonic irrigant absorption
Extracellular fluid sequestration Beer potomania Glycine
Rhabdomyolysis Renal failure Renal failure
Bowel obstruction
Increased ECV
Congestive heart failure
Nephrotic syndrome
Clinically normal ECV
Thiazide diuretics
Malignant diseases
CNS disorders
Pulmonary disorders
Drugs (many)
Pain, nausea, stress
Postoperative state
Mutation of vasopressin receptor
ECV, extracellular fluid volume; SIADH, syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone. Reproduced with permission from [10,11].

moderately symptomatic patients should be observed falls to less than 133 mmol/l or by more than 6 mmol/l over
until correction occurs. Severe, symptomatic hyponatre- 24–48 h. The protocol starts with NaCl tablets, 3 g per
mia should be managed with hypertonic saline as out- nasogastric tube every 6 h and 3% saline 20 ml/h. The rate
lined below [23]. of 3% saline is then titrated by 10–20 ml/h at 6 h intervals
as needed to achieve a PNa of 136–140 mmol/l (to a
Surgery results in the nonosmotic release of AVP lasting maximum of 80 ml/h). In the event of PNa greater
2 days or more. Hypotonic fluid administration during than140 mmol/l, the 3% saline infusion is held for 6 h.
this interval can result in severe hyponatremia. This The regimen resulted in excellent control of PNa in the
scenario has been implicated in several case reports normal range. Hypernatremia greater than 145 mmol/l
describing fatal postoperative hyponatremia. Children was exceedingly rare and heart failure was not observed
and young women appear to be particularly susceptible [26].
to adverse outcomes in this setting [24].

Hyponatremia is commonly observed in patients with Epidemiology and outcomes

SAH, meningitis, and other neurologic and neurosurgical Many factors have been identified that predispose to
conditions, and is associated with a poor prognosis. Even hyponatremia, including extremes of age, surgery, diure-
minor degrees of hyponatremia can exacerbate cerebral tic therapy, renal impairment, adrenal impairment, thyr-
edema and worsen the neurologic condition. Guidelines oid deficiency, CHF, cirrhosis, CNS disease and
call for treatment of hyponatremia at a PNa of 131 mmol/l pulmonary disease [27]. Hoorn et al. [28] found a 30%
for all patients with intracranial disorder [25]. A protocol overall incidence of PNa less than 136 mmol/l and a 38%
for a sliding scale approach to hyponatremia in critically incidence in the ICU. Severe hyponatremia, PNa less
ill patients with neurologic diseases has been effective in than 125, was present in 3% of hospitalized patients and
preventing progression of mild acute hyponatremia. The occurred during hospitalization in fully half of the cases.
protocol calls for initiation of enteral salt tablets by Importantly, hospital acquired cases of severe hypona-
nasogastric tube and i.v. hypertonic saline if the PNa tremia were not recognized or treated as promptly as were

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Dysnatremia in the ICU Pokaharel and Block 587

cases present on admission. Stelfox et al. [29] reported an approximately three-fold increase in inhospital
ICU acquired hyponatremia (defined as a SNa less than mortality, a two-fold increase in 1-year mortality, and
133 mmol/l) in 11% of patients and that this was associ- 1.3–1.4-fold increase in 5-year mortality. There was no
ated with an increase in in-hospital mortality from 16 to sex difference in the incidence of hyponatremia, but
28%. The population studied included medical, surgical, women were more likely to have severe hyponatremia.
trauma, and neurologic patients. Higher acute physiology Patients with the most severe hyponatremia did not have
and chronic health evaluation (APACHE) II scores and a statistically increased mortality rate 1.46 (0.73–2.91), a
longer ICU LOS were found to be risk factors for hypo- surprising observation [32].
natremia. Funk et al. [30] defined borderline, mild, and
severe hyponatremia as 130–135 mmol/l, 125–129, and The relationship between the severity of hyponatremia
greater than 125, respectively. They found an overall and mortality was examined by Chawla et al. [33] in a
incidence of hyponatremia in 17.7% of ICU admissions cohort of over 45 000 patients found to have at least one
with a breakdown of 13.8% classified as borderline, 2.7% SNa of less than 135 mmol/l admitted to a large teaching
mild, and 1.2% severe. Hyponatremia at all levels was an hospital over an 11-year span ending in 2007. These
independent risk factor for mortality. Adjusted mortality authors confirmed a three-fold increase in mortality for
odds ratios (ORs) were significant at all levels ranging hyponatremic patients vs. normonatremic patients (6.1
from 1.3 for borderline to over 1.8 for moderate and vs. 2.3%). They also found that mortality tended to
severe cases. increase with lower SNa peaking at 11.2% for patients
with SNa of 120–124 mmol/l, but reversing at SNa less
A recent analysis of over 50 000 patients admitted to a than 120 mmol/l such that mortality fell to approximately
single, large Boston teaching hospital utilizing a liberal 6.8% in the more severely hyponatremic group. The
cutoff of PNa less than 138 mmol/l demonstrated a authors analyzed 53 patients who died and had severe
remarkable 38% incidence of community acquired hypo- hyponatremia (SNa <120 mmol/l) and found that 73% of
natremia. The analysis was extended to show that hypo- these patients had moderate or severe hyponatremia on
natremia of even this modest degree was associated with admission, whereas 27% had normal or mild hyponatre-
multiple adverse outcomes including increased mortality mia that worsened. Most patients had recovered to nor-
LOS, and discharge to a care facility. Hospital acquired mal or near normal SNa when death occurred, which was
hyponatremia was equally as frequent, occurring in 38.2% more than a week after the SNa nadir in most cases. They
of patients and was associated with even higher ORs for found only three cases in which hyponatremia was felt to
adverse outcomes. In this study, hospital aggravated play a causal role and only one case in which central
worsening of community-acquired hyponatremia con- pontine myelinolysis (CPM) might have occurred.
ferred an even higher mortality risk of hospital mortality Patients with severe hyponatremia who survived were
(OR 2.3 vs. 1.66 for hospital acquired vs. 1.5 for com- more likely have drug-induced hyponatremia (thiazides
munity acquired). In hospital-acquired hyponatremia, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and were
PNa or less 127 mmol/l was associated with a 15-fold unlikely to have severe comorbid conditions. The authors
increase in mortality, whereas community-acquired theorize that severe hyponatremia occurs more often
hyponatremia to the same degree conferred only a secondary to drug toxicity and is likely to be acute and
2.5-fold increase risk [31]. treatable (or to resolve), whereas moderate hyponatremia
is more likely to accompany severe comorbid conditions
A 2009 study that examined data from approximately such as CHF, cirrhosis, and malignancy and therefore
98 000 patients admitted to two large teaching hospitals strongly associated with mortality. An editorial that
found an initial PNa of less than 135 mmol/l in 14.5% and accompanies this article proposes three clinical scenarios
that an additional 5.2% acquired hyponatremia during based on these findings: (scenario 1) hyponatremia causes
their hospitalization. Approximately half of these patients mortality directly from cerebral edema or correction
underwent multiple determinations of PNa: 20% had provokes the osmotic demyelination syndrome (ODS);
hyponatremia on at least one of the measurements. Of (scenario 2) hyponatremia occurs secondary to a severe
these, hyponatremia resolved in 7.2%, developed in underlying illness and it is the underlying illness that
3.8%, and persisted in 8.6%. Mild hyponatremia (defined causes death; or (scenario 3) hyponatremia exacerbates
as 130–134 mmol/l) accounted for the majority of the organ system dysfunction and contributes to mortality
cases (83%), moderate (120–130 mmol/l) for 16.8%, and indirectly [34]. Little is known about how hyponatre-
severe (<120 mmol/l) for 0.2%. When this analysis mia might affect organ system function but a recent
was adjusted for the presence of hyperglycemia, observation that hyponatremia predicts myocardial
approximately 12–19% of patients initially classified as infarction in community patients lends support to the
hyponatremic were reclassified as normonatremic or third scenario [35]. Acutely decompensated heart failure
hypernatremic. Compared with normonatremia, hospi- is another setting in which hyponatremia confers an
tal-acquired and persistent hyponatremia each conferred independent increased risk for mortality [36].

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588 Renal system

adaptation by brain cells to hypotonic conditions predis-

Clinical effects of hyponatremia and poses to injury with rapid correction, which acts like an
treatment acute hypertonic insult. Indeed, ODS has been described
Chronic hyponatremia is often asymptomatic. Most in a patient with acute hypernatremia who never suffered
patients do not have overt clinical symptoms until the hyponatremia. Animal studies have confirmed that it is
PNa is less than 120 mmol/l. However, even a mild the correction of hyponatremia, not hyponatremia itself,
degree of hyponatremia is associated with falls and that causes ODS. Relowering of PNa has been shown to
impaired attention and gait in a manner analogous to ameliorate early signs of ODS in multiple case reports.
an ethanol level of 0.6 g/l [37]. In addition, hyponatremia The risk for ODS increases with rate of correction greater
has been associated with fractures and osteoporosis than recommended. Although correction rates within
[38,39,40]. The third national health and nutritional these guidelines are associated with lower risk, there
examination survey found an OR of nearly 3 for devel- are case reports of ODS occurring in patients who were
oping osteoporosis at PNa of 133 mmol/l compared with corrected within these limits. More rapid reuptake of
normonatremic patients. PNa less than 135 mmol/l was previously extruded organic osmolytes, particularly myoi-
found to be an independent risk factor for hip fracture. nositol, is also protective. There are regional differences
Thiazide diuretics, despite their known effect on in the brain with regard to reuptake of osmolytes, perhaps
calcium balance, are associated with fractures in elderly accounting for the predilection of ODS for the pons and
nursing home patients, although this finding has not been other structures. Uremia, which is associated with more
shown to relate to low PNa. Selective serotonin reuptake rapid reuptake of osmolytes, is protective against ODS.
inhibitors, a known cause of hyponatremia, are also Patient risk factors appear to include liver disease,
associated with falls and fractures in the first 2 weeks alcoholism, orthotopic liver transplant, female sex, and
of therapy, a time course that corresponds to the usual postoperative state [5].
onset of SSRI-related hyponatremia. However, a direct
connection to hyponatremia remains to be established. The rate of correction also appears to impact the risk for
Patients with CHF, renal failure, or cirrhosis who also rhabdomyolysis. In a retrospective study of 22 patients
have hyponatremia have a worse prognosis. Again, it is with self-induced water intoxication, rhabdomyolysis was
not established whether the hyponatremia is simply a found to be associated with a more rapid rate of correction
marker of decompensated organ system disease or if of 2 vs. 0.9 mmol/l per hour. The rapid rate of correction
hyponatremia has a direct deleterious effect. was attributed to spontaneous excretion of large volumes
of dilute urine shortly after presentation [43].
The major clinical concern of hyponatremia is encepha-
lopathy [41]. Initial symptoms are nonspecific and Acute symptomatic hyponatremia, whether self-induced,
include headache, lethargy, and nausea. Advanced symp- drug-related, or hospital-acquired, is a true medical emer-
toms include lethargy, depressed reflexes, seizures, and gency that demands prompt intervention. In these
coma followed by death. Although the optimal rate of patients, hyponatremia has developed faster than brain
correction is often referred to as controversial, guidelines adaptation can keep pace resulting in cerebral edema.
have been established that recommend an increase in Usually the PNa is quite low, often greater than
PNa of less than 10 mmol/l over 24 h and less than 110 mmol/l, but patients with intracranial disorder, as
18 mmol/l over 48 h [1]. A rapid rate of correction has noted above, may be symptomatic with more modest
been associated with the development of the ODS, a falls in PNa. The presence of symptoms of CNS dysfunc-
potentially devastating neurologic condition. Initial tion attributable to cerebral edema should guide the
descriptions identified mainly pontine damage, whereas decision to institute therapy. Even patients with primary
subsequent reports have identified more widespread polydipsia or postoperative hyponatremia that is
demyelination, thus central pontine myelinolysis expected to correct spontaneously should be treated so
(CPM) and extrapontine myelinolysis (EPM) can be as not to delay improvement in cerebral edema. The goal
grouped as two manifestations of ODS [42]. The most of therapy for acute symptomatic hyponatremia is to raise
classic form of this condition presents 2–3 days after the PNa by 4–6 mmol/l, which according to consensus
correction of hyponatremia with evidence of neurologic has resulted in resolution of hyponatremia-related
deterioration after a period of improvement. Symptoms, seizures, and coma. This is best accomplished by boluses
depending on the location and severity of the lesions, of 3% saline of 100 ml or 2 ml/kg. This can be repeated
may include seizures, parkinsonism, dysarthria, quadri- twice if necessary to abort seizures or reverse coma. Note
paresis, spastic hypertonia, coma, and death. Character- that the rate of correction in this instance is greater than
istic changes may be present on MRI. Early reports the conventional recommendation of 0.5 mmol/l per hour,
described a uniformly bad prognosis with either death but the total correction is limited to approximately
or persistent severe neurologic impairment. More recent 6 mmol/l. Once this correction is achieved and the patient
reports have documented a variable prognosis. The is neurologically stabilized, further correction should be

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Dysnatremia in the ICU Pokaharel and Block 589

delayed or minimized so as not to exceed a net correction renal replacement therapy utilizing replacement fluid
of greater than 10 mmol/l over 24 h or 18 mmol/l over 48 h calculated to correct PNa at slow rate [5].
[5]. Chronic hyponatremia, if severely symptomatic,
should initially be treated similarly to those with acute Vasopressin antagonists, vaptans, are an emerging option
symptomatic hyponatremia. Some authors have advo- for management of chronic hyponatremia. Vaptans com-
cated ‘a rule of sixes’ stating that correction should be petitively inhibit the binding of AVP to its V2 receptor in
‘6 mmol/l in the first 6 h but also limiting correction to the collecting duct and thereby block the insertion of
6 mmol in the first day’. Correction should be targeted at aquaporins into the apical membrane. Convivaptan, an
less than the upper desirable to avoid overshooting. intravenous form that inhibits V1a receptors on smooth
Patients with primary polydipsia, volume depletion, thia- muscle cells, platelets, and liver in addition to V2 recep-
zide diuretic induced hyponatremia, or cortisol deficiency tors, was the first V2R antagonist to be approved by the
related water retention are particularly predisposed to too US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treatment
rapid correction as they will undergo a water diuresis once of euvolemic hyponatremia due to SIADH, hypothyroid-
the underlying cause is treated resulting in a rise in PNa ism, adrenal insufficiency, or pulmonary conditions. It is
of up to 2 mmol/l per hour. Desmopressin can be used in also approved for treatment of hyponatremia associated
such circumstances to terminate or prevent a water diur- with CHF. The metabolism of convivaptan is by the liver
esis, allowing slow, controlled correction of the PNa. cytochrome system CYP3A4 making it prone to drug
Desmopressin is given every 6 h to maintain consistent interactions and contraindicated in the setting of potent
urine concentration. Therapy with 3% saline can then be CYP3A4 inhibitors [44]. When given to healthy adults, a
titrated to achieve a rate of correction within the guide- single 20 mg dose resulted in an increase in urine output
lines. Hypokalemia is another factor that will predispose and fall in Uosm, peaking in 2 h and persisting for 6 h.
to overcorrection as the addition of potassium chloride Therapeutically, it is given as a 20 mg bolus followed
(KCl) provides effective osmoles and raises PNa [1,5]. by a 20 mg per day continuous infusion maintained for
1–4 days. It has been effective in clinical trials although
The contribution of both KCl and NaCl to raising PNa data are limited [45,46]. A single-center observational
can be estimated by the following formula from Adrogue study of 18 patients found that 67% improved by at least
and Madias [10], which describes the anticipated effect of 4 mmol/l but that six patients with initial PNa less than
the infusion of 1 l of a solution: 120 mmol corrected by greater than 10 mmol/l per 24 h, a
rate considered undesirable [47]. Use of a single bolus of
ðinfusate Na þ infusate KÞ  PNa 20 mg in neurointensive care patients hyponatremia
change in PNa ¼
TBW þ 1 resulted in a 4 mmol/l improvement within 12 h in 59%
of the patients. In this case series, no cases of infusion
When actively correcting hyponatremia, it is crucial to vein phlebitis were identified, although this problem was
utilize an infusate with an effective osmolality greater seen in earlier trials [48]. Finally, although antagonism of
than that of urine. The most common choice of fluid to VIa receptors might be problematic for patients with
correct hyponatremia is 3% saline that has a Na concen- cirrhosis (VIa agonism has been advocated as a treatment
tration of 513 mmol/l. Furosemide can be added to avoid for hepatorenal syndrome), convivaptan was utilized in
expansion of the ECF due to the saline load. As loop 24 patients with end stage liver disease and PNa less than
diuretics usually cause a diuresis equivalent to half- 130 mmol. All patients experienced a modest increase in
isotonic saline, they may also facilitate correction if the PNa (<6 mmol/l) and no complications of the underlying
Uosms are very high. Restriction of free water ingestion liver disease were observed [49].
must accompany the active management of hyponatre-
mia unless the stimulus for AVP and water retention has Tolvaptan is the first oral V2R antagonist to be approved
been alleviated. Demeclocycline, which impairs the in the United States by the FDA. It has a much greater
action of AVP, has been used to treat persistent hypo- affinity for the V2R than for the V1a receptor. The half-
natremia due SIADH but renal toxicity and other side life of tolvaptan is estimated to be 12 h. It is metabolized
effects limit its acceptance. High salt diet, salt tablets, in the liver by the CYP3A and, like convivaptan, should
high protein intake, and urea supplementation are all not be used with potent inhibitors of this enzyme. The
adjunctive measures that can be useful in the manage- onset of action is within 2–4 h [44]. Multiple studies
ment of persistent hyponatremia due to SIADH out of have been conducted and now have been summarized
the acute phase [9,11]. and analyzed including a meta-analysis. It has been
shown to raise PNa by approximately 4 mmol/l on day
Patients with symptomatic hyponatremia and renal fail- 4 and by approximately 6 mmol/l on day 30. When used to
ure requiring renal replacement therapy are at risk for treat CHF, it has resulted in weight losses around 2 kg.
rapid correction. Management options include infusion of Reported adverse effects have been thirst, dry mouth,
hypotonic fluid during dialysis or the use of continuous and polyuria. Effectiveness has been similar in patients

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590 Renal system

with euvolemic hyponatremia (principally SIADH) and found 901 individuals with mildly elevated PNa 145–
CHF and somewhat less effectiveness has been demon- 150 mmol/l and 344 with moderate to severely elevated
strated with cirrhosis [50,51,52]. PNa greater than 150 mmol/l for an overall prevalence of
15%. The mild group had twice the in-hospital mortality
compared with normonatremic patients, whereas in the
Hypernatremia more severe group mortality tripled. Independently
Hypernatremia occurs when there is an absolute or associated risk factors for ICU-acquired hypernatremia
relative deficit of free water. Hypovolemic hypernatremic present on ICU entry were male sex, great disease
patients will display signs of volume depletion, but these severity, septic shock, acute respiratory failure, and coma
signs may be mild or minimal if there is a small water [55].
deficit and no concomitant lost of solute. Hypervolemic
hypernatremia is caused by the addition of solute in The incidence of hypernatremia in cardiac surgery
excess of water. Conditions that impair urinary concen- patients has also been recently analyzed. A single-center
tration include central diabetes insipidus, nephrogenic European experience found a 10% rate of ICU-acquired
diabetes insipidus (NDI), hypercalcemia, hypokalemia, hypernatremia that was associated with greater than a
loop diuretics, and osmotic diuresis. Uncontrolled dia- two-fold increased mortality and a nearly six-fold
betes is the most common cause of osmotic diuresis, but a increased ICU LOS [57]. A Canadian heart surgery
high protein intake or protein catabolism can also pro- program found a 4% incidence of hypernatremia that
duce diuresis due to the generation of urea. The latter was also associated with an increased risk of mortality
may occur in hospitalized patients receiving parenteral or compared with normonatremia (14 vs. 1.6%). Changes in
enteral nutrition with a high protein load. Nonrenal losses PNa greater than 12 mmol/l per day were associated with
of water are seen in the setting of excessive sweating, an even greater mortality risk of 28%. Interestingly, in
emesis, diarrhea, burns, and tachypnea. Hypertonic this population the risk for hypernatremia tended to
bicarbonate administration or hypertonic saline adminis- accrue over time, whereas the risk for hyponatremia
tration is among the iatrogenic causes of hypernatremia. was greatest in the first few days of ICU admission [58].
As a rise in Posm is a potent stimulus of thirst that would
normally prevent or correct hypernatremia, almost all Therapeutic hypernatremia has been utilized as an
cases display either impaired thirst (hypodipsia) or alternative to mannitol to treat increased intracranial
impaired access to water [3,4,53]. pressure (ICP) associated with transtentorial herniation.
A 30–60 ml bolus of 23.4% saline (equivalent sodium
The incidence of hypernatremia is approximately 1% in a dose to 240–480 ml of 3% saline) successfully reversed
general hospital population. An incidence of 10–26% is signs of herniation in 57 of 76 events (75%), 22 of
identified in ICU populations [54,55]. In the majority of whom subsequently survived to discharge including five
cases, hypernatremia is hospital acquired. Community- who were reported to have only mild residual deficits.
acquired hypernatremia is almost always hypovolemic in ICP, when measured, fell significantly by 1 h. Clinical
nature, but hospital-acquired hypernatremia is frequently improvement and fall in ICP correlated with a rise in PNa
not hypovolemic and some patients may even display by at least 5 mmol/l and PNa greater than 145 mmol/l
signs of volume overload. Causes of excess fluid loss in [59]. A 23.4% saline has also been used to treat cerebral
cases of community-acquired hypernatremia include hypoperfusion to prevent elevation of ICP after SAH
fever (often from pulmonary infections), uncontrolled [60]. Reviewers of the therapeutic use of 23.4% saline
diabetes mellitus, high ambient temperature, osmotic point out that it can cause severe tissue injury in the
diarrhea due to lactulose, and furosemide. In almost all event of extravasation and that central venous access is
cases, water intake is inadequate due to impaired mental necessary. They also postulate that 3% saline given in
status. Although emblematic of hypernatremia, diabetes equivalent doses may be as effective, but that this com-
insipidus is relatively uncommon. parison has not been done [61].

A Netherlands ICU study of 130 hypernatremic ICU The clinical consequences of hypernatremia include
patients identified sepsis, renal impairment, hypokale- insulin resistance, impaired gluconeogenesis, and cardiac
mia, hypoalbuminemia, and the administration of dysfunction in addition to the neurologic consequences.
bicarbonate and mannitol as risk factors. Only 60% of The brain injury that occurs with hypernatremia has been
the patients had negative fluid balance during hyper- postulated to result in part from shrinkage of the brain
natremia and some had positive fluid balance. Although away from the skull causing mechanical stress on vessels
no patients received hypertonic saline, the conclusion that could lead to hemorrhage and or ischemia. As evi-
was that hypernatremia represented ‘too much salt and denced by multiple case reports, rapid, severe elevations
not enough water’ [56]. A retrospective analysis of of PNa can result in ODS even in the absence of previous
approximately 8000 patients admitted to ICUs in France hyponatremia [62]. Hypernatremic patients may display

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Dysnatremia in the ICU Pokaharel and Block 591

irritation, agitation, lethargy, depressed mental status, occurrence of neurologic complications. The authors
seizures, and coma. Burn patients who develop hyper- proposed that isotonic saline volume expansion be
natremia have a higher mortality and there is evidence avoided in the absence of severe circulatory impairment.
that the hypernatremia may worsen the burn itself [63]. The overall rehydration should be limited to no more
than 6.8 ml/kg per hour and the rate of correction should
Treatment of hypernatremia in the ICU should start with not be greater than 0.5 mmol/l per hour. Higher initial
prevention. Predisposing conditions are recognizable; PNa should be treated even more conservatively. The
for example, polyuria, diarrhea, fever, respiratory failure, Adrogue–Madias [53] formula described above can
inability to take in water spontaneously, osmotic diarrhea, be used to estimate the degree of correction that may
and uncontrolled diabetes. Electrolytes are frequently be achieved with administration of 1 l of a particular fluid
measured. Therefore, it is reasonable to identify a rising therapy. Alternatively, water deficit can be estimated as
PNa before severe derangement occurs. Indeed, the follows:
occurrence of hypernatremia in the ICU has been
proposed as an indicator of quality of care [64]. Once Water deficit ¼ TBW (PNa/1401).
recognized, fluid therapy can be modified to prevent
progression and correct any adverse changes that have Water can then be administered to correct the total
already occurred. The optimal rate of correction of hyper- deficit gradually with a target rate greater than
natremia has not been extensively studied. A comparison 0.5 mmol/l per hour. It is common for differences
of patients treated for hypernatremia who developed between expected and achieved results to be substantial.
cerebral edema with similar patients who did not found Ongoing losses must be considered in therapeutic
that initial isotonic saline bolus, a faster rate of fluid planning so that not only is the deficit addressed but
administration, more severe hypernatremia at initiation also further deficit will not occur. It is important to
of treatment (PNa 167 mmol/l vs. 161 mmol/l), and a measure PNa frequently and adjust therapy to maintain
faster rate of correction of PNa (1 mmol/l per hour vs. the target rate of correction.
0.5 mmol/l per hour) were all associated with the early
development of cerebral edema [65]. The choice of In the event of central or gestational diabetes insipidus,
rehydration fluid did not appear to influence the desmopressin can be given to restore renal concentration

Table 2 Differential diagnosis of hypernatremia

Pure water loss Hypotonic loss Hypertonic gain

Insensible losses Renal losses Hypertonic intravenous infusions

No access to water Loop diuretics Sodium bicarbonate
Osmotic diuresis Hyperalimentation
ATN (polyuric phase) Saline
Postobstructive Hypertonic ingestions
Renal impairment Enteral feeding formulas
Gastrointestinal losses Sea water
Emesis Hypertonic saline enemas
Diarrhea Hypertonic intrauterine infusion
Osmotic laxatives Hypertonic dialysate
Excessive sweating Cushing’s syndrome
Burns Primary hyperaldosteronism
Inadequate replacement
Central (neurogenic) DI
Infiltrative/infectious disorders
Sarcoid, tuberculosis, histiocytosis
Tumors, cysts
Nephrogenic DI
Renal damage
Cystic diseases, sickle cell
Hypokalemia, hypercalcemia
Lithium, demeclocycline
AVP receptor antagonists
Amphotericin B, foscarnet
ATN, acute tubular necrosis; AVP, arginine vasopressin; DI, diabetes insipidus. Reproduced with permission from [53].

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592 Renal system

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