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Igorots is the general name for the

people of the Cordillera region in
the Philippines island of Luzon.
The word “Igorot” in an eponym
derived from archaic Tagalog term
for “Mountain People”.

 Kaising – This is another way of courtship where the parents of the girl and
the boy decide that the two should marry. In most cases this agreement is
reached when the children are still young. To conclude the agreement, the
parents will butcher one or two four-legged animals like pigs, carabaos or
cows. For young couples, a young pig or cow may be butchered. The elders
called panglakayen or mambunong (religious practitioner) will bless the
animals and the ceremony. This ceremony is performed to let everyone in the
community know that when the boy and girl reach the age of maturity, they
will be married to each other.
 One reason for the kaising practice is that when the boy and girl are married,
the parents’ remain within the two families. Another is that this is also a way
of strengthening the friendship between tribes and to resolve conflict
between two clans or families.

 Timbal: Normally, a minimum of three fully-grown pigs are butchered on the

wedding day. On the eve of the wedding the bride and groom must observe
the “ngilin” rite where they are sanctified (bind) for each other by a local
 Mabaki: Wedding rites are usually done at the bride’s residence.

 If there is a feast like Marriage, Funeral. all of the people are invited.
 Preparing “watwat” may be simple for spectators as it may seem, mind you,
it is complicated. First, the pig is killed by “iwik”, this is using a pointed stick
plunged on the heart of the poor animal. The pig shall be shouting for pain
before it would finally meet its end. The pig’s piercing scream also serve as
an invitation to the neighborhood.

 Canao: It is a festival or ceremony, a rite or ritual and offering. It is a

celebration for productive economic activities where animals are offered in
thanksgiving known as IYA-EY.

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