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Assessment 3: Review Dialogue (30%)

Group: 1
Topic: Political Issues
Learning Objective: Do you agree that the leader of the country is elected through a fair vote by
the people rather than through the support of Parliament?
I agree to the statement because voting is a right and power given to the people. The people
mainly elect their approved leader through elections. The people showed their political
enthusiasm by participating in elections. If all parties and individuals work hard to gain power
within the framework of elections, then the people should regard elections as an opportunity to
determine their own destiny.(1) Through the news of Muhyiddin’s appointment, the Malaysian
people have been deprived of this opportunity. The people are fighting their own government for
the right to participate in politics. In my opinion, all political parties should abide by electoral
ethics, because the vandalism of candidates will lead to lowering the people’s trust in state
officials. According to our survey, a member of Mr Muhyiddin's party, Syed Saddiq, is refusing
to join him in working with UMNO. There have been protests against what is being called a
"backdoor government". The backdoor government was regarded as a utter betrayal by people
because people did not vote for it. (2) Therefore, presidential election candidates and their parties
should respect the results of the election and accept the opinions of the majority of the people.
(3) (1) (2) (3) (华语 link)

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