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d hope

alec derwent hope . elegy n satire poems . traditional form but modern ideas . wrote about native
Australians . biting literary critic of jindi borog movement . amending dr fautus play for 50 years .

1..wanderring island ..remained till now . conquistador poem . of answers .. response to , To coy of mistress , his coy mistress to marvell @ title


4..Austraia @poem..bleak n colorless . glory of Australia .

David mallouf ..

Wrote libretto for BOSS opera n b aba black sheep forkipling.

1..johnno..dante n johnno friendship .

2..imagenary life ..historic fiction .ovid roman poet talking about . exile from rome . found wild child . away peter .. jim sadler loves bird life . asley crowther inherites farm employ jim . Imogen click
photos of birds .

4..great world .. turmoil of ww .

5..remembering Babylon..gemmy settled in queensland but now want to go to Europe . live with
cousins . people him to as white black .

Patrick white

Novel prize

1..happy valley .. set I new south wales in England . influence of Lawrence n hardy

2..tree of man .. parker family fortune . a.e. houseman ;shopshire lad ; title taken . histoy as epic

3.. boss..journey of Germanic naturalist. Inspired from Ludwig lichherdc. Laura adopded child . belly
redcliff unveiling boss statue .

3..riders in chariot ..relious washer woman , holocaust survirer ,

See in vision riders in chariot from book Ezekiel

4.. solid mandala ..arthurn walder twins different from each other .

5..vivi sector ..sdyney lonel painter .

Peter carey

1..eli waker ..conman Herbert bejgery narater .

2..oscar n lucinda..bboker prize .edmund goose autobiography father n son title taken .

3..jack mag.. based on dikens great expectations .search for son henry phips .

4..history of caley gang .. called g8 american novel. Knedd caley . writing leeters about himself to infant
daughter . wrk under criminal bush ranger . epistolary novel .

Judith wright

Environmenlist . wildlife society of queensland founded .aboriginalist land right movement . go on

march .

1..moving imag

2..Women to man


4..The two fires

5..Other half


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