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How long the average person lives is dictated by our genes…

and the other 90 percent is dictated by our lifestyle.

2. Blue zones are the optimal lifestyle of longevity we can come up.

3. USDA pyramid is a food pyramid. Yes, I often follow it.

4. Treatment exists than can slow aging is false because the cells turn themself every time and
they cause damage and it is irreversible.

5. 125 times faster than a 12 year old person.

6. According to the science living capacity of a human body is about 90 years.

7. The key is how they treat older people.

8. Phisical activity, plant based diet and life with their parents.

9. To keep their parents close the family.

10. The isolation skills like Moai.

11. Means a diet that they stop eating when stomach is at 80 percent.

12. Moai is a group of friends with whom you can travel through life and always have their

13. The seventh day adventist in Loma Linda, California.

14. Small lifestyle habits that they follow ritualistically.

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