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1. The greetings showed

How are you?
R: I’m fine/ Pretty good/ not bad/ so-so
Hey, How´s it goig?
R: good/ Pretty good / not bad/ not so good/ not great/not so weel
Wha’s up?
R: Wha’s up/ not much/ nothing much

a) Not bad
b) I’m fine
c) Pretty good
d) Good
e) Not so good
f) Not so well
g) Not great
h) What’s up
i) Not much
j) Nothing much
k) Hi
l) Hey
m) Hello

2. Number
- in engish the number 0 is “zero” or “oh”
- pronunciation who numbers
a) 7
b) 13
c) 75
d) 30 - 20
e) 19
f) 66
g) 23 -33
h) 90
i) 12
j) 21

3. Difficult word
Sell it

4. Information about Giovanna

a) I’m from Diadema
b) I have a brother and a sister
c) I do like of sertanejo
d) My brother is young
e) I have three cats

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