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Track 37

Speaker 1:
So the need for change is not always welcomed or understood. Who and what
have been the main resistance to change in your context?

Speaker 2:
I believe people generally don't resist changes necessarily. What they resist is
having changes done to them, if they like. Change that's forced upon people. But
there are various people that are resistant to this and there is a tough side. My
belief here is that one should be hard on the issue and fair on the person.
Speaker 1:
Speaker 2:
So the first thing is the most important thing. Here is the way an organization
communicates, educates and converses with all of the members of staff. Help
everybody understand that if you like the rules of combat, the requirement of
business today is that we change. But part of this approach is the idea that the
people in the organization need to be part of the change process. In other words,
they will be involved in contributing to the change. And when people get some
ownership of the change that's taking place, I believe the resistance diminishes,
Speaker 1:
Speaker 2:
I think people need to understand the issue that a business needs to change, to
survive. And if people block that, then it does need to be addressed with a firm
line. But I believe generally within the right culture of a company, that there will
only be a very small minority who resist.

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