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Asynchronous class # 3 (February 11)

Texts “The Impact of Vote Buying”

Understanding cause-effect relationships in the text “The impact of Vote
Part 1. Working with new vocabulary
Choose 5 unknown words from the text and find their meanings and synonyms
New word/phrase Meaning/Synonym
1.Turnout M: The number of people who vote in a
particular election. (Oxford Learner´s
Dictionary, n.d.)


2. Canvass (ing) M: To ask people to support a particular

person, political party, etc., either by going
around an area and talking to people or by
phoning them. (Oxford Learner´s Dictionary,

S: Campaing.
3.Trading M: Activity of buying and selling things.
(Oxford Learner´s Dictionary, n.d.)

S: Dealings.
4.Ballots M: the system of voting in writing and usually
in secret; an occasion on which a vote is held.
(Oxford Learner´s Dictionary, n.d.)

S: Election.
5. Skewed M: Information not accurate or correct.
(Oxford Learner´s Dictionary, n.d.)
S: Altered.

Part 2. Working with the reading

A. Write the cause and the effect for each statement

Cause: not all payment-accepting voters go to the polls simply to uphold their end of a vote
buying contract.
Effect: There is a high turnout of people who accept material rewards
Cause: Vote secrecy is by and large respected in Taiwan.
Effect: The recipients, kept vote buyers guessing.
Cause: Buying votes.
Effect: the selection of bad leaders

Cause: Politicians are get elected on the basis of purchased votes.

Effect: These politicians are not the best qualified to run a democratic government.

B. Identify the cause-effect relationships from bullet point “Wrong

Cause Effect
Politicians get elected on the basis These politicians may feel free of any
of short-term contracts (money for debt to their voters. So, they have little
votes) reason to care about the formulation of
policies, the construction of
programmatic parties, and practices of


Oxford Learner´s Dictionary (n.d.). Retrieved from

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