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Peyton Magney

Mrs. Gagne

Practical Writing

09 March 2021

Digital Footprint

The fact that your privacy is getting taken away from you every minute you continue

your social media. The movie The Circle shows so many examples of how people’s privacy is

taken and how one post can tell someone more about you. In the movie a character named Mae

invested herself into a company that went beyond the perspective of breaking privacy. The Circle

would use peoples information as a way to further control them. That is really connecting to

actual real life. Now the faces that are behind the screens use what we look at, like, save, or share

and takes that information to a whole new level. They can use what they see to influence what

you see in the future. They can have ads pop up on your screen or filter certain posts so you see

what they want you to see. Social media can be a good influencer. It can help people with basic

home tasks to answering questions for an essay. It can also be a bad influence. Social media is so

easy to get into that your accounts can get hacked and can leak personal information. It can even

come down to credit cards having fraud charges. Which is the scary thing that everything is so

easy to get hacked into with just a few clicks.

The movie The Circle can really show what people should not do with their social media

lives. It gives so many realistic examples of how invested someone could be with your own life

that could potentially become dangerous. The Circle had these little camoflage and almost

invisible cameras. They also had these almost pin like livestreaming cameras that can click onto

your shirt. The aspect that there are already body cameras or little voice mics makes this even
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scarier because of the fact that people are already sharing so much with these devices. Then to

imagine if you were livestreaming your whole entire life to the world, even while your sleeping.

Someone could be stalking you or watching your every move wether you want them to or not.

The movie also shows a really good image of how some people can be so unaware of what they

are doing. Like when the character Mae gave her parents the cameras and got them involved in

the company, she thought she was doing something so good for them because of the life

insurance. In reality she was exposing her family and her families health and mental problems to

the world. So much of your own digital presence is left behind on the internet. Between your

name to email to birthday to even your weekly activities or routines. So much of your personal

life is portrayed to the world and sometimes you may not even know it. To finish up people

always need to remember what they really want the world to know about their social and even

individual lives. People always need to be self aware of how they really want to spread their

lively information. The world is also coming to some strange parts in history, so always

remember to do your best to protect yourself and identity.

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Work Cited

The Circle. Directed by James Ponsoldt, performance by Emma Watson, Tom Hanks, and John

Boyega, 1978 Films, 2017.

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