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That is the Peabody´s house, He is Slouch, He is looking for the photographs, When
Slouch is looking for the photographs Dolly arrives. Dolly is surprised because the
Peabody´s house is beautiful, there are 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms there is an
enormous kitchen and a large dinning room.
Slouch is wearing a black suit, a black hat and black shoes and Dolly is wearing black
dress with white dots.
Dolly asks Slouch what he is doing, He answers he is looking for the photographs,
Dolly thinks the photograph isn´t there so, Dolly asks Slouch what he is doing.
He answers he is writing a note to Mrs. Peabody then he is putting the note on the
picture. Slouch wants Dolly to go then they are leaving the Peabody´s house.
Jack is developing the photographs, When Jack is developing the photographs the
phone rings Jack is going to answer the phone Nadine is on the line.
Nadine is in front of the Peabody´s house then Jack asks Nadine where Mrs.
Peabody is, Nadine answers she is buying some flowers, she is walking up her front
steps, she is opening the front door and she is going into her house and Jack tells
Nadine good work.
Nadine asks Jack what he is doing, He is looking at Mr. Peabody´s photographs
there are lots of beautiful models in elegant dresses then Nadine tells Jack he is
working hard.
Jack orders Nadine to call him later, Jack is taking the magnifying glass then he is
looking at the photographs, he is putting on his coat and his hat and he is leaving
the office.
That is the Peabody´s house, she is Mrs. Peabody, she is surprised because her
house is messy. She is putting the flowers on the table then she is looking around
her house then she is taking the note from the picture and she is reading it.
When Mrs. Peabody is reading the note Nadine arrives, Nadine asks Mrs. Peabody
what is happening and if she is alright, She answers No she isn´t then Mrs. Peabody
asks Nadine what she is doing there and if she is following her.
She answers Yes she is, Nadine ask Mrs. Peabody what that is, Mrs. Peabody
answers it is a note. The note says “Urgent bring photo of fashion show FAR EAST
IMPORT EXPORT, PIER 13” then Mrs. Peabody asks Nadine what she is doing. She
answers she is calling Jack but Jack isn´t in the office. Nadine thinks Jack is probably
having lunch.
They can´t wait for Jack because there isn´t time then they are leaving the Peabody
´s house. Jack is at Mr. Peabody Photo Studio.
When Jack enters the studio he turns off the radio, Mr. Peabody is fainted on the
floor, He is slapping Mr. Peabody on the face but he has amnesia then Jack asks Mr.
Peabody if he is alright. Mr. Peabody thinks he is alright then Mr. Peabody asks Jack
who he is and what he is doing there, Jack replies he is Jack Stark and he is a private
Jack ask him if he is Mr. Peabody then Mr. Peabody answers he doesn´t know, Jack
asks Mr. Peabody if he can walk, he thinks he can walk. Jack´s helping Mr. Peabody
to stand up then they are going to Jack´s office.

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