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Eight Ways of Being Smart

(The Kagan’s Multiple Intelligences Structures Workbook, Dr. Spencer & Laura Kagan; adapted by Cristy Harris, LES 11/5/10)

Intelligence Area Is strong in: Likes to: Learns best by: Famous examples: Career examples:
Verbal-Linguistic Reading, writing, telling Read, write, tell Reading, hearing and T.S. Eliot, Maya Poets, public speakers, journalists,
writers (authors, advertising, script
“Word Smart” stories, memorizing stories, talk, seeing words, speaking, Angelou, Virginia Woolf,
and speech writers), speech
dates, thinking in words memorize, work at writing, discussing and Abraham Lincoln, Mark pathologists, lawyers, secretaries,
puzzles debating Twain, editors, proofreaders, comedians,
J.K. Rowlings, debaters, archivists, translators,
newscasters, commentators

Math-Logic Math, reasoning, logic, Solve problems, Working with patterns Albert Einstein, John Computer technicians and
programmers, underwriters,
“Number and problem-solving, question, work with and relationships, Dewey, Susanne Langer,
accountants, stock brokers, auditors,
patterns numbers, experiment classifying, categorizing, Copernicus, Sir Isaac
Reasoning Smart” bankers, math teachers, scientific
working with the Newton researchers, medical professionals,
abstract Galileo data analysts

Visual-Spatial Reading, maps, charts, Design, draw, build, Working with pictures Pablo Picasso, Frank Interior decorators, graphic design
artists, surgeons, photographers,
“Picture Smart” drawing, mazes, puzzles, create, daydream, and colors, visualizing, Lloyd Wright, Georgia
architects, airline pilots, painters,
imaging things, look at pictures using the mind’s eye, O’Keeffe, Bobby sculptors, chefs, quilters, landscapers,
visualization drawing Fischer, Steven theater set designers, illustrators,
Spielberg tour guides

Bodily-Kinesthetic Athletics, dancing, Move around, touch Touching moving, Charlie Chaplin, Martina Athletes, physical therapists, models,
mechanics, choreographers, actors,
acting, crafts, using and talk, body processing knowledge Navratilova, Magic
“Body Smart” recreation directors, doctors, nurses,
tools language through bodily Johnson, David exercise instructors, sport coaches,
sensations Copperfield, law enforcement personnel, circus
Barishnakov artists

Musical Singing, picking up Sing, hum, play an Rhythm, melody, singing, Leonard Bernstein, Music therapist, advertising, music
teachers, piano tuners, music studio
“Music Smart” sounds, remembering instrument, listen to listening to music and Mozart, Amadeus,
directors, song writers, performers,
melodies, rhythms music melodies Ella Fitzgerald, John conductors, sound engineers
Interpersonal Understanding people, Have friends, talk to Sharing, comparing, Mohandas Gandhi, Teachers, administrators, arbitrators,
anthropologists, organization leaders,
leading, organizing, people, join groups relating, interviewing, Mother Theresa, Martin
“People Smart” sociologists, talk show hosts,
communicating, cooperating Luther King, Oprah politicians, public relations,
resolving conflicts Winfrey salespersons, travel agents

Intrapersonal Recognizing strengths Work alone, reflect, Working alone, doing Eleanor Roosevelt, Therapists, psychologists,
philosophers, religious leaders, social
“Self Smart” and weaknesses, setting pursue interests self-paced projects, Sigmund Freud, Hellen
workers, counselors, mental health
goals having space, reflecting Keller professionals

Naturalist Understanding nature, Be involved with Working in nature, John Muir, Charles Forest rangers, zoo keepers, animal
trainers, landscape designers, bird
making distinctions, nature, make exploring living things, Darwin, Luther Burbank,
“Nature Smart” watchers, veterinarians, farmers,
identifying flora and distinctions learning about plants Lewis & Clark, scouting/camping, botanists,
fauna and natural events Sacajawea horticulturists, florists,
meteorologists, conservations

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