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Skim reading is reading a text

To get as much information as When you skim read, you ....
possible Read every sentence in the
To get the general idea of the text paragraph
To read a text slowly Read the last sentence in the
Skim reading is... Read the first sentence in the
1 to 2 times faster than regular paragraph
2 to 3 times faster than regular We use scan reading when...
reading we are looking for key terms or
3 to 4 times faster than regular words
reading we are looking for general
We use skim reading when we are not scanning
There is a lot of material and not a lot
of time We use scan reading when...
There is a lot of time we don't know what we want find.
There is a short text we know what we want to find.
we are not sure of what we are
When you skim read, you .... looking ofr.
Read only the first paragraph
Read only the last paragraph We use scan reading when...
Read the first and last paragraph we want find something specific from
a text.
When you skim read, you .... we want to find something general
Read only the titles from the text.
Read the titles, subheadings and we want to look at photos.
look at the images
Only read the titles and subheadings When you scan, you should ...
look for italicized words.
look for bold words.
look for italicized and bold words.

When you scan, you should ...

look for any word you like.
look for words you find in the
look for questions.

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