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Dear Sir Secretary-General:

The purpose of this letter is to make you aware of the concern about
the problems generated by the advancement of technology in the
environment due to its excessive growth in the last century. Causing
damage to the ecosystem in plants, animals by pollution generated
by man creating technological innovations that are discarded in a
short time to be used or replaced by uncontrolled consumption.

The replacement of the conventional means of transport of the past

worldwide (trains, animal traction, etc.) by fossil-combustion
vehicles has generated a devastating impact on the planet, generating
irreversible environmental damage.

Giving my point of view, I want to generate a grain of sand and

begin to create awareness of the care of the planet, the responsible
use of technologies and the optimization and regulation policies for
the waste generated by them. In industry, transport and
communication. It must not be produced to discard it must be
produced to preserve.

Yours truly:
Oscar Mauricio Morales Agudelo.

Stage 2: Technology and global warming (2nd week)

According to the previous letter that I sent to the Sir Secretary – General, I
will that the impact that the advance technology and the continue of
consumerism will result in
Si continua el Desarrollo

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