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Introduction Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Chapter 3: Chapter 4: Chapter 5: Chapter 6: Chapter 7: Chapter 8: Chapter 9: Chapter 10: Activities: Contents At the Workhouse......+ +++ Life with Mr Sowerberry ...- On the Streets of London .... Oliver Meets Mr Brownlow... . Kidnapped ..........60 00+ The Robbery ....6. 0-0. +0+5 AHome for Olivér.....-.-. + The Plot Against Oliver... .. : Nancy's Sacrifice... 6.4.2... Justice is Served 0.2.26... eer 46 Escaneado con CamScanner introductory Lesson Before Reading wer the following questions: 1 In pairs, ans) the book. What can you see in a Look at the front cover of the picture? b Inwhich period of time do you thi cc. Read the blurb on the back cover. children became thieves in the past? d- Look at the chapter titles. In which chapter do you think Oliver had the most difficult time? Why? ink the story is set? Why do you think tures. How do you think they are 2 Look at the following pic! connected to the story? Escaneado con CamScanner 3 Read the information about Charles Dickens and answer the questions that follow. Charles Dickens Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth, England, on February 7th 1812 and spent hig{ childhood) in London and Kent. He started school when he was nine years old, but had to stop soonafterwards) because his father@ivéd money and was sent to prison. This meant that Dickens had to go to work to support himself. His first job was in a shoe polish factory and he used this experience when he wrote his novels. In 1827, he started to work as a lega(Clerk) He learned(shorthand), which he later used when he became a reporter. He married Catherine Hogarth in 1836. ‘The Pickwick Papers’ was published a year later and ‘Oliver Twist’ was published in 1838. his adult life, Dickens was@oncerned) for the poor people in England and in his later life, he gave a number of talks and lectures on social conditions in an@{Jo¥) to improve their lives. He died on June 9th 1870, and is buried in Westminster Abbey, London. * Shorthand: a quick way of writing, using signs instead of words or syllables. Where was Charles Dickens born? How old was he when he started school? Why did he have to start work when he was still a child? What jobs did Dickens have before he started writing novels? When was ‘Oliver Twist’ published? What interested Dickens all his life? Where is Charles Dickens buried? a oo scaneado con CamScanner Oliver Twist Rose Maylie At the Workhouse 0 in England, there were special places called M workhouses, where poor people went to live when they had no money or work, no family or friends to help them ang when they had/no} here)else to go. Life in the workhouse was hard for the poor people and they went there only if they had no hope of a better life. One cold, dark night a young woman arrived in a strange town. She was pregnant and very tired and she fell down in the street, No one knew who she was or where she came from so the people who found her took her to the workhouse. An old woman called Sally put the girl to bed, and then sat down by the fire to wait for the doctor. Suddenly the girl cried out and looked at Sally with eyes full of pain and fear. “Don't be afraid, dear? said the old woman. “I've had thirteen children and I've often helped the doctor when a child was born in the workhouse. Your child will be born soon, but don’t worry! The doctor's on his way!" Something was{troubling)the young woman. She tried to take off the gold chain she was wearing around her neck. Sally helped her and then the girl put the chain, which had a locket with the name ‘Agnes’ on it, into Sally’s hand. 2 “Take these things ... please, keep them safe for my child ... T'm very sick! I don’t think I'll live to see the baby” “Don't talk like that!” said Sally.*Close your eyes now and try ‘0 rest.You'll need all your(Sirengih) for the birth.” Sally put the things into her pocket and just at that moment the doctor arrived. Soon a baby boy w: ‘as born. The young mother Escaneado con CamScanner ada sry sick. When the baby(begay | Gajin bed, very tired and very sick {hepato ay the girl opened her eyes and tried to sit up. Let me see my baby before I die. “Come, said the doctor (kindlyy'you must not talk of ying) He put the baby in the mother's arms. “His name is Oliver,’ she said, then ki cd the child and fej, back on the pillow. ‘The doctor and Sally did everything they could, but it was too late. The girl was dead. “Well, Sally, I'm afraid there’s nothing more I can do here,’ said the doctor sadly'to the old woman.“Where did she come from?” “1 don’t know, but she walked a long way to get here. Her shoes were worn out” 5 “And the baby’s father?” “We don’t know anything about him. Maybe he’s dead. She arrived here alone” “Poor girl’ said the doctor and he fighed)as he put on his hat and gloves. Then he said goodnight to Sally and went home. | When Sally was alone again she sat by the fire with the baby in a fradle)at her feet. She took the locket out of her pocket and for a long time she looked at it and at the sleeping baby. There were two small locks of hair in the locket, one fair, like the gitl’s ee aaaiege 4 gold wedding ring inside it. At her pocket and shook her head sadly ¢ “Poor b; a and ae +. Im sorry, but I'm going to keep these things me em myself. Then I can have a bit of money now that Id. I've lived in th as he workhouse for fifty years and life here Children didn't g Hen't go to the workhouse until they were nine yeas Old. Before that they I; the: i 10 y lived in another house, where somebody BS Escaneado con CamScanner il Chapter 1 looked aller them and@eceived money to pay for their food, Oliver went to live in@ich)a house with Mrs Mann, an old woman who kept most of the money for herself and didn't take good care of the babies and children, For the first nine years of his life Oliver lived there and during that time he never heard a kind word and he never had @nough)to eat. On Oliver's ninth birthday, Mr Bumble, a big fat man who wore auniform and carried a big stick, came to take him to the men’s workhouse. Mr Bumble helped to manage the workhouse. He ha a bad temper and he was very strict. If anyone in the workhouse did anything wrong, Mr Bumble hit them with his stick, so everybody was afraid of him, especially the children. One of his jobs was to give surnames to the babies who had no father, No one knew the name of Oliver's father so Mr Bumble gave him the surname ‘Twist’ Life in the workhouse was very hard and the boys were always hungry.'The food was always the same - a bowl of soup, which was mostly water, and on Sundays a small piece of bread. The master of the workhouse served the soup from a big pot, and he gave just one bowl to each boy. The boys became so hungry that one day they decided that someone must ask for more. They thought that if one boy got more soup, they could all get more. They chose Oliver. ‘The master served the soup as usual and the boys ate it quickly. They licked their fingers and then looked at Oliver and the big potof soup. 7 “Go on then! Go on!" they whispered and pushed Oliver with their elbows. 1 Escaneado con CamScanner Escaneado con Ca scaneado con CamScanner pter 1 Oliver was afraid, but he stood up, picked up his empty bowl, and walked slowly to the master’ There was complete silence. All the boys were waiting, hopefully. Oliver held out his bowl. “Please, sir. 1 want some more The master couldn't believe his cars. He looked at Oliver's pale, thin face and the empty bowl. “What?” : “Please, sir, I'm hungry. I want some more,’ said Oliver again. “Mr Bumble!” shouted the master, and he hit Oliver on the head with his big soup spoon. All the boys waited to see what happened. Mr Bumble appeared at the door. “What's the matter, Master?” “Oliver Twist wants more soup!” Mr Bumble’s face went red and he looked very angry. “What? It’s not possible! No one has ever asked for more! Oliver Twist, you are a bad, ungrateful boy!” 17 He picked up poor Oliver by his shirt collar and began to shake him and beat him with his big stick. Then he took him away and locked him in the cellar. Oliver was cold and frightened and he cried all night. The next morning Mr Bumble put a notice on the door of the workhouse. Escaneado con CamScanner Do you want a boy to learn a useful job? We will give £5 fo anyone who takes hin. Chapter 2 16 Life with Mr Sowerberry Fe a week Oliver stayed alone in the cold, dark cellar, and it was the worst week of his life so far. Every morning Mr Bumble unlocked the door, took Oliver into the room where the boys Were eating, and beat him, while the boys watched. Then he locked Oliver in the room again, Poor Oliver cried all day and, at night: he couldn't sleep because he was cold, unhappy ... and hungry, One morning, at the end of that week, Mr Bumble saw Mr Sowerberry, the coffin maker, outside the workhouse. Mr Sowerberry was a tall, thin man who always wore black clothes because of his job. He often came to the workhouse because so many poor people died there and so he knew Mr Bumble well. The two men began to chat, and then Mr Bumble pointed to the notice on the workhouse door. zy, “Mr Sowerberry, do you know anyone who wants a boy — and five pounds?” Mr Sowerberry thought for a few moments. “T think Til take him, Mr Bumble. I need a boy to work in my shop” They went inside to make the arrangements, That evening Mr Bumble unlocked the cellar door and told Oliver the news. Oliver said nothing. He just pulled the cap down over his eyes to hide his tears, and followed Mr Bumble through the streets to the coffin-maker’s shop. Mr Sowerberry was waiting for them. from one small candle so the room was dark and gloomy.A finished There was only the light coffin lay on a table in the middle of the room and pieces of Escaneado con CamScanner Chapter 2 wood stood against the walls. Mr Sowerberry smiled at Oliver and then called his wife. “Mrs Sowerberry, will you come here for a moment, my dear?” Mrs Sowerberry was a small, thin woman with an angry face. Oliver thought she looked like a fox. She tooked at him and Oliver bowed politely. + “Hmm ... he’s very small? she said, at last. “Yes, he is small,’ agreed Mr Bumble, “but he'll grow, ma’am.’ “Oh yes, he'll grow all right ... on our food and drink! Get downstairs, you little bag of bones!” She pushed Oliver down some stairs into a dark little kitchen where a servant girl was working. + “Charlotte, give this boy those bits of meat the dog didn’t eat” For the first time in his life, Oliver tasted meat. He ate the dog’s food hungrily, and then Mrs Sowerberry said, “Your bed’s under the shop counter. There’s nowhere else, so enjoy sleeping in there — with the coffins!” She laughed and left Oliver alone. He was very frightened and hardly slept all night. Early in the morning Oliver heard someone kicking the door and shouting, “Open the door!” Oliver opened the door and a big boy walked into the shop. “am Mister Noah Claypole,and you must do what I tell you,” said the boy.“Now take the shutters down and hurry up!” He kicked Oliver as he walked past. > 7 scaneado con CamScanner Chapter 2 | ‘The work was hard but Mr Sowerberry was kind to Oliver, Je was always nasty to When Noah noticed this, he got jealous. Oliver and made his life very difficult. One day the two boys were in the kitchen together, Noah wanted to make Oliver cry. He pulled his hair, pinched his ears, and said all the horrible things he could think of, But Oliver did not cry. “How's your mother?” asked Noah, 1 Noah thought Oliver was ready to cry, so he continued. “She's d “{ heard your mother was a bad woman” Oliver's face went red and he jumped to his feet and hit Noah so hard that the big boy fell down. Noah began to shout. “Charlotte! Mrs Sowerberry! Help! Oliver's murdering me! The two women ran into the kitchen and they both hit Oliver. Charlotte locked him in the coal cellar until Mr Sowerberry came home. When Mrs Sowerberry told him what happened, he beat Yy supper. .o Alone with the gloomy coffins, Oliver burst into tears. He cried Oliver too, and sent him to bed without for a long time but at last he had an idea and wiped his eyes. He decided to run away to London and look for work there.As soon as it was light, he took all the things he owned — a shirt, two pairs penny — and tied them up ina big handkerchief. Then he quietly opened the door and set off. 20. scaneado con CamScanner pter 3 On the Streets of London ‘or a whole week, Oliver walked during the day and slept in Fi. ficlds at night, Some kind people gave him food and water At hast, he arrived in London, His feet were bleeding and he sat down on a doorstep to rest. He was wondering what to do when he heard a voice. “Hello, there! What's the matter? Oliver looked up and saw a strange boy wearing a man’s coat, which reached almost to the ground, and an old top hat. said Oliver.“I've been on the road “rm very hungry and tired for seven days”) 4, “Come with me and I'll buy you something to eat)’ said the boy ick Dawkins, but they call me the Artful Dodger” “My name is After a meal of bread and cold meat, Jack Dawkins began to ask questions “Have you got any money?” “No.” “Do you know anyone here?” "Nor “I suppose you want somewhere to sleep tonight, don’t you?” “Oh, yes, please: “] know an old man who can help you. Come with me” Oliver could not believe his luck, and followed his new friend gratefully.) Ly It was late when the two boys stopped outside the door of an old house in one of the poorest areas of the city. Jack went in quickly and Oliver followed him up the stairs into a big room at the top of the house! < 21 scaneado con CamScanner Chapter 5 the walls and ceiling were black with smoke and ditt,An old man with long, greasy red hair was cooking some meat ina pan over the fire, and a few young boys were sitting around a table, *Mr Fagin, meet my friend, Oliver'lwist!” said Jacl ‘he old man smiled, showing long, yellow teeth like a rat, and shook Oliver's hand.'The boys all jumped up and shook Oliver's «d 100, One boy took his cap, another his handkerchief, and a third checked his pockets, ‘The old man laughed and hit the boys playfully with the fork. Oliver down at the table with the other boys and looked around the room.A lot of colourful silk handkerchiefs were hanging on a line across the room. Oliver stared at them curiously. They looked too clean for that dirty room. h, youre admiring ourhandkerchiefs? said Fagin.“We've just washed them, my dear!” He laughed again and all the boys laughed, too. Oliver didn’t know why they were laughing, but he thought they were all very cheerful and friendly. After supper Jack showed him where to sleep — a mattress on the floor - and Oliver fell’asleep at onc ‘The next morning Oliver woke up late and Fagin told him that the other boys were at work. Soon Jack and his friend, Charley Bates, came back. Jack gave Fagin two well-made wallets, and Charley had four silk handkerchiefs. Fagin showed the things to Oliver. “Look, Oliver, what clever boys they are. Would you like'to Jearn to come home every day with wallets and handkerchiefs like these, hmm?” “Oh yes, sir, if you'll teach me!" 23 Escaneado con CamScanner Chapter 3 Fagin and the boys laughed loudly, then they began to play a game. Fagin put some things into his pockets and the boys tried to take them out secretly. If Fagin felt a hand in his pocket, or saw one of the boys, Fagin was the winner. If the boys got the things without Fagin noticing, then they won the game. Oliver watched the boys carefully and soon he wanted to play, too. He learned quickly and Fagin was pleased. A few days later, Fagin let Oliver go out with Jack and Charley. For a long time they walked around slowly, then suddenly Jack stopped. He pointed towards an old gentleman, standing outside a bookshop and whispered, “Hell do!” “Perfect!” agreed Charley. Oliver didn’t understand. He couldn't see anything special about the old gentleman. He was reading a book from the stall outside the shop and didn’t seem to notice anything around him. Jack and Charley walked slowly towards him, then, quick as a flash, Jack pulled the handkerchief out of the old man’s pocket and the two boys disappeared round the corner. It was then that Oliver understood that Jack and Charley were thieves. He turned to run away but the old gentleman saw him and realised his handkerchief was not in his pocket. “Stop thief!” he shouted, and soon a crowd of people was tunning after Oliver, all shouting “Stop thief!” Oliver was terrified. He ran like the wind, but suddenly he slipped and fell-The crowd stood round him and the old gentleman looked down at him sadly. “Yes, I'm afraid this is the boy” 25 Escaneado con CamScanner ae pa tS ee 4 Chapter 3. ‘| Uthat moment the man from the bookshop arrived, s not the thiet” he expkained."T saw everything from This be s stole the handkerchie?” my shop! Two other boy The old gentleman looked at Oliver's pale face and his innocent htened eyes. ill! Get a carriage. Pm. taking him to my home? “This boy Oliver closed his eyes and remembered nothing more. scaneado con CamScanner Chapter 4 Oliver Meets Mr Brownlow ©. 4 shen Oliver opened his eyes again he was in a clean, W. comfortable bed and an old lady was sitting near him. ayhere am I? Who are you?" he asked. in Mr Brownlow’s house. 'm Mrs Bedwin, the housekeeper. Youre: Jouve been very ill for many days. Lie quietly now, dear, or youl be ill again” she stroked his hair and gave him a cool drink. ‘A few days later Oliver was well enough to get up. He sat downstairs in Mrs Bedwin's sitting room and looked at the picture of a young lady on the wall. “Do you like that picture, dear?” “Yes. The lady's face is so beautiful, but her eyes look sad” “If the picture makes you sad, you mustn’t look at it. I'll move your chair so that you can’t see it” She moved Oliver’s chair to the opposite side of the room, below the picture. At that moment Mr Brownlow came in. “How are you; my dear?” he asked Oliver. “Very well now, thank you, sir” Mr Brownlow smiled at Oliver, then suddenly his face changed. He opened his eyes wide and stared at the picture above Oliver's chair. “Mrs Bedwin, what's this? Look at the boy's face! Look at the Picture!” Oliver's face was exactly like the face in the picture! The next day, when he got up, Oliver looked for the picture, but it wasn't there. Mrs Bedwin noticed him looking at the wall. 29 Escaneado con CamScanner 32 “ve taken the picture away because i made you sad, Wh _ youre well again, Pl put it back.” Oliver was happy at Mr Brownlow’s house. The kind old man bought new clothes for him and Mrs Bedwin gave him good food One evening Mr Brownlow wanted to see him, So, Oliver Washed Irs Bedwin combed his hair, and then he knocked at his f the door of Mr Brownlow’s study. This was a ple sunt _TOOM, full of books. Mr Brownlow was sitting at a table by the window, reading, “Come in and sit down, Oliver. [want to talk seriously to you" No, my dear child, if you're a good boy Pll never send you away. | want to hear your story. Tell me the truth and don't be afraid,” Oliver just started to tell Mr Brownlow his story when they heard a knock at the door. It was Mr Brownlow’s friend, Mr Grimwig, Mr Grimwig was a fat old man who walked slowly with a stick. He didn’t like boys. “Hello! What's tha “This is Oliver Twist, the boy | told you about, He was just ?" he said when he saw Oliver. telling me his story.” Mr Grimwig put his head on one side and looked at Oliver out of the corner of his eye, | “Don't trust that boy, Mr Brownlow, He'll tell you a pack a | Jies, or Vl eat my hau" “{ do trust him, Grimwig” At that moment Mrs Bedwin came in with some books “fell the boy who brought them to wait” said Mr Brownlow: | | Escaneado con CamScanner Chapter 4 J want to send some books back to the shop’ irs too late, sir, he’s gone” “Why don't you let Oliver take the books?” said Mr Grimwig. “Oh yes, let me go, sit!” ‘ant Oliver to go out alone but he wanted Mr Brownlow didn’t w to show Mr Grimwig that Oliver w: is. a good boy and that he trusted him. “Very well. Oliver, take these books and this money and bring me ten shillings change” “Yes sir, thank you! I'll run all the way!” Oliver ran out happily with the books and the money. Mr Brownlow looked at the clock. “He'll be back in ... twenty minutes “Do you really think he'll come back?” s id Mr Grimwig.“The boy has new clothes, five pounds and some books. He'll go straight back to his friends, the thieves, and laugh at you. If that boy comes back here tonight, I'll eat my hat!” ‘Twenty minutes passed, then half an hour. It grew dark and Mrs Bedwin lit the gaslights. She sent the servants out twenty times to look for Oliver. In Mr Brownlow’s study the two old men sat in silence and looked at the clock. Oliver didn’t come home. 33 scaneado con CamScanner Chapter $ Kidnapped en Jack and Charley went home without Oliver, was very angry, He wis shouting stick when a Man and aawoman came in, They were with his bi Bill Sikes and his wite, Nancy. Bill was about thirty-five, tall and well-built, and Nancy had ros) ‘agin nd beating the boys » cheeks and long, curly hair. Bills dirty white dog follow ed them in. pat’s all this noise? What's g Fagin explained the problem. “These stupid boys have lost Oliver and I'm afraid he will tell 5. We must find him before he tl the police we're thieves -Naney can help us. The police don't know she works with us? Fagin cheered up. “Y ancy, my dear, You CAN go CO the police station! Tell them you've lost your little brother Oliver, and find out where be So, Nancy put on a clean, white apron and a stro bonnet he wiped her eyes with the comer of her left to see what she and pretended to cry. laughed. Then, Nancy apron and they could find out. Soon she was back with some nev eman took hint “Oliver fell down in the street and an old gent! home. This old man likes reading and buys lots of books cried Fagin. “Bill and Nancy! Watch the “Well done, my dear!” bookshop and sooner or later we'll find Oliver” So, on the evening that Oliver went to the bookshop. bil ting for him. As soon a Nand Naney were v they saw him, started shouting. ‘Oliver, you bad boy! Where have you been? Our nm so worried!” other B scaneado con CamScanner pier 5 “you young devil! Aren't you ashamed? And what have you yor there? Stolen books, eh? And money! That's mine!" pil snatched the moncy out of Oliver's hand and put it in his pocket Oliver cried for help and tried to escape, but it was no use. Bill and Nancy held both his hands tightly and dragged him along the street, while the dog ran behind, growling. Soon they asrived at Fagin’s house “Oliver, my dear! You're looking very well ... what have you got for us - books?” *{ don't care what you do to me, but please send the books back to Mr Brownlow! He’s waiting for me and he'll think I’ve stolen them!” Fagin laughed, “That's right! He'll think youre a thief! Excellent!” ‘This was too much for Oliver. He rushed towards the door shouting. “Hidp! Help!” “Not so fast, young man!” Fagin grabbed Oliver and picked up his stick. He was very angry, So, you want to run away again ... you want to go to the police, ch? SI) teach you not to do that” He raised the stick to hit Oliver but Nancy jumped forward, snatched it out of his band and threw it into the fire. She was any (100, ‘agin, but] won't let you hurt him!” au've got the boy back, Yor the next few days, Fagin told Oliver terrible stories about the things that happened to boys who tied to run away or go 10 the police for help. Oliver was scared, 35 Escaneado con CamScanner ——— Chapter5 | One night Fagin went to visit Bil Sikes. The two men sat dom and began to talk about a house they wanted to rob, “We can't get into the house, Fagin! There’s only one windoy, without bars and it’s too small for a man to get through!" “Hmm ... could a boy get in?” f he was a very small, thin boy? “Well ... Oliver's very small and thin, Bill. He can help us “Yes .. The following evening Fagin got ready to go out. e you to Bill's house tonight” “Oliver, Nancy will ta “To “No, my dear, we don't want to lose you!” The old man laughed, and then suddenly his face became serious. “Oliver, Bill Sikes is a dangerous man, so don’t do anything to make him angry. He’s not afraid of blood! Now, here's a candle and a book to read while you're waiting for Nancy? When Oliver was alone, he began to read a book full of homble 0 S ay there?” stories about thieves, murderers and other criminals. By the time fancy came to get him, he was terrified. ancy looked worried and her face w near the fire and for a few minutes she did not move or spe Then, suddenly she turned to Oliver and whispered quickly: “Listen to me, Oliver. Do what Bill tells you. Don’t shout oF a or try to escape. If you do, he'll kill both of us!” She took his hand and soon they arrived at Bill's house. 8 was sitting down and a pistol was on the table in front of bit? “Come here,” he said to Oliver and pointed to the pistol“? you know what th “Yes” s pale, She sat dow? ot ere scaneado con CamScanner Chapter 5 a bullet and thi “Now, this is gun-powder” } Bill loaded the pistol carefully as he spoke. “tr’s loaded now, see?” | He held the pistol to Oliver's head. “Well, if you speak one word while we're out, this bullet is for you! Understand?” | “Ye-yes, sit! Bill pushed the boy away, laughing at his pale face. “Good! Now, let’s have some supper and go to bed. We've got to get up very early tomorrow.” ido con CamScanner Chapter 6 : The Robbery the next day was wet and cold. Oliver and Bill Sikes got up arly and travelled all day. It was late in the evening when they arrived at a lonely, ruined cottage in the country, where Bill's friend, Toby Crackit, w iting for them. He had long, red hair and thin legs and wore a lot of big rings on his dirty fingers. They waited in the cottage until midnight. Then the two men went out and took Oliver with them. He tried to run away but they held his hands tightly. “Be quiet! Remember the pistol, my boy!” said Bill. It was cold and foggy as they were walking through the streets of a small village. Finally, they stopped outside a house with a big wall around it-They climbed over the wall and walked silently to | | } | the back of the house where they found one very small window open. “Right, Oliver. I'm going to lift you in there and ...” When Oliver realised that the thieves wanted him to help them rob the house, he fell down on his knees. “{ can't help you steal! Please let me go!” Bill pulled out the pistol but Toby stopped him. “Don't be a fool, Bill. If he says another word, I'll hit him on the head — that makes no noise” t +... when you get inside, go and open the front door for us- t And be careful! I'm watching you!” Oliver decided to shout for help as soon as he was in the t house, He didn't want to be a thief. He took a step forward and then heard Bill’s voice. “Back! Come back!” A man appeared at the open storeroom door holding a gu 49 . ea a Escaneado con CamScanner er | Chapter 6 There was 2 bang and a flash of light. Oliver felt a pain in his arm and fell back. Bill grabbed him and pulled him through the window. Then he saw that Oliver's arm was covered in blood. “They've shot him!” But Toby Crackit was already running away towards some es. Bill followed, ¢ “Stop, you coward! Help me with the boy!” They reached the trees and saw men with guns and dogs tre rying Oliver. running out of the house towards them. “Drop the boy and run!” Bill thought for a moment, then dropped Oliver under a tree and the two thieves disappeared into the darkness. ‘A cold rain began to fall. All night Oliver lay under the tree without moving and his clothes turned red with blood. The bitter cold woke him up early in the morning. He opened his eyes with acry of pain — his arm hurt badly. He tried to sit up. In the distance he could see a big house and he decided to ask for help there. He stood up with difficulty and staggered towards the house. Finally, tired and weak, he reached the house. He knocked at the door, then fainted on the doorstep. ‘At the same moment, the servants of the house were all in the kitchen, talking. Two of them, Mr Giles and Brittles were telling the others about the thieves who tried to rob the house in the night. Everyone was afraid when they heard the knock at the door, Mr Giles and Brittles went together to open the door, but instead of the dangerous robber they were expecting, they saw only a little boy, covered in blood, lying on the doorstep. They Picked him up and brought him into the house. 41 L Escaneado con CamScanner “Miss! I've got him!" shouted Mr Giles.“IUs the thief J shot fy night! Do you want to sec him?” A girl's voice answered from upstairs. “No, wait! Let me speak to my aunt” A moment later her sweet voice was heard again “Giles, bring him upstairs and put him to bed. Brittles, go ang fetch the docte ied Oliver upstairs to an empty servants ran up and down the stairs bedroom. Very soon Giles car Dr Losberne arrived and the with hot water and bandages. About an hour later, Dr Loshberne came downstairs to speak to the two ladies of the hou: Mrs Maylie,an old lady, and Rose, young git! of se ver, and Mrs Maylie took her in venteen. Rose was also an orphan, just like Oli when she was a young child. thief yet, Mrs Maylie?” asked the doctor. “Have you seen this “No? “| think you should. He's not as dangerous as you think’ said the doctor with a smile. ‘The wo ladies gasped in surprise when they saw Oliver asleep in the bed. vhat’s this? Surely such a small child can’t be a thief!” Mrs Maylie. Rose ran to the bed and her eyes filled with tears. She stroked Oliver's hair and turned to her aunt. “Oh, Aunt! J don’t believe he’s a bad boy really. Maybe hi poor orphan who never knew a mother's love. Can't he stay hese? We can take care of him!” “Of course he can stay! she wed to Dr Losberne “Doctor, what can we do to save him?” 44 As she spoke these words, Oliver Twist smiled in his sleep. Escaneado con CamScanner 46 A Home for Oliver ed at the house until spring. When he was well and veryone moved to a beautiful cottage in the and peaceful. ly to pick flowers for Mrs trong again, © Life there was quic! y morning Oliver got UP earl ‘After breakfast he had lessons with an old man afternoons he went for walks with Rose, rk and listened while Rose countr E Maylie and Rose. in the village and in the venings he did his homewo' In the e layed the piano and sang. Three read aloud from a book or pl his way and life was perfect for Oliver again. months passed in th and Rose went One beautiful hot summer afternoon, Oliver ry long walk.When they came back much la play a sad tune. Suddenly for a vel ter than usual, Rose sat down at the piano and began to she stopped playing and looked very pale. Mrs Maylie got up quickly and put her arms round Rose. “My dear girl, what's the matter? “a “| didn’t want to worry you, Aunt, but I'm afraid I'n “You must go to bed now and if you're not better in the moming, m ill.” Tl send for Dr Losberne” “Tm sure Pll be well again in the morning, Aunt. Goodnight Goodnight, Oliver” But in the morning, Rose was worse. Mrs Maylie called Olivet and gave him two letters, One for Dr Losberne and one for her son, Harry, who loved Rose. “Oliver, take these letters to the village inn and ask them (0 send them at once.” “Til run there and back as fast as T can, Mrs Maylie!” - eel Escaneado con CamScanner pter 7 Oliver ran all the way to the village inn, and asked the iMNkeepey to send the letters straight away. As he was running out Of the inn yard, he bumped into a tall man wearing a black cloak, “Oh, P'm sorry, sir, | didn't see you. | hope I didn’t hurt you i The man stared at Oliver. He seemed to recognise the boy, “You young devil! What are you doing herc?” fist and took a step towards Oliver, then suddenly He shook | fell to the ground in a fit and started shaking, Oliver called for inger, then ran home | help for the mysteriou as fast as he could, led and frightened by the man’s soon as he was back with the Mayli He ws strange behaviour, $ pu but as he forgot all about it, because Rose was much worse. The next day Dr Losberne and Harry Maylie arrived. While the doctor was with Rose, Harry spoke to his mother. “Mother, you know I love Rose and want to marry her. When she is well, may I ask her to marry me?" ‘ “Yes, of course! You know I love you both and if you get married, I'll be very happy. Ask her when she’s well again? Just then Dr Losberne came in. Mrs Maylie and Harry looked at him anxiously, and waited for him to speak. “The danger is past. She will get well” stronger every day and a cheerful atmosphere j returned to the cottage. Oliver went to his lessons every day and studied hard. Then he walked in the countryside with Harry and showed him where to find the most beautiful flowers for Rose The days passed quickly. Rose grew One evening, Oliver was doing his homework. It was 4 bo! day and he was sleepy. He finished the last exercise, closed his | books and looked out into the garden,There, outside the windo™ 48 scaneado con CamScanner Joking at him, were two men = Fagin and the mysterious stranger! “Help!’shouted Oliver, He jumped bi ck from the window, and the men ran away. By the time Harry and Dr Losberne came out, there Was no sign of them.The servants scarched the fields around the house but they found no one.The next lay Harry went to the village to ask about the strangers. But nobody knew anything. “Oliver mny boy, maybe you w just tired and imagined those id Dr Losberne at last, strangers, The incident was soon forgotten, A few days liter Rose was well enough to get up. It was a warm day and everyone was in the garden. Mrs Maylie was sewing and Harry and Rose were ting under a tree, reading a book together. Suddenly, Harry put down the book. “Rose, I want to speak to you. I think you know I love you. Will you marry mi ? I've already spoken to my mother and she iage if that’s what you want, too! 's to Our ma “Harry; can’t marry you. You know I was a poor orphan when your mother took me in. You want to be a great politician. ['m ‘raid that if you marry me, your career will suffer” “But Rose ... you are more important to me than my career!” “You say that now, but if you marry me, maybe one day you Will regret it? Harry was upset and decided to leave the next day with DrLosberne, et Mrs Maylie and Rose decided to ‘ke Oliver to the coast, on holic: A few days : y. On their way, they stopped 'N London for three days. Oliver hoped that he would not meet NYone from Fagin’s gang while he was there, 49 scaneado con CamScanner pter 8 The Plot Against Oliver in the town where Oliver was born, Mr Bumble w B AS now Master of the workhouse. Around the time of Rose's illness he got married to the Mistress of the workhouse but it was noy a happy marriage. He soon discovered that his wife had a strong character and she refused to obey him. One day they had a big argument and Mr Bumble went out for a walk to calm down. While he was out it began to rain, so he went into an inn. It was empty — except for a tall man in a black cloak. The man looked at Mr Bumble for a while and then he spoke. “You're Mr Bumble, an officer at the workhouse, aren't you?” “I'm Master of the workhouse now!” You can help me, then,’ said the stranger, and he pushed a gold coin across the table to Mr Bumble.“About twelve years ago a boy called Oliver was born there” “Oh, yes, Oliver Twist. I remember him? “Was anybody with Oliver's mother when he was born?” “Yes, Old Sally. She died last winter. But my wife was with her when she died and ...” Mr Bumble picked up the gold coin and looked at the stranger. The stranger pushed another coin across the table. Mr Bumble picked that up, too. “Before Sally died, she told my wife a secret about Oliver and gave something to her” “My name is Monks. Here's my address. 1 want to talk to your wife. Bring her to my house tomorrow night at 9 o'clock with the things Sally gave her. I'll pay you well” Escaneado con CamScanner Chapter 8 The following night Mr and Mrs Bumble went to visit Monks at his house near the river. They gave him the locket and ring ang he gave them twenty-five gold coins.As soon as they left, Monks, opened the window and threw the things into the river, “There! Now my secret is safe. No one can prove that Oliver Twist is my half-brother!” The day after Oliver arrived in London, Nancy went to Fagin’s house. She wanted some money to buy food for Bill, who was sick in bed. Just before she left, Monks came in. Nancy said goodnight and went out, but as she was closing the door she heard Oliver's name. She stood in the dark outside the door, held her breath and listened. She could hear Monks speaking. “Oliver Twist is back in London. He’s staying at the Park Hotel with an old woman and a young girl — the Maylies. I want to bring him back here. Together we'll make him a thief and see him hang, or if 1 can, I'll kill him myself! Then I'll get all our father’s money. If you help me, I'l give you a share of the money? When she heard this, Nancy wanted to help Oliver. She crept silently down the stairs and out into the street, then ran as fast a5 she could to the Park Hotel. There, she asked to speak to Miss Maylie, and was taken up to her room. Rose was surprised to see Nancy, but she spoke to her kindly. “Do I know you? Are you in trouble? Can I help you?” “You don’t know me, Miss, but I've got something important to tell you about Oliver. He's got a half-brother called Monks. who's a very bad man. Tonight I heard him talking, Monks knows Oliver’s here in London and he’s planning to kidnap him to make him a thief, or even worse ~ to kill him if he can!” “Oh, poor Oliver! What am I going to do” Escaneado con CamScanner 54 Chapter 8 “Is there anyone you trust, who can help you?” “T think so ... but where can I find you again ... if I need tp talk to you, or if you have anything else to tell me?” “Til walk on London Bridge every Sunday night between |} ve. I've risked my life tonight to and 12 o'clock — if I’m stil come and tell you this, but I wanted to help Oliver. Now I must go quickly before anyone finds out I've been here” “Dear girl, why do you have to go back to these people? I can help you start a new life!” cried Rose. “I must go back, because I love my husband — even though he’s a bad man. I can’t leave him” “Thank you for coming to me. At least, let me give you some money.” “No, not a penny, sweet lady. Now I must go. Goodnight.” Rose stayed up all night thinking. Who could help her to save Oliver? scaneado con CamScanner ~< Chapter 9 Nancy’s Sacrifice ‘he next morning Rose was sitting at her desk trying to decide whether to ask Harry Maylie or Dr Losberne to help her, Her problem w: s solved when Oliver rin into the room with big smile on his face. “Rose, Mr Brownlow in London! I've got his address Can we go and see him?" “Of course! Mr Brownlow has helped Oliver before! I'm sure he'll know what to do, thought Rose. She stood up and smiled at Oliver. “What wonderful news! We'll go at once!” Soon Rose and Oliver arrived at Mr Brownlow’s house. The old man was delighted to see Oliver again, and listened as Oliver told him why he didn't come back with the books. Mrs Bedwin ed cried tears of joy and even Mr Grimwig was pleased. Rose as to speak to Mr Brownlow in private. She told him about her conversation with Nancy and the kind old man agreed to help her find Monks and make him share his father’s money with Oliver. On Sunday night Fagin was at Bill Sikes’ house. At 11 o'clock Nancy got ready to go out. “Where are you going?” “J don't feel very well, Bill. I want some fresh “Then put your head out of the window? “No, I want to go for a walk outside, I've been in the house all day’ Bill locked the door and put the key in his pocket “Now sit down. You're not going anywhere, my git!” ee Escaneado con CamScanner : Chapter 9 “Bill, let me go, just for one hour!” Nancy was angry now. She began to shout and scream, and fought with Bill, trying to get the key, but it was no use.The fight went on for an hour, d then they heard the clock striking midnight. When she heard the sound, incy suddenly calmed down. She sat down on a chair and t rolled down her pale few moments later she began to laugh. The two men looked at each other in surpris face, but a “What a strange girl she i “Take no notice of her, Bill. She'll be all right in a few minutes? Fagin said goodnight and got up to leave.As he walked home he thought about Nancy's strange behaviour. “T think Nancy's got a secret. Why did she want to go out tonight’ Was she going to meet someone? I must find out where she goes: and who she talks to. I'll tell one of my boys to follow her” The following Sunday Bill was not at home.At 11 o'clock Nancy put on her hat and coat and went out. She looked up and down the street a towards London Bridge. She didn’t notice a bo doorway, but he y her and followed her silently, keeping in the shadows. Ttwas cold, dark night and few people were out.When Nancy reached London Bridge, she saw a carriage waiting at the side of the road. Inside were Rose where they could find Mon! and Mr Brownlow. Nancy told them ibe him. s, ind then began to de She didn’t notice the boy who was hiding behind the cart listening to every word she said. “He’ nep-set He's a tall, strong man. He’s got dark hair and very deeP** 2», 00 eyes. He must be about twenty-six but he looks much older. OF his neck is or scaneado con CamScanner sa red mark, like a burn?” cried Mr Brownlow. _ 1 Do you know him?” ae “think | do” “thank you for helping u id Rose.“But please let us help you-Tell us the names of the thieves.TThen the Police will catch Nancy shook her bead. “T can't betray the man I love. I've told you where to find Monks because I want to help Oliver, but I can’t tell you any more.I don’t know why, but I feel afraid tonight, and I want to get home quic! before anyone sees me here” Later that night Fagin sat in his cold room looking at the boy sleep on the floor. Fagin’s face was pale and his eyes were red. He was biting his black nails and waiting for Bill Sik At last he heard heavy footsteps on the stairs. Bill came in, sat down and put a bag on the table. “It was a difficult job, but we managed it at last? who was. Then he noticed Fagin’s expression. “What's wrong?” “Nancy's betrayed us! If you don't believe me, ask that boy! He followed her tonight and ... “What” Bill shook the sleeping boy and listened to his story. “Nancy! VIL kill her for this!” Before Fagin could stop him, Bill ran out of the house, cursing and Swearing, scaneado con CamScanner Chapter 9 Nancy was asleep when Bill got home, “Get up!” “Bill, what ? Why are you looking at me like tha” “You know very well. Where were you tonight? What did you do?" He threw her across the room and picked up a heavy wooden stick. Nancy ran to him and held his arm. “Bill, don’t hurt me! We can go away and start a new life. Bill pushed her away from him, looked once into her e yes, then raised the stick and hit her on the head with all his strength, ‘When the sun came up, Nancy was lying dead on the floor in 4 pool of blood. Bill lit a fire and burnt the stick, then tried to clean the blood off his clothes, Finally he went out, locking the door behind him, and walked quickly away from the house. Escaneado con CamScanner | Chapter 10 Justice is Served the next day the news of Nancy's murder was in all the Gerais Everyone in London was talking about it, and everyone wanted the murderer to be caught. Mr Brownlow and Rose read the news too, and felt very sad. “Poor Nancy,’ said Rose, with tears in her eyes, “She died because she wanted to help Oliver” “As soon as we have found Monks we must look for Nancy's murderer” They decided to send for Dr Losberne and Harry Maylie, the two men they knew they could trust to help them. The doctor and Harry arrived that afternoon and late in the evening they brought Monks to Mr Brownlow’s house. They took him to Mr Brownlow’s study and left the two men together. Monks was angry. . “You were my father’s oldest friend! Why have you brought me here like a criminal?” “Its because of my friendship for your father that I brought you here, Edward Leeford. Yes, of course I know your real name! 1 know many other things too — about the gangs you belonged ‘© and the trouble you have been in abroad. And don't forget I “as going to marry your father’s sister, but she died. I know the sad Story of your father’s marriages, too. After his first wife — Your mother — died, he met a young woman and fell in love. Soon after this marriage he had to go abroad suddenly, but before he left he gave me a picture of this girl and asked me to ‘ake care of her if anything happened to him. I still have the Picture and that’s how I recognised Oliver. He looks exactly like 'S Mother, 63 oe Escaneado con CamScanner Escaneado con CamScanner pter LO Well, while your father was abroad, he got ill and died. Whey his wite heard the news, she was so upset she ran away, | couldn't find her and so Oliver was born in the workhouse, You father left his money to you and your half-brother, Oliver. wan, are the money with him.” to make sure you s ‘an’t prove that Oliver is my half-brother!” “Ah, but T can! I have spoken to Mr Bumble who is Master “You of the workhouse where Oliver was born. He told me about the ign these papers to say that you will share your father's money with Oliver or I will tell the locket and ring. You can choose police everything I know about you!” “Ive got friends who can help me to hide from the police, or I can go abroad. Why should I sign those papers?” “I know who your friends are — thieves and murderers. And maybe I know something that you don’t. The police arrested Fagin and Jack Dawkins today. Soon they will catch all the other members of the gang, too. Then who will help you?” Monks turned pale. “If T call for the police now you will get a fair trial, but we both know you will go to prison? Monks walked angrily up and down the room. At last he spoke. “Very well, if I sign the papers, will I be free to go?” “You have my word as a gentleman.’ Monks was angry, but signed the papers and threw the pen down on the table. Then, with a curse, he walked out into the dark street. Mr Brownlow picked up the papers. “Thanks to Nancy, Oliver is safe. And now we must hunt down her murderer ...” 66 Escaneado con CamScanner Chapter 10 When the police caught Fagin, Toby Crackit and Charley Bates were with him, but they escaped up the chimney. L that evening they were hiding in an old house near the river in one of the dirtiest, poorest parts of the city.As they were looking out of a window, they suddenly saw a white dog, with blood on its fur and feet. “Bill's dog! Bill must be somewhere near here!” “If he comes here I won't help him,’ shouted Charley. “I'll call for the police. A few minutes later, someone knocked at the door. Toby opened it and Bill Sikes ran in. He looked sick and tired and sat down in a chair with the dog at his feet. “The police are after me with a crowd of people but they didn’t see me come in here. Can I stay and hide till they've gone?” “Monster! Murderer!” shouted Charley. Outside in the street there was a big crowd of people and policemen. Charley opened the window and shouted loudly, “Help! Police! The murderer is here! ... Bill pulled him away from the window and knocked him to the floor. At that moment there was a loud knock at the door. “This is the police! Open the door or we'll break it down!” Bill looked out of the window. “Toby, give me a rope and I'll climb out onto the roof and drop down into the river at the back of the house. They won't catch me!” He climbed out of the window and tied one end of the rope round the chimney. He was tying the other end round his chest when suddenly he gave a loud cry. 67 | Escaneado con CamScanner Chapter 10 > eyes! I can see Nancy's eyes! ... he roof and the rope slipped up and tighteneq was dead. The dog howled and trieg (0 reach his master. Fagin. that wicked old man with blood on his hands, had g tial, was found guilty and hanged. Monks escaped to America, soon. spent all his money and returned to a life of crime. He eventually died in prison. Charley Bates decided an honest life was best, and found a good job on a farm. Rose married Harry Maylie and Mrs Maylie went to live with them in a litle house in the country. Mr Brownlow adopted Oliver and bought a house near their friends, the Maylies. When he told them the story of Oliver's parents, they all realised that Rose was in fact the sister of Oliver's mother, Agnes. So finally, Oliver found himself with a family he did not know he had and lived the rest of his life in happiness. THE END Escaneado con CamScanner

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