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Week 4: Life Changing Conversations – Jesus Meets A Foreign Soldier

1. What advice can you give about how to relieve stress?

2. Today, we will read about a foreign soldier who makes a

request to Jesus. In your country, what is the perception of
the military?

In most nations and cultures, some citizens are “acceptable” but other
people are “unacceptable” or “unworthy” of honor. But the Bible describes
a strange pattern in the life of Jesus. Often, the “bad people” who are
rejected by “good society” are the people who are welcomed by Jesus. In
many nations, the “top students” are invited to study under the best
professors. But Jesus invited ordinary fishermen to become his disciples.

What would be an example of people in your country or culture that

would be unacceptable or unworthy of honor?

Once again, we will read how Jesus Christ welcomes a person that “good
citizens” might reject. The Romans had conquered Israel. The armies of
Rome were the military occupiers of Israel. We will see how Jesus
accepts a Roman soldier. Not all foreign soldiers were wicked. This
soldier knew Jesus would be criticized for friendship with a Roman and
knew that Jesus had life-changing conversations with fishermen, tax
men, & immoral women. The words and actions of Jesus were forgiving,
accepting, and restoring.

“Life Changing Conversations” Study Guide © RUF-International Buzz 2021

Notes: Week 4 – Life Changing Conversations
From the Bible
Matthew 8:5-13 – "(5) When Jesus had entered
Roman army Capernaum, a centurion came to him, asking for help. (6)
officer, who “Lord,” he said, “my servant lies at home paralyzed and in
commanded terrible suffering.” (7) Jesus said to [the centurion], “I will go
about 100 men, and heal [your servant].” (8) The centurion replied, “Lord, I do not deserve
a “military to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant
captain.” The
Roman army
will be healed. (9) For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers
was considered under me. I tell this one, ʻGo,ʼ and he goes; and that one, ʻCome,ʼ and he
a “foreign comes. I say to my servant, ʻDo this,ʼ and he does it.”"
(10) When Jesus heard this, [Jesus] was astonished and said to those
Lord: is the following him, “I tell you the truth, I have not found anyone in Israel with
title of respect
(similar to “Sir”)
such great faith. (11) I say to you that many will come from the east and
that people the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and
commonly Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. (12) But the subjects of the kingdom will
used when be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and
they came to gnashing of teeth.” (13) Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go! It will be
Jesus for aid; done just as you believed it would.” And [the centurionʼs] servant was
though in some
contexts, it can healed at that very hour.
be an
affirmation of
deity Discussion
1. Verse 5: Who came to see Jesus? How do you think Jewish
The feast with
people felt about that person?
Isaac, and
Jacob: a 2. Verse 6: What was the Centurion’s request?
picture of
heaven: to eat 3. Verse 7: How did Jesus respond to the foreign military captain?
with Israelʼs What does this show about Jesus’ view of “foreigners”?
4. Verse 8: How did the Roman soldier show his respect and
Subjects: honor to Jesus?
citizens. Israel
was Godʼs 5. Verse 9: What did the centurion realize about the authority of
nation. But
when Israel
rejected God,
then God 6. What made Jesus astonished? How did Jesus compare this
rejected them. Roman soldier with his fellow citizens of Israel?

7. Verse 13: What does the healing show about Jesus and about
Godʼs kingdom?

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