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Activity 2

Negative sentences

 She didn’t dance in the afternoons

 I didn’t need your book
 He didn’t cut the onions
 She didn’t teach how to do this problem
 Jack didn’t laugh at the play



1. Pip was: a young boy

2. Pip lived: on the marches
3. The prisoner: was wearing chains
4. Pip: Stole the food
5. Joe and his wife were both: poor
6. Pip helped: the prisoner
7. Biddy helped Joe When: Pip’s sister was ill
8. The second prisoner: run away
9. The soldiers wanted to: find the prisoners
10. Joe was sorry for: the prisoners

Pip was (to be) a young boy. He lived (to live) on the marshes
with his sister and her husband, Joe. One day he met (to meet) a
prisoner in the churchyard. Pip is very afraid. He went (to go)
home and stole (to steal) some food and a file for the prisoner.
Pip saw (to see) a second prisoner. This man had (to have) a
scar on his face. The two prisoners were (to be) enemies. They
wanted (to want) to fight.


1. Pip went to: (Statis House / Satis House / Cat’s House)
2. Pip went there with: (Miss Havisham / Joe / Uncle
3. Estella was: (mad / proud / polite)
4. Estella didn’t like Pip’s: (dirty hands / dirty face / dirty boots)
5. Miss Havisham’s dress was: (old and yellow / white / old and
6. Estella said that Pip: (was a gentleman / was a blacksmith’s
boy / was handsome)
7. On the table there were/was: (a large animal / an old cake /
many clocks)
8. Miss Havisham hated: (Pip / Estella / all men)
9. Who won the fight? (Pip / Herbert / nobody)
10. Miss Havisham told Pip: (hello / good bye / congratulations)

Uncle Pumblechook took (to take) Pip to Satis House. There he met (to
meet) a young girl and an old lady, Miss Havisham. She was (to be)
always wearing an old wedding dress. Some people thought (to think)
that she is mad. Estella is very beautiful but proud and rude. Pip
wanted (to want) to marry her, but he cannot because he is not a
gentleman. Pip often visited (to visit) Miss Havisham’s house. One day
it is her birthday. Pip saw (to see) a long table with a long cake on it.
There are rats and spiders.

Later, Pip met (to meet) Herbert and joe with him, so Miss Havisham
said (to say) him good bye


Choose the best option

1. Pip worked with: (his sister / Joe / Biddy)

2. Pip thought a lot about: Biddy / Joe / Estella)

3. Biddy: (was ugly / hated Estella / was happy with her life)
4. Mr. Jaggers was: (a layer / a benefactor / a policeman)

5. Pip’s benefactor was: (Miss Havisham / Mr. Jaggers / an unknown


6. Great Expectations meant that Pip had: (a good future / a good job /
a lot of problems)

7. Pip wanted to be: a blacksmith / Estella’s husband / Miss

Havisham’s husband)

8. Pip must learn: (to be a blacksmith / to wear expensive clothes / to

be a gentleman)

9. Pip was: (sad to leave / happy to go to London / afraid of going)

10. Biddy and Joe: (wanted Pip leave / were sad because Pip was
leaving / were happy because Pip was leaving)

Complete this summary of chapter three writing the verbs in simple


Pip learned to be a blacksmith. Biddy like Pip very much, but he cannot
forget Estella. He wanted to be a gentleman and marry Estella, but his
dreams were impossible. One day, an important man arrived at the
forge. His name is Mr. Jaggers. He was a lawyer. He told Pip that
someone wants to give him a lot of money. Pip not know the name of
his benefactor. He has to buy some new clothes and go to London. Joe
and Biddy are sad because Pip is leaving, but Pip is very excited.


1. Pip was in: (Rochester / London / Birmingham)

2. Pip: (recognized Herbert / didn’t recognize Herbert / didn’t know

3. Herbert: didn’t recognize Pip / told Pip about Miss Havisham / didn’t
tell Pip about Miss Havisham)

4. Herbert’s father could: (fight Pip / teach Pip / give Pip money)

5. Miss Havisham thought all men: (were bad husbands / wanted to

marry Estella / broke their promises)

6. All Miss Havisham’s clocks marked: (8:40 / 9:20 / 9:40)

7. Joe’s visit to Pip was: (a happy occasion / unsuccessful / very long)

8. Joe says that he: (didn’t like London / didn’t belong in London / didn’t
know London)

9. Did Mr. Jaggers give the name of Pip’s benefactor? (yes, he did / no,
he didn’t / yes, he does)

10. Pip got more money because: (he was eighteen / he was twenty-
one / he wanted to buy a lot of things)

Complete this summary of chapter four

Pip goes to London and lived in Bernard’s inn with Herbert Pocket.
Herbert told him the story of Miss Havisham’s wedding. She hated all
men because her fiancé was a bad man. She taught Estella to hate all
men too. “be careful Pip” said Herbert. “not fall in love with Estella”. Pip
learned to be gentleman. Then, Joe visited Pip, it is difficult to them to
talk because Pip became a snob. Pip spent a lot of money) but when
he turned twenty-one years old, Mr. Jaggers gave him more money.

Complete the sentences with: Belong – belongs – doesn’t belong –

don’t belong

1. The forge belongs to Joe

2. Joe doesn’t like London. He don’t belong there

3. This expensive furniture doesn’t belong to Pip and Herbert

4. This file belongs to Joe

5. Estella’s jewels belongs to Miss Havisham

6. These guns belongs to the soldiers

7. The books don’t belong to Biddy. She borrows them in the school

Write true or false about chapters three and four

1. __F___ Pip was happy because he isn’t a gentleman

2. __F___ Pip was eighteen years old now

3. __T___ Pip could not forget Estella

4. __F___ Mr. Jaggers was a clerk

5. __F___ Mr. Jaggers told Pip the name of his benefactor

6. __T___ Biddy and Joe were very sad because Pip was leaving the

7. __F___ Pip saw a big city for several times

8. __F___ Pip and Herbert didn’t recognize each other

9. __T___ Herbert told Pip the story about Miss Havisham’s wedding

10. __F___ Pip was twenty- three years old now

Choose the best option

Now Pip was: (a gentleman / a blacksmith / a prisoner)

Estella came back from: (Satis House / Paris / London)

Estella flirted with: (Pip / a lot of men / Bentley Drummle)

Estella remembered: (Pip’s dirty boots / Pip’s fight / Pip’s rough hands)

Miss Havisham told Pip to: (break Estella’s heart / marry Estella / love Estella)

Estella told Pip: (I cannot love / I am ill / I am rich)

Drummle: (lied about Estella / told the true about Estella / didn’t speak about

Pip: (fought Drummle / drank with Drummle / apologized to Drummle)

Pip went home: (to see Biddy / to see her sister / for her sister’s funeral)

Biddy: (believed Pip / didn’t believe Pip / forgave Pip)

Complete this summary of chapter five

Pip met Estella at Satis House. He was a gentleman now and he wanted to marry
her. Estella came to London but she flirted with a lot of men. Pip was jealous but
Estella told him that she not had heart. Bentley Drummle, a rich, stupid man,
drank to Estella. Pip was very angry and called Drummle a liar, but later he must
apologize to Drummle. Pip went back to the village for his sister’s funeral. He
told Biddy that he wanted to visit Joe more, but Biddy not believed him. She is


Choose the best option

Pip was: (drinking / studying / dancing)

The man arrived on a: (dark, wet night / fin night / windy moonlight night)

Pip: (recognized the visitor / didn’t recognize the visitor / remembered the name
of the visitor)

Magwitch told Pip: (he was his benefactor / Miss Havisham was his benefactor /
he was poor again)
The visitor was: (the prisoner’s enemy / the prisoner / Pip’s father)

Abel Magwitch was: (Pip’s benefactor / Pip’s lawyer / an Australian uncle)

The prisoner was: (very poor / very ill / very rich)

The prisoner’s money came from: (robbery / sheep farming / diamond mining)

Pip decided to: (keep the money / refuse the money / spend the money)

It was: (lucky for Magwitch in England / safe for him in England / dangerous for
him in England)

Complete this summary of chapter six

On a dark night someone knocked at Pip’s door. It was an old, rough looking
man. He not was a gentleman. His name is Abel Magwitch, the prisoner on the
marshes. Pip not recognize him. The man told Pip he is his benefactor. Now Pip
knew the truth. He got very angry and refused his money.

Pip told his friends everything. Magwitch loved Pip. He not wants to return to
Australia. Finally, Pip and his friends decided to help the prisoner, but before Pip
went back

to the forge to see Joe and Biddy. They were very happy because Pip visited
them. Pip said good bye to Pip and Biddy because he decided to go to Australia
with his benefactor, Abel Magwitch.

Answer the questions according to chapters until now

Where did Pip live?

Pip lived in London

What did Joe do?

Joe visited pip while he became a gentleman

Why did Miss Havisham hate all men?

Because her fiancé left her standing on the altar on her wedding day because he
did not love her but her money
What did Mr. Jaggers do?

He gave pip money to buy what he wanted and become a gentleman

Where did Pip’s money come from?

From his benefactor (Abel Magwitch)

Why did Joe and Biddy help Pip?

Because they loved him so much and because they were his best friend

Why did Magwitch visit Pip?

Because he loves pip as if he were a son and also because he wanted to know
how this gentleman was

Who did Pip want to marry?

Luis wanted to marry Estella

Why did Pip hate Drummle?

Because Estella flirts with him and danced with him and did not pay attention to
him and also because he toasted on behalf of Estella in a few words he was


Who said this?

1. Estella I cannot marry you

2. Herbert Abel must stay with my friend

3. Señorita Havisham I know nothing about this

4. Señorita Havisham why are you here?

5. Pip Nobody can help me

6. Señorita Havisham Estela is married to a terrible man

7. Pip You don’t care about me

8. Señorita Havisham I have a human heart

9. Estella I cannot love. I have no heart

10. Wemmick Magwitch has a lot of enemies

put the events in its chronological order

4 Miss Havisham was very upset because Estella was an ungrateful girl

7 Wemmick and Herbert planned to hide Abel Magwitch in Clara’s house

1 Pip visited Miss Havisham and met Estella there

9 Pip saved Miss Havisham from dying burned

5 Pip blamed Miss Havisham that Estella didn’t have heart

10 Pip went back to London and tried to save Abel Magwitch from his enemies

2 Pip said that Miss Havisham wasn’t his benefactor

8 Miss Havisham asked Pip for forgiveness

6 Someone warned Pip not to go home and visited Wemmick

3 Estella said she wanted to marry Bentley Drummle

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