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Technology has made life better


Hi everybody ! I'm Nurul Fazila, from ETE. I am very much happy to be a part
of this session. Thanks for being given me the opportunity to introduce myself. In this
speech i will be taking to you about Technology has made life better. I would like to
know anybody here does not use any media sosial? I’m sure people are in front on
me use media sosial to communicate in daily life. Interestingly, studies have shown
that people who use Facebook on a regular basis have a 10 percent increase in the
closeness of their connection to family and friends


Improvement In Communication.Social networking has become a basic thing for

the current generation. This has been attributed by the development of technology,
which has made communication easy, fast, and less costly. You can now chat with
family and friends online through platforms such as Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, Google
Hangouts and Facebook among others. Apart from that, it has led to the growth of
mobile technology, which is a key factor to improved communication.

Improved Healthcare.It has contributed to better health care in institutions.

Hospitals and healthcare centers are using sophisticated equipment to help deliver
the best care to patients. For example, X-ray equipment can paint a clear image of
the structural layout of the patient’s body without having to cut them open. There are
also applications, which can be installed on mobile devices to help check the
condition of your health such as weight.

Bringing families together.Email and Skype give people from around the world the
easiest possible way to stay connected. This helps highlight the potential of
technology to bring people together. Family members who are spread across the
globe can join family gatherings via Skype.


Finally I want to mention that technology has bring our lives more and more
convenience. For instance, many people like music. At the beginning, people must
go to the theater whenever he wanted to hear a song.Today, by using great
technologies, handfone and MP 3 are supplied for the music fans. Then they can
enjoy their favorite songs anywhere and anytime. From what has been discussed
above, we can safely draw the conclusion that technology has made the world a
better place to live.

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