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Lunar Lagomor @ Wee Me Created by Troy Burnham Artwork by David A. Baldridge LUNAR LAGOMOR “THEY ARE CRAZY! You'll never meet anyone nicer than one of their kind. Their artisans skills are quite impressive too. I had a project that needed to be done for the war preparations, but no one was able to. complete it. The gnomes kept trying to figure out what was going wrong, Only to have it explode right in their faces. You should've seen their soot-covered faces when Max came in, and not only kept the thing from exploding, but actually got it to run!” Thoratémb Darkhammér, King of the Dwarves. ‘The exploration of the moons, the planet, and the rest of the crystal spheres is what this race loves. They are the lunar Artificers of the crystal spheres and are extensive trav- elers among the stars. Guns, above all else, is what they hold dearest to their hearts, they see it as an extension of their very soul. Ifyou were to ask them what the next most, important thing to them was it would cer- tainly be constructs. SMALL AND INTELLIGENT These rabbit- and hare-like humanoids pack a lot of intelligence into a very small and friendly package. They range from 3 to 4 feet tall. They weigh around 40 to 50 Ibs. Their fur can have a wide variety of colors. Any- where from brown to white, reddish to black They also have lots of different fur patterns. ‘They can be solid, spotted, patchy, and any- where in between or even mixed together GOOD-HEARTED AND VALIANT Lunar Lagomor are very quick to trust and befriend other. This can sometimes get them into trouble for trusting in someone that they shouldn't have. Although, this sometimes comes in handy because they are able to sce the best in everyone, which can help lift the spirits of someone who is doubting their own abilities. They are also very courageous and love to go adventuring Not only does adventuring satisfy their need for adventure, but also help them find ways to excel at their craft. MOONS AND CRAFTS ‘The Lunar Lagomor have a keen sense of magic, and even more so of science and technology. They have been able to create and do many amazing things in their time. ‘They originate from the moons of the Blood- vine Crystal Sphere. They started out on the second moon that orbits the Bloodvine planet. This moon is known as Adjardess. It is a wild and dangerous place that holds tournaments with some of the greatest prizes in all the crystal spheres. Through their skills in magic, technology, and science they were able to eventually reach and colonized the first moon of the Bloodvine known as Zepenz. They did this by making a rudimentary version of spell- jamming in which they could fly a small row. boat. This is where most of them grow up. As true spelljamming reached the Blood- vine Sphere the Lunar Lagomore have start- ed to go adventuring to other spheres as well. While in their own sphere they were the ones to first invent and study much in the fields of technology and science. This in- cludes things like firearms, living constructs, and, of course, their short-ranged spelljam- ming. When true spelljamming came to them they started to make their own ships that resembled starfish. This is because the first Lunar Lagomor to visit the Bloodvine planet came back with a starfish as a pet from his adventures. LUNAR LAGOMOR NAMES Their names are usually a salad of good of” boys’ and girls’ names. They are also often a Jn, 111, IV, or even more. Alliteration is not uncommon ether. Male Names: Alexander, Christopher, David, Edward, Franklin, George, Graham, Jack, James, Jammie, Jona- than, Maximilian, Osmond, Paul, Peter, Philip, Quinten, Theodore, Thomas, Vincent, William, Winston. Female Names: Abigail, Allison, Alix- andria, Amelia, Chloe, Elizabeth, Gwenifer, Heidi, Isabelle, Lydia, Made- lyn, Millie, Margaret, Molly, Patricia, Peggy, Rebecca, Rosie, Ruth, Sally, Sarah, Sophia, Susan, Victoria. ee Space Invaders For many years before the Lunar Lagomor landed on the planet that their moons orbit, they would simply fly their starfish ships through the sky. This caused many of the plan- ets races, to think that the ships were invaders from space that had come to destroy their world. This lead to many conspiracies about the flying starfish ships. Most people know that the Lunar Lagomor are from the moon, but since spelljamming is a secret to most, they simply think that they use teleportation to get to their world, —_-e_" LUNAR LAGOMOR TRAITS, Your Lunar Lagomor has many traits in common with their fellow brethren. Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2. ‘Age. They are considered mature at the age of 13 and can live around 50 years. Alignment. Lunar Lagomor are usually good in nature. Some lean towards lawful and some chaotic, while some are simply good-good. Size. Lunar Lagomor stand between 3 and 4 feet and are an average weight of 45ibs. Your size is small. Speed. Your base wakking speed is 40 feet. Darkvision. Accustomed to living on the moons, in craters, and in labs with low light, you are able to see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and darkness as if it is dim light. In darkness you can't discern color, only shades of gray. Gun Familiarity. Firearms and other guns are a big part of life for the Lunar Lagomor, because of this you are proficient with any kind of gun. You are also able to use any gun without disadvantage, regardless of ‘weapon properties, such the heavy property. Ifa roll is needed, then you have advantage. Madness Resistance. You have advantage on rolls against madness. If there is not a specified roll, then you may roll a d20. If the roll is an 11 or higher you resist the mad. ness, You do not have advantage on this kind of roll. Tool Proficiencies. You have proficiency with Navigator's tools. Languages. You can speak, read, and write common and one extra language of your choice. Subrace. There are two main subraces of Lunar Lagomor that populate the moons: Zepites and Adjardites. Choose one of these. Zepite ‘The Zepites are the more rabbit-like of their race. They are very quick and are usually very lucky. They are better at hitting their targets than their brethren, and better at correcting misfires. Every Zepite gets the following traits: Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1 Lucky. When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die, you must use the new result. Adjardite ‘The Adjardites are the more harelike of their race. Since they usually spend more time adventuring on Adjardess, they are more hardy than the other Lunar Lagomor. They are able to get more effect out of guns. Every Adjardite get the following traits: Ability score increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1. Savage shot. When you score a critical hit with a ranged attack, you can roll one of the damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit OF MOONS AND WAR Because of the Lunar Lagomor's hap- py-golucky nature, one might assume they have never had anything bad happen in their history-this assumption would be quite wrong. There is a third subrace of Lunar Lagomor that is nearly extinct. This other subrace resembles a pika instead of a rabbit/hare, and are even more adept at magic than their brethren. They were once as good-hearted as their brethren, until they experiment with dark, evil magic. This turned their interest from creating con- structs to creating aberrations and mon- strosities. After this they were banished to the third moon of the Bloodvine planet, know has Vehina. While there they prepared for war and the conquest of the Lunar Lagomor. This lead to the Lagomor Wars, and their own eventual downfall. They created a super weapon of the darkest, most malicious magic, which they called the Abyssal Missile. They planned to use it to wipe out their brethren, but were found out before they could use it. As their moon was invaded- their plans thwarted-they set the missile off, not for vi tory, but with the sole intent of causing pain. That day Vehina became a wasteland of dark magic and aberrations and monstrosi- ties. Much pain was caused by this event and the remaining Lunar Lagomor have a day of mourning every year for their now nearly extinct brethren, the Vehinites. Vehinite ‘The Vehinites are the evil subrace of the Lunar Lagomor that resemble a pika. They are nearly extinct and are very rare. They mostly hide on Adjardess, or are out in the spelljamming world with other evil races. ‘They are more adept at magic than their brethren. Every Vehinite gains the following traits: Ability score increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2. Aberration creator. Whenever you create or summon something, it is an aberrant or monstrous form of that thing. The stats stay the same, only the creature type changes. Race created by Troy Burnham ‘Art commissioned by, David A. Baldridge.

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