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The American Society of Colon and Rectal

Surgeons, Clinical Practice Guidelines for the
Management of Appendiceal Neoplasms
Sean C. Glasgow, M.D.1 • Wolfgang Gaertner, M.D.2 • David Stewart, M.D.3
Jennifer Davids, M.D.4 • Karim Alavi, M.D.4 • Ian M. Paquette, M.D.5
Downloaded from by BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3bhnalqTQiPuOeErObcGkYc0C+sRFRc02Kq2wNkH0jKo= on 12/16/2019

Scott R. Steele, M.D., M.B.A.6 • Daniel L. Feingold, M.D.7

1 Department of Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri
2 Department of Surgery, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
3 Department of Surgery, University of Arizona, Phoenix, Arizona
4 Department of Surgery, University of Massachusetts, Worcester, Massachusetts
5 Department of Surgery, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
6 Department of Surgery, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio
7 Department of Surgery, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey

he American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons It should be recognized that these guidelines should
is dedicated to ensuring high-quality patient care not be deemed inclusive of all proper methods of care nor
by advancing the science, prevention, and manage- exclusive of methods of care reasonably directed toward
ment of disorders and diseases of the colon, rectum, and obtaining the same results. The ultimate judgment regard-
anus. The Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee is com- ing the propriety of any specific procedure must be made
posed of society members who are chosen because they by the physician in light of all the circumstances presented
have demonstrated expertise in the specialty of colon and by the individual patient.
rectal surgery. This Committee was created to lead interna-
tional efforts in defining quality care for conditions related
to the colon, rectum, and anus. This is accompanied by the STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
development of clinical practice guidelines based on the Historically, the estimated incidence of appendiceal tu-
best available evidence. These guidelines are inclusive but mors was 0.12 cases per 1,000,000 people per year; how-
not prescriptive. Their purpose is to provide information ever, based on recent large database studies, the incidence
to support decision-making rather than to dictate a spe- may be as high as 0.97 per 100,000 population.1–3 It is
cific form of treatment. These guidelines are intended for unclear whether this increase reflects an actual change
the use of all practitioners, healthcare workers, and patients in the disease occurrence or simply greater recognition
who desire information about the management of the con- and reporting. Although tumors of the appendix are rare,
ditions addressed by the topics covered in these guidelines. surgeons should be familiar with the implications of ap-
pendiceal pathology, because almost 300,000 appendec-
Funding/Support: None reported.
tomies are performed annually in the United States, and
Financial Disclosure: None reported. neoplasia is found in ≈1% to 2% of these specimens.4–6

Correspondence: Daniel L. Feingold, M.D., Rutgers Robert Wood John-

son Medical School New Brunswick, 125 Paterson St, New Brunswick, CLASSIFICATION BY HISTOPATHOLOGY
NJ 08901. E-mail:
Given the rarity and multiple different terms used to de-
Dis Colon Rectum 2019; 62: 1425–1438
scribe appendiceal neoplasms, consistency regarding their
DOI: 10.1097/DCR.0000000000001530 classification not only allows for improved reporting but
© The ASCRS 2019 also for more precise management. In general terms, ap-

Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

pendiceal neoplasms can be broadly described as epithelial, TABLE 1.   Histologic classification of PMP
such as adenomas or adenocarcinomas, or nonepithelial
Pathologic lesion Criteria
(eg, neuroendocrine or lymphoma). The epithelial group is
often further subdivided based on mucin production, be- Acellular mucin • 
Mucin within peritoneal cavity
cause mucinous tumors have distinctly different biologic without neoplastic epithelial cells
Low-grade mucinous • 
Epithelial component typically scanty
behavior and oncologic outcomes from nonmucinous
carcinoma peritonei • 
Minimal cytological atypia
neoplasms.4 The World Health Organization classifies the (DPAM) • 
Strips, gland-like structures or small
majority of noninvasive epithelial lesions as low-grade ap- cell clusters
pendiceal mucinous neoplasms (LAMNs).7 Histologically, High-grade mucinous • 
Relatively more cellular
LAMNs are characterized by well-differentiated adenomas carcinoma peritonei • 
Cribriform growth pattern
(PMCA) • 
High-grade cytological atypia
that can proliferate outside the appendix in a malignant
Numerous mitoses
fashion. Acellular or cellular extra-appendiceal mucin may High-grade mucinous • Any lesion with a signet ring cell
be associated with LAMNs, although this is not a require- carcinoma peritonei component, that is, round cells with
ment. The LAMN terminology includes lesions that were with signet rings cells intracytoplasmic mucin pushing
described previously as mucoceles or mucinous cystadeno- (PMCA-S) nucleus against cell membrane
mas, which are terms no longer in use. Some authors have Adapted from Carr et al.9
DPAM = disseminated peritoneal adenomucinosis; PMCA = peritoneal mucinous
suggested an intermediate grouping between traditional carcinomatosis; PMCA-S = peritoneal mucinous carcinomatosis with signet ring
LAMNs and invasive carcinoma.8 These LAMNs of un- cells; PMP = pseudomyxoma peritonei.
certain malignant potential may exhibit gross perforation,
mural fibrosis, mucin dissecting within the appendiceal porting classification was published recently for both PMP
wall, or acellular mucin in the periappendiceal soft tissues. and appendiceal neoplasia.14 The authors recommended
High-grade appendiceal neoplasms (HAMNs) share some categorizing PMP based on the degree of cellularity within
histologic features with LAMNs but exhibit more aggres- the mucin as follows: acellular, low-grade histologic fea-
sive cytologic atypia. The distinct biological and clinical tures, high-grade histologic features, and PMP with sig-
behaviors of HAMNs are poorly characterized.9 net ring cells (Table 1). The low-grade group includes
Appendiceal adenocarcinomas may be either muci- the commonly reported term of disseminated peritoneal
nous or nonmucinous. Mucinous adenocarcinomas are adenomucinosis, whereas peritoneal mucinous carcino-
characterized by invasive glands containing high-grade matosis is designated as high grade. Because the group-
cytologic atypia and extracellular mucin in >50% of the ing is based on histology, clinical features such as omental
lesion.7 Appendiceal adenocarcinomas resemble their co- caking or ovarian involvement may represent either l­ow-
lorectal counterparts histologically, regularly expressing or high-grade PMP. This classification aligns with other
p53, CD44, and CDX2. They often demonstrate signet schemes and helps determine treatment and prognosis.17,18
ring cells if poorly differentiated, are prone to lymphatic Nonepithelial appendiceal neoplasms include NETs.
spread, and are staged according to the TNM classifica- These lesions are histologically similar to those found else-
tion. Goblet cell carcinoid tumors represent a variant of where in the GI tract.7 Appendiceal NETs are frequently
adenocarcinoma that demonstrates some features similar asymptomatic and identified incidentally after routine
to traditional neuroendocrine tumors (NETs; eg, positive appendectomy. Staging remains controversial and may be
chromogranin A staining).7 However, these mixed adeno- based on tumor size, depth of invasion, or degree of differ-
neuroendocrine carcinomas are more aggressive than tra- entiation. Other rare nonepithelial appendiceal neoplasms
ditional NETs and should generally be treated in a similar include GI stromal tumors, lymphomas, and neural prolif-
manner to classic appendiceal adenocarcinomas.10,11 erations, which are not considered in this guideline.
Appendiceal neoplasms may perforate and spread
throughout the peritoneal cavity.12 When this spread in-
cludes abundant mucin production, the term pseudo-
myxoma peritonei (PMP) is used. Some authors make the Selected members of the ASCRS Clinical Practice Guide-
distinction that PMP represents a clinical finding rather lines committee drafted de novo position statements after
than a diagnosis and should be reserved for diffuse spread performing a thorough search and review of the relevant
of mucin throughout the abdomen as opposed to mucin literature. With input from the authors, a professional
deposits that are confined adjacent to the appendix.9 Be- librarian conducted a systematic literature search en-
cause PMP often recurs after treatment and the 10-year compassing January 1, 1997, to April 30, 2019, inclusive,
overall survival (OS) rate after surgery for PMP is 63%, across the Ovid Medline, Embase, and Scopus medical
PMP should be considered a malignant condition.13,14 Var- databases. Pertinent inclusion criteria were English lan-
iable degrees of cellularity within PMP can lead to vastly guage article and adult human patients, and both current
different patient prognoses.11,13,15,16 To reduce confusion and archaic terminology for appendiceal neoplasms were
and improve consistency in the literature, a consensus re- included as follows: (appendiceal, appendix, appendicular)

Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Primary search terms: (appendiceal OR appendix OR appendicular) AND

(adenocarcinoma OR carcinoma OR mucinous OR pseudomyxoma OR signet* OR
cystadenoma OR tumor* OR tumour* OR neoplasm* OR cancer*) AND (therapy
OR treatment OR chemotherapy OR HIPEC OR immunotherapy OR antineoplastic

OR surgery OR oncological procedure OR diagnosis)

Databases: Ovid Medline, Embase, Scopus
Years covered: January 1, 1997–April 30, 2019
Language: English

Total records (n = 3854)

Total records after duplicates removed (n = 2135)

Records excluded (n = 1234)

• Commentary/letters/errata (n = 105)
Records screened • Irrelevant/unrelated (n = 131)
(n = 2135) • Case reports (n = 858)
• Pediatric patients (n = 81)
• Duplicate publications (n = 59)

Articles and abstracts assessed for

Full-text articles excluded (n = 748)
eligibility (n = 901)

Studies referenced in CPG assignments

(n = 153)

FIGURE 1.  Literature search flow sheet. CPG = Clinical Practice Guidelines.

AND (adenocarcinoma, carcinoma, mucinous, pseudomyx- methodologic quality, the evidence base was examined,
oma, signet*, cystadenoma, tumor*, tumour*, neoplasm, and a treatment guideline was formulated by the subcom-
cancer). These groups were combined with various treat- mittee. The final grade of recommendation and level of
ment modalities to include surgery and chemotherapy. evidence for each statement were determined using the
Refer to Figure 1 for the full search algorithm. Directed Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development,
searches of references in selected published articles yield- and Evaluation system (Table 2). When agreement was in-
ed additional records. The initial search produced 2135 complete regarding the evidence base or treatment guide-
records after removal of duplicates. These were screened line, consensus from the committee chair, vice chair, and
for relevance, yielding 901 abstracts for review as the basis 2 assigned reviewers determined the outcome. Members
for the recommendations. A directed search of references of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons
embedded in the candidate publications was performed. (ASCRS) Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee worked
Emphasis was placed on prospective trials, meta-anal- in joint production of these guidelines from inception to
yses, systematic reviews, and practice guidelines. Peer- final publication. Recommendations formulated by the
reviewed observational studies and retrospective studies subcommittee were reviewed by the entire Clinical Prac-
were included when higher-quality evidence was insuf- tice Guidelines Committee. Final recommendations were
ficient. The final source material used was evaluated for approved by the ASCRS Executive Committee. In general,

Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

TABLE 2.   The GRADE System: grading recommendations

Methodologic quality
Description Benefit versus risk and burdens of supporting evidence Implications
1A Strong recommendation, Benefits clearly outweigh risk RCTs without important Strong recommendation, can
high-quality evidence and burdens or vice versa limitations or overwhelming apply to most patients in
evidence from observational most circumstances without
studies reservation
1B Strong recommendation, Benefits clearly outweigh risk RCTs with important limitations Strong recommendation, can
moderate-quality evidence and burdens or vice versa (inconsistent results, apply to most patients in
methodologic flaws, indirect, most circumstances without
or imprecise) or exceptionally reservation
strong evidence from
observational studies
1C Strong recommendation, Benefits clearly outweigh risk Observational studies or case Strong recommendation but
low- or very-low-quality and burdens or vice versa series may change when higher-
evidence quality evidence becomes
2A Weak recommendation, Benefits closely balanced with RCTs without important Weak recommendation, best
high-quality evidence risks and burdens limitations or overwhelming action may differ depending
evidence from observational on circumstances or patients’
studies or societal values
2B Weak recommendations, Benefits closely balanced with RCTs with important limitations Weak recommendation, best
moderate-quality evidence risks and burdens (inconsistent results, action may differ depending
methodologic flaws, indirect, on circumstances or patients’
or imprecise) or exceptionally or societal values
strong evidence from
observational studies
2C Weak recommendation, Uncertainty in the estimates of Observational studies or case Very weak recommendations;
low- or very-low-quality benefits, risks and burden; series other alternatives may be
evidence benefits, risk, and burden may equally reasonable
be closely balanced
Adapted from Guyatt G, Gutermen D, Baumann MH, et al. Grading strength of recommendations and quality of evidence in clinical guidelines: report from an American
College of Chest Physicians Task Force. Chest. 2006;129:174-181. Used with permission.
GRADE = Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation; RCT = randomized controlled trial.

each ASCRS Clinical Practice Guideline is updated every structures. Rare presentations of mucinous appendiceal
5 years. neoplasms include findings of pseudomyxomatous mate-
rial in ventral, incisional, and inguinal hernias.21,22
Although decision-making for performing an interval
appendectomy after initial nonoperative management of
1. Patients with appendiceal neoplasms should presumed appendicitis is complex, the surgeon must con-
undergo a complete history and physical sider that the risk for occult appendiceal neoplasm appears
examination. Grade: Strong recommendation greater in this subgroup compared with the general popu-
based on low-quality evidence, 1C. lation.23–28 Modern retrospective and database studies sug-
Neoplasms of the appendix are not often suspected before gest an incidence of malignancy between 2.3% and 12.0%;
surgery and may be discovered either intraoperatively or in particular, older age and indeterminate imaging appear
incidentally in the pathologic specimen. Vague symptoms to be significant risk factors for appendiceal cancer.23,24,26,27
of fatigue, weight gain, chronic abdominal pain, and early Periappendiceal abscess may be an even stronger predictor
satiety may be signs of advanced disease. Tumors can also of occult neoplasm; the Finnish Peri-Appendicitis Acuta
present as appendicitis, bowel obstruction, or a pelvic multicenter randomized controlled trial found an overall
mass.19,20 A thorough history and physical examination are neoplasm incidence of 20% in these patients.27 At a mini-
essential. History should include previous surgical history, mum, patients should be informed of this risk.
particularly appendectomy, with review of the associated
operative note and pathology report, because patients may 2. Colonoscopy should be performed in patients
not be aware of the presence of an incidental neoplasm with confirmed or suspected appendiceal
or mucin. Pathology slides should typically be reviewed neoplasms. Grade: Strong recommendation
in cases of diagnostic uncertainty. Physical examination based on low-quality evidence, 1C.
should include a pelvic and digital rectal examination Patients with appendiceal neoplasms are at increased risk
to assess for pelvic masses and mobility of surrounding of harboring synchronous colonic lesions compared with

Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

the general population, with population-based studies re- APPENDICEAL NETS

porting 13% to 42% of patients with primary epithelial
appendiceal lesions having concurrent colorectal neopla- 4. Preoperative assessment of patients with
appendiceal NETs should typically include history
sia.5,6,29,30 In a population-based study from the Nether-
and physical examination, colonoscopy, and CT or
lands from 1995 to 2005 that included 1482 patients with
MRI of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. Grade: Strong
an appendiceal epithelial neoplasm, 193 (13%) had an
recommendation based on low-quality evidence, 1C.
incidental colonic adenoma (n = 37) or adenocarcinoma
Preoperative evaluation of patients with appendiceal NETs
(n = 156).5 In this study, the primary pathology of the ap-
should involve a thorough history and physical examina-
pendiceal neoplasms was reported as mucinous cystadeno-
tion, with a review of systems that specifically document
ma (32%), mucocele (31%), and nonmucinous adenoma
the presence or absence of symptoms that could be associ-
(26%), and the majority of the colonic a­ denocarcinomas
ated with carcinoid syndrome, such as facial flushing, di-
discovered were right sided. By comparison, single-insti-
arrhea, and dyspnea. NETs arising from the small intestine
tution studies suggest that <4% of patients with colorec-
or from the colon are associated with higher rates (15%–
tal cancer have synchronous appendiceal neoplasms.31,32
30%) of synchronous NETs compared with appendiceal
In a single-surgeon series of 169 consecutive patients who
NETs, the latter having a low incidence of synchronicity
underwent prophylactic appendectomy during segmental
often uncalculated in many series.41 Irrespective of the risk
resection for colorectal cancer (including 63 right colec- of synchronous NETs, a preoperative colonoscopy is im-
tomies), the rate of incidental appendiceal neoplasia was portant because of the association of NETs with synchro-
4%.32 Although appendiceal neoplasms are rarely diag- nous noncarcinoid neoplasms.42 A series of 13,715 NETs
nosed at the time of colonoscopy, they may present en- from various body regions, including different segments
doscopically with an inverted or mass-like protrusion or of the alimentary tract, reported a synchronous cancer
mucous or polypoid tissue at the appendiceal orifice.30,33 rate of 22.4% for the entire NET cohort.43 Smaller series
report similar rates of synchronous malignancies, with
3. Appendectomy should be performed if a grossly colorectal cancers representing between 25% and 50% of
abnormal appendix is encountered during an these synchronous lesions.44,45 Because appendiceal NETs
unrelated abdominal operation. Grade: Strong can metastasize to the liver, as well as to the lungs, and
recommendation based on low-quality evidence, 1C. because the management of metastatic NET differs from
During an abdominal or pelvic operation, appendectomy nonmetastatic appendiceal NET, patients should typically
is warranted for incidental findings of luminal dilation, se- undergo clinical staging with an intravenous, contrast-
rosal puckering or irregularity, or a mass. Care should be enhanced CT or MRI of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis.
taken to avoid intraoperative perforation and spillage, and
conversion to open surgery may be necessary in certain 5. NET-specific imaging is not required for all patients
situations.34–36 In a small series of 24 consecutive patients with appendiceal NETs. Grade: Weak recommendation
with appendiceal mucinous neoplasms, all were managed based on moderate-quality evidence, 2B.
laparoscopically without intraoperative spillage. In this Because most appendiceal NETs will express somatostatin
series, the majority required partial cecectomy (15/24; receptors, somatostatin receptor scintigraphy (SRS) can
62.5%) or ileocecectomy (8/24; 33.3%), whereas 1 patient be used to identify foci of NETs.46 Furthermore, because
underwent simple appendectomy.37 The extent of resection SRS can confirm that enhancing lesions express somato-
is predominantly based on involvement of the base of the statin receptors, this study is useful in supporting the se-
appendix. The priority is obtaining a pathologic diagnosis lection of somatostatin receptor antagonists as therapy in
with a grossly negative margin. In most cases, appendec- settings of locally advanced or metastatic disease.47 With
tomy or partial cecectomy is sufficient when an abnormal the fine resolution of modern CT and MRI, complemen-
appendix is encountered incidentally. When performing a tary use of SRS provides the highest yield in cases of in-
laparoscopic approach, surgeons should consider using a determinate findings for potentially metastatic disease
specimen retrieval bag to help avoid spilling mucin. based on CT and MRI and in patients with symptoms
An incidental finding of intraperitoneal mucin sug- consistent with carcinoid syndrome (eg, flushing, diar-
gests the presence of a mucinous neoplasm of the GI or rhea, and bronchospasm). Although ≈80% or more of
gynecologic tracts. In this setting, careful inspection of the NETs will express somatostatin receptors, suggesting that
appendix (and adnexa in a female patient) is warranted. SRS is likely to reveal the presence of an NET,48 there are
Data from multiple retrospective, single-institution stud- insufficient data to support the routine use of SRS for
ies do not support routine appendectomy for a normal- routine surveillance.
appearing appendix in the setting of an ovarian mucinous Positron emission tomography (PET)-CT scans are
neoplasm, because the incidence of synchronous appendi- an additional imaging modality for evaluating metastatic
ceal pathology in these cases is low.38–40 disease from appendiceal NETs. In comparison with tra-

Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

ditional 2-[18F] fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose PET-CT, SRS small- and intermediate-sized appendiceal NETs should
is more sensitive for detection of well-differentiated NETs be made on a case-by-case basis, with consideration given
(eg, those expressing somatostatin receptors), whereas to histologic features and patient comorbidities and pref-
2-[18F] fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose PET detects more erences.60 Although the majority of appendiceal NETs
poorly differentiated tumors.49 More recently, (68Ga)dot- occur in the tip of the appendix, patients with tumor pre-
atate PET-CT has been shown to be equivalent or supe- sent at the base of the appendix or those resected with
rior to SRS for detecting gastroenteric NETs.50 In 1 study, a positive margin may need to undergo more extensive
(68Ga)dotatate PET-CT detected occult lesions in 65.2% resection to obtain negative surgical margins.63
of NET patients with negative biochemical testing, 40%
of which were not present on SRS.51 The use of routine 8. Surveillance after resection of appendiceal
(68Ga)dotatate PET-CT imaging should be balanced with NETs with curative intent should involve physical
the high cost of these studies. examination, serial biochemical testing, and
imaging of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis using
6. Biochemical testing should be performed in patients either CT or MRI. Grade: Weak recommendation
with localized or metastatic appendiceal NETs to based on low-quality evidence, 2C.
establish baseline measures for future surveillance and For patients who have undergone surgical resection with
disease monitoring. Grade: Weak recommendation curative intent, it is recommended that surveillance for di-
based on moderate-quality evidence, 2B. sease recurrence be performed in patients deemed to be
Appendiceal NETs are not commonly biochemically ac- candidates for further treatment should a recurrence be
tive unless there is a significant burden of hepatic meta- detected. Surveillance involves clinical, biochemical, and
static disease. The most common metabolites produced radiographic components. Although the interval between
by appendiceal NETs include chromogranin A and surveillance evaluations and the duration of surveillance is
5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, the former evaluated with not standardized because of the rarity and often indolent
serum and the latter with a 24-hour urine collection. nature of NETs, the interval between surveillance exami-
Elevated levels of either of these metabolites have been nations typically ranges from 6 to 12 months, depending
associated with poor prognosis.52,53 Importantly, these on the histologic grade of NET, and it is generally recom-
markers are not reliable for the purposes of diagnos- mended that the duration of surveillance extends for 10
ing the presence of an NET or for guiding therapeutic years after curative resection.66,67 Serum chromogranin
decisions.54,55 A levels and urine 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid levels can
correlate both with response to therapy and recurrence,
7. Extent of surgical resection of appendiceal but because of the nonspecific nature of these biomark-
NETs is determined by tumor size and histologic ers, correlation with imaging studies is required.68 Cur-
features. Grade: Strong recommendation rently, there are insufficient data to support routine use of
based on low-quality evidence, 1C. SRS or other NET-specific imaging modalities for routine
For nonmetastatic NETs confined to the appendix, treat- surveillance, although they may be beneficial in confirm-
ment is generally based on the size of the primary tumor. ing recurrent disease discovered on CT or MRI, as well as
Lesions <1 cm in diameter and without unfavorable fea- assessing somatostatin receptor expression for potential
tures are adequately treated with appendectomy taking therapeutic consideration.69,70
care to remove the entire mesoappendix. Long-term dis-
ease-free survival in these patients is 100%.56–58 Tumors APPENDICEAL MUCINOUS NEOPLASMS AND
>2 cm are best treated with formal right hemicolectomy,
because the reported risk of nodal metastases may be as
high as 40%.56,59–61 Appendiceal NETs between 1 and 2 cm 9. Tumor markers typically should be assessed on
in size have an intermediate risk of nodal metastases in diagnosis of appendiceal epithelial neoplasms and
most series.56,57,62 However, the largest clinical series found routinely followed after resection. Grade: Weak
no nodal disease in primary tumors <2 cm, and some recommendation based on low-quality evidence, 2C.
authors recommend appendectomy alone for all lesions The serum tumor markers CEA, CA19-9, and CA125 are
under this threshold.63,64 In addition to size, histologic frequently obtained on diagnosis of appendiceal mucinous
features influence surgical decision-making. Findings on neoplasms and routinely monitored to assess disease remis-
histology that may be unfavorable include mesoappen- sion or progression.71 Although their individual predicta-
diceal invasion >3 mm, advanced grade consisting of el- bility of disease recurrence has not been well characterized,
evated mitotic index (>2 mitoses per high-power field) most high-volume institutions routinely combine tumor
or Ki-67 index (>3%) and lymphatic or vascular inva- markers with imaging at baseline, during chemotherapy,
sion.60,65 Decision-making for right hemicolectomy in and after surgery, if applicable. In the setting of muci-

Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

nous adenocarcinoma of the appendix, a normal baseline dergo appendectomy alone rarely develop PMP; therefore,
CA-125 has been shown to correlate with the likelihood frequent postoperative imaging for extended intervals is
of achieving complete cytoreduction.72 Elevated baseline typically of minimal benefit.6,85,86 Postoperative surveillance
CA19-9 has also been described as an independent pre- must be individualized in these situations according to tu-
dictor of worse progression-free survival (PFS) and can be mor and patient characteristics. One approach for localized
useful to diagnose disease recurrence after cytoreductive and completely resected LAMN is to obtain MRI with tu-
surgery (CRS) and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemo- mor markers every 6 months for 2 years because most early
therapy (HIPEC).72,73 CEA has been reported to normalize recurrences occur within that timeframe.85 Patients with
after complete cytoreduction, as compared with CA 19-9 high-grade tumors or who undergo right hemicolectomy
and CA-125, which may remain elevated.74 Taflampas et because of a locally advanced or perforated tumor, ques-
al75 showed a significantly longer disease-specific survival in tionable surgical margins, or who had lymphatic or peri-
treated patients with normal preoperative markers, and they toneal disease should typically undergo CT or MRI every
suggested that tumor marker elevation may help tailor the 4 to 6 months for the first 2 years and yearly thereafter for
need for perioperative systemic chemotherapy. However, ≥5 years. In patients with acellular or low-grade peritoneal
surveillance imaging seems more sensitive for detecting disease who have undergone CRS and HIPEC, CT or MRI
peritoneal disease recurrence than tumor markers alone.76 of the abdomen and pelvis is recommended at 2 months
With regard to the use of other markers to distin- postoperatively (baseline), then annually for ≥5 years.86,87
guish low-grade versus HAMNs, many have proposed In patients with high-grade peritoneal disease, additional
molecular profiling, including cyclooxygenase 2 expres- imaging of the chest and more frequent surveillance every 6
sion and KRAS, TP53, and SMAD4 gene mutations, with- months for the first 6 years postoperatively may help detect
out conclusive evidence on their impact on diagnosis or recurrent disease earlier.88 Although peritoneal recurrences
management.77–81 Although some generalizations may be beyond 10 years may occur and some institution-specific
extrapolated from colorectal cancer, the rarity of appen- surveillance protocols may extend to 15 years, there is no
diceal adenocarcinoma limits the ability to make conclu- clear evidence supporting prolonged surveillance.89
sions regarding specific genetic defects.
11. Peritoneal cytology has minimal impact on the
10. Cross-sectional imaging with CT or MRI management of patients with appendiceal tumors and
should be performed on diagnosis of appendiceal is not recommended as routine practice. Grade: Weak
epithelial neoplasms and routinely followed recommendation based on low-quality evidence, 2C.
after resection. Grade: Strong recommendation Although positive peritoneal cytology is useful to various
based on low-quality evidence, 1C. degrees in patients with pancreatic, gastric, or ovarian ma-
CT of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis is the most com- lignancy, the use of cytology in patients with appendiceal
mon imaging modality used to evaluate the primary tu- neoplasms remains unknown.90–92 Some insight may be
mor and assess for metastatic disease. The addition of a gained from extrapolation of studies on colorectal cancer
PET scan has not been shown to improve staging or sig- with peritoneal spread. Positive peritoneal cytology occurs
nificantly change management.82 MRI can detect extralu- in 23.5% of treated patients and correlates with OS (19 vs
minal mucin and has also been shown to be superior to 44 mo for negative peritoneal cytology; p = 0.01).93 Yone-
CT in the detection of peritoneal disease using a combina- mura et al94 also showed that positive cytology was inde-
tion of diffusion-weighted imaging and delayed postgado- pendently associated with worse PFS in 205 patients with
linium sequences.83 In small noncomparison studies, MRI colorectal cancer undergoing complete CRS and HIPEC.
has proven useful to predict the peritoneal cancer index Neither of these studies performed subgroup analysis for
(PCI) before surgery, and it is often used in postoperative patients with appendiceal malignancies or evaluated its
surveillance after CRS and HIPEC.76,83 Unfortunately, ac- role in the decision to perform HIPEC. In patients with
curate preoperative diagnosis can be challenging because appendiceal neoplasms, there is no evidence to support
of a wide range of clinical presentations and overlapping the routine evaluation of peritoneal cytology, because its
imaging appearances of appendiceal neoplasms. Although impact on management and prognosis remains unclear.
some have proposed using the 2010 World Health Organi-
zation pathologic classification as a framework to report 12. Patients with LAMNs with negative margins and
imaging findings in patients with appendiceal neoplasms, no evidence of perforation or peritoneal involvement
no structured imaging reporting systems are routinely are safely treated with appendectomy alone. Grade
used in this patient population.84 of recommendation: Strong recommendation
Although there are no formal surveillance guidelines based on moderate-quality evidence, 1B.
for appendiceal neoplasms after appendectomy, patients In modern observational studies, oncologic outcomes af-
with low-grade localized tumors of the appendix who un- ter appendectomy, including the entire mesoappendix for

Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

LAMN without perforation or peritoneal involvement, Turaga et al102 examined population-based data using Sur-
have shown very low recurrence rates, consistent with veillance, Epidemiology, and End Results and found that
the indolent behavior of these neoplasms.95–97 Appropri- right colectomy did not improve survival after adjusting
ate initial surgical management is critical because iatro- for age, sex, T stage, metastatic disease, and grade. Inter-
genic rupture of the appendix can convert the situation estingly, no benefit to colectomy was seen in node-positive
from localized to disseminated; therefore, if an unrup- patients without peritoneal metastases either, suggesting
tured LAMN cannot be safely resected laparoscopically, that nodal positivity reflects a more aggressive biology that
conversion to an open operation is recommended. Lim- is not impacted by surgical resection. Despite these reser-
ited published data suggest that a microscopically positive vations, it should be noted that right colectomy is some-
resection margin after appendectomy for nonperforated times necessary to achieve a complete cytoreduction of
LAMN does not predict disease recurrence and therefore peritoneal disease originating from the appendix.
does not warrant formal right colectomy.98 Guaglio et al85
prospectively examined 41 patients with LAMN treated by 14. CRS is indicated in selected patients with
appendectomy (n = 31) or right colectomy (n = 5) with appendiceal neoplasms and evidence of peritoneal
close radiographic and biochemical surveillance. Appendi- involvement. Grade: Strong recommendation
ceal rupture was present in 21 patients (51%). At a median based on moderate-quality evidence, 1B.
follow-up of 58 months, 5-year recurrence-free survival Surgical resection remains the benchmark therapy for
was 95%, with only 2 patients experiencing peritoneal re- patients with appendiceal neoplasms with peritoneal me-
currences at 18 and 22 months postappendectomy. tastases. The goal of CRS is eradication of gross disease;
Rarely, a primary appendiceal mucinous neoplasm when this goal is achieved, CRS is often combined with
will harbor high-grade cytology yet lack infiltrative inva- intraperitoneal chemotherapy, such as HIPEC (see sub-
sion associated with adenocarcinoma. These lesions are sequent recommendation). Typically, CRS entails selec-
best classified as HAMNs.14 Although appendectomy alone tive peritonectomies, especially over the diaphragms and
is typically sufficient for treating HAMNs, care should be within the pelvis, excision or destruction of tumor im-
taken to exclude the presence of associated invasive adeno- plants on the surfaces of the small intestine and colon, su-
carcinoma, including comprehensive histologic evaluation pracolic omentectomy, and other resections as indicated
of the entire surgical specimen. by involvement (eg, splenectomy).110–112 Individualized
decisions regarding CRS with or without HIPEC should
13. Patients with nonmetastatic adenocarcinoma of be undertaken by a multidisciplinary team, preferably at
the appendix should undergo right hemicolectomy. experienced centers.109,113 Proper patient selection is cru-
However, in the setting of peritoneal spread, colectomy cial in treating patients with peritoneal involvement from
may not confer a survival benefit. Grade: Strong appendiceal neoplasms.114 Findings on cross-sectional im-
recommendation based on low-quality evidence, 1C. aging may help determine resectability and guide selection
In patients with appendiceal adenocarcinoma, the rate of of suitable candidates for cytoreduction.115,116 Diagnostic
metastatic disease to regional lymph nodes ranges from laparoscopy may also be used to estimate the likelihood of
20% to 67%, with positive nodes more likely in the non- complete cytoreduction or to obtain tissue if other tech-
mucinous (intestinal) subtype.99–103 Because of this sub- niques such as CT-guided biopsy are not feasible. Perito-
stantial risk, adenocarcinoma confined to the appendix neal involvement may be quantified using Sugarbaker’s
should be treated with right hemicolectomy, because for- Peritoneal Carcinomatosis Index (PCI) or the Peritoneal
mal resection of the nodal basin allows for more com- Surface Disease Severity Score.117–119 PCI is an intraopera-
plete staging and may have a therapeutic benefit.102 The tive determination based on the size of tumor deposits in
recommendation for formal colectomy also includes ap- 13 regions within the abdomen and ranges from 0 to 39.
pendiceal goblet cell carcinoids, tumors characterized by The Peritoneal Surface Disease Severity Score incorporates
a mixture of histologic features of both neuroendocrine clinical symptoms, PCI, and tumor histology to produce
and epithelial adenocarcinoma.104 The natural history of a maximum score of 22; stage IV is considered >10. Al-
patients with goblet cell carcinoid of the appendix closely though useful for objectively measuring disease, such
resembles high-grade appendiceal tumors, and it should scoring systems may not correlate with survival in appen-
be treated in a similar manner.103,105–107 diceal neoplasms treated with complete cytoreduction.110
In the setting of peritoneal metastases, routine right However, successful cytoreduction is less likely in patients
hemicolectomy to remove clinically normal lymph nodes with biliary or ureteral obstruction, multifocal bowel ob-
is not recommended. Several single-institution and retro- struction, or extensive small bowel involvement. In almost
spective observational studies have failed to demonstrate a every analysis of clinical and pathologic factors, complete-
survival benefit to right colectomy versus appendectomy ness of cytoreduction is consistently an independent pre-
alone in patients undergoing CRS and HIPEC.100,102,108,109 dictor of outcome.13,15,110,114,120–126

Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Women with peritoneal spread often experience ovar- reported superior PFS associated with HIPEC after CRS
ian involvement. Metastatic ovarian tumors may grow rap- (HR = 0.65; p = 0.03) for metastatic appendiceal muci-
idly and typically are resistant to systemic chemotherapy. nous neoplasm, but there was no OS difference in their
Mehta et al127 retrospectively evaluated 258 female patients multivariate analysis.142 Median OS was 16.3 years, and
with ≥1 remaining ovary who underwent CRS and HIPEC median PFS was 8.2 years. Mitomycin or platinum-based
for colorectal and appendiceal tumors. Overall, 141 of 258 chemotherapeutics are the most common drugs used
patients (55%) had ovarian tumor involvement. Of 40 pa- during HIPEC.
tients with 1 macroscopic ovarian metastasis, microscopic Aside from HIPEC, other methods for delivering
involvement of the contralateral ovary was found in 18 intraperitoneal chemotherapy include the early postop-
(45%) of 40. Of 141 patients in whom both ovaries were erative intraperitoneal chemotherapy (EPIC) or delayed
macroscopically normal, 24 (17%) of 141 had microscopic postoperative approaches.16,126,143–149 Generally, similar re-
ovarian involvement. Given the risk of occult ovarian me- sults are obtained among the various approaches, and few
tastases in this patient population, bilateral salpingo-oo- head-to-head comparisons exist; a retrospective study in
phorectomy should be strongly considered, and patients Norway of 93 patients compared EPIC and HIPEC after
should be appropriately counseled preoperatively.128 complete cytoreduction and showed no difference in 10-
The management of patients with limited peritoneal year OS and DFS.16 An ongoing randomized, controlled
involvement of acellular mucin in the setting of LAMN trial of HIPEC versus EPIC may provide additional an-
remains controversial, particularly when it is isolated to swers about which treatment is superior.142
the right lower quadrant.6,86,129 Appendectomy with cy-
toreduction of the periappendiceal peritoneum in these 16. Systemic chemotherapy may improve survival
cases has been associated with reasonably low peritoneal in patients with metastatic HAMNs. Benefit from
recurrence rates between 3% and 7%. Conversely, LAMNs systemic chemotherapy for low-grade lesions with
associated with cellular mucin deposits are associated with peritoneal spread is questionable. Grade: Strong
a higher risk of subsequent peritoneal involvement (33%– recommendation based on low-quality evidence, 1C.
78%); these patients should be considered for HIPEC.130,131 The role of systemic chemotherapy and the optimal che-
motherapeutic drug regimen for treatment of metastatic
15. In selected patients with appendiceal epithelial appendiceal malignancies continues to be investigated.
neoplasms, intraperitoneal chemotherapy Although lacking level I evidence, 5-fluorouracil–based
may offer additional benefit for reducing systemic chemotherapy (similar to that used for colorectal
peritoneal disease recurrence compared with adenocarcinoma) is typically recommended for patients
CRS alone. Grade: Strong recommendation with high-grade peritoneal disease or nodal metastases.
based on moderate-quality evidence, 1B. Blackham et al150 reported improved PFS with periopera-
After complete resection of all gross peritoneal disease, tive systemic chemotherapy in patients with high-grade
patients with appendiceal neoplasms may be treated with PMP undergoing CRS plus HIPEC, especially in patients
intraperitoneal chemotherapy. Most commonly, this is who underwent suboptimal cytoreduction and those with
performed concurrently with CRS through the delivery signet ring cell histology. Systemic chemotherapy showed
of HIPEC. Interest in CRS and HIPEC for appendiceal no benefit in patients with low-grade disease. Bijelic et
neoplasms increased after a large randomized, controlled al151 reported a 30% partial or complete tumor response
trial for carcinomatosis from colorectal and appendiceal in patients with high-grade PMP who received preoper-
cancers demonstrated a doubling of survival for CRS/ ative systemic chemotherapy and then underwent CRS
HIPEC compared with systemic chemotherapy alone plus HIPEC. This subgroup of patients demonstrated sig-
(22.3- vs 12.6-mo median OS).120 Additional long-term nificantly longer OS when compared with patients with
follow-up demonstrated a median OS of 48 months and no tumor response (median not reached versus 29.5 mo
a 5-year survival of 45% for those patients for whom a in those without response; p = 0.03). Targeted therapy
complete cytoreduction could be achieved.132 Multiple and preoperative noncytotoxic agents based on immu-
large retrospective and prospective phase II studies in- nohistochemistry for cyclooxygenase 2 expression and
cluding patients with both low-grade and high-grade KRAS mutational status have shown no significant im-
peritoneal disease have demonstrated improved long- pact on survival.78 Conversely, systemic chemotherapy
term patient survival, decreased tumor recurrence, longer combined with bevacizumab has shown improved OS
time to disease progression, and less frequent repeat op- and PFS for unresectable high-grade appendiceal adeno-
erative interventions in patients who undergo CRS plus carcinoma, and currently there is a prospective phase II
HIPEC compared with debulking procedures alone or trial evaluating the impact of adjuvant 5-fluorouracil–
palliative systemic chemotherapy.13,15,124,133–141 A 2012 ob- based chemotherapy with bevacizumab (
servational study by Chua et al13 including 2298 patients NCT02420509).152 Although the timing of perioperative

Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

systemic chemotherapy has shown conflicting results, as pathologic reporting of pseudomyxoma peritonei and associ-
with other malignancies, there are several potential ad- ated appendiceal neoplasia: the results of the Peritoneal Surface
vantages of preoperative chemotherapy, including the Oncology Group International (PSOGI) modified Delphi pro-
cess. Am J Surg Pathol. 2016;40:14–26.
ability to assess disease response and patient tolerance,
15. Smeenk RM, Verwaal VJ, Antonini N, Zoetmulder FA. Survival
administer upfront systemic therapy that would likely be analysis of pseudomyxoma peritonei patients treated by cytore-
indicated postoperatively in the majority of patients, and ductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemother-
allow for as-yet-undeclared distant metastatic disease to apy. Ann Surg. 2007;245:104–109.
appear on imaging and possibly preclude CRS of ques- 16. Sørensen O, Flatmark K, Reed W, et al. Evaluation of complete
tionable benefit.153 cytoreductive surgery and two intraperitoneal chemother-
apy techniques in Pseudomyxoma peritonei. Eur J Surg Oncol.
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