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Practice Parameters for the Treatment of Sigmoid

Daniel Feingold, M.D. • Scott R. Steele, M.D. • Sang Lee, M.D. • Andreas Kaiser, M.D.
Robin Boushey, M.D. • W. Donald Buie, M.D. • Janice Frederick Rafferty, M.D.
Prepared by the Clinical Practice Guideline Task Force of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons

he American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons plicated,” “uncomplicated,” “stents,” “ureter,” “bowel prepa-
is dedicated to ensuring high-quality patient care ration,” “Hinchey,” “CT,” “MRI,” “ultrasound,” “antibiotics,”
by advancing the science, prevention, and manage- “resection,” “percutaneous drainage,” “laparoscopic,” and
ment of disorders and diseases of the colon, rectum, and “colectomy.” Directed searches of the embedded references
anus. The Clinical Practice Guideline Committee is com- from the primary articles were also performed in selected
posed of Society members who are chosen because they circumstances. Although not intended to be exclusionary,
have demonstrated expertise in the specialty of colon and the authors primarily focused on English language manu-
rectal surgery. This Committee was created to lead interna- scripts and studies in adults. Recommendations were for-
tional efforts in defining quality care for conditions related mulated by the primary authors and reviewed by the entire
to the c­olon, rectum, and anus. This is accompanied by Clinical Practice Guideline Committee. The final grade of
developing Clinical Practice Guidelines based on the best recommendation was performed by using the Grades of
available evidence. These guidelines are inclusive, and not Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evalua-
prescriptive. Their purpose is to provide information on tion (GRADE) system (Table 1).2
which decisions can be made, rather than dictate a specific
form of treatment. These guidelines are intended for the
use of all practitioners, health care workers, and patients STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
who desire information about the management of the con- The prevalence of diverticulosis in the United States has
ditions addressed by the topics covered in these guidelines. increased dramatically over the past century, and it in-
It should be recognized that these guidelines should creases substantially with age. It is generally estimated that
not be deemed inclusive of all proper methods of care approximately 20% of patients with diverticulosis develop
or exclusive of methods of care reasonably directed to diverticulitis over the course of their lifetime.3 Diverticular
­obtaining the same results. The ultimate judgment regard- disease accounts for approximately 300,000 hospitaliza-
ing the propriety of any specific procedure must be made tions per year in the United States, resulting in 1.5 million
by the physician in light of all the circumstances presented days of inpatient care.4 Additionally, roughly 1.5 million
by the individual patient. outpatient visits each year are due to diverticular disease.5
Over the past several years, research describing the natu-
METHODOLOGY ral biology of diverticulitis has been incorporated into the
management recommendations for this challenging dis-
These guidelines are built on the last Practice Parameter for ease. The continuously evolving diagnostic and treatment
the Treatment of Sigmoid Diverticulitis published by the options for diverticulitis are reflected in this updated re-
American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons.1 An or- view. Although diverticulitis may affect any location in the
ganized search of MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE, and the colon, this parameter will focus on left-sided disease.
Cochrane Database of Collected Reviews was performed
through August 2013. Key-word combinations using Initial Evaluation of Acute Diverticulitis
the mesh terms included “diverticulitis,” “­diverticulosis,”
1. The initial evaluation of a patient with suspected acute di-
“diverticular,” “lavage,” “abscess,” “fistula,” “leak,” “com-
verticulitis should include a problem-specific history and
physical examination, a complete blood count, urinalysis,
Dis Colon Rectum 2014; 57: 284–294
and abdominal radiographs in selected clinical scenarios.
DOI: 10.1097/DCR.0000000000000075 Grade of Recommendation: Strong recommendation
© The ASCRS 2014 based on low-quality evidence, 1C.
284 Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Volume 57: 3 (2014)
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Volume 57: 3 (2014) 285

TABLE 1.   The GRADE system-grading recommendations

Methodological quality of
Description Benefit vs risk and burdens supporting evidence Implications
1A Strong recommendation, Benefits clearly outweigh RCTs without important Strong recommendation,
high-quality evidence risk and burdens or vice limitations or overwhelming can apply to most
versa evidence from observational patients in most
studies circumstances without
1B Strong recommendation, Benefits clearly outweigh RCTs with important Strong recommendation,
moderate-quality risk and burdens or vice limitations (inconsistent can apply to most
evidence versa results, methodological patients in most
flaws, indirect or imprecise) circumstances without
or exceptionally strong reservation
evidence from observational
1C Strong recommendation, Benefits clearly outweigh Observational studies or case Strong recommendation but
low- or very-low-quality risk and burdens or vice series may change when higher-
evidence versa quality evidence becomes
2A Weak recommendation, Benefits closely balanced RCTs without important Weak recommendation,
high-quality evidence with risks and burdens limitations or overwhelming best action may
evidence from observational differ depending on
studies circumstances or patients’
or societal values
2B Weak recommendations, Benefits closely balanced RCTs with important Weak recommendation,
moderate-quality with risks and burdens limitations (inconsistent best action may
evidence results, methodological differ depending on
flaws, indirect or imprecise) circumstances or patients’
or exceptionally strong or societal values
evidence from observational
2C Weak recommendation, Uncertainty in the Observational studies or case Very weak
low- or very-low-quality estimates of benefits, series recommendations, other
evidence risks and burden; alternatives may be
benefits, risk, and equally reasonable
burden may be closely
GRADE = Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation; RCT = randomized controlled trial.
Adapted from Guyatt G, Gutermen D, Baumann MH, et al. Grading strength of recommendations and quality of evidence in clinical guidelines: report from an American
College of Chest Physicians Task Force. Chest. 2006;129:174–181. Used with permission.

The diagnosis of acute diverticulitis can often be made 2. CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis is the most appropri-
following a focused history and physical examination, es- ate initial imaging modality in the assessment of suspected
pecially in patients with recurrent diverticulitis whose di- diverticulitis. Grade of Recommendation: Strong recom-
agnosis has been previously confirmed. The constellation mendation based on moderate-quality evidence, 1B.
of left lower quadrant tenderness with or without other Computed tomography imaging has become a standard
peritoneal findings, fever, and leukocytosis is suggestive of tool to aid in the diagnosis and Hinchey staging of patients
sigmoid diverticulitis. The presence of fecaluria, pneuma- with suspected diverticulitis, to assess disease severity, and
turia, or pyuria raises the suspicion for a colovesical fistula. to help plan treatment. In the appropriate setting, mul-
Urinalysis and plain abdominal radiographs are helpful in tislice CT imaging with intravenous and luminal contrast
excluding diagnoses in the differential including urinary has excellent sensitivity and specificity, reported as high
tract infections, kidney stones, and bowel obstruction. as 98% and 99%.7,8 In cases of early or mild diverticuli-
Other diagnoses that can mimic the presentation of acute tis, CT may not be as diagnostic. Computed tomography
diverticulitis include irritable bowel syndrome, appendi- findings associated with diverticulitis most commonly
citis, IBD, ischemic bowel, neoplasia, and gynecologic dis- include diverticulosis with associated colon wall thicken-
orders. In an effort to reduce the misdiagnosis rate among ing, fat stranding, phlegmon, extraluminal gas, abscess,
patients with diverticulitis, clinical scoring systems have stricture, and fistula. Importantly, cross-sectional imaging
been proposed that rely on history, physical examination, can accurately diagnose other disease processes that may
and blood work.6 mimic the presentation of diverticulitis. The considerable
286 Feingold et al: Practice Parameters for Treatment of Sigmoid Diverticulitis

overlap of CT findings seen in patients with diverticuli- celerate recovery, or prevent recurrences.18 This study, the
tis and colon cancer requires colonoscopy (once the acute only randomized trial to evaluate the need for antibiotics
inflammatory process has resolved) to make a definitive in uncomplicated diverticulitis, did not accrue all eligible
diagnosis.9 Immunocompromised patients who may not patients over the interval and did not address whether or
mount a normal or significant inflammatory response not hospitalization is necessary or if outpatient treatment
may have only extraluminal gas on CT without other typi- without antibiotics is appropriate. A recent Cochrane re-
cal radiographic findings of diverticulitis.9 The utility of view including 3 randomized trials similarly found no sig-
CT imaging goes beyond accurate diagnosis of diverticu- nificant difference between antibiotics and no antibiotics
litis; the grade of severity on CT correlates with the risk for the treatment of uncomplicated diverticulitis.19 Newer
of failure of nonoperative management in the short-term evidence suggesting that a family history of diverticulitis
and with long-term complications such as recurrence, the may predict recurrence supports this alternative patho-
persistence of symptoms, and the development of colonic genesis.20 Further research is required before adopting an
stricture and fistula.10–12 antibiotic-free treatment strategy.
Before the AVOD and Cochrane reports, antibiotics
3. Ultrasound and MRI can be useful alternatives in the ini-
were considered the unchallenged cornerstone of treat-
tial evaluation of a patient with suspected acute diverticu-
ment for patients with diverticulitis. In general, clinically
litis. Grade of Recommendation: Strong recommendation
stable, reliable patients with uncomplicated disease who
based on low-quality evidence, 1C.
can tolerate oral antibiotics can be treated initially as out-
Transabdominal, high-resolution ultrasound is an alterna- patients.21 The vast majority of patients diagnosed with
tive imaging modality that may be useful in patients with diverticulitis who are treated with oral antibiotics are suc-
relative contraindications to CT scanning (pregnancy, re- cessfully treated as outpatients.22 Patients with compli-
nal insufficiency, and contrast allergy). Ultrasound has a cated disease (ie free perforation, larger abscesses, fistula,
diagnostic accuracy as high as 97%, but has several draw- or stricture), who cannot tolerate oral hydration, with rel-
backs compared with cross-sectional imaging; it is more evant comorbidities, or who do not have adequate sup-
operator-dependent, it is less effective in confirming alter- port at home, require hospital admission and, typically,
native diagnoses, and it may not be practical in patients intravenous antibiotics and bowel rest. Antibiotics should
with abdominal tenderness because the transducer probe cover Gram-negatives and anaerobes. Multidisciplinary,
requires compression.13 Also, the utility of ultrasound may nonoperative management of inpatients with acute diver-
be diminished in obese patients.14 Magnetic resonance ticulitis is successful in as many as 91% of patients.23
imaging, which is not constrained by the limitations of After the resolution of an episode of diverticulitis,
ultrasound, has sensitivity and specificity as high as 94% a variety of agents may be effective in preventing future
and 92%.15 As ultrasound transducer technology and MRI attacks. Supplemental fiber, rifaximin, antispasmodics,
colonography techniques improve, these imaging modali- mesalamine, and probiotics have been studied in random-
ties may be used more frequently and will limit patient ized, controlled trials as well as in less rigorous studies that
exposure to ionizing radiation.16 included heterogeneous patients and poorly characterized
the history of diverticulitis in the study subjects. Although
Medical Treatment of Acute Diverticulitis some of the literature suggests a protective benefit for
these agents, their role in prevention of diverticulitis re-
1. Nonoperative treatment typically includes oral or in-
mains to be defined.24
travenous antibiotics and diet modification. Grade of
Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on 2. Image-guided percutaneous drainage is usually the most
low-quality evidence, 1C. appropriate treatment for stable patients with large diver-
ticular abscesses. Grade of Recommendation: Strong rec-
The pathophysiologic mechanism underlying diverticu-
ommendation based on moderate-quality evidence, 1B.
litis is not well understood. The long-held belief that
diverticulitis is caused by microperforation and bacte- Abscess formation, probably the result of a contained
rial infection has been challenged by the concept that perforation, is a common complication of acute diver-
diverticulitis may be a primary inflammatory process.17 ticulitis and occurs in 15% to 20% of patients.25 Since the
Results from the AVOD (Swedish acronym standing for 1980s, percutaneous drainage has been extensively used in
“antibiotics in uncomplicated diverticulitis”) study group the treatment of these patients. According to a statewide
support this alternative pathogenesis. Their multicenter hospital discharge database, the odds of percutaneous di-
trial randomly treated 623 inpatients with CT-confirmed verticular abscess drainage in Washington increased 7% a
uncomplicated left-sided diverticulitis with intravenous year between 1987 and 2001, whereas the rate of emergen-
fluids or intravenous fluids and antibiotics. They found cy colectomy decreased 2% a year.26 Literature supports
that antibiotic therapy did not prevent complications, ac- the concept that percutaneous drainage allows a major-
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Volume 57: 3 (2014) 287

ity of patients (52%–74%) to avoid urgent operation and those go on to elective single-stage colectomy.23 Patients
­undergo interval elective, 1-stage colectomy.27–31 without an adequate radiographic window to permit safe
Deciding which patients with diverticular abscesses percutaneous drainage may be candidates for operative
require percutaneous drainage rather than medical man- drainage that is typically accomplished laparoscopically.
agement, and which patients should undergo definitive
surgery after successful abscess treatment (with or without Evaluation After Recovery From Acute Diverticulitis
percutaneous drainage), remains controversial. Several
studies support medical treatment without percutaneous 1. After resolution of an episode of acute diverticulitis, the
drainage for clinically stable patients with small abscesses colon should typically be endoscopically evaluated to con-
up to 3 to 4 cm in the largest dimension, recognizing that firm the diagnosis, if this is a first episode or recent colonos-
many of these abscesses will resolve without a drainage copy has not been performed. Grade of Recommendation:
procedure.23,28,29 However, patients who do not clinically Strong recommendation based on low-quality evidence, 1C.
improve without drainage should undergo percutaneous Patients with abdominal pain and colonic wall thicken-
drain placement. ing on CT should have the lumen of the colon evaluated,
A retrospective review of 114 patients with abdominal ideally, after the acute symptoms resolve. The purpose of
abscesses from a variety of underlying causes advocates the investigation is to exclude diagnoses other than diver-
initial medical therapy for all patients, with percutane- ticulitis, because patients with simple thickening on imag-
ous drainage attempted only after 48 to 72 hours for those ing may be found to have ischemia, IBD, or neoplasia.33
with continuing fever, leukocytosis, unresolved abdominal Although the discovery of a mass lesion associated with
pain or tenderness, or intolerance of oral diet.32 Sixty-one colon wall thickening is highly suggestive of an underlying
patients (54%) were successfully treated medically and did neoplasm, the absence of a mass on CT does not preclude
not undergo drainage. Medical therapy without percu- neoplasia.34,35 When fat stranding is more severe than ex-
taneous drainage was more likely to fail in patients with
pected for the degree of bowel wall thickening, an inflam-
­fever >101.2°F on presentation or abscesses of >6.5 cm.
matory condition such as diverticulitis is most likely.36
A prospective study of 73 patients with diverticular ab-
Patients with presumed diverticulitis who have not had
scesses used a similar treatment algorithm with the use of
a recent colon evaluation should undergo colonoscopy,
selective percutaneous drainage only for patients who did
typically within 6 to 8 weeks following resolution of the
not improve after 48 hours of medical therapy.30 Predictors
acute episode (although data supporting this time inter-
of undergoing a drainage procedure were pelvic abscess
val is lacking). The absence of neoplasia on colonoscopy
(rather than mesocolic or abdominal location) and abscess
may confirm the diagnosis of diverticulitis suspected on
size of ≥5 cm. Medical therapy with or without percutane-
CT.37 Alternatively, CT colonography may be used in this
ous drainage was successful in 75% of patients, whereas 25%
of patients underwent colectomy during the initial hospital- setting.38
ization because of continuing or worsening infection. With
a median 43 months of follow up, an additional 34% of pa- Elective Surgery for Acute Diverticulitis
tients underwent nonemergent colectomy for diverticulitis 1. The decision to recommend elective sigmoid colectomy
and the remaining 41% never underwent surgery. after recovery from uncomplicated acute diverticulitis
The high rate of success with medical therapy (with should be individualized. Grade of Recommendation:
or without percutaneous drainage) has also been shown Strong recommendation based on moderate-quality evi-
in a retrospective, single-institution study of 99 patients; dence, 1B.
77% of patients were successfully treated with medical
therapy.31 None of the 15 patients who underwent suc- One of the more controversial points in the manage-
cessful drainage required nonelective operation. Of the ment of diverticulitis involves the appropriate selection
61 patients whose abscesses resolved with medical therapy of patients for elective sigmoid colectomy after recovery
(with or without percutaneous drainage) and who did from an uncomplicated episode. Based on large retrospec-
not undergo subsequent elective resection, 14 patients tive series, it is estimated that, after an initial attack, ap-
(23%) had recurrent diverticulitis in the follow-up period proximately one-third of patients will have a recurrent
(follow-up interval not available). Patients with previous episode, and that one-third of those patients are expected
pelvic abscesses had a higher rate of recurrence compared to have yet another recurrence.39,40 The accuracy of these
with patients with pericolic abscesses. recurrence rates has been questioned because the source
The literature, albeit mostly retrospective, supports literature predates the routine use of cross-sectional im-
the use of percutaneous drainage for accessible, larger ab- aging. More recent studies examining the natural biology
scesses in patients who do not improve with medical ther- of uncomplicated diverticulitis treated nonoperatively
apy. The majority of patients who undergo percutaneous report lower recurrence rates ranging from 13% to 23%
drainage resolve the acute diverticulitis, and a majority of and low rates of subsequent complicated disease or need
288 Feingold et al: Practice Parameters for Treatment of Sigmoid Diverticulitis

for emergency operation (<6%).20,41–44 After recovering sigmoid colectomy for diverticulitis should be considered
from an initial episode of diverticulitis, the estimated risk as well.53,54
of needing emergency surgery with stoma formation is
2. Elective colectomy should typically be considered after
1 in 2000 patient-years of follow-up.39 According to this,
the patient recovers from an episode of complicated di-
18 patients would need to undergo elective colectomy to
verticulitis. Grade of Recommendation: Strong recom-
prevent 1 emergency surgery for recurrent diverticulitis.42
mendation based on moderate-quality evidence, 1B.
The practice of recommending elective colectomy to pre-
vent a future recurrence requiring stoma formation is not Complicated diverticulitis includes those episodes as-
supported by this literature and should be discouraged. sociated with free perforation, abscess, fistula, obstruc-
Despite previous emphasis on the number of attacks tion, or stricture. Free perforation resulting in generalized
dictating the need for surgery, the literature demonstrates peritonitis requires urgent operative intervention and
that patients with more than 2 episodes are not at an in- is reviewed elsewhere (see "Emergency surgery for acute
creased risk for morbidity and mortality in comparison diverticulitis," recommendation 1, below). Neither phleg-
with patients who have had fewer episodes, signifying that mon nor extraluminal gas alone seen on imaging is con-
diverticulitis is not a progressive disease.45 Rather, most sidered complicated disease, and these findings should
patients who present with complicated diverticulitis do not dictate a specific therapy. Rather, the clinician should
so at the time of their first attack.42,46 A decision analysis consider these findings together with the clinical scenario,
model has also demonstrated that elective resection fol- physiologic status, physical examination, and response to
lowing the fourth episode is not associated with an in- ongoing therapy when deciding on operative intervention.
creased colostomy or mortality rate compared with the Following successful medical treatment of mesocolic ab-
performance of surgery after the first episode.47 Research scesses of ≥5 cm or pelvic abscesses with or without per-
evaluating the impact of the decline in elective surgery for cutaneous drainage, elective colectomy should typically
diverticulitis demonstrated an increase in abscess forma- be advised, because retrospective data (albeit with small
tion, but no concomitant rise in the rate of emergency patient numbers) has shown recurrence rates as high as
colectomy.48 Similarly, a recent population-based study 40%.11,31 Although expectant, nonoperative management
found that posthysterectomy patients with an increasing in this scenario has been supported by other reports, large-
number of readmissions for diverticulitis had an increased scale prospective data are lacking.30,43,55,56 Future research
rate of pelvic fistula formation.49 Future prospective re- is needed to better determine the resection criteria in
search regarding CT-confirmed recurrent diverticulitis this group of patients. In situations where diverticulitis is
with extended patient follow-up evaluating the long-term complicated by stricture or fistula formation, elective or
consequences of nonoperative treatment may influence semielective resection is generally necessary to provide
the evolving recommendations for elective resection after symptomatic relief.51
acute uncomplicated diverticulitis.
3. Routine elective resection based on young age (<50 years)
Transplant patients and patients maintained on
is no longer recommended. Grade of Recommendation:
chronic corticosteroid therapy with acute diverticulitis
Strong recommendation based on low-quality evidence, 1C.
are a unique subgroup in which medical management is
more likely to fail and that has a high mortality rate with Diverticulitis among young patients has historically been
medical therapy alone.50 Immunosuppressed patients and associated with worse clinical outcomes, and young age
patients with chronic renal failure or collagen-vascular has therefore been used as an indication for elective sur-
disease have a significantly greater risk of recurrent, com- gery following recovery after an acute episode of even
plicated diverticulitis requiring emergency surgery.51 Sur- uncomplicated diverticulitis. Conflicting data remain
geons should maintain a low threshold to recommend regarding the risks for recurrence or complications for
operative intervention as definitive treatment during the younger (age <50 years) versus older patients, although
first hospitalization for acute diverticulitis in these pa- more recent data suggest that age <50 years does not in-
tients. Elective colectomy in anticipation of transplant re- crease the risk for worse clinical outcomes.39,55,57 Older
mains controversial. reports had suggested that young age at the time of the
The decision to recommend elective surgery should initial attack was associated with having more severe dis-
be individualized to each patient and should consider the ease as well as a higher risk for recurrent diverticulitis.
risks of operative therapy, the overall medical condition of Much of this earlier literature suffered from poor meth-
the patient, and other factors such as the effects on lifestyle odology, selection bias, and high rates of misdiagnosis
(professional and personal) imposed by recurrent attacks, and delayed diagnosis.58 However, more recent studies
inability to exclude carcinoma, severity of the attacks, as have shown similar virulence of disease in younger and
well as chronic or lingering symptoms that may constitute older patient groups, including comparable rates of the
“smoldering” disease.52 Potential poor functional out- need for resection at the initial hospitalization and rates
comes and persistent abdominal symptoms after elective of stoma formation during subsequent attacks.59,60 Review
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Volume 57: 3 (2014) 289

of a statewide administrative database demonstrated that, 2. Following resection, the decision to restore bowel continu-
although young patients had a higher risk of recurrence ity must incorporate patient factors, intraoperative factors,
of diverticulitis compared with older patients, the over- and surgeon preference. Grade of Recommendation: Strong
all rate of recurrence remained relatively low, with 27% recommendation based on low-quality evidence, 1C.
of young patients developing a recurrence. Furthermore,
Once the diseased colon is resected, the surgeon may
following recovery from the initial episode of acute diver- complete the operation by performing a colorectal anas-
ticulitis, only 7.5% of young patients required subsequent tomosis with or without a diverting colostomy or ileos-
emergency surgery.42 Other retrospective data collected tomy, or by constructing an end-colostomy. The surgical
on young patients with CT-confirmed initial episodes of literature is replete with nonrandomized studies support-
diverticulitis demonstrated a low 2.1% rate of emergency ing the idea that primary anastomosis, in comparison
surgery at subsequent attacks.61 with e­nd-colostomy, is not associated with worse mor-
There is emerging data highlighting the biology of the bidity and mortality and may be associated with signifi-
disease in older patients. Review of a large Medicare data- cantly improved morbidity and mortality rates.64–67 Nearly
base including patients over age 66 years (mean age, 77) all of this literature is retrospective and suffers from an
without previous episodes of diverticulitis demonstrated indeterminate degree of selection bias. One of the larg-
that 14% of patients had surgery during their first hospital- est single-institution retrospective reviews described a
ization for diverticulitis and that 97% of patients who were “diverticulitis disease propensity score” estimating the
initially managed nonoperatively did not go on to have likelihood of patients undergoing primary anastomosis
surgery in the follow-up period.62 Analysis of this database versus end-colostomy and found that strong predictors of
also associated increasing age with morbidity, mortality, nonrestorative surgery included urgent or emergent cases,
and stoma formation in the setting of elective surgery.63 BMI ≥ 30, Mannheim peritonitis index ≥ 10, immunosup-
pression, and Hinchey grade 3 or 4.68 These patient factors
Emergency Surgery for Acute Diverticulitis are frequently recognized in the literature as predictors of
1. Urgent sigmoid colectomy is required for patients with end-colostomy formation.69 In one of the few prospec-
diffuse peritonitis or for those in whom nonopera- tive studies addressing the issue of primary anastomosis,
tive management of acute diverticulitis fails. Grade of patients with a higher Mannheim peritonitis index were
Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on much more likely to undergo end-colostomy.70
moderate-quality evidence, 1B. Because of the shortcomings of the literature, the clini-
cian must weigh the risks associated with anastomotic failure
Although the majority of patients hospitalized for diver- and of prolonging the operation, while recognizing that end-
ticulitis respond to nonoperative treatment, up to 25% colostomies created under these circumstances are often per-
require urgent operative intervention.64 Patients with mul- manent. Parameters generally favoring proximal diversion
tiquadrant peritonitis or overwhelming infection due to include patient and intraoperative factors like hemodynamic
purulent or feculent peritonitis are typically acutely ill or instability, acidosis, acute organ failure, and comorbidities
appear toxic and require expedited fluid resuscitation, an- such as diabetes mellitus, chronic organ failure, and immu-
tibiotic administration, and operation without delay. nosuppression as well as surgeon preference and experience.71
A subset of patients in whom nonoperative manage- The influence of disease severity on the type of op-
ment fails do not present as dramatically; rather, these pa- eration performed has been investigated over the years.
tients simply do not improve clinically and continue with ­Meta-analysis of studies comparing resection with primary
abdominal pain or the inability to tolerate enteral nutri- anastomosis versus Hartmann procedure in patients with
tion owing to infection-related ileus or bowel obstruction. Hinchey >2 peritonitis demonstrated comparable mortal-
Although repeat imaging to evaluate possible abscess for- ity.66 Although the literature supports the fact that select
mation or to otherwise guide management of antibiotic patients with peritonitis are candidates for anastomosis, the
coverage and parenteral nutrition may be useful, clini- significant patient selection bias in this literature limits the
cal judgment determines the need for definitive surgical ability to make broad treatment recommendations. To ad-
treatment. dress this issue, a small, randomized controlled study was
Whereas small series have demonstrated successful performed comparing Hinchey III and IV patients who
initial nonoperative management of patients with acute underwent resection with end-colostomy creation and sub-
complicated diverticulitis with perforation, even in the sequent stoma reversal with patients who underwent resec-
face of pneumoperitoneum, this strategy is reserved for tion with primary anastomosis and ileostomy creation and
highly selected stable patients without diffuse peritoneal subsequent stoma reversal. Accrual to the study was stopped
findings with the goal of converting an emergent or urgent early because of an interim safety analysis that found that
situation to one where an elective, single-stage operation Hartmann reversal had significantly more serious complica-
can be performed.23 tions (20% versus 0%) compared with ileostomy reversal.72
290 Feingold et al: Practice Parameters for Treatment of Sigmoid Diverticulitis

The study also demonstrated that Hartmann patients were nonelective setting. Historically, this was the first stage of
significantly less likely to undergo stoma reversal compared the 3-stage approach, since abandoned in favor of single
with ileostomy patients (reversal rate, 57% versus 90%). or 2-stage procedures. The most recent randomized, con-
Primary anastomosis with proximal diversion may be trolled trial addressing this approach was published in
the optimal strategy for selected patients with Hinchey 3 or 2000 and compared resection with suture colorrhaphy and
4 disease.69 The decision to create an anastomosis in the set- proximal colostomy.75 Although only 2% of the patients
ting of peritonitis should be individualized to each patient undergoing colectomy developed postoperative peritonitis,
based on the factors described above. Intraoperative co- 21% of patients without resection developed peritonitis (p
lonic lavage may be used at the discretion of the surgeon to < 0.01). Other nonrandomized literature published in the
evacuate the column of stool proximal to the anastomosis. 1980s also supports resection over proximal diversion in
3. In patients with purulent or feculent peritonitis, operative this setting. At present, diversion without resection should
therapy without resection is generally not an appropriate al- be reserved for the rare situation where the inflamed opera-
ternative to colectomy. Grade of Recommendation: Strong tive field is too hostile to permit resection at that time.
recommendation based on low-quality evidence, 1C.
Technical Considerations
Laparoscopic lavage has emerged as a possible surgical al-
ternative for patients in whom medical therapy has failed 1. The extent of elective resection should include the entire
or who were not candidates for medical therapy to begin sigmoid colon with margins of healthy colon and rectum.
with. In theory, lavage is an attractive treatment modality Grade of Recommendation: Strong recommendation
because it avoids much of the morbidity and mortality as- based on low-quality evidence, 1C.
sociated with standard resection-based therapy. The main
The extent of elective resection is determined intraopera-
criticism of lavage is that, by leaving the septic focus in
tively based on the anatomy and the quality of the tissues.
place, patients risk continuing or recurrent infection.
The distal margin is an important determinant in mini-
The lavage literature through 2011 includes approxi-
mizing the recurrence of diverticulitis and must extend to
mately 300 patients, is almost entirely retrospective, and re-
the proximal rectum to enable a colorectal anastomosis,
ports on relatively small numbers of patients over protracted
because a colo-colonic anastomosis significantly increases
time intervals.73 Almost none of the patients are described
with the use of validated disease severity index scores. This lit- the risk of recurrence.76,77 Patients in whom the proximal
erature calls into question the actual utility of lavage because rectum is secondarily inflamed may require more exten-
24% of reported patients had Hinchey 1 or 2 disease and 75% sive rectal resection with a lower rectal anastomosis. The
of patients who had ASA scores reported were ASA 1 or 2. It is proximal extent of resection in the descending colon is
unclear how many of these patients would have resolved their chosen by the absence of thickened, hypertrophic tissue
diverticulitis with continued nonoperative management. and inflammation. Although it is not necessary to remove
A large retrospective population study from 2012, us- all diverticula-bearing colon, care should be taken to avoid
ing an Irish national database, compared 427 patients who incorporating any false diverticula in the proximal side of
underwent laparoscopic lavage with 2028 patients who un- the anastomosis, because this will increase the risk of leak.
derwent resection or diversion over a 14-year interval.74 The 2. When expertise is available, the laparoscopic approach
lavage group of patients was younger and had significantly to elective colectomy for diverticulitis is preferred. Grade
lower Charlson comorbidity indices, less morbidity and of Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on
mortality, and a shortened length of stay compared with high-quality evidence, 1A.
patients who underwent resection. Although this study is
notable because of its size, it is limited by its methodology. Randomized controlled trials demonstrate that laparoscop-
The poor quality of the existing lavage literature in aggregate ic colectomy by experienced surgeons is safe and results
and the inherent selection bias in the literature (surgeons of- in better short-term outcomes compared with open sur-
fered certain patients lavage and others resection) are major gery. Specifically, laparoscopy is associated with decreased
obstacles in advocating the widespread adoption of lavage. operative blood loss, less pain, shorter hospitalization, re-
The safety of lavage for purulent or fecal peritonitis duced duration of ileus, reduced complication rates, and
has not been proven or disproven by the published studies improved quality of life.78,79 Meta-analysis of 25 random-
to date. European randomized controlled trials are under- ized controlled trials comparing open and laparoscopic
way that may clarify the role of lavage in the management colorectal resection for any indication also documents
of patients with diverticulitis. At present, in patients with superior ­short-term outcomes associated with the lapa-
purulent or fecal peritonitis, lavage is not an appropriate al- roscopic approach.80 National Inpatient Sample data also
ternative to colectomy. strongly support laparoscopy over open elective colectomy
Diversion proximal to the inflamed segment without for diverticulitis.81 Although the majority of published re-
resection is another possible alternative to colectomy in the ports included patients with uncomplicated disease, the
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Volume 57: 3 (2014) 291

surgical literature supports the laparoscopic approach to The use of nonabsorbable oral antibiotics (ie, erythro-
complicated diverticulitis as well.82–84 Hand-assisted laparo- mycin, neomycin, flagyl, and/or clindamycin) may reduce
scopic colectomy may be particularly useful in this setting.85 surgical site complications.94,95 Oral antibiotics given before
Long-term follow-up data from a previously pub- elective colon resection have been shown in observational
lished open versus laparoscopic randomized controlled studies to decrease overall surgical site infections (4.5%
trial with a median follow-up of 30 months reported com- vs 11.8%; p = 0.0001), organ space infections (1.8% vs
parable Gastrointestinal Quality of Life Index scores and 4.2%, p = 0.044), superficial surgical site infections (2.6%
comparable diverticulitis recurrence rates after surgery.86 vs 7.6%; p = 0.001), and ileus (3.9% vs 8.6%, p = 0.011),
In addition, the hernia rate in patients who had laparo- in comparison with mechanical preparation alone.96 Clos-
scopic resection was one-third of the hernia rate in pa- tridium difficile colitis is not increased by the addition of
tients who had open or converted operations. oral antibiotics (1.3% vs 1.8%, p = 0.58).96,97 In a Veterans
Laparoscopic sigmoid resection for diverticulitis is Affairs cohort of almost 10,000 patients, rates of surgical
technically challenging and requires training and adequate site infection with no bowel preparation (18.1%) or me-
experience. The open approach to diverticulitis should be chanical bowel preparation only (20%) were significantly
performed at the discretion of the surgeon as determined increased in comparison with patients receiving oral anti-
by unique patient factors and the individual surgeon’s biotics alone (8.3%) or in addition to a mechanical bowel
judgment and experience. preparation (9.2%).98 A separate study found that oral
antibiotic use with or without mechanical bowel prepara-
3. A leak test of the colorectal anastomosis should be per- tion was associated with decreased surgical site infections,
formed during surgery for sigmoid diverticulitis. Grade shorter length of stay, and lower rates of readmission (no
of Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on preparation, 6.1%; mechanical bowel preparation, 5.4%;
low-quality evidence, 1C. antibiotic bowel preparation, 3.9%; p = 0.001).99 A recent
Intraoperative leak testing identifies suboptimal anastomo- meta-analysis found that the use of oral nonabsorbable an-
ses that can be repaired, re-created before completing the tibiotics, in addition to intravenous antibiotics, led to lower
operation or diverted proximally. Routine testing of colorec- rates of superficial surgical site infection (relative risk, 0.57;
tal anastomoses reduces the postoperative leak rate.87,88 95% CI, 0.43–0.76), but no difference in deep organ space
infections or anastomotic leak.100 Further study is needed
4. Ureteral stents are used at the discretion of the surgeon. to clarify the optimal regimen.
Grade of Recommendation: Weak recommendation
based on low-quality evidence, 2C. 6. Elective colectomy for diverticulitis may be performed
by sparing the superior hemorrhoidal artery or accord­
Routine use of ureteral stents is not indicated, because ing to cancer surgery principles. Grade of Recommenda­
ureteral injury during elective colectomy for diverticulitis tion: Strong recommendation based on low-quality
occurs in well under 1% of cases.81,89 The regular use of evidence, 1C.
stents would result in longer operative times and added
costs and risks stent-related complications. Stenting may In theory, preservation of the superior hemorrhoidal blood
facilitate dissection in selected complicated cases such as supply to the rectum may improve blood flow to the distal
patients who are morbidly obese, patients who have been side of the colorectal anastomosis and may reduce the risk of
irradiated, patients undergoing reoperation, and patients anastomotic failure. A retrospective review of 130 patients
whose preoperative imaging suggests abnormal anatomy.90 who underwent elective sigmoidectomy for diverticulitis
did not support this theory.101 A randomized controlled
5. Oral mechanical bowel preparation is not required; study of patients undergoing resection for complicated
however, the use of oral antibiotics may decrease surgi- diverticulitis found a decreased leak rate in patients with
cal site infections after elective colon resection. Grade preserved superior hemorrhoidal arteries, although the au-
of Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on thors used a liberal definition of leak that may have influ-
moderate-quality evidence, 1B. enced the results.102 Further randomized study is needed to
Oral mechanical bowel preparation before elective, open address this issue. Patients with stricturing disease or who,
colon surgery for any indication, studied in randomized for whatever reason, have not had neoplasia excluded pre-
fashion and by meta-analysis, does not appear to influence operatively should undergo a cancer-type operation.
the rates of wound infection or anastomotic failure.91,92
The available literature does not break the data into a di- APPENDIX A: Contributing Members of the
verticulitis subgroup, so the utility of bowel preparation
ASCRS Standards Committee
must be inferred for this group of patients.93 Literature is
lacking regarding the role of bowel preparation in the set- Patricia Roberts, Council Representative; George Chang;
ting of laparoscopic colectomy. Dan Herzig; John Monson; Scott Strong; Kirsten Wilkins;
292 Feingold et al: Practice Parameters for Treatment of Sigmoid Diverticulitis

Marty Weiser; Samantha Hendron; Ian Paquette; Emily Finlay- 18. Chabok A, Påhlman L, Hjern F, Haapaniemi S, Smedh K;
son; William Harb; Jennifer Irani; James McClane; James Mc- AVOD Study Group. Randomized clinical trial of antibiotics in
Cormick; Genevieve Melton-Meaux; David Stewart, Sr.; Charles acute uncomplicated diverticulitis. Br J Surg. 2012;99:532–539.
Ternant; Madhulika Varma; P. Terry Phang; Howard Ross. 19. Shabanzadeh DM, Wille-Jørgensen P. Antibiotics for un-
complicated diverticulitis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
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