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Bridget Chapman

From: Tim Ryle

Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 1.1:07 AM
To: Michael Davis
Su bj ect: Re: Booking form

Yes. I have it. I was waiting for the same reasons. l'll get it out to the agencies this week

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From: Michael Davis <>

Sent: Monday, January 1-4,20L9 10:09 AM
To: Tim Ryle
Subject: BookinB form

I am checking to see when you expect we will start getting the booking form you created in place? I figured over the holidays
was not a good time to start something new but now things are settled maybe we can get it going.

Mike Davis
Assistant District Attorney
Chief of Felony lntake and Grand lury Division
Williamson County, Texas
405 Martin Luther King Blvd., Box 1
Georgetown, Texas 78626
Phone (512) 943-L234
Fax: (512) 943-1255
M ike.d avis wilco.or

Texas Eoard of L€gal Specialization

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Bridqet Chapman

From: Tim Ryle

Sent: Tuesday, January 1 5, 2019 5:40 PM
To: Bridget Chapman
Cc: James Huf
Subject: Re: Asset Forfeiture Case; State v. 20'13 Dodge Caravan - Mario Lopez

Bridget. We are not going to seize this vehicle

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From: Bridget Chapman <>

Sent: Tuesday, lanuary 15,2019 4:35 PM
To: Tim Ryle
Cc: James Huf
Subrect: Asset Forfeiture Case;state v.2013 Dodge Caravan - Mario Lopez

Good aftemoon

Attached is a Swom Statement for your review and signature. Please rettun the signed document to me for filing with the Notice of
Forfeiture. Thank you.

Bridget Chapman
Assistant District Attorney - Civil Division
Williamson County District Attorney
405 MLK Street
Georgetown, Texas 78626
(s12) 943-3s13
(s 12) 943-1255 Fax
BridPet.ChaDman @wilco.ore

From: Bridget Chapman
Sent: Monday, January L4,2OL9 11:19 AM
To: James Huf <>
Cc: Tim Ryle <>
Subject: RE:

Good moming

I will get this ready tbr Chief Ryle to sign.

Bridget Chapman
Assistant District Attorney - Civil Division
Williamson County District Attorney
405 MLK Street
Georgetown, Texas 78626
(s12) 943-3s13
(512) 943-1255 Fax
Bridset.ChaDma n @ lco.ors

From: James Huf <ihuf>

Sent: Friday, January 11, 2019 5:08 PM
To: Bridget Chapman <bridget.chapma n>

Hey Bridgett, I arrested a subject Tuesday for POCS (6.6 lbs of cocaine). Lt Travis said he would like to seize the vehicle if possible. There is no lien on it and it
has approximately 130,000 miles I believe. lts been awhile since l've sent you this info so if you need anything else pleas just let me know.

White 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan

TXLP f KCB6323
VIN: 2C4RDGBG0DR641109
Registered Owner: MARIO A LOPEZ,IDf=N/A,

Bridget Chapman

From: Randolph Doyer

Sent: Wednesday, February 6, 2019 6:1 1 PM
To: Adam Marsh; Allen Banks; Anthony .,ohnson; Brian Manley; Byron Frankland; Cory Tchida; Greg Minton; Henry Fluck; Jeff Hayes;
Jessica Robledo; Kevin Stofle; Mark Owens; Markus Holt; Marty Ruble; Maverick Campbell; Mike Harmon; Mike Pendley; Phillip
Ayala; Randy Traylor; Richard Coffman; Rudy Gonzalez; Sally Hernandez; Sean Mannix; Tim Ryle; Troy Gay; Vinnie Cherrone;
Wayne Nero; Whitney Whitworth; Will "Brad" Dunn; Willie Richards
Cc: Michael Davis; Edward Williams; Brian Loyd; Chris Watts; Roy Fikac; Jereme Brinkmann; Stephen Deaton; Tony Carter
Subject: New Booking Sheet
Attachments: WILCO Booking lnformation, Outside Agencies 01.2019.docx

Greetings Law Enforcement Partners,

Attached please find a document to replace all current documents required to book an individual into the Williamson County Jail. This document is in a digital
format that should be able to be loaded on the computer for the officer's convenience. This document can also be printed and filled out by hand. The goal of this
form is for the officer to be able to fill this document out and send it to the printer in booking. To start this process, you may have your IT pro's contact the
county lT pro's and work things out.
The document is usable for all charges and will be the only intake booking document the jail will be using in our intake process. The current 3x5 card used for the
arrestee information will be discontinued and replaced by this form. We are aware that there was some confusion leading up to this form being issued and we
apologize for the confusion. Thank you for being patient in this change. Our goal is to make all changes, like this, to be seamless and smooth.
Please take note that this form is NOT p ublic information and is restricted so it will not be released to unauthorized individuals
As always if you have any questions please call or email me at the booking staff is also very ready to help any officer that may have questions

On behalf of Sheriff Robert Chody


Bu reau Chief
Williamson County Sheriffs Office
508 S. Rock Street
Georgetown, TX 78626
(s12) 943-1300

Bridget Chapman

From: Bridget Chapman

Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2019 3:30 PM
To: Tim Ryle
Subject: RE: Asset Forfeiture Case No. 19-0679-C26 - Ana Gomez

Thank you.

From: Tim Ryle <>

Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2019 2:39 PM
To: Bridget Chapman <>
Subject: Re: Asset Forfeiture Case No. 19-0679-C26 - Ana Gomez

Let's give it back

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From: Bridget Chapman <!!-dg-q!.qI-qp!!!I@]I/l!9.9l8>

Sent: Wednesday, February 13,2019 3:16 PM
To: Tim Ryle
Cc: Russell Travis; lames Huf
Subiect: RE: Asset Forfeiture Case No. 19-0679-C26 - Ana Gomez

Good aftemoon -
I am following up on this matter. Please confirm whether the WCSO wants to proceed with forfeiture of this vehicle. Thank you Sir.

Bridget Chapman
Assistant District Attorney - Civil Division
Williamson County District Attorney
405 MLK Street
Georgetown,Texas 78626
(s12) 943-3s13
(512) 943-1255 Fax

B rid get. Cha pm an (awi lco.o rq

From: BridBet chapman

Sent: Wednesday, February 6,2019 1:40 PM
To: Tim Ryle <tim.rvle>
Cc: Russell Travis <rtravis ilco.ors >; .lames Huf < ih uf @wilco.ors>
Subiect: FW: Asset Forfeiture Case No. 19-0679-C26 Ana Gomez

( itxrd alicrnoon Chicl'ltyle

Thc subject asset forfeiture case has been set for trial on March27,20l9. The vehicle (owned by mother) was seized when the daughter was arrested
on a money laundering charge. We already obtained a judgment against the daughter and the funds were distributed to WCSO.

Ana Gomez the owner of thc vehicle filcd the attached answer with the court requesting return of thc vehiclc. At the timc the answer was filed.
Detective Hufand I discusscd whether or not to proceed with the case. See below correspondence.

At this time we must notify Ms. Gomez ol'the trial setting and get ready for trial. Before we invest the time and effort in preparing fbr trial I want to
contlrm that WCSO does desire forf'eiture of this vehicle. Otherwise we will dismiss the case and retum the vehicle to Ms. Gomez.

Thank you for your consideration of this matter.

Bridget Chapman
Assistant District Attorney - Civil Division
Williamson County District Attorney
405 MLK Street
Georgetown, Texas 78626
(s12) 943-3s13
(512) 943-1255 Fax

Shawn Dick

From: Tim Ryle

Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2019 7:37 AM
To: Doyle Hobbs; Shawn Dick
Cc: Stephanie Greger; Lindsey Roberts
Subject: Arbitrator system - in car and body cam failures
Attachments: Arlington_Audit_Extract.docx

The Sheriffs Office has recently discovered the Arbitrator systems are not consistently recording or storing video from the vehicles. We have also discovered an
issue with some body cams not recording audio. Obviously this is a critical issue. lT has been trying to resolve the problem for a couple of weeks now has no
solution and you can see from the attached document out of the metro-plex it appears to be a wide spread problem with no permanent fix. We will be notifying
the Commissioners Court and requesting emergency funding to explore replacement options. We are alerting your offices due to the impact on prosecutions.

Bridget Chapman

From: Bridget Chapman

Sent: Thursday, March 28,2019 9:18 AM
To: Storey Sherouse; Tim Ryle
Cc: Matt Lindemann; Lindsey Roberts; Ryan Bownds
Subject: RE: Diana Hernandez - Personnel File

Good morning.

This case is set for trialon Monday. We either need the records today or a hearing with the Judge tomorrow. Please advise so that we may schedule
accordingly. Thank you.

Bridget Chapman
Assistant District Attorney - Civil Division
Williamson County District Attorney
405 MLK Street
Georgetown,Texas 78626
(s12) 943-3s13
(s12) 943-1255 Fax
BridEet.Chapman @ wilco.or s

From: Storey Sherouse <>

Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2019 8:14 AM
To: Tim Ryle <>
Cc: Bridget Chapman <bridget.chapma>; Matt Lindemann <>; Lindsey Roberts <lindsey.>; Ryan
Bownds <ryan.bownds@wilco.orS>
Subject: FW: Diana Hernandez - Personnel File

Good morning Chief,

Please see the email string below for your review. I have updated the D.A.'s office personnel (Bridget Chapman, Matt Lindemann, and Ryan Bownds) that email
request will be forwarded directly to you for review prior to release of any information. As per your direct order, OPS will not act on this email string until
receivinB your approval. Thank you for your time.

Lieutenant S. Sherouse 4065

Wlliamson County Sheriffs Office
Office of Professional Standards
(512) 943-1329 Office


Warninq: This document is UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (U/FOUO) lt contains information that may be exempt from public release under the
Freedom of lnformation Act (5 USC. 552). lt is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, and disposed of in accordance with Local, State, and Federal policy
relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid 'need to-know' without prior approval of an
a uthorized officia l. No rtio n of this report will be furnished to the media, either in written or verbal form

From: Bridget Chapman <bridget.cha pma n (>

Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2019 11:55 AM
To: Storey Sherouse <>
Cc: Ryan Bownds <rvan.bownds@wilco.o rg>; Matt Lindemann <nlatt.lindema n i'l w ilco.o r >; Lindsey Roberts <lindse roberts wilco.o
Subiect: FW: Diana Hernandez - Personnel File

Lt. Sherouse -
Thank you for making the requested records available. After review, the District Attorney requests that the WCSO provide a copy of the final ROI document
created by David Lawthorp fordiscovery purposes. Please seethe prosecutor's correspondence below in support of this request. Thankyou.

BridBet Chapman
Assistant District Attorney - Civil Division
Williamson County District Attorney
405 MLK Street
Georgetown,Texas 78626
(s 12) 943-3s13
(512) 943-1255 Fax

From: Ryan Bownds <rva n.bownd>

Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2019 11:40 AM
To: Bridget Chapman <brideet.cha pma n @wilco.o rq>
Subject: Diana Hernandez - Personnel File


Ireview the WCSO file of Diana Hernandez today at the WCSO and found that allegation number ll against her was sustained. lt appears the only disciplinary
consequence of this was "oral counseling". There was a final document with stated the Results of the lnvestigation (ROl). That final document, which I believe
was created by David Lawthorp laid out each allegation, and why they were sustained or not sustained.

I believethat having that document provided to our office would be necessary to provide adequate notice to the defense and ensure that there is never a Brady
or 39.14 claim mad€ about a failure to disclose relevant personal information about a state's witness.

Sin cerely,
Ryan Bownds
Assista nt District Attorney
Williamson County District Attorney's Office

Bridget Chapman

From: Tim Ryle

Sent: lvlonday, April 8, 201 9 4:19 PM
To: Bridget Chapman
Cc: Russell Travls; Jeremiah Ellison
Subject: Re: Asset Forfeiture Case No. 18-0128 C26; WCSO Case# 2018-01-00955

Let's let the truck go back

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From: Bridget Chapman

Sent: Monday, April 8, 2019 2:23:08 PM
To: Tim Ryle
Cc: Russell Travis; .leremiah Ellison
Subject: Asset Forfeiture Case No. 18-0128-C26; WCSO Casefl 2018-01-00955

Good afternoon Chief Ryle -

The subject asset forfeiture case includes the following seized assets: 5150,030 U.S. Currency and 2010 Dodge
Tru ck.
The Defendant has plead guilty to money laundering and will be sentenced on April 29, 2019
The Defendant is willing to agree to a judgment for forfeiture of the 5150,030 U.S. Currency - but not the
t ruck.
I believe, under the facts and circumstances of the case, we will recover judgment for forfeiture ofthe truck
and the currency at trial.
Please advise if th e SO desires forfeitu re of the veh icle. lf so, we will set the case for trial. lf not,wewill let
the vehicle go back to the defendant and obtain an agreed iudgment for the currency.

Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Please let me know if you have any questions.

BridBet Chapman
Assistant District Attorney - Civil Division
Williamson County District Attorney
405 MLK Street
Geor8etown, Texas 78625
(s 12) 943-3s 13
(512) 943-1255 Fax
B rid et.c h man wil

Bridget Chapman

From: Bridget Chapman

Sent: Wednesday, Aptil 17,2019 Z:17 PM
To: Tim Ryle
Subject: FW: Money Laundering
Attachments: RODRlGUEZ,.lUAN.pdf

Ch ief Ryle -
Will you be providing the paperwork to support filing of a civil asset forfeiture case? lf so, is WCSO requesting forfeiture of the vehicle in addition to the
currency? Timeisof the essence as we need to file the case and service Rodriguez in jail before he bonds out. Please advise. Thankyou.

Bridget Chapman
Assistant District Attorney - Civil Division
Williamson County District Attorney
405 MLK Street
Georgetown, Texas 78626
(s12) 943-3s13
(512) 943-125s Fax

Shawn Dick

From: Shawn Dick

Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 8:49 AM
To: Robert Chody
Cc: Kerrie Stannell
Subject: Security Assessment at the CAC

Thank you so much for agreeing to allow your experts to review the CAC for a security assessment. I have cc'd Kerrie, our Executive Director. She can also be
reached at (817) 240-5943. She is the point of contact to arrange the assessment with the center. Please let me know what else you need from me. Thank you
as always for your support.

Shawn W. Dick
Williamson County District Attorney
405 M.IJ.K. St.
Georgetown, Tx. 78626

Bridget Chapman

From: Bridget Chapman

Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 10:23 AM
To: Tim Ryle
Cc: Jeremiah Ellison
Su bject: Civil Asset Forfeiture Case
Attachments: Sworn Statement - JRodriguez (Ryle - No Vehicle).doc; Sworn Statement - JRodrrguez (Ellison - No Vehicle).doc; Sworn Statement
- JRodriguez (Ryle - Vehicle).doc; Sworn Statement - JRodriguez (Ellison - Vehicle).doc

Good morning -
Attached are Sworn Statement (4 versions) to file the civil forfeiture case. Two versions are for Chief Ryle - one including the vehicle, one not including the
vehicle. Two versions are for Detective Ellison - one including the vehicle, one not including the vehicle. Please execute one of these and return to me as soon
as possible. We need to get the case filed, and Rodriguez served today - before the holiday weekend. Otherwise we risk not getting service and stranding the

lf you want the vehicle we will have to include the wife in the suit because the vehicle is registered to her

Thank you.

Bridget Chapman
Assistant District Attorney - Civil Division
Williamson County District Attorney
405 MLK Street
Georgetown, Texas 78626
(s 12) 943-3s 13
(512) 943-1255 Fax
BridEet.Chaoman @ wilco.o rP

From: Bridget Chapman

Sent: Wednesday, April L7 , 2019 2:17 PM
To: Tim Ryle <>
Subject: FW: Money Laundering

Chief Ryle -
Will you be providing the paperwork to support filing of a civil asset forfeiture case? lf so, is WCSO req uestinB forfeiture of the vehicle in addition to the
currency? Time is of the essence as we need to file the case and service Rod riguez in jail before he bonds out. Please advise. Thankyou.

Bridget Chapman
Assistant District Attorney - Civil Division
Williamson County District Attorney
405 MLK Street
Georgetown, Texas 78626
(s 12) 943-3s13
(512) 943-1255 Fax

Shawn Dick

From: Shawn Dick

Sent: Monday, May 20, 2019 1:54 PM
To: Robert Chody
Subject: RE: TDCI inmate in County Jail

Thank you for the update

From: Robert Chody <rchody@wilco.orB>

Sent: Monday, May 20, 2019 72:27 PM
To: Shawn Dick <>
Sub,ect: Fwd: TDCJ inmate in County Jail

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From: Randolph Doyer < RDove r @wilco.orR>

Sent: Monday, May 20, 2019 12:25 PM

To: Robert Chody

subiect: RE: TDCJ inmate in County Jail


He was scheduled to go last F(iday 5117l2OL9 but TDCJ halted all transports due to flooding. He is scheduled to go this Friday 5/24/2019, that is our day by TDCJ

We will check with TDCJ and try to get permission to bring him faster.

Bureau Chief

Williamson county Sheriff's Office

508 5. Rock Street

Geor8etown, TX 78626

(s12) 943-1300

From: Robert Chody <rchodv@wilco.ors>

Sent: Monday, May 20, 2019 1-2:L7 PM

To: Randolph Doyer <RDover(owilco.orR>; Edwa rd Williams <edwa rd.willia ms wilco

Subject: Fwd: TDCJ inmate in County Jail


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From: Shawn Dick <shawn.d ick wilco.o

Sent: Monday, May 20,2019 12:15 PM

To: Robert Chody

Subject: TDCJ inmate in County Jail

The inmate's name is Aaron Davison. Thank you.

Shawn W. Dick
Williamson County District Attorney
405 M.L.K. St.
Georgetown, Tx. 78626


Shawn Dick

From: Shawn Dick

Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2019 8i07 AM
To: Robert Chody
S u bj ect: Re: Security Assessment at the CAC

Awesome. Thank you very much

Shawn Dick
Williamson County District Attorney
405 M L.K. St.

From: Robert Chody

Sent: Wednesday,May 29,2019 7:10:06 AM
To: Shawn Dick
Subrect: RE: Security Assessment at the CAC

She will receive a call today

From: Shawn Dick <shawn.d>

Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2019 5:55 PM
To: Robert Chody <>
Subiect: RE: Security Assessment at the CAC

Thank you.

From: Robert Chody <>

Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2019 5:55 PM
To: Shawn Dick <>
Cc: Kerrie Stannell <kerries(>
Subiect: Re: Security Assessment at the CAC

Ok, Iet me know if at end of week nothinB is heard.

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From: 5hawn Dick

Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2019 5:53:26 PM
To: Robert Chody
Cc: Kerrie Stannell
Subiect: RE:Security Assessment at the CAC

Kerrie texted me today saying she hadn't heard from anyone yet.

From: Robert Chody <r chodv(>

Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2019 5:53 PM
To: Shawn Dick <shawn.d ick wilco.o
Cc: Kerrie Stannell <>
Subrect: Re: Security Assessment at the CAC

Did we not follow up?

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From: Shawn Dick

Sent: Tuesday, May 28,2019 5:43:25 PM
To: Robert Chody
Cc: Kerrie Stannell
Subject: RE: Security Assessment at the CAC

Sorry to bother you Sheriff, but I was just wanting to follow up with you about this previous email. Please let me know if there is something you need me to
do. Thanks.

From: Shawn Dick

Sent: Thursday, April 18,2019 8:49 AM
To: Robert Chody <rchodv@wilco.ors>
Cc: Kerrie Stannell <ke rries@wilcocac.orq>
Sublect: Security Assessment at the CAC

Thank you so much for agreeing to allow your experts to review the CAC for a security assessment. I have cc'd Kerrie, our Executive Director. She can also be
reached at 1817) 240-5943. She is the point of contact to a rra nge the assessment with the center. Please let me know what else you need from me. Thankyou
as always for your support.

Shawn W. Dick
Williamson County District Attorney
405 M.L.K. St.
Georgetown, Tx. 78626

Shawn Dick

From: Roy Fikac

Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2019 12:45 PM
To: Shawn Dick
Subject: Re: Public Comment

Thank you so much sir! I sincerely appreciate you

With Much Respect,

Law Enforcement Bureau Chief,
Roy Fikac
508 South Rock Street
Georgetown, Texas 78626
Tele: (512) 943-1300
Fax: (512) 943-1444

Confidentiality Notice: The information in this communication is confidential and intended only for the exclusive use of the addressee. The copying, distribution,
or any other use of this communication by the addressee or any other person or entity is prohibited. lf you have received this communication by mistake, please
notify the sender immediately and destroy all forms of this communication (electronic or paper). Thank you for your cooperation.

From: Shawn Dick

Sent: Tuesday, June 4,2OL9 10:36:36 AM
To: Roy Fikac
Subject: Public Comment

Such amazing testimony today. You and your family are truly amazing. I have been praying for you and your son, since the day I heard about his situation. I will
continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. May God Bless you all.

Shawn W. Dick
Williamson County District Attorney
405 M.L.K. St.
Georgetown, Tx. 78626

Bridget Chapman

From: Lindsey Roberts

Sent: Friday, June 14,2019 8:18 AM
To: Tim Ryle
Subject: RE: Phone pings

l'm here. Want to come over?

Lindsey Roberts
First Assistant District Attorney
Williamson County District Attorney's Office

Texas Board (,f Le0al Specralizatron

From: Tim Ryle

Sent: Friday, June 14, 2019 8:16 AM
To: Lindsey Roberts <>
Subject: Re: Phone pings

Then that needs to happen this morning. lf a change is to be made we need it right away since pings May be necessary at any time. I am available now.

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From: Lindsey Roberts

Sent: Friday, June 14, 2019 8:10:03 AM
To: Tim Ryle
Subject: RE: Phone pings

No. We need to meet and discuss

Lindsey Roberts

First Assistant District Attorney
Williamson County District Attorney's Office

Texas Board of Logal Specaalization

From: Tim Ryle

Sent: Friday, June 14, 2019 6:14 AM
To: Lindsey Roberts < lind sev. robe rts@wilco.orE>
Subiect: Re: Phone pings

Okay. We will continue on usinB the previous guidance we received from your office until advised otherwise.

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From: Lindsey Roberts

Sent: Thursday,lune 13, 2019 9:37:59 AM
To: Tim Ryle
Subject: RE: Phone pings

I have read through the various statutes, and I think we should set up a time to sit down and discuss.

Lindsey Roberts
First Assistant District Attorney
Williamson County District Attorney's Office

Taxas Board of Logal Specralazalion

From: Tim Ryle

Sent: Thursday, June 13,2019 7:51 AM

To: Lindsey Roberts <lindsev.roberts(>
Subject: FWr Pho ne pings

Do you have any feedback? We have been following the guidelines your office gave us long ago. I am checking to see if you are getting those documents that
are required

From: Tim Ryle

Sent: Friday, June 07, 2019 10:50 AM
To: Lindsey Robe rts <lindsev. roberts@wilco.orq>
sub.iect: FW: Phone pings

From: Stephen Allison

Sent: Friday, lune 07, 2019 10:10 AM
To: Tim Ryle <tim. rvle@wilco.orq>
Subiect: RE: Phone pings

Good morning Chief,

lf you would, please get with Lindsey Roberts directly on these. He is on point. We have had a few involved in fugitive cases that l'm aware of

Stephen Allison, Sergeant lnvestigator

williomson county District Attorney's office
Office: (s1.2)943-1240
Fax: (512)943-1255

From: Tim Ryle

Sent: Friday, June 7,20197:18 AM
To: Stephen Allison <sa llison@wilco.ore>
Subject: Phone pings

Good morning. lm sifting through pro.iects and I needed to check in on this issue and make sure we are getting the information to y'all as you
requested and also that we are following the process as you laid it out for us.

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Shawn Dick

From: Shawn Dick

Sent: Friday, .June 14,2019 10:55 AM
To: Robert Chody
Subject: FW: Live PD Letter
Attachments: Live PD letter WCCDLA.pdf; PastedGraphic-2.tiff

Sorry, Steve sent this email to Hal Hawes the other day, but forgot to send it to me at the same time. We are working on the email you requested. Thanks

From: Stephen Hesse <>

Sent: Friday, June 14, 2019 10:48 AM
To: Shawn Dick <>
Subiect: Live PD Letter

EXTERNAL email: Exercise caution when opening.

Steve Hesse
Attorney at Law
sBoT #90001517
207 S. Austin Ave.
Georgetown, TX 78626
(512) 930-2120 Office
(512) 930-2123 Fax
(512) 818-2039 Cell
Board Certifled-Criminal Law

ArroRNEy ar Law

June 11,2019
Mr. Shawn Dick
Williamson County District Attorney
405 Martin Luther King Street. Box #1
Georgetown, TX 78626

Re: Video footage from Live pD in Williamson County

Dear Mr. Dick:

I am writing to you in my capacity as the president of the wi iamson county

criminal Det'ense Lawyer's Association (wcGDLA). our organization is comprised
lawyers who defend people in the courts of wilriamson county, who have
been charged
with criminal acts.

The williamson county sheriff's office has entered into an agreement with
producers of the TV show, Live pD, that grants the producers access
to the WCSO
facilities as well as the specific permission to accompany wcso officers and other
personnel during the course of their duties. The express purpose of this
agreement is for
the video recording and photographing during situations they encounter and during
execution of their duties for the WCSO.

The agreement also orders the Producers to destroy all raw (unaired) footage recorded,
later than 30 days after the raw footage is recorded.

The williamson county Sheriff's office has granted the producers special access
record the wCSo personnel executing their duties. This agreement does not recognize
that the special access granted the Producers results in the creation ofevidence in a
criminal investigation when an arrest takes place or may take place in the future. These
recordings are evidence and that essential lact can not be altered by contract.

Furthermore, there is a criminal statute in Texas that prohibits the destruction of

Texas Penal Code 37.09

(a) A person commits an offense if, knowing that an investigation or official proceeding
is pcnding or in progress, he:
(I )alters, destroys, or conceals any record. document. or thing with intent to
its verity. legibility. or availabiliry as evidence in the investigation
or offrcial proceeding.


PHoNE: S,t2.930.2 t 20 FAx: St2.930.2t23
er',rar r_: I
Shawn Dick

From: Shawn Dick

Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2019 11:14 AM
To: Jason Nassour; Robert Chody; Hal Hawes
Cc: Doyle Hobbs; Shannon Francis; Lindsey Roberts; Bridget Chapman; Rene Gonzalez; Sunni Mitchell; Stephen Hesse
Subject: RE: Live PD Agreement


Mr. Nassour is entitled to his opinion. I never purported to speak for the County Attorney's Office. l, however, am unwilling to risk the law licenses of my
attorneys; nor will ljeopardize the integrity of my office. I have sent you a memo clearly stating the policy of the District Attorney regarding cases filed with our
office. My position remains unchanged.

From: Jason Nassour <jason>

Sent: Friday, June 14,2019 5:52 PM
To: Robert Chody <>; Shawn Dick <>; Hal Hawes <>
Cc: Doyle Hobbs <>; Shannon Francis <>
Subject: Fwd: Live PD Agreement

EXTERNAL email: Exercise cautlon when o ening,


I have tried to reach Shawn but was unsuccessful. I have included him and Hal Hawes to this email

Please note the office of the County Attorney disagrees with the position taken by Shawn. Live PD is not an agent or employee of the state. The office of the
Sheriff is not in the possession or control of the data taken by Live PD.

ln addition, 39.14(a) referenced by Shawn as it relates to contractual obligations is misapplied in his memo. Live PD does not operate under a contract with
WCSO. WCSO does not receive any numeration in exchange for allowing Live PD to ride along with the department.

ln fact, the agreement with Llve PD is not technically a contract at all. Rather, it is a detailed access agreement and quite frankly no different than allowing a
private citizen to ride along.

To be a contract, there has to be consideration. The WCSO again, does not receive consideration from the Live PD

Shawn has attempted to and incorrectly placed a responsibility on the WCSO and more importantly has incorrectly alluded to the supposition that live PD is a
state actor by contract.

The agreement with Live PD provides that all State and Federal laws will be complied with and further, any order of the Court.

you have instructed your troops to reflect in their report if Live PD is on scene. The County Attorney's office, the District Attorney's office and the defense bar
can review the report and see that Live PD was on scene.

You have also provided a contact number and person at Live PD for either office to contact.

Shawn's memo has previously been reviewed under letter head from the president of the criminal defense bar - Steven Hessey

I do not believe the WCSO is violating any laws.


Jason Nassour

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jason Nassour <>

Date: June 14,2Ol9 at 5:16:23 PM CDT
To: "rcho wilco.o r <>
Subiect: Fwd: Live PD Agreement

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Hal Hawes <hhawes@wi!co.qlg>

Date: June 14, 2019 at 5:05:01 PM CDT
To: Molly Stenson <!05!C!!9!@_QSUfELqq!0>
Cc:Matt Papa <!p!pq_(Oq!ry!IELq9!!>, Louisa Lenander <>, Hal Hawes <hhawes@wilco.ors>
Subject: RE: Live PD Atreement

Here is a fully executed copy.

I hanks and takc care.

Ilal C. Hawcs
(ieneral Counsel
Williamson Oounty Commissioners Court
710 Main Street, Suite 200
(ieorgetou'n, Texas 78626
Phone: (512) 9{3-3862
l,lmail: hhau cs n ilco.rr

Bridget Chapman

From: Michael Davis

Sent: Friday, July 5,2019 9:21 AM
To: Stephanie Greger
Cc: Shawn Dick
Su bject: RE: LivePD reports

l'lrank yor-r that is very helpfirl

Mike Davis
Assistant District Attorney
chief of Felony lntake and Grand Jury Division
Williamson County, Texas
405 N4artin Luther KinB Blvd., Box 1
Georgetown, Texas 78626
Phone (512) 943-1234
Fax: (512) 943-1255
M ike. davis wilco.or

Texas Board of Legal Specialization

GIU[. ilhl ltw ilD GRliltml UW

Marrindale-[ub[ell Peer Beuiew Rate-lu
qry Texas Bar College
Ii.n .' !,. r,J,, li,r r(l;/!i,,ir,!.'


Any rclease, distribution or disclosure of information contoined within this electronic document to onyone othet thdn the obove listed recipient(s) is o violstion of Texos
Government Code 552.352 dnd is punishable by a moximum confinement ol six months in joil, 51,O0O,00 line, or both fine ond confinement.

This e-mail transmission and any attachments contain information which is legally privileged and intended solely for use of the party to whom it is addressed. I
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entity named above. lf the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are
hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication as strictly prohibited

From: Stephanie Greger

Sent: Friday, July 5, 2019 8:40 AM
To: Michael Davis <mike.davis@wilco.orB>
Cc: Shawn Dick <shawn.d>
Subject: FW: LivePD reports

Please find the attached spreadsheet documenting LivePD arrests

Tha nk you,

Steyfutnie Qreger
Criminal Cou rts Division Chief
Williamson County Attorney's Office
Phone: (512) 943-1111
Fax: (512 ) 943-1120

From: Tim Ryle

Sent: Wednesday, July 3, 2019 2:35 PM
To: Stephanie Greger <>
Subiect: FW: LiveP D reports

From: David Oberg

Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2019 11.:00 AM
To: Tim Ryle <tjI!=It!e]@I{rc9!Ig>
Cc: Roy Fikac <rfikac(>; Stephen Deaton <stephen.deaton@wilco.ors>
Subject: LivePD reports


I have attached the spreadsheet containing the case numbers, dates, and charges for arrests involving Lt. Kennedy, Det. Luera, Det. Dirner, and Dep. Nickel
while on Live PD.

Deputy Dovid Oberg #K92

K9 Unit - K9 Bolo
williomson County sherilf s Olfice
508 5. Rock Street Georgetown, TX 78626
office: (512)943-1300


report H date cha rge report # date c ha rge

20181100085 7Ll2l20L8 pom 20190200715 2/L6/2079 dwli

20181100879 L7/26/2078 open container 20190200716 2/L6/201.9 evad ing motor veh
2018110088 5 1.7/26/2078 pocs p8 1 <18 20190200997 2/22/2079 pom
201.81,1,00924 17/27 /20L8 pom 2 01902 00998 2/22/2079 pom
2018rLO0927 tr/27 /20L8 pom 2 01902 00999 2/22/20L9 podp
20181101045 11. /30 /2018 pocs pg 2 4<4008 20190201000 2/221201.9 podp
2 01811010 51 7t/3012078 warrant 20190201002 2/221201.9 pom
20181200023 L2lL/2078 pom 20190201003 2/22/2079 pom
20181200026 1.211./201.8 podp 2 019020103 6 2/23/2079 dwi
20181,20QO29 1.211/2018 pom 20t90207037 2/23/zole pocs pg l. 1>49
20181200133 L2/4/20L8 pocs pg 2 >=4009 20190300053 3/r/20L9 podp
2018L200202 L2ls/2018 pom 20190300056 3/L/20L9 dwi
20181200312 /2018 pom
1.217 20190300079 3/2/20L9 podp
20181200331 1.218/2018 pom 20190300082 3/2/20Le warrant
20181200504 12/72/2018 pocs pg 1 4g<2009 20190300384 3/8/2ote pocs pg 1 <19
2 01812 00 5 12 12/12/201.8 fa il to lD 2 01903 00388 3/8/20L9 pocs pg 1 1>49
20181200513 12/12/2078 pocs pg 24 <2oz 20190301376 3/29/2019 pom
2 01812 00 6 31 1.2/1.41201.8 pocs pg 1 <19 2 01903 01381 3/29/20L9 warrant
2018120063s L2/14/2018 dwi 2 01903 01406 3/30/20L9 pom
20181200653 t2/Ls/201.8 podp 201903 01407 3/30/20t9 dwli
20181200656 12/75/2078 podp 20190400269 4/s/2OL9 pocs pg 1 <19
20181200659 12/15/2018 warra nt 20t9040027 0 4/s/2OL9 evad/tamper/pocs
20190100144 114/2o1.e pom 20L90400271 4/s/20L9 pom
20190100169 7ls/2019 podp 20L90400292 4/6/20L9 warrant
20190100392 L/10/201.9 pom 20190400620 4/12/20L9 pom
20190100445 /11./201.9 pocs pg 2 <19
1. 20790400622 4/12/20t9 pocs pg 2 4<4009
20190100446 1./71./2U.9 pocs pg 1<19 20190400623 4lL2/20t9 pocs pg 1 4>2009
20190100449 7/LL/2Or9 dwi 20190400650 4l13/2OL9 flee ing
20190100451 L/7L/2019 pocs pg 1 <19 20190400912 4l19/2OL9 pocs pg 1 1>49
20190100452 7/71./2019 pom 20190400914 4/19/2oLe warrant
20190100491 L/1212079 info only 201904012 s8 4/26/20L9 pocs pg 1 <18
201,901,001 7 3 1./18/201.9 pocs pg 1 <19 20L90401279 4/27 /2019 pocs pg 14 <20AU
20190100775 t/L8/2079 pocs pg 2 4<4009 20190401281 4/27 /2019 podp
20190100781 L/18/2079 pom 20L90401-284 4127 /20t9 dwli
20190100805 ). /L9 /2019 pom 20190s00047 s/7/2019 pom
20190101099 L/2s/2019 dwi 20190500049 s/1./2019 pocs pg 14>2009
20190101100 tl2s/201.9 warrant 20190500159 s/3/201.9 dwi w/child
20190101144 u26/2OL9 pom 2019050047 2 slLo/2079 pod p
20190200045 ?/L/20Le podp 20190500917 5l2L/20L9 pom
20190200077 212/2019 dwli 201905009s 3 sl22/20t9 wa rrant
2019020007 9 2/2/20L9 warrant 20190501320 sl3L/2o7e dwi
20190200365 219/2019 pom 2>4oz 20190501324 s/3112079 pocs pg 1<19
2019 02003 66 2/s/2079 pocs pg 2 <19 201905013 2 5 s/3t1207s dwli
20190200368 2/9/20le warrant 20190600032 6/L/2OL9 dwli
20190200691 2/7s/2019 dwli 20190600036 6lr/201s pocs pg 2 1>49
201906002 66 6/7 /201.9 pocs pg 1 1>48
20790600267 6/7 12019 pod p
20190600270 6/7 /2OL9 pocs pg 1 <19
201-9060027 L 6/7/20L9 podp
20190600277 6/7/20L9 pom
20190600306 6/8/20L9 podp
20190600460 6/12/2019 pocs pg 2 1>49
20190600463 6/72/20L9 eva d ing
20190600466 6/12/2019 podp
20190600552 6/14/2079 assault Ps/poc pB 2
20190600740 6/19/2019 pocs pg 1 1>48
201906007 42 6/1912019 pocs pg 1 <19
201906008 3 8 6/2r/2079 warrant
2 0190600842 6/21/2019 Pocs Pg 1 1>48
2019060084 3 6/21/2019 pocs pg 1 <18
20190600864 6122/2079 pocs p8 2 <19
20190600867 6/22/201.9 warrant
20190600988 6l2s/2019 pocs pg 1 1>49
Shawn Dick

From: Robert Chody

Sent: Monday, July 1 5, 2019 2:59 PM
To: Shawn Dick
Subject: Fwd: FYI

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From: Stephen Deaton

Sent: Monday, July 15,2019 2:56:11 PM
To: Mark Luera; David Nickel; Grayson Kennedy; Charles Duvall; James Johnson; Derek Garretson; Jason lohnston; Brian Thomas; Jarred Dalton
Cc: Robert Chody


From this point on when you are involved in any incident with LIVE PD that involves writing a supplement, you guys need to name the crew that filmed the
incident. This can be done by last name only. Also you will include this phone number as the point of contact for Live PD 1-805-558-1082 in the supplement.



Bridget Chapman

From: Tim Ryle

Sent: Monday, August 12,2019 1:36 PM
To: Bridget Chapman
Cc: David Lowthorp; Storey Sherouse
Subject: RE: Case No. 18-2234-K26: State v. Jonathan Aleman; ln the 26th Judicial District Court

The Sheriff's Office did not conduct an internal investigation into the incident since it was a criminal case. No witness statements were taken by lnternal affairs

From: Bridget Chapman

Sent: Monday, August 12,2019 11:24 AM
To: Tim Ryle <>; Storey Sherouse <>
Subject: RE: Case No. 18-2234-K26; State v. Jonathan Aleman; ln the 26th Judicial District Court

Chief Ryle -
Following up on this request. Please advise. Thank you

Bridget Chapman
Assistant District Attorney - Civil Division
Williamson County District Attorney
405 MLK Street
Georgetown, Texas 78626
(s12) 943-3s13
(s12) 943-1255 Fax
Bridset.Cha oma n@wilco.ors

From: Tim Ryle <tim.rvle (>

Sent: Friday, August 2,2019 1:38 PM
To: Storey Sherouse <ssherouse>; Bridget Chapman <bridset.chapma n @wilco.orq>
Subject: RE: Case No. 18-2234-K26; State v. Jonathan Aleman; ln the 26th ludicial District Court

Hey Bridget, this was a criminal investigation conducted by Leander. We are checking to see if we have anythinB at all in lA from anY of the involved. I am
thinking not because we usually delay any internal investigation until the criminal is done. lf we have anything it would be post Garrity from any employee

From: Storey Sherouse

Sent: Friday, AuBust 02, 2019 8:32 AM
To: Bridget Chapman <bridset.cha pma n @wilco.o Tim Ryle <tim. rvle (>
subject: Re: Case No. 18-2234-K26; State v. Jonathan Aleman; ln the 26th Judicial District Court

Good morning,

I am forwarding this email to Chief Tim Ryle and will ask him to answer this question

Lieutenant S. Sherouse 4065

\Mlliamson County Sheriff s Office

Office of Professional Standards


(512) 943-1329 Office

(737\ 444-6420 Secure Cell / Text


Warninq: This document is U NCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (U/FOUO) lt contains information that may be exempt from public release
under the Freedom of lnformation Act (5 USC. 552). lt is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, and disposed of in accordance with Local,
State, and Federal policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid 'need-to-
know' without prior approval of an authorized official. No portion of this report will be furnished to the media, either in written or verbal form.

From: Bridget chapman <bridget.cha pma n @wilco.ore>
Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2079 2:32 PM
To: Storey Sherouse <ssherouse>
Sub,ect: Case No. 18-2234-K26; State v. Jonathan Aleman; ln the 26th Judicial District Court

Good afternoon -
The District Attorney is prosecuting Jonatha n Alema n for sexual assault. lt is our understanding that WCSO conducted an internal investiSation ofthe allegations
because at the time, Aleman was a cadet with the WCSO. ln order to comply with discovery obligations we request that WCSO provide a copy of witness
statements, including the statement of Moraima Galvan, obtained during the investigation that may include exculpatory information. wE ARE NOT

lf you are not willing to comply with this request for any reason, please advise so that we may schedule a hearing with the Court. Thankyou

Bridget Chapman
Assistant District Attorney - Civil Division
Williamson County District Attorney
405 MLK Street
Georgetown, Texas 78626
(s12) e43-3s13
(512) 943-1255 Fax
Bridset.Cha o man@wilco.ors

Shawn Dick

From: Robert Chody

Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2019 5:19 PM
To: Shawn Dlck
Subje€t: Re: Livepd contract

Yes. Thx

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From: Shawn Dick <>

Sent: Saturday, August 17,2019 5:11:10 PM
To: Robert Chody <>
cc: Bill Gravell <>; Tim Ryle <tim. ryle>; Doyle Hobbs <>
Subiect: Re: Livepd contract

Sure. At my office?

Shawn Dick
Williamson County District Attorney
405 M.L.K. St.

From: Robert Chody <>

Sent: Saturdav, August 17, 2019 4:02:30 PM
To: Shawn Dick <>
Cc: Bill Gravell <>; Tim Ryle <>; Doyle Hobbs <>
subject: Re: Livepd contract


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From: Shawn Dick <>
Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2019 2:46:37 PM
To: Robert Chody <>
Cc: Bill Gravell <>; Tim Ryle <>; Doyle Hobbs <>
Subiect: Re: Livepd contract

I have a meeting at 10, but am otherwise available

Shawn Dick
Williamson County District Attorney
405 M.L.K. St.
shawn. dick@wilco. org

From: Robert Chody <>

Sent: Saturday, August 17,2019 2:14:46 PM
To: Shawn Dick <>
Cc: Bill Gravell <>; Tim Ryle <>; Doyle Hobbs <>
Subject: Re: Livepd contract


Thank you for such a quick response. Seems the issue is procuring the film from livepd. lf you advise on how you want that done, l'm sure we can come up with a

solution. Do you want us to hold the video or send to you.

Can we meet Monday sometime to discuss further? Thanks in advance.


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From: Shawn Dick <>

Sent: Saturday, Au8ust L7,2019 1:38:29 PM
To: Robert Chody <>
Cc: Bill Gravell <>; Tim Ryle <>; Doyle Hobbs <>
Subiect: RE: Livepd contract

She riff,

Iappreciate your concerns. Let me be clear. I have never believed it is my role to advocate for or against Live PD. I do not believe Lindsey has stated anything to
the media. I have been the one to make the statements from our office. I have only asked from the very beginning:

1. To identify the cases on Live PD to our office

2. To list the witnesses and their contact information from Big Fish Entertainment in the offense report
3. To assist in procuring the raw footage of the felony arrests

My office was never part of the contract negotiations, nor was I ever even shown the contract until June of this year when it was brought to my attention by
Jennifer Earls. Ms. Earls was president of the localCriminal Defense Bar at that time, and she was trying to head off a formal complaint by her membership. lt
was at that time that I learned the contract ordered raw footage to be destroyed within 30 days of airing. As soon as I became aware of this, you and I had a
personal and productive conversation in which we agreed to resolve my concerns. You asked me to send my requests to you in writing. I prepared those
requests and sent them by email. Later that night, Mr. Nassour, who was never a part of our conversation, responded for the County Attorney in an email,
claiming that I was wrong and none of this information was necessary.

Beginning in Live PD's Season 1., I have personally requested, on severaloccasions, the witness names from you and Chief Ryle. To date, our office has never
been given the name of any Big Fish Enterta inment witness. To date, we have never received Live PD raw footage. Thismakes prosecution ofthese felonies
immensely more difficult. I was hopeful after our cordial conversation that everything would be resolved. Unfortunately, Mr. Nassour's response made it clear
that my requests were not going to be complied with.

I hope you understand, I am not the reason the Live PD contract is up for consideration on Tuesday. I have no position on whether or not Llve PD continues in
Williamson County. However, if Live PD does continue, my above requests must be complied with in order to file felony cases with my office. I believe my
requests are clear, reasonabte, and have consistently been presented to you and your department over the course of Live PD. I am glad to have lunch or coffee
with you anytime as we have always had a great relationship and can talk frankly with each other.

From: Robert Chody <>

Sent: Saturday, August 17,2019 8:53 AM
To: Shawn Dick <>
Cc: Bill Gravell <>; Tim Ryle <>; Doyle Hobbs <>
Subject: Livepd contract


Lindsey gave a statement to the media saying the problem the DA's office has with Live PD circles around the provision that requires them to
destroy unused footage after 30 days.

That provision was negotiated to make sure raw footage did not linger around wrth our deputies and our county crest that could be sold later for a
negative purpose.

I can appreciate your offices obligations surrounding evidence. I have absolutely no problem, as I have suggested before, to have the company
provide a complete download of all raw footage to the DA and or County Attorneys.

You just simply need to let us know how you want that information provided to you and frequency. Live PD, nor The Sheriffs office have any use for
the raw footage after 30 days.

I don't want to see something that is so wonderful for our county go away over something you and I could have easily addressed over a cup of

coffee and a simple conversation.


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Shawn Dick

From: Shawn Dick

Sent: Tuesday, November 12,2019 2.21 PM
To: Robert Chody
Su bject: FW: 8:00AM MDT Case Review

Just remind me, when you get a chance. You and lshould visit about this. No rush.

From: Jennifer Deazvedo <>

Sent: Tuesday, November 12,2019 1:56 PM
Subiect: 8:00AM MDT Case Review

EXTER At cmail: Exercise caution when opening.

Hello team,

The MDT Case Review will NOT meet at 8:00 tomorrow morning for WCSO cases. The WCSO has another training day and will not be able to attend. I look
forward to seeing everyone else at 9:00.

Thank you,

Jennifer Deazvedo
Director of Partner Relations
deazvedo lcocac.o

@ County
+ +l Advocacy

181 1 SE lnner Loop

Georgetown, TX 78626
CAC Main Line:
l\4y Direct Line:
512.943-37 15
512 868-3970

"You shop. Amazon gives. Did you know that every time you shop you can raise money to prevent child abuse and neglect? Purchase through Amazon Smile and
choose the VVilliamson County Children's Advocacy Cenler as your charity of choice!"

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calling (512) 943-3712 immediately and destroy all copies ofthe oraginal message, including attachments.

fJ, .16l

Bridget Chapman

From: Matt Lindemann

Sent: Thursday, November 14,2019 7:55 AM
To: Robert Chody
Subject: RE: Lunch Dec 5th?

For now, that looks like it will work.

Matthew Lindemann-Sgt. lnvestigator

Williamson County District Attorney's Office
Ph# 512.943.1244

From: Robert Chody

sent: Wednesday, November 13,2019 7:58 PM
To: Matt Lindemann <>
Subiect: Lunch Dec 5th?

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