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Fast Attack Slow Attack

Fast Starts back. Faster Release causes less Starts upfront. Kicks back to position v
Release Compression and more MOVEMENT. quickly. Focused very upfront, more
Depending on the musical value of R, signal presence. More AGGRESSIVE. Ex kick/Bass

will recede back in speakers.


Slow Starts at back, and movement is minimised Signal starts upfront. Snaps back rapidly and
Release because of longer compression due to slow stays. Sounds POKEY when signal pops out
release. Sounds more controlled, more and rest of the signal disappears little more.
SOLID. More stationary at back. Ex. Bass/ Ex. Acoustic Guitars.
Kick, keys

Medium Starts back. Gain reduction moves the Same thing occurring only a little more
Release signal back and forward so there is upfront <———

Attack time is where it starts and Release Time is the Movement, it has a musical value. RT
decides Movement or stability.

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