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CHARHOLLOW ‘Charhollow is home to the bulk ofthe workforee of the cty—servants, ockers, sailors, stockyard and eelery workers, cabbies, and soon, It's cheap, noisy, ‘rampod, and sweltering from eookfires and hissing stoar-pipes, but there's familia eamaraderie among its residents that you won't find anywhere le, The people of Charholow are a true community, brought together by cireumstance, but ound by tes of mutual support and care stark contrast tw the cutthroat ruthlessness that constitutes business as sal inthe rest of the city. NOTABLE FACTIONS + ‘The Vultures: An up and coming gang of viious thugs ‘The Lost: A group of stoot-toughs and exsoldiers dedicated to protecting the downtrodden andthe hopeless. + The Ink Rakes: The journalists, muckrakers, and newspaper publishers of Doskvl. Willing to do whatever i takes to sell stor. NOTABLE LOCATIONS Bellweather Crematorium: The towering smokestacks ae visible from just about anywhere inthe city. Whenever someone dies the giant bell toll and the deathaeeker erows fly xt and ctle inthe sky over the body. Then come the masked men with their carts, ane the remains are callected and incinerated, hopefully before a ghost ean arse and start wreaking havoc. 2, Charhollow Market: public marke fills the open square here inthe shadow of the crematorium, offering fair prices tothe local community. TLongdale: Only the poorest of the poor would liv so doseto the Crematorium, or those who have no ather options. The Fountain of the Weeping Lady: This elaborate fountain is topped by a statue of Lady Devera, the frst Governor of Doskvol. Nearly 800 years later, she is known as the Weeping Lady, the central figure around which a notable charity organization has grown. 5 Kellen’s: One ofthe aldest pubs in the city, with a dizaying selection of Skovlander ales and whiskey. ©. Quinn's: High stakes card games, Former proprietor Albin Quinn’ thre sons ensure everything stays above board, THE SITUATION ‘The Vultures have been causing all kinds of trouble forthe good people of Chathollow, and the Last ae intent on putting a stop tit, by any means ‘necessary. Now, dubious acusations have made right and wrong abit murky. The nk Rakes have waded into the middle of this mess because they can always smell good story brewing, ora least the opportunity to make one up, COALRIDGE CCoalridge is home to mos of the machinists, industrial laborers and factories of the city. It's cramped, soot-choked, and loud—spewing dense clouds of black smoke, showers of sparks and burning cinders. The old elevated tain lines that once hatled coal now earry heswy equipment and raw materials to And from Gadddoe Station, thougl many ofthe ancient tracks and ears have been abandoned to squaters who've converted them into makeshift homes NOTABLE FACTIONS ‘The Billhooks: A tough gang of thugs wielding hatchets and meat hooks. + Skovlander Refugees: Desperate survivors ofthe Unity War, now stuck herein Akoros. Ulrtronborn: A brutal Skovlander, newly arrived in Dotkvo, Sighting everyone fr tur, NOTABLE LOCATIONS % 1. Coalridge Mine: The site ofthe fest permanent settlement atthe river delta. The mine sil operates over 1000 years ater, though demand for ‘coal has dropped sharply as the Imperium adopts eleetoplasmic power more and mote widely ‘The Six Arms: A phic house named for the sic ines which used to converge atthe Old Rail Yard out front Brickston: The mostly densely packed residential ara in Duskwal The Ironworks: A spraving collection of massive industrial workhouse, Ironhook Prison: A towering metal fortress, where the worst (or most unlucky) criminals are incarcerated, Gaddoe Rail Station: Hlectro-ail trains from across the impecium arive here dally with goods and passengers, THE SITUATION ‘The Billhooks have gotten it into their heads that Akoros is forthe Akorosi and don't much appreciate the Skovlan refugees cluttering up the city. Uf Ironborn won't ake their treatment of his countrymen iing dawn, ofcourse. He's till sore about the outcome ofthe war, and wil be looking to reeuit ‘as many ofthe refugees ashe can inorder to star’ another revolution. For ther part, the refugees mastly just want to find a way to get back to Skovian, ‘but many of them have become desperate enough to turn toa lif of erime to finance their return journey. Te docks of Doshvol are ancient, going back to the days before the cataclysm, when the area was just a small set tothe northwest. Today, some commerce has shifted tothe new clecro-rai lines ofthe Imperium, but the docks fishing boats, and the prestigious Leviathan Hunter ships which provide the raw material that keeps the eit running, Ofcourse, all manner of other goods ae transported through here a well NOTABLE FACTIONS + ‘The Gray Cloaks: A crew of former Bluecoats tamed to crime after being framed and expelled from the City Watch ‘The Fog Hounds: A crew of rough smugglers who unofficially work for Lord Strangford ‘The Dockers: The hard-itten laborers who work the docks. NOTABLE LOCATIONS 1, ‘The Broken Anchor: A tavern onthe water 2. The North Hook Company: This sand, old 3 and second home to many a working stiff, shioned estate house is headquarters fr one ofthe oldest surviving shipping end navel, exploration enterprises in the Imperium. Owned by The Hive. 3. Doskvol Tariff and Exeise Office: Official records of everything thet comes in and out ofthe ety via ship are kept here. Ofcourse, theres the fem that isn't documented, so offically they never existed, 4. Sallford’s: A squat stone building which houses one of the more notorious private banks in Doskyl. 5. The Strangford Trading Company: A well established shipping concern, ankrolled by one of Doskvo’s founding families. 6 knuckle boxing venue. The proprietors have encouraged factions to resolve dispates here before resorting to violence THE SITUATION “The Hive and Lord Strangford are curently fighting a proxy war for control ofthe Docks and the contraband that comes in an out, using the Gray Cloaks and the Fog Hounds as catspaws, respectively, The stalwart men and women ofthe dockworker’ union are caught in Ue mide Barrovtleftis the home tothe laborers and Oversers of the Ministry of Provisions who tend to the radiant enengy farms of Doshvol It is a dusty, ra src, with simple wooden buildings of only one o twa stories and wide dire rade to accommodate large cargo wagons. The farmers of Barrovele ‘organized into tight-knit family-based clans that are proud of thelr vital roe in the lty’s welfare and hold themselves apart from the “ity fk” NOTABLE FACTIONS ‘The Ministry of Provisions: The regulatory commission that maintains the farms that provide the majority of Doskvols food supply. + ‘The Brigade: The firesighters ofthe city. Alternately beloved for thei life-saving heroism, or reviled for their looting and extortion rackets The Grinders: A ging of former dackers and leviathan blood refinery workers, ought into ight fies while the Brigade was on strike, NOTABLE LOCATIONS ‘ 1, Lightning Tower: Marvels of electroplasmic engineering, requiring constant atention from the powerful Sparkwrights guild. This series of towers ing the city are over each over 400 feet tall and help to keep the ravenous spirits ofthe deathlands out ofthe ety jarrow Bridge: One of several residential bridges in the city. The bridge is lined with homes, shops, and merchant stalls Overscer's Office: Ths isthe loca office ofthe Ministry of Provisions, Keeping a keen eye on the nearby farms, local pub frequented by the farmers, Radiant Energy Farm: The wondrous power of radiant energy allows crops to grow in the darkness of Duskval. fein the city depends upon eatin laps and igation systems ae wate constantly by spell apoited deputies of he Wath and ‘of Provisions, 16, Barroweleft Market: This open-air matketplace provides a place for the farms to sell fresh produce and goods made from thei erops, Other related vendors have also sprung up here, including brewers and distilers, weavers, vers, and goat breeders. THE SITUATION Fires a constant threat in Doslal, and Barrowrleft is especially vulnerable. However, the Ministry of Provisions has recently had fling out withthe Brigade over a labor dispute, As a resul, the Beigade bas reused to lift finger to assist infighting any fre that breaks out in the distil. The Minsry felt ‘obliged to bring ina third party, and the Brigade has not taken the news wel,

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