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FIRST SLIDE: Travel’s of Dr. Jose Rizal

Introduction of members: Good afternoon, everyone! We are from group six, I am ____, I am
_____, I’m ______, and I am ________.
Today, we will be discussing the two travels of Jose Rizal from the years 1882-1887 and the
years 1888 - 1892. *next slide*

- Jose Rizal quote -

- insert* the secret mission
- Insert* secret departure

_____ SLIDE: Ice Breakers

_____ SLIDE: Singapore

_____SLIDE: Europe
- Amor Patrio (Love of Country) was the first article written on Spanish soil.

_____ SLIDE: Spain

Presenter’s view information/ Stated in slide:

- November 3, 1882: Rizal enrolled In the Universidad Central de Madrid (Central

University of Madrid) in two courses – Medicine and Philosophy and Letters.
- Rizal led a spartan life in Madrid- He never wasted his money through gambling and
women; He spent his leisure time reading and writing and attending the reunions of
Filipino students at the house of the Paterno brothers
- Jan 2, 1884: Things turned from bad to worse in Calamba: (1) harvests of rice and
sugarcane failed on account of drought and locusts (2) the manager of the Dominican-
owned hacienda increased the rentals of the lands (3) a dreadful pest killed most of the
- Rizal’s idea for his first novel, Noli Me Tangere, started here
- July 1, 1884: Rizal explained the term “Filibusterismo” in the newspaper of Madrid El
Progreso, which called the attention of the Spanish authorities over the case of future of
the Filipinos. He asked for freedom of the press and the right of representation of
the Spanish Cortes.
- Even when he is another country continuing his studies, he never forgets about those
left in the PH

____ SLIDE: Paris

- Rizal worked as an assistant to Dr. Louis de Weckert to improve his knowledge of

______ SLIDE: Germany
- Feb 3, 1886 – April 22, 1886: Rizal was fascinated by the beautiful spring flowers as it
reminded him of the blooming flowers at the garden of his home in Calamba[u1] . Due to
his homesickness he wrote on April 22 a fine poem “A Las Flores de Heidelberg” (To the
Flowers of Heidelberg)
- Most Filipinos who migrate, still feel homesick, just like rizal

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