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• Caption Ideas:

• Image 1- I think they are talking about the father's job and
the baby he takes care of.
• Image2- He's telling them to tell how they feel.
• Image3- The lady must be telling him how she feels, and he
is getting upset or commenting on it.
• My 5 words:
• Feelings
• Free
• Colors
• Surprised
• memories
Capsule Summary
• Surprised is the essential word to describe this text because everyone
is feeling this way. They are free from working today and Jonas can
think about why he can see colors and Elsewhere memories. He is
looking for Asher so they can enjoy this Unscheduled
holiday(sentence 2,paragraph 3). These five words are essential to the
text because Jonas and his family was surprised that they had a day
off(sentence 1). Jonas rode his bike and thought about what was
happening to him(paragraph 4).

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