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slavery was not allowed in Georgia until the early 1750’s.

Once it was legalized, slavery grew

quickly due to Georgia’s agriculture-based economy. However, slavery grew exponentially with
the invention of the cotton gin.

the writings of abolitionists began to despise dependence on cotton led to a change of

slavery and call for its end. An abolitionist attitude about the evils of slavery. They
was someone who wanted to end slavery. wanted slavery to stay.
They wanted to end slavery.
the Articles of Confederation gave the individual states too much power and the nation could not even
tax the states for revenue and All of the signers of the U.S. Constitution knew that the
federal government needed to have more power than it had under the Articles of Confederation to run
the country effectively.

the argument for states’ rights during the Civil War were often based on a state’s right to have
slavery, there were other times in the nation’s history that issues tied to states’ rights became
major concerns.
The North The South was opposed to this
supported a higher tariff to tariff because cotton farmers
import these goods in an imported most of their
attempt to make manufactured goods. Southern
more money on their own cotton farmers
manufacturing products. believed they were being taxed

When the Northern states, who dominated the House of Representatives, voted to
renew the tariff, South Carolina threatened to nullify, or reverse, the tariff. Andrew
Jackson threatened to attack South Carolina if they attempted to leave the union.
The first compromise was called the Missouri Compromise, which required states to be entered into the
Union in free and slave pairings. Lasting for almost 30 years, compromise this kept the number of slave
states and free states equal.

Clay was waiting for the slaves to just be free all together.
Northern There was much protest in
congressmen agreed to pass the the North to this act but
Fugitive Slave Act, which guaranteed the South
the return of any runaway slaves to believed it would protect
their owners if they were caught in slavery.
the North.

This document outlined southern rights as well as the South’s devotion to the Union. It established
Georgia’s conditional acceptance of the Compromise of 1850. The main condition was the passage
of the Fugitive Slave Act.
Scott sued the state based on the belief that his time spent in the free states made him
a free man, not a slave.

This meant the court did not believe that Dred Scott’s time in free states made him a free man
and considered Dred Scott a slave. The Court went on to declare that slaves and freed blacks were not
citizens of the United States and did not have the right to sue in the first place.

The north was upset that The south was happy

drew couldn’t be a free slaves didn’t have rights
mand because they because now they could
wanted slaves to be free. control the slaves and no
Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas

Georgia supported candidte John Breckenridge. Lincoln was not on

the ballot in Georgia as he was not in most southern states

Lincoln was not on the ballot in Georgia as he was not in most southern states

Abraham Lincoln
It shows that the Georgia General Assembly to determine if Georgia should join the other southern states
in breaking away from the Union.

were large farmers and there were those who did not want to leave the
slave holders Union, including representatives from the northern
counties, small farmers and non-slave holders,

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