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A Celebration of
Women in

n March 1994 I organized a two-day conference at to be really helpful to the cause of women in sci-
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in which ence, it is important that she work from a base
nine distinguished women mathematicians gave of solid scientific achievement. The talks at the
colloquium lectures about their current mathe- meeting were excellent illustrations of such
matical research. There are many exciting mathe- achievements.
matical meetings where the speakers are all men: this This article contains short summaries of the
was a meeting where exciting mathematics was pre- mathematics presented by the speakers:
sented that was unusual only in that all the speakers
Joan S. Birman, Studying Surfaces in Knot Com-
were women. From the comments that I heard after the
meeting, the conference was clearly very successful. The
audience contained a cross-section of the mathemati- Ingrid Daubechies, Wavelets and Applications
cal community ranging from MIT Institute Professors
to undergraduates. It was pleasing to hear enthusiasm Dusa McDuff, The Geometry of Symplectic Energy
on all sides for the mathematics that was discussed. I Jill P. Mesirov, Mathematical Theory in Parallel
have been told that the meeting was particularly in- Algorithms
spiring for many young women in the audience who are
in the early stages of their mathematical careers. Cathleen S. Morawetz, The Wave Equation Re-
The conference was funded by MIT and the Visiting visited
Professorsip for Women Program of the National Sci- Jean E. Taylor, Surface Motion Due to Surface En-
ence Foundation. The Mathematics Department at MIT ergy Reduction
was a most supportive host for the conference and I
thank the many people in the department who con- Chuu-Lian Terng, Soliton Equations and Differ-
tributed to the success of the conference, particulary ential Geometry
David Benney and Haynes Miller and the excellent ad- Karen K. Uhlenbeck, Moduli Spaces and Adia-
ministrative staff of the department. To our pleasure, batic Limits
the conference was opened by Mark Wrighton, the MIT
Provost. Mildred Dresselhaus, a distinguished Institute —Susan Friedlander
Professor, introduced the second day with entertaining University of Illinois-Chicago
and illuminating remarks about her career at MIT. She (e-mail address:
made the very pertinent observation that for a woman


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Studying Surfaces bedded in 3-space, and so also an orientable sur-

face S of minimum genus. For example, every
representative U of the unknot bounds a disc D,
in Knot our standard representative bounding the unit
disc D0 in the plane z = 0 . This disc is foliated
Complements radially by the arcs {D0 ∩ Hθ , 0 ≤ θ < 2π } .
These arcs also define a flow on D0 as one
Joan S. Birman pushes the Hθ ’s forward through the fibration
of R 3 − A. See Figure 1a. What happens to this
My talk at the Celebra- foliation and the associated flow when we replace
tion of Women in Mathe- U0 with a nonstandard closed-braid represen-
matics was about appli- tative U of the unknot, say one which passes n
cations of the theory of times around the axis A before closing up to a
braids to the study of circle? Clearly U will still bound a disc, say D,
knots in 3-space. which will in general admit a singular foliation,
A knot K is a topolog- the leaves of the foliation being the components
ical circle which is of {D ∩ Hθ , 0 ≤ θ < 2π }. It can be shown that
smoothly embedded in 3- the disc D can be assumed to have a particularly
space R 3 . Its knot type is nice foliation: the leaves are all arcs, the singu-
its equivalence class larities (if any) are all saddle points, and near each
under isotopies of the point of A ∩ D the foliation is radial. Figure 1b
pair (R 3 , K) . Our interest shows the foliation in a neighborhood of two
is in the knot problem, i.e.,the problem of how points in A ∩ D . It is immediately clear that if
to decide whether two knots in 3-space determine this foliation is to be extended to all of D, then
the same knot type. My current research (joint singularities must occur.
with William Menasco) is directed toward solv-
ing that problem algorithmically. The ingredients O2@@@@@@@@6K

needed for our proposed algorithm are (i) a con-

O2@@X? @?hf?I4@6K
@? ?I'@6K
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@? ?@@@6K
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?W&(Y? N@L?hf@?hfJ@H?hf?V')X?
?31?hf@?hf75 V')K
W&@? ?N@Lhf@?hf@H ?V'@6X

cept of a ‘simplest’ representative K0 of a knot,

W&(MI')X 31hf@?he?J@?
N@hf@?he?75? ?@@)X?
?7(YfV')X ?@L?he@?heJ@H?
?31?he@?he75 W&(Y?N@L
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?V')X?he@Lg@?f?J@?heW&(Y ?N@L
W&@@6K V')Xhe31g@?f?75?he7(Y? O&@@1?

chosen so that each knot K has at least one and

?J@He?I4@6K ?V')X?hN@L?f@?fJ@H?h?J@H
V')Xh?31?f@?f75heW&5? O2@0M?@L
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75he?I4@@6K? ?V')X?gN@f@?e?75?g?W&(Y?hf?O2@0Mhe?N@L
?J@H I4@6K? V')Xg?@L?e@?eJ@H?gW&(Yhf?O2@0M 31
?75? I4@6K?hf?V')X?f?31?e@??O&@g?W&(Y?he?O2@0M N@L?
J@H? I4@6K?hfV')Xf?N@?e@W2@@5gW&(Yhe?O2@0M ?31?
?J@H I4@6K?he?V')X?e?J@@@@@@@@(Yf?W&(Y?hO2@@0M
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J@H? I4@@6Kh?V')?2@0Y@L?@?J@f?W&(Y?gO2@0M?
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@H ?I4@6Kg7@@@L??N@?@?@He?W&(Y?fO2@0M?
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?J@? ?I4@6KO&5??V')K?@@@@e?W&(Y??O2@@0M? N@L?
?75? ?I4@@@Y?eV'@@(MI')KO&(Y?O2@0M
?I4@@@Y?eV'@@@@@@)KO&(Y?O2@0M ?31?

at most finitely many distinct simplest repre-

O2@@6K J@H?
75 @@@6K??N@(Y??V'@@@UO2@0M
?J@?I4@6K?@HfN@@V@@0M ?N@L
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?@h3)X??W&5 ?N@?
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O&(M @? I')K ?O2@@@@@@0M? I')K @? ?3)KeO2@@@@@@@@@@@@6K 31
O2@0Y? @? ?V4@6K ?W2@0M ?V4@@? ?J@? ?V@@@@@0M??W@@@@X??I4@@@6K N@
?W&(M? @?
@? ?I4@6X
?I')X? ?7(M
?@H? @L
31 ?75?
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O2@@@@@@@@@0M?e?@L?e?W&(Y?@V')X?h?I4@@@@@@@@@6K ?@L?
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?@ N@
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?W&(M? @? ?I')X? ?@ ?@ @? V@@@g@?e?W@@6K ?I'@

sentatives; (ii) a complexity function c(K) which

?W&(Y? @?
@? V')X
?N@)X? J@
75 ?@
?@ ?J@?
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@? ?J@@)X
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@? ?@
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measures how far K is from the same K0; (iii) a

J@H? ?V')X?
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@? ?W&(Y?
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?W&(Y? N@L?
?31? ?3@?
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method for reducing c(K) ; and (iv) an under-

J@ ?V')X?e?J@?e?W&(Y@@?
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@L 3)X?
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O2@@0M 7@@@@?hg

standing of how the finitely many simplest rep-

?@ W&(MI')Xe@?e?J@@)X
?W&(Y??V')K?@?eO&(?')X? @?
@? N@
?@L? ?@
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?W&(Y?hf@?he?V')X? J@
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I4@@6K @?

resentatives are related to one another. Braid

?N@L W&(Y @? V')X J@H? @? ?V')X?h?@heW&(Yh31 ?@ O2@@0M ?@@@Y??75?e@LN@L?V4@6X? ?I4@@@6K @?
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@? ?V')X?
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?@L?e3@@@@@@@@@H? @? @L O2@@0Y @? I4@6K? 75

structures provide the tools for attacking these

?V4@6X @? W2@0Y? @? ?3)Xe?@@@6?2@@@L?
?3)Xe?@@@@@@@@@L? @? 31 O2@0M? @? I4@6K? @H
?I')X? @? ?W&(M? @? ?V')KO&(MI'@(MI')X @? N@ O2@0M? @? I4@@6K @?
?V')K? @?
@? W&(Y
?O&(Y? @?
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I4@@@@6Kg@?gV@@@@@@@0Y 31 &0Y?he?@hfV'he@? 3@ ?I'@@(M? @H
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?@W. 31 ?@ ?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@6K @? O2@@@@@@@@@@@@@@5?
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?O2@@@@H ?O2@@@@@@@@0M?
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@? O&5? @L I4@@@6K?f?O2@@@@@@@@@@? ?O2@@@0M 75
@? O2@0Y? 31 I4@@@6KO2@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@6K?f?O2@@@0M @H
@?hf?W2@@@6K @@@0M?
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31hO2@0M?gV4@6X?hO&(Y @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@6K? ?I')X?e@??W&(M?fV')X ?O2@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@5
7He*@g?N1? N@gW2@0M?heI')KgW2@0Y?
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?I4@@@@@@@@@6Kg?V')K?@W&(Y?gO&@@@@@@@@@0M? @H

Choose polar coordinates (z, r , θ) in R 3 . Let

@?eN@eW-X?e@? ?@L??W2@0Y ?I4@@@@@0Y ?@L? ?I4@@@@6K?eN@@@@@@He?O2@@@@0MI'@ ?75?
@?e?@e*>1?e@? ?3)KO&(M ?31? I4@@@6X@(MI'@W2@@@0MgN@
I4@@@6X@@@@@@W2@@@0MgN@ ?@H?
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@?e@@@?@0R/e@? V+M? @L
3)K? ?N@HfN@H?he?31?
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3Lhe?J5? @@@@@@@@hf?V@?
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V/he?.Y? N@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@?
?@X? ?W@?f?@X?hf@X
?31? ?W@@@@@@@@X?hf@X
@L O2@@@)X??W&@@@6Khe@5
O2@0M?W@)KO&@@@W@@6Kh@H J@
31 O2@0M?W@@@@@@@@W@@6Kh@H
O2@0M??W&@@@@@?I'@UI4@6Kg@? 75
N@L? ?O2@@0M?eW&(M?@@@eV')X?I4@6Ke?J@? ?75?
?31? ?O2@0Mf?W&(Y?J@@@L??V')X??I4@@6?&5? J@H?
31 ?O2@0MgW&(Ye7@@@1?eV')XfI4@@Y?
?O2@0Mg?W&(Y??J@?@?@Le?V')X?fW@@6K? 75

A be the z -axis. Then R 3 − A is fibered by half-

N@L? ?O2@0MhW&(Ye?75?@?31fV')Xe?W&(?4@6K? ?J@?
?31? ?O2@0Mh?W&(Y?e?@H?@?N@f?V')X?W&(YeI4@6K? ?75?
?N@L O2@@0MheW&(YfJ@e@??@L?fV')?&(Y?fI4@6K? J@H?
?W.??W&??@@?e/X 31
N@L? O2@0M?he?W&(Y?f75e@??31?f?N@@@HhI4@@6K
O2@0M?hfW&(Yf?J@He@??N@Lf?J@@@Lhe?I4@6K 75
?7H??*@??N@LeN1 ?31? O2@0M?hf?W&(Y?f?75?e@?e31fO&(?')X?he?I4@6K ?75?
?@e?N@?e@)X??@ ?N@L O2@0M? W&(Yg?@H?e@?eN@eO2@0Y?V')Xhf?I4@6K J@H?
?@f@?e@V1??@ 31he?O2@@0M? ?W&(Y?gJ@f@?e?@@@@0M?e?V')X?hf?I4@6Khf75
?@e?J@L?J@W5??@ N@L?g?O2@0M
?31?f?O2@0M W&(Yh7@=?e@W2@@@@(M?gV')X
?W&(Y?g?J@V4@@@@@0Me@?h?V'1 ?I4@6Kh?J@H
?@e?@@@?@@0Y??@ ?N@?e?O2@0M W&(Yh?75?f@?f31heN@L? I4@6K?eJ@H?
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?V'1 ?W&(Y?he@Hg@?f?N@?heV')X
W&(Yhe?J@?g@?g@Lhe?V')X? W@H?
N@L? ?W&(Y?he?75?g@?g31hfV')X ?7(Y

planes Hθ = {(z, r , θ) ∈ R 3 /θ = constant} . Our

?3)X W&(YhfJ@H?g@?gN@L?he?V')X? J@H?
?V'1 ?W&(Y?hf75h@?g?31?hfV')X ?W&5
N@L? W&(Y
?3)Xhf?W&(Y?hf?J@?h@?h31 @Hh@?g?N@Lhf?V')X?hfW&(Y V')Xhf7(Y?
?V')X?heW&(Y ?75?h@?hN@ ?V')X?h?J@H
V'1?h?W&(Y? J@H?h@?h?@L? V')XhW&5?
?N@LhW&(Y 75he@?h?31? ?V')X?g7(Y?
V'1?fW&(Y ?J@Hhe@?h?N@L
?75?he@?he31 V')Xf?J@H
?N@Le?W&(Y? ?@H?he@?heN@L? V')X?W&(Y?
3)X?W&(Y J@hf@?he?31? ?V')?&(Y
V')?&(Y? 75hf@?he?N@? N@@(Y?
?I')X? ?J@Hhf@?hf@L
?75?hf@?hf31 J@(Y
?V')X? J@H?hf@?hfN@L?
75 @?hf?31?hf?W&(Y? W&(Y
V')X @H @?hf?N@LhfW&(Y
?V')X?he?J@? @? 31he?W&(Y?

knot K is represented as a closed braid with re-

V')Xhe?75? @? N@heW&(Y
V')Kh75 @?
@? ?@L?g?O&(Y?
?V4@6Kg@H @? ?N@LfO&(M
?I4@6KO&5? @?
@? 31eO2@0Y?
?I'@ @?
@? ?@@(M?
V4@6K? @?hfO2@0M?

spect to the z -axis A if K meets every Hθ trans- W.eW&g?/X?


versally, i.e. K is nowhere tangent to an Hθ . For

example, if K is the ‘unknot’, an especially sim- Figure 1
ple representative would be the unit circle
U0 = {(0, 1, θ) ∈ R 3 ; 0 ≤ θ < 2π } in the (r , θ) The foliations which we study can be shown
plane. This is our simplest representative, and to decompose the surface S into a union of tiles,
it is unique up to isotopy in the complement of each of which is a 2-cell which contains exactly
the braid axis. one singularity of the foliation. In particular, S
Every smooth representative of every knot is a union of three types of foliated tiles, depicted
type bounds an orientable surface which is em- in Figures 2a, 2b, and 2c, each of which has a
canonical embedding in 3-space relative to our
Supported in part by NSF grant DMS 91-06584. cylindrical coordinates. Two of the tile types in-
Joan Birman is professor of mathematics at Columbia tersect K nontrivially, but the third is entirely in
University, New York, New York. Her e-mail address is the interior of S . These tiles are all depicted as they appear when viewed on the positive side of


wim.qxp 3/16/99 3:06 PM Page 34

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Ingrid Daubechies
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The relatively new de-

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velopment of wavelet
?@@6K? @? O2@@@@@? @?he@L ?31? ?@ 75hfJ@ ?@ ?@hf@? W&5?3)X? @?he?@he?
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theory in the last ten

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years or so represents a
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synthesis of ideas from

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mathematics, physics,
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engineering, and com-

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puter science, some with


roots going back to the

Figure 2 start of the century. The
goal of the talk was to
introduce wavelets, to ex-
S . The black dots show the points where A plain both their mathe-
pierces S . There is a well-defined sense of the matical and algorithmi-
flow about each pierce-point, clockwise or coun- cal aspects, and to illustrate these by several
terclockwise. The orientation of K is consistent applications. In 1 dimension, wavelets are typi-
with the sense of the flow around the vertices. cally defined as the dilates and translates of one
Notice that counterclockwise flows are preferred, function,
reflecting the fact that the linking number of K x−b
(x) = |a|−1/2 ,
with A is n > 0 . a
Returning to our example and pulling D back where is often required to have some smooth-
(with its foliation) to its preimage D under the ness and some decay, say | (x)|≤C(1+ |x|)−1−ε ,
embedding we are able to replace D, which is | ˆ (ξ)|
R ≤ C(1 + |ξ|)
−1−ε. Moreover, should sat-
difficult to visualize because of its complicated isfy (x)dx = 0 . It then turns out that any
embedding in 3-space, by the foliated model square integrable function f (and, in fact, many
disc D . A simple example is given in Figure 1c. other functions as well) can be “decomposed”
The disc is pierced 3 times by the braid axis and into such wavelets,
∞ ∞
is foliated by two tiles of the type illustrated in
f (x) = C hf , a,b
i a,b
(x)a−2 dadb,
Figure 2a. We leave it as an exercise for the −∞ −∞
reader to reconstruct the embedded disc and the a fact long known to harmonic analysts as
closed braid representative of its boundary from Calderón’s formula and to quantum physicists
the foliated model disc of Figure 1c. as the resolution of the identity for the ax + b -
The kind of data which we can see in the fo- group. The interest of such a decomposition is
liation includes: (i) properties of the graph and that it views f as a superposition of “building
subgraphs formed by the singular leaves; (ii) the blocks” a,b , each of which is well localized in
number and types of tiles which meet at each ver- “time and frequency”; a typical example is
tex; (iii) the sense of the flow near the vertices (x) = (1 − x2 )e−x /2 , where | a,b (x)| is mostly
(clockwise or counterclockwise); (iv) the sign of concentrated in the region |x − b| ≤ 2|a| , and
the outward-drawn normal to S near a singularity | ˆ a,b (ξ)| mostly in |a|/4 ≤ |ξ| ≤ 4|a| . By cut-
of the foliation. It turns out that this data (and ting the domain of integration in a, b into dif-
other combinatorial data) tells us how to mod- ferent parts, one effectively carves f into dif-
ify K so as to reduce c(K) . Similar methods also ferent pieces, which may have very different
apply to the study of other surfaces which have properties. This is done in (e.g.) Littlewood-Paley
a special position relative to that of K, e.g., closed type arguments.
incompressible tori in the complement of K. There are also wavelet families where the di-
This work is still in progress. At this writing lation parameter a and the translation parame-
we have learned a great deal about the closed ter b are assigned discrete values only. One
braid representatives of knots and have an al-
gorithm in a very special case: knots of braid
Ingrid Daubechies is a professor in the Program for Ap-
index at most 3, which are represented by a
plied and Computational Mathematics and the Math-
closed 3-braid. We have partial results for closed ematics Department at Princeton University, Prince-
braid representatives of the unlink and other spe- ton, New Jersey. Her e-mail address is ingrid@
cial cases.


wim.qxp 3/16/99 3:06 PM Page 35

widely used choice is a = 2−j , b = 2−j k, with signals (Donoho—this application exploits that
j, k ∈ Z . It is then also possible to choose in wavelets are an unconditional basis in many
−j −j
such a way that the j,k = 2 ,2 k constitute spaces); image compression and manipulation
an orthonormal basis for L2 (R). Instead of the from edge information encoded in wavelet co-
integral representation above, we now have efficients (Mallat).
f = hf , j,k i j,k , References
[1] J. Benedetto, and M. Frazier, eds. Wavelets: Math-
which can again be understood in L2-sense, or ematics and Applications. CRC Press, 1993.
in many other functional spaces. Harmonic analy- [2] G. Beylkin, R. Coifman, and V. Rokhlin, Fast
sis methods can be used to show that such j,k wavelet transforms and numerical algorithms, Comm.
provide unconditional bases for a variety of Ba- Pure Appl. Math. 44 (1991), 141–183.
nach spaces, such as Lp (R), 1 < p < ∞, the Hardy [3] D. Donoho, Unconditional bases are optimal
space H 1 (R) and its dual BMO, the Sobolev bases for data compression and for statistical estima-
spaces W s (R) , the Besov spaces Bp,s (R) , the tion, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis,
Hölder spaces C (R) , etc. That is, for each of 1 (1992) , 100–115.
these spaces, there exists a criterion that de- [4] C. Chui, ed., Wavelets: A tutorial in theory and
applications, Academic Press, 1992.
cides whether f lies in the space or not, solely
[5] I. Daubechies, Ten lectures on wavelets. CBMS-
by looking at the behavior of the absolute val-
NSF Regional Conf. Ser. in Appl. Math., vol. 61, SIAM,
ues |hf , j,k i| of the wavelet coefficients. This
Philadelphia, PA, 1992.
unconditionality of wavelet bases for many func-
[6] ———, ed., Different perspectives on wavelets,
tional spaces makes them a special and power- Proc. Sympos. Appl. Math., vol. 46, Amer. Math. Soc.,
ful tool. Providence, RI, 1993.
Wavelet bases are also linked with fast algo- [7] D. Donoho,Unconditional bases are optimal bases
rithms. Every wavelet base is derived from a for data compression and for statistical estimation,
multiresolution analysis (provided has some Appl. Comput. Harmonic Anal., 1 (1992), 100–115.
decay and some smoothness). This means that [8] S. Mallat and S. Zhong, Characterization of sig-
there exists an auxiliary function φ, the scaling nals from multiscale edges, IEEE Trans. PAMI 14 (1992).
function, such that [9] Y. Meyer,Ondelettes ét opérateurs, I: Ondelettes;
X X II: Opérateurs de Calderón-Zygmund; III: Opérateurs
φ(x) = cn φ(2x − n), (x) = dn φ(2x − n); multilinéaires, Hermann, Paris, 1990; English transl.
n n
R Cambridge Univ. Press.
moreover, φ(x)dx = 1 . Because of this latter [10] ———, Wavelets: Algorithms & applications. SIAM,
property, φ can be used to write a resolution of Philadelphia, PA, 1993.
the identity, i.e., Z [11] M. B. Ruskai et al., eds., Wavelets: Theory and
Application, Jones and Bartlett, Boston, 1992.
f (x) = lim 2J f (y)φ(2J (y − x))dy

forR continuous f . In particular, the integrals

2J f (y)φ(2J y − k)dy can be approximated by
the sampled values f (2−J k) . (In practice, this The Geometry of
Symplectic Energy
approximation may have to be refined.) By the
recurrence relations above, one can then, by
means of a fast algorithm, compute for suc-
c e s sive j < JR the wavelet coefficients Dusa McDuff
hf , j,k i = 2j/2 f (y) (2j x − k)dx and the scal- The talk was divided into three parts.
ing coefficients hf , φj,k i. In fact, algorithms of
this type were already known to electrical engi- The first part was an elementary introduction
neers as subband filtering (with exact recon- to symplectic geometry—the geometry intro-
duced on a smooth 2n -manifold M by a closed
A combination of these fast algorithms on
2 -form ω which is nondegenerate (that is, its top
one hand, and a thorough and deep under-
exterior power ωn is a volume form). The basic
standing of the mathematical properties of the
example of a symplectic manifold is Euclidean
underlying functional analytic tool on the other
space R2n with its standard form
hand, has led to a variety of applications. A few
examples discussed in the talk were compression ω0 = dx1 ∧ dx2 + · · · + dx2n−1 dx2n .
of large, dense matrices (Beylkin, Coifman, and
Rokhlin); theorems showing that wavelets give Dusa McDuff, F.R.S., is professor of mathematics at the
asymptotically optimal denoising and estima- State University of New York at Stony Brook. Her e-mail
tion techniques for many different types of noisy address is


wim.qxp 3/16/99 3:06 PM Page 36

One important concept is that of the sym- values, not its derivative. Therefore, it is a pri-
plectic gradient XH of a function H : M → R . ori not clear that the energy of a nontrivial map
This vector field is characterized by the equation is always positive. That this is the case follows
from Hofer’s energy-capacity inequality, which
ι(XH )ω = ω(XH , ·) = dH,
states that if U is an open set which is disjoined
and, in contrast to the gradient with respect to by φ, i.e.,
a Riemannian metric, points tangent to the level
φ(U) ∩ U = ∅,
surfaces of H . Moreover, the flow which it gen-
erates (called the Hamiltonian flow) preserves the then e(φ) ≥ c(U) . As an example, consider the
symplectic form ω. Thus, if M is the unit 2 - function H = y on R2 with ω0 = dx ∧ dy . The
sphere S 2 ⊂ R3 with its usual area form, and if flow generated by H is translation in the x di-
H is the height function (given by the third co- rection:
ordinate function), the symplectic gradient XH
(x, y) 7→ (x + t, y),
is tangent to the horizontal circles H = const and
generates a rotation about the north-south axis. and it is easy to check that the energy required
Here, one can let the Hamiltonian depend on to disjoin the rectangle [0, 1] × [0, a] is precisely
time t ∈ [0, 1]. One then gets a family XH of vec- the area a.
tor fields which integrates up to a family The third part of the talk outlined a geomet-
φt , 0 ≤ t ≤ 1, of symplectomorphisms. The map ric proof of the energy-capacity inequality, which
φ1 is called the time- 1 map of Ht . Essentially, is due to Lalonde–McDuff. The idea is to use a
any symplectomorphism (i.e., diffeomorphism flow φt whose time-1 map disjoins a ball in M
which preserves ω) is the time 1 -map of such of radius r to construct an embedded ball of ra-
a flow. dius r in a cylinder B 2 (R) × M where
Symplectomorphisms have important geo-
metric properties, which are just beginning to be π R 2 = L (φt ) + π r 2 /2 + .
understood. One striking result is Gromov’s non- The nonsqueezing theorem then implies that
squeezing theorem (1985), which states that if
there is a symplectomorphism which embeds a π r 2 ≤ L (φt ) + π r 2 /2 + ,
2n -ball of radius r into a cylinder of radius R , and hence, taking the infimum over all such
then r ≤ R. Here, a cylinder is a product of a 2- paths φt that
dimensional disc of radius R with another sym-
plectic manifold (M, ω) of dimension 2n − 2 . c(U) = sup π r 2 ≤ 2e(φ).
Gromov proved this result when M is Euclidean A refinement of this argument gives (a slightly
space R2n−2 with its usual symplectic form, and modified version of) the full energy-capacity in-
it has been proved for all manifolds M by equality.
This leads to the notion of a capacity. We de- Reference
fine the capacity c(B) of a ball of radius r to be F. Lalonde and D. McDuff, The geometry of symplectic
π r 2 , and, for an arbitrary subset U in a sym- energy, Ann. of Math. (to appear).
plectic 2n -manifold, define c(U) to be the supre-
mum of the capacities of the symplectic 2n -
balls which embed symplectically in U. Thus, the
nonsqueezing theorem implies that the capac-
ity of the cylinder B 2 (r ) × R2n−2 is π r 2 .
The second part introduced Hofer’s idea of the
energy of a symplectomorphism φ. We measure
the size of a Hamiltonian function H by
Theory in Parallel
Totvar H = max H(x) − min H(x),
x∈M x∈M
and define the length of the path φt , 0 ≤ t ≤ 1,
Jill P. Mesirov
generated by Ht to be Suppose we would like to understand a physi-
Z1 cal phenomenon, for example, how air flows
L(φt ) = Totvar Ht dt. past an airplane wing, or how a protein folds. We
might perform real experiments and get data
The energy e(φ) is then defined to be the infi- from measurements of actual phenomena in the
mum of the lengths of the paths φt which have
time- 1 map equal to φ. Note that, although one Jill Mesirov is Director of Research at Thinking Ma-
uses the first derivative of H in order to gener- chines Corporation in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Her
ate the flow, the size of H depends only on its e-mail address is


wim.qxp 3/16/99 3:06 PM Page 37

laboratory, e.g., via a cubes, yielding an optimal global communication

wind tunnel. However, it pattern for machines with this kind of network.
would be difficult infer- In molecular dynamics codes for protein dy-
ring the behavior in un- namics, the force law is a local one. Thus, one is
known cases from this led to solving a local, i.e., on subcubes of side
data. On the other hand, 2a + 1 , gossiping problem in multidimensional
we might also try to build grids. We showed that by restricting to the case
a mathematical model, where the data distribution paths are transla-
perhaps adding some tionally and rotationally symmetric, the problem
simplifying assumptions, corresponds to finding Hamiltonian paths in
which characterizes the orbit graphs. Solutions were found for certain di-
physical phenomenon. mensions and side lengths by finding solutions
Using the model we can in the case a = 1, and then giving a method of
Jill P. Mesirov
then do simulations. His- extending those solutions to the cases a > 1 .
torically, these calculations were done by hand,
but now we use computers to do them. We can
test the model’s predictions by comparing the Bibliography
results of simulations against real experimental [1] W. Taylor, J. Mesirov, and B. Boghosian, Optimized
data obtained for stereotypic examples. If the pre- local data distribution on lattice graphs (to appear).
dictions match the experimental data, then we [2] J-Ph. Brunet, A. Edelman, and J. Mesirov, Hy-
gain confidence in our models and may use them percube algorithms for direct N-body solvers, SIAM J.
to predict behavior in cases where it is unknown. Sci. Statist. Comput. 14 (1993), 1143–1158.
The mathematical model/simulation para- [3] J. Sethian, J-Ph. Brunet, A. Greenberg, and J.
digm described above is used to help design the Mesirov, Two-dimensional, viscous, incompressible flow
cars we drive, the medicines we take, and the air- in complex geometries, J. Comput. Phys. 101 (1992),
planes in which we fly. This approach often rep- 185–206.
[4] P. Tamayo, J. Mesirov, and B. Boghosian, Paral-
resents a more cost-effective way of doing some
lel approaches to short range molecular dynamics sim-
“experiments” via computer simulation. Its suc- ulations, Proceedings of Supercomputing ‘91, IEEE
cess has created an ever-increasing demand for Computer Society Press, 462–470.
higher-performance computers to allow for real
time, interactive design, and graphics. Mathe-
matics plays an important role in this process,
both in modeling physical phenomena, and in de-
The Wave Equation
signing efficient algorithms for high-perfor-
mance parallel computers. Revisited
For the purpose of our discussion, a parallel Cathleen S. Morawetz
computer consists of a collection of processors,
each with its own local memory, connected by a It is a surprising fact that
network. A processor can only operate on data there is still much to
in its own local memory. If it has to use data that learn about the wave
is located in another processor’s memory, then equation. Beginning with
that data must be sent over the network. This representing the solution
type of action is referred to as “communica- of the initial value prob-
tions”. When designing algorithms for such dis- lem in terms of a funda-
tributed- memory parallel computers, we seek to mental solution, it is an
minimize the time spent in communications. easy step to see that in
This makes the algorithms more efficient in 3D+T Huyghens’s princi-
using the processing power of the machine. In ple holds, i.e., if the sur-
this lecture we described an interesting interplay face of the light cone
between mathematics and the design of effi- from a point backwards
cient parallel algorithms in the context of N- Cathleen Morawetz in time does not cut the
body algorithms for both fluid flow and molec- support of the initial val-
ular dynamics applications. We also showed ues, then the solution at that point is identically
some videos of our simulations which the labo- zero. This will be true even if there is a pertur-
ratories of the future may produce in real time. bation of the wave equation confined to the in-
The two cases we considered require differ- side of the cone.
ent communication patterns. For the fluid flow
problem, we showed how rotated and translated Cathleen Morawetz is professor emeritus at the Courant
Gray codes can be used to construct timewise Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York Univer-
edge independent Hamiltonian paths on hyper- sity. Her e-mail address is


wim.qxp 3/16/99 3:06 PM Page 38

This has led to many investigations, includ-

ing scattering theory for perturbations, and with Surface Motion Due
Huyghens’s principle gives neater results in-
cluding the exponential decay of the local energy
if the wave equation is perturbed locally in cer-
to Surface Energy
tain ways, e.g., the presence of a star-shaped re-
flecting obstacle. See (LPM) and (M).
More recent questions are about finding Jean E. Taylor
“transparency conditions”. These are conditions Suppose one has an ir-
on a boundary which guarantee that the solution regular blob of some-
could be continued outside the boundary as a so- thing, without any exter-
lution of the wave equation. See (EM), (BT), and nal forces such as gravity
(KM) for approximate transparency conditions. acting on it. Because it is
H. Warchall (W) has shown under more general not a round ball, it does
but analytic conditions that if, and we think here not have the smallest sur-
only of the wave equation, the initial data is sup- face area for its volume.
ported in a ball of radius b , then the solution in- If it evolves so as to re-
side that ball for t > t1 > 0 depends only on the duce its surface area,
data inside the ball at t = t1. how does it evolve? What
In fact, for the simple case of the wave equa- different evolution laws
tion the transparency condition can be written are reasonable, and how
down explicitly by giving the outward charac- do the shapes differ under these different types
teristic derivative in terms of an integral over the of motion? Can you tell, by some not-too-deli-
ball of support at the same time. Conversely, if cate features of the shapes, which law is, in fact,
the solution satisfies this integral condition, governing the motion?
then it can be continued outside as a solution of For a crystalline material, such as a single
the wave equation. Cauchy integrals are involved, crystal of ice, the shape of least surface energy
and thus the solution must have three deriva- for a given volume is not a round ball, but some-
tives. thing else, like a hexagonal prism. How does a
Finally, this circle of ideas leads one to a way snowflake evolve towards this?
of avoiding transparency conditions but still The claim is that physically interesting motion
solving in a finite domain by repeated use of problems can be formulated in a variational set-
ting, as gradient flows under various natural
Huyghens’s principle.
inner products. This enables existence proofs and
Bibliography a unifying framework for different motion laws
[BT] A. Bayliss and E. Turkel, Boundary conditions
and different surface free energy functions. It
for exterior acoustic problems, Report No. 79-7, ICASE, also underlies the whole crystalline approach,
NASA Langley Research Center, 1979. which is interesting both as a model in its own
[KM] G. A. Kriegsmann and C. S. Morawetz, Nu- right and as a possible means of approximation
merical solutions of exterior problems with the reduced for other surface free energy functions, and
wave equation, J. Comput. Phys. 28, (1978), 181–197. which has been implemented by computer pro-
[LPM] P. D. Lax, C. S. Morawetz, and R. S. Phillips, grams in many cases.
The exponential decay of solutions of the wave equa-
tion in the exterior of a star-shaped obstacle, Comm. Surface Energy and Weighted Mean
Pure Appl. Math. 16 (1963), 477–486. Curvature
[M] C. S. Morawetz, Exponential decay of solutions Why does mean curvature H arise for variational
of the wave equation, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 19 problems involving surface area? Because it is the
(1966), 439–444. rate of decrease of surface area with volume
[ME] B. Engquist and A. Majda, Absorbing boundary
under deformations. More precisely, the first
conditions for the numerical simulation of waves, Math.
variation of area of a smooth oriented surface
Comp. 31 (1977), 629–652.
S is the bounded linear operator on continuous
[W] H. A. Warchall, Wave propagation at computa-
tional domain boundaries (to appear).
vector fields g defined by
δS(g) = 1dH 2 x,
dt x∈ht S

Jean Taylor is professor of mathematics at Rutgers

University in New Brunswick, NJ. Her e-mail address


wim.qxp 3/16/99 3:06 PM Page 39

where ht S = {y : y = x + tg(x) for some x ∈ S} .1 flow, in that the inner product space keeps
One can also compute that with n(x) denoting changing, as S itself keeps changing.
the oriented normal at x and Hn the mean cur- One can use this fastest decrease property to
vature vector, construct a variational approach to motion by
Z weighted mean curvature, R by selecting a time
δS(g) = g · (−Hn (x))dH 2 x. step ∆t and minimizing h#S γ + 2t h • h starting
x∈S with S0 to get St, then with St to get S2t, etc. Con-
vergence of these piecewise constant flows to a
For solids, with crystal lattice orientations
continuous flow as ∆t goes to zero has been
fixed in space, the surface free energy per unit
shown [ATW] (with an approximately equal vol-
area is a function γ from the unit sphere to the
ume integral replacing the L2 inner product). The
real numbers, and it is convenient to extend the
resulting flow is the PDE solution to motion by
domain of γ to all vectors by γ(p) = |p|γ(p/|p|).
weighted mean curvature where that exists, and
If γ is C 2 and convex and S smooth,
is motion by crystalline curvature for curves
Z and crystalline γ [AT].
d Are there other reasonable inner products
δγ S(g) = γ(n(x))dH 2 x
dt x∈ht S than the L2 inner product? Yes. In particular, mo-
tion by the negative Laplacian of weighted mean
= g · (−κγ n)dH 2 x
x∈S curvature arises if one does gradient flow in the
H −1 inner product. Mullins (who also intro-
∂2 γ ∂2 γ
duced motion by curvature) derived that motion
where κγ = κ
∂p12 1
+ κ .
∂p22 2
Here κi is the i th by the negative Laplacian of curvature models
principal curvature and pi the corresponding surface diffusion: H is a potential, D∇H gives
principal direction. We call κγ the the flux of atoms down the gradient of the po-
R weighted R
mean curvature. Note that if ∆E = ht S γ − S γ tential, and −D∆H is then the accumulation of
and ∆V denotes the signed volume from S to atoms, which translates into a velocity with the
ht S , then for g with small support around appropriate constants. For a survey of this field,
x0 , Et ≈ δS(g) ≈ −κγ (x0 ) Vt , so κγ (x0 ) ≈ − VE . see [CT].
Given any γ there is associated the Wulff This type of motion is difficult to model, how-
shape ever. There is no maximal principle, and no level-
set (viscosity solution) formulation. However, a
Wγ = {x : x · p ≤ γ(p)∀p}. crystalline formulation of this motion for curves
has been devised and implemented in a com-
If Wγ is polyhedral, γ is crystalline, and the first puter program [CRCT].
variation is neither bounded nor linear. Instead, We have also derived from physical principles
the crystalline weighted mean curvature (ab- a whole family of motion laws [CT]. At one ex-
breviated crystalline curvature) is nonlocal: one treme, where attachment kinetics are rapid and
uses the rate of decrease of surface free energy surface diffusion is slow, there is motion by
with volume, with the deformations moving en- −∆κγ . At the other, where attachment kinetics
tire segments. Edges and corners must be energy- are slow and surface diffusion is rapid, there is
minimizing to avoid infinite contributions to motion by κγ − κav where κav is an overall av-
the analog of first variation. For polygonal curves, erage; this is L2 gradient flow restricted to de-
the formula reduces to something quite simple: formations with integral 0. In between is a whole
κγ (segment i) = −σi Λi /`i , where `i is the length family of motion laws, which turn out to be flow
of the segment, Λi is the length of the segment by the inner product, which is the appropriate
of the Wulff shape boundary with the same nor- linear combination of the L2 and H −1 inner
mal direction, and σi is 1 if the curve makes left products!
turns at each end (when traveling in the direc-
tion of its orientation) is −1 if both ends make Comparing Shapes
right turns, and is 0 otherwise [T]. We return to the original question of whether
there are gross features of shapes moving under
Inner Products and Gradient Flows various laws that can be used to distinguish one
Observe that the action of the linear operator δS law from another. We have made videos of com-
on a function g is given by the L2 inner prod- puter simulations of several initial shapes mov-
uct of g with −Hn . Thus, flow by mean curva- ing under each of the two extreme-case motion
ture is gradient flow for surface area in the L2 laws discussed above. These videos can be
inner product. It is an unusual type of gradient viewed using Mosaic [M]. We comment on the fol-
lowing observable features:
1There are better definitions that allow for singulari- (1) In motion by κγ − κav , zigzag portions of
ties in S[A] . the curve translate as a whole, with the same ve-


wim.qxp 3/16/99 3:06 PM Page 40

locity, whereas in surface diffusion, there is a [CT] J. W. Cahn and J. E. Taylor, Surface motion by
proximity effect, and each segment can have a surface diffusion, Acta Metal. Mater. 42 (1994),
different velocity. 1045–1063.
(2) Curves that are convex (or, more generally, [CRCT] W. C. Carter, A. Roosen, J. W. Cahn, and J. E.
Taylor, Shape evolution by surface diffusion and sur-
which have κγ nonpositive) remain so under
face attachment limited kinetics on completely faceted
motion by κγ − κav , whereas long skinny por-
surfaces, preprint.
tions tend to develop bulbs at the end under mo- [G] P. Girao, preprint, and P. Girao and R. Kohn,
tion by surface diffusion. preprint.
(3) Topology changes can happen under either [M] In Mosaic, Open URL to http://jeeves.
type of motion, but tend to be more frequent and and follow the prompts.
dramatic under motion by surface diffusion. In [S] M. Soner, private communication.
particular, a simple closed curve with κγ non- [T] J. E. Taylor, Mean curvature and weighted mean
positive everywhere can break into two con- curvature, Acta Metal. Mater. 40 (1992), 1475–1485.
nected components under motion by surface [T2] J. E. Taylor, Surface motion due to surface en-
ergy reduction, in elliptic and parabolic methods in
geometry (to appear).
[TC] J. E. Taylor and J. W. Cahn, Linking anisotropic
sharp and diffuse surface motion laws via gradient
The importance of regarding flows as being gra- flows, J. Stat. Phys. (1994) (to appear).
dient flows under different inner products has
several advantages. First, it shows there is noth-
ing magic about “decreasing energy fastest”—
each decreases energy fastest in its own metric.
Second, it provides a unifying approach, putting
different surface energies, different motion laws,
and even sharp versus diffuse interface ap-
Soliton Equations
proaches under one umbrella [TC]. Third, it al-
lows variational techniques to be used for mo- and Differential
tion problems. Often both elliptic and highly
nonelliptic problems can be handled in the same
proofs. And, in particular, in the crystalline con-
text the gradient flow approach provides a good Chuu-Lian Terng
criterion for when a facet must be In this talk, I explained
stepped [CRCT]. some symplectic geo-
There are also advantages to considering the metric properties of har-
crystalline approach. Some physical materials monic maps from the
are faceted. One can see what is special about Lorentze space R 1,1 to a
area, by comparing area-reducing motions to symmetric space: the ex-
corresponding surface-energy reducing motions. istence of a sequence of
It is flexible; in both theory and computation, one compatible sympletic
can alter the motion law without affecting the structures that make the
basic underlying structure. It is computable: it harmonic map equation
uses a natural parametrization, by the Gauss Hamiltonian, a hierarchy
map. It is a good way to measure curvature nu- of commuting flows, and
merically, and one can fairly easily detect and an action of the affine
make topological changes. One can use it for ap- Kac-Moody group on the space of harmonic
proximations (convergence has been proved in maps.
some cases [G][S]). And it has a nice theory in its It is well known that most finite dimensional,
own right, which is sometimes similar to that for completely integrable, Hamiltonian systems can
area-related problems and sometimes different. be obtained by applying the Adler-Kostant-Symes
A longer version of this lecture summary is (AKS) theorem to some Lie algebra G equipped
expected to appear [T2]. with an ad-invariant, nondegenerate bilinear
form, and a decomposition G = K + N. The sym-
plectic manifold is some coadjoint N -orbit
[A] W. K. Allard, On the first variation of a varifold, M ⊂ K ⊥ ' N ∗ , and the equation is the Hamil-
Ann. of Math. 95 (1972), 417–491.
tonian equation of the restriction of some Ad(G)-
[AT] F. J. Almgren and J. E. Taylor, Flat flow is mo-
tion by crystalline curvature for curves with crystalline
energies, J. Diff. Geom. (to appear).
[ATW] F. J. Almgren, J. E. Taylor, and L. Wang, Cur- Chuu-Lian Terng is professor of mathematics at North-
vature driven flows: A variational approach, SIAM J. eastern University, Boston, Massachusetts. Her e-mail
Control Optim. 31 (1992), 387–437. address is


wim.qxp 3/16/99 3:06 PM Page 41

invariant function f on G to M . Applying the AKS

theorem to the loop algebra of an affine Kac-
Moody algebra, we obtain many well-known soli-
Moduli Spaces and
ton equations and equations from differential
geometry. In fact, let G/K be a symmetric space,
Adiabatic Limits
G = K + P the Cartan decomposition, A a max- Karen K. Uhlenbeck
imal abelian subaglebra in P , P 1 = A⊥ ∩ P ,
The last ten years of dif-
a ∈ A a fixed regular element, and b ∈ A . We
ferential geometry have
obtain a sequence of symplectic structures
been dominated by the
{ωr | r ∈ Z} on the space of Schwartz functions
study of very special
M = S(R, P 1 ) , functionals {Fb,n : M→R| n ≥ 1},
geometric partial differ-
and evolution equations, the n-th flow associated
ential equations. The
to G/K with respect to a, b, ut = [Qb,n (u), a] with
equations I have in mind
n = −1 or n ≥ 2 such that
include the minimal and
(1) all ωr are compatible. That is, {, }r + µ{, }s constant mean curvature
is again a Poisson structure on M for any equations, the Yamabe
µ ∈ R and r , s ∈ Z , where {, }r is the Poisson equation, the Kähler-Ein-
structure corresponding to ωr , stein equation, harmonic
(2) the Hamiltonian equation for Fb,n with re- maps, and Yang-Mills
spect to ωr is ut = [Qb,n+r +1 (u), a] , with all its variations.
(3) Fb,n are commuting Hamiltonians with re- The origins of the equations vary tremendously,
spect to ωr for all n, r . as they come from both very classical geometry
and modern high-energy physics, but the equa-
These flows contain many interesting equa- tions themselves are clearly very special. One of
tions. For example, the equation for harmonic the interesting and useful features of most of the
maps from R 1,1 to G/K is the −1 -flow associ- equations is the “large”, by which we mean multi-
ated to G/K, the nonlinear Schrödinger equation dimensional, solution spaces which are regu-
is the third flow associated to SU(2), the Modi- larly found for these equations in special cir-
fied KdV equation is the fourth flow associated cumstances.
to SU(2)/SO(2) , and the Beals-Coifman evolution By and large the origin of the equations of
equations are the n-th flows associated to a geometry is intimately connected with varia-
compact Lie group G with n ≥ 2 . tional principles. The classical equations are
There is also a system of partial differential usually posed as minimization problems. It is a
equations of n variables naturally arising from hard and fast rule of physics that interesting
the second flow associated to a rank n sym- equations are the “equations of motion” for
metric space. For example, the natural PDE sys- some integral with a classical Lagrangian. In
tem associated to these cases, the Euler-Lagrange equation, which
SO(2n + 1)/SO(n) × SO(n + 1), is generated by the variational principle, is nearly
SO(2n)/SO(n) × SO(n) always second order. However, for technical rea-
and SO(2n, 1)/SO(n) × SO(n, 1) sons, the second variation is self-adjoint, and
hence has zero index if it can be represented as
is the equation for isometric immersions from a Fredholm operator between Banach spaces.
N n (c) into N 2n (c) with flat normal bundle and This means that formally speaking, the dimen-
independent curvature normals with c = 1, 0, −1 sion of a critical set, or the solution space of a
respectively, where N n (c) is an n-dimensional geometric equation, tends to be zero dimen-
space form with sectional curvature c . sional.
For these sequence of flows we also obtain There are a multitude of origins for the phe-
analogues of K. Uhlenbeck’s loop group action nomena of “nonaccidental” solution manifolds
on the space of harmonic maps from R 1,1 into of large dimension. By “nonaccidental” we mean
Lie group and the classical Bäcklund transfor- that a small perturbation which does not change
mations for the Sine-Gorden equation. the nature of the problem will not destroy them.
The most common cause is the existence of a
continuous family of symmetries which leaves
the equation invariant. This is closely allied to
the phenomena of “integrals” which is important

Karen Uhlenbeck is Regents’ Chair in Mathematics at

the University of Texas at Austin. Her e-mail address is


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for mean curvature surfaces. A second philo- As T → ∞, ε → 0 and we hypothesize that there
sophically separate cause is the reduction of the is a smooth family of solutions x(ε, τ) which for
original variational problem, with its second- each ε solves (*), and which has a limit as ε → 0.
order geometric equation, to a first-order equa- We call this orbit at ε = 0 and adiabatic limit. The
tion for a topological minima. This mechanism following theorem is cute, if nonobvious, and the
reduces the second-order harmonic map equa- proof can be done with advanced calculus.
tion from a Riemann surface into an almost com-
Theorem. A necessary condition for x(τ) to be
plex symplectic manifold to a pseudo-holomor-
an adiabatic limit for the original mechanics
phic curve equation, and Yang-Mills to self-dual
problem is that x is a closed geodesic on M .
Yang-Mills. The index of the first-order equa-
tion obtained in this fashion is topologically de- By replacing Rn by a function manifold and
termined and typically not necessarily zero. A V : Rn → R by one of the geometric integrals of
final and not-so-well-known origin for multi-di- the type with a moduli space of critical points,
mensional parameter spaces is the introduction one finds adiabatic approximations for hyper-
of point singularities, which changes the index. bolic equations. It is also possible to replace t
The Yamabe equation, which has zero index on by static parameters to obtain “adiabatic” lim-
a compact manifold, has index k on a manifold its of static problems. Proving that the adiabatic
with k punctures. limit has some physical or geometric reality is
An optimum strategy for progress includes much more difficult.
the search for new equations, as well as techni-
cal progress on the well-studied equations. An-
other angle is to search for new uses of these al-
ready-studied moduli spaces of solutions to References
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