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Efren Peñaflorida born on March 5,1981 at Cavite City.

He is a Filipino
hero in a modern day Filipino hero in a modern day. A Filipino teacher and
development worker. His fullname is Efren Geronimo Peñaflorida. He was
named CNN Hero of the year for 2009.
He gives Filipino youth an alternative to gang membership through
education. His Dynamic teen company's 10,000 members have taught basic
reading and writing to 1,500 kids living in the slums. He is the Founder of
"Kariton Klasrum Program".
Efren Peñaflorida influence us to study more harder and concentrate
in school because many young children want to go to school but they can't
afford it because of their life status. He said "Never compare your love
story to those you watch in movies. They're written by scripwrites yours is
written by God."

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