Radi Sastra Bahasa Inggris

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NIM : C 301 18 082


Weekly Assignment
1. A. At the first meeting I study subject, article, and profession

- Where the subject consists of : I, You, They, We, She, He, And It.

- Article consists of : a, an, the

- Proffesion, for example Police, Nurse, and Acountant

Then all three are combined into a sentence


a. am an inglish lecture

b. you are a police

c. they are the teacher

d. we are the accountant

e. she is a scout triners

f. he is a studen

g. it is a cat

B. At the second meeting I study the sign of belonging

in the sign of belonging we use have and has in making sentences, where have it for I, you, they,
we and has for she, he, it, and in making sentences we also make in positive, negative, and

For example :

(+) I have a Book

(-) I do not have a Book

(?) Do I have a Book

C. At the third meeting we learn tense and use regular and irregular verbs,
Present tense consists of 4 part :

 Simple present : S + V1 (S/Es) + o + a.o.t

For example : I go to school every day
 Present continues : S + to be + V1+ing + o + a.o.t
For example : Radi is buying a cake now
 Present perfect : S + Has/Have + V3 + o + a.o.t
For example : I have played football now

2. in my opinion the easiest material is about the subject, articles and profession, why the
material is easy, because to arrange the sentence is not as difficult as putting together the present

3. In my opinion a rather difficult material is the present tense because in composing the
sentence it should not be careless, must be with a predetermined formula.

4. In learning English to make it easier, I make it a habit to watch English films and learn their
pronunciation and meaning, and by doing that I can gradually understand English.

5. My obstacle in learning English is that I don't memorize vocabulary, and consequently when I
want to make sentences, if I don't use a dictionary, I will have difficulty making sentences.

6. My first impression of the English course, I thought this course was a cool subject because this
is an international language, and apparently after I learned it, it turned out that this course was
quite difficult, not as I imagined

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