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Is banning smoking necessary?

Some people believe that smoking should be banned but some people don’t. Even
though on the pack of cigarettes there is a warning from government that smoking is bad
for health, smokers cannot stop their habit. This essay will present arguments for and
against a ban on smoking.
Supporter says that they have reasons to keep smoking. Smokers say smokings
are their right and government should not ban them. Smokers also say that smoking can
increase their endurance and keep their focus / concentrate on work. Moreover, a ban on
smoking causes many effects. A ban on smoking is likely to cause the decrease of
cigarette industry turnover significantly. Thousand of employ will lose their jobs and
finally the number of unemployment would be increase.
However, the opponents to smoking have some strong reasons to declare their
resistance. Smoking can cause lung disease such as Lung TB, Pneumonia and Lung
Cancer. Also many cases show that smoking causes health problems in pregnant mothers.
They usually have complications on delivery that are genetically transferred to her fetus
and then become permanently handicapped. Moreover smoking also causes health
problems to innocent people. This is called Passive smoking. They are non-smokers but
they get health problems by breathing in their smoke.
In addition, it could be argued that smoking is a right, but it is necessary to think
about the solution of the impact of smoking. In conclusion, although smoking is a
personal right, the side effects of smoking are many, not only is it bad for the smoker’s
health but it can also impact on innocent people, even a fetus is affected.

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