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Why Everything You Know About

How To Produce Music...Is WRONG!

So, if you want to produce high quality music, here's what I suggest you do

*Produce a high QUANTITY of music. Then select the best QUALITY ideas to work on.
QUANTITY is the process. QUALITY is the result.

*While producing, keep your ears open to DISCOVER what sounds good. Don't focus
ONLY on the idea in your head. Use it as a starting point, but experiment and pay
attention to what comes out of the speakers!

*Embrace your progression through PRACTICE. Rather than trying to produce

EVERYTHING to an insane level of "high quality"... practice your ability to create
LOTS of track ideas. Because at the end of the day, it's the quality of your
musical IDEAS that make your music good. Not the quality of your PRODUCTION.

Once you understand how these principles work, and how they affect the quality of
your music, it will unlock all sorts of creative momentum for you.



Why Producing With The Wrong Beliefs Is Like Driving
"With The Handbrake On"

So, hampered by your perfectionism, you procrastinate in the studio.

The solution?

You must work to build "The 4 Core Beliefs" that every pro producer needs.

These beliefs are:

I can consistently make music in ANY situation.

I already have the skills and abilities to produce great music RIGHT NOW.
I can make music that�s AS GOOD AS anyone else out there .
I can earn a secure & stable income from my music

So, how did you get these beliefs?

You build them -- one by one -- by taking ACTION!

First, you must finish LOTS of music... all the time. This builds the belief that
you can consistently make music in ANY situation.

Next, by focusing on making music using your strengths... and the skills you have
right now...

...and creating a huge QUANTITY of music... will discover that high QUALITY music is the result of that process.

That's how you build the belief that YOU DO have the skills and abilities to make
great music RIGHT NOW.

Take this approach for long enough, and you'll see that the music you create is
JUST AS GOOD as the other music being released.

And once you start to put your music out there... that's when your audience will
start to appear (as long as you take the right steps.)

From there, you need to join the "new age" of music producers who are earning an
income, alongside... or WITHOUT... the typical "gigging" model...

That builds the belief that YOU can and will create a stable income with your


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