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The Public Schools of Dover and Sherborn - October 30, 2020

Memo from
Superintendent Dr. Andrew Keough

Reopening Stages and Approximate Timeline - Revised

The following is the updated plan for continued Expanded Reopening of the district. It is based in part on the
guidance of the Health and Hygiene Subcommittee/local boards of health, who have revised their protocols, and in
part on the host of logistical challenges the district faces with increases to our in school populations.

 Stage 1: Students are engaged in hybrid learning with two in-person days and three remote days each week.
This stage started 9/15 for K through 5 and middle school and on 9/21 for high school
 Stage 2: Students in Grades K through 3 attend in-person school 4 days per week, with Wednesday
remaining a remote learning day. All other grades remain in current “hybrid” model.
 Stage 3: Students in Grades 4-5 return for 4 in-person school days, with Wednesdays remaining remote
 Stage 4: Middle school and High School students return to school 4 days per week, with Wednesday
remaining remote
 Stage 5: All students K-12 return to school 5 days a week


Stage 1 began on 9/15/20 for K-8 and 9/21/20 for high school

Stage 2 began on 10/26/20

Stage 3 would start 12/7 as originally planned, following evaluation of 12/2 data

Stage 4 TBD – The earliest this stage will go into effect would be the close of the first semester. This will be

Stage 5:TBD

The Public Schools of Dover and Sherborn do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex/gender, gender identity,
religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or homelessness

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