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“The only thing they can get me for is running a funeral parlor without a license.

[John Wayne Gacy]

“The devil doesn’t exist. Satanism is about worshiping yourself, because you are
responsible for your own good and evil. Christianity’s war against the devil has always
been a fight against man’s most natural instincts—for sex, for violence, for self-
gratification—and a denial of man’s membership in the animal kingdom. The idea of
heaven is just Christianity’s way of creating a hell on earth.”
— Marilyn Manson

“When you're taught to love everyone, to love your enemies, then what value does that
place on love?”
[Marilyn Manson]

All the seven deadly sins are man's true nature. To be greedy. To be hateful. To have lust.
Of course, you have to control them, but if you're made to feel guilty for being human,
then you're going to be trapped in a never-ending sin-and-repent cycle that you can't
escape from.
[Marilyn Manson]

In any story, the villain is the catalyst. The hero's not a person who will bend the rules or
show the cracks in his armor. He's one-dimensional intentionally, but the villain is the
person who owns up to what he is and stands by it.
[Marilyn Manson]

My art is not limited to the songs I create but also to the reaction it creates. I like to sit
back and look at the whole thing as if it's a tornado that I'm controlling. It's creating
chaos. When you create chaos, ideas are turned upside down, and everybody looks at
things in a different way.
[Marilyn Manson]

I think everybody's got a presentation. Everybody looks a certain way because they want
to convey a certain image. You look a certain way because you want people to listen to
you in a certain way.
[Marilyn Manson]

For me, art is supposed to be a question mark.

[Marilyn Manson]

I was married to someone who wanted me to change. Become more adult, more
responsible. I began not to like myself, not like what I do. I lost my identity. Everything
began collapsing around me.
[Marilyn Manson]

"If they think that an artist can destroy their faith, then their faith is rather fragile."
- Marylin Manson

“Any fool can make something complicated. It takes a genius to make it simple.”
[Woody Guthrie]

“Will, nu noi inventam natura umana; aceasta se naste ofata cu plamanii, cu pancreasul si
cu celelalte organe. Ce rost are sa ne razboim cu ea?

Will, eu chiar vreau sa te ajut si-as dori sa incep cu urmatoarea intrebare: Cand sufereai
de starea aceea depresiva, dupa uciderea domnului Garrett Jacob Hobbs, nu-i asa ca nu
ACTUL propriu-zis te deranja? Nu cumva erai asa de deprimat tocmai PENTRU CA
[Hannibal Lecter]

We came to wreck everything and ruin your life. God sent us!
[Romper Stomper]

My manner of thinking, so you say, cannot be approved. Do you suppose I care? A poor
fool indeed is he who adopts a manner of thinking for others!
[Marquis de Sade]

"I've already told you: the only way to a woman's heart is along the path of torment. I
know none other as sure."
[Marquis de Sade]

sometimes the irony of being a "bigot" is looking at the truths the "open minded" won't
dare to look in order to protect their political correct doctrine they never learned.

"Dacă erezia, mai rea decât închinarea în faţa zeilor păgâni, mai nelegiuită decât
necredinţa sarazinilor, ar câştiga teren, statul şi societatea civilă s-ar prăbuşi; nemernicii
vor uzurpa senioriile şi pe cei care conduc, şi sfântul popor va geme şi va cerşi în
restrişte... Atunci războaiele vor împânzi regatul, oamenii se vor ucide între ei şi vor
căuta mereu prilej de ceartă. Prieteni şi apropiaţi îşi vor face rău, copiii se vor ridica
împotriva celor bătrâni şi înţelepţi, iar ţăranii împotriva nobililor... şi abominabila
nelegiuire a Sodomei ar fi aproape justificată în comparaţie cu această murdărie."
(Jehan Taincture, magistrul din Tournai)

“I think perfection is ugly. Somewhere in the things humans make, I want to see scars,
failure, disorder, distortion.”
― Yohji Yamamoto
“I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.”
― Edgar Allan Poe

"Ţi-e garantată exprimarea liberă atâta timp cât nu spui ceva ce n-ai voie. Bun, şi-atunci
unde-i exprimarea liberă?

Avem voie să spunem ce vor să audă ceilalţi şi ceea ce ei ştiau deja şi poţi să vorbeşti ce
vrei atâta timp cât prin termenii tăi se conturează tot idea lor ; funcţionăm ca un ziar
monden defect în esenţă, dar perfect fun©ţional după regulile lor.

Avem voie să spunem doar ceea ce este moral şi adevărat şi adevărul e un futai
extraordinar de strategie contextuală.

Nu avem parte de exprimare liberă, avem parte de manifestarea

ideilor noastre în contextul în care "exprimarea noastră liberă" duce la ceea ce este voie
să spunem.

Eu unul sunt sătul."

― Codrin Bradea

“Du-te-n pizda mătii, Cufurilă”

[Codrin Bradea]

"In Russia live Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to
work and eat in Russia, should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws. If
they prefer Sharia Law, and live the life of Muslims then we advise them to go to those
places where that's the state law. Russia does not need Muslim minorities. Minorities
need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit
their desires, no matter how loud they yell 'discrimination'. We will not tolerate disrespect
of our Russian culture. We had better learn from the suicides of America, England,
Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation. The Muslims are taking over those
countries and they will not take over Russia. The Russian customs and traditions are not
compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of Sharia Law and Muslims.
When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind
the Russian national interest first, observing that the Muslim minorities are not Russians."
[Vladimir Putin]

"Art is not just about another beautiful painting that matches your dining room floor. Art
has to be disturbing, art has to ask a question, art has to predict the future."

“What you call disorder is nothing else than one of the laws of the order you comprehend
not and which you have erroneously named disorder because its effects, though good for
Nature, run counter to your convenience or jar your opinions.”
— Marquis de Sade (Juliette)

“Remorse is an illusion, it is nothing, my dear Therese, but the imbecilic murmuring of

the soul that is too timid to dare to suppress it.”
— Marquis de Sade

“Oh, there are plenty of people,” the Duc used to observe, “who never misbehave save
when passion spurs them to ill; later, the fire gone out of them, their now calm spirit
peacefully returns to the path of virtue and, thus passing their life going from strife to
error and from error to remorse, they end their days in such a way there is no telling just
what roles they have enacted on earth. Such persons,” he would continue, “must surely be
miserable: forever drifting, continually undecided, their entire life is spent detesting in the
morning what they did the evening before. Certain to repent of the pleasures they taste,
they take their delight in quaking, in such sort they become at once virtuous in crime and
criminal in virtue.”
— Marquis de Sade, The 120 Days of Sodom

"if you consider a woman less pure after you’ve touched her maybe you should take a
look at your hands"

“I have taken from nature only that which properly belongs to my art.”
— Mallarmé on Impressionism

There is nothing more difficult for a truly creative painter than to paint a rose, because
before he can do so he has first to forget all the roses that were ever painted.
[Henri Matisse]

It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.
[Pablo Picasso]

If, by the instrument of governmental power, a nationality is led toward its destruction,
then rebellion is not only the right of every member of such a people - it is his duty.
[Adolf Hitler]

"When we do right, nobody remembers. When we do wrong, nobody forgets."

[Hells Angels]

“Noi distingem in general doua feluri de cruzime: cea care se naste din stupiditate, care,
niciodata rationala, niciodata analizata, asimileaza individul nascut cu bestia feroce:
aceasta nu da nici o placere pentru ca cel care are inclinatii spre ea nu este in stare de nici
o cercetare; brutalitatile unei astfel de fiinte sunt rareori periculoase: este intotdeauna
usor sa te pui la adapost; celalalt fel de cruzime, fructul extremei sensibilitati a organelor,
nu este cunoscuta decat de fiintele foarte delicate, si excesele la care le conduce nu sunt
decat rafinamentele delicatetei lor; aceasta delicatete, foarte repede slabita din cauza
excesivei lor fineti, care, pentru a o trezi, pun in practica toate resursele cruzimii.
Putini sunt oamenii care inteleg aceste diferente!... Cum sunt putini cei care le simt! Ele
exista totusi, ele sunt indubitabile.
Ori, acest al doilea gen de cruzime afecteaza cel mai adesea femeile. Studiaza-le bine: vei
vedea daca nu este excesul sensibilitatii lor care le conduce acolo; vei vedea daca nu este
excesiva activitate a imaginatiei lor, forta spiritului lor care le face scelerate si feroce; si
acestea sunt toate incantatoare; de asemenea nu este una care sa nu faca sa se invarteasca
capetele atunci cand actioneaza; din nefericire, rigiditatea sau mai degraba absurditatea
obiceiurilor noastre lasa putina hrana cruzimii lor; sunt obligate sa se ascunda, sa
disimuleze, sa acopere inclinatia lor cu acte de binefacere ostentative pe care le detesta in
inima lor;"

“Nu se poate numi femeie aceea care îşi ia măsuri să nu fie niciodată ispitită, a cărei
virtute este cel mai uşor de stabilit, ci femeie este aceea care este atât de stăpână pe sine
încât poate sta în faţa oricărei primejdii fără nici un fel de teamă.”

"Wherever there's three people, there's one who thinks the other two shouldn't have any
[Darth Malak]

"Nu te caiesti decat de ceea ce nu esti obisnuit sa faci. Ia adesea de la capat ceea ce iti da
remuscari si vei reusi sa le stergi."

"Lust is to the other passions what the nervous fluid is to life; it supports them all, lends
strenght to them all ambition, cruelty, avarice, revenge, are all founded on lust."

"Your body belongs to you, to you alone. You are the only person in the world who has
the right to enjoy your body and to let anyone you wish enjoy it."
(Philosophy in the Boudoir)

"Here's why you can't exterminate us, aruetii. We're not huddled in one place—we
span the galaxy. We need no lords or leaders—so you can't destroy our command.
We can live without technology—so we can fight with our bare hands. We have
no species or bloodline—so we can rebuild our ranks with others who want to join
us. We're more than just a people or an army, aruetii. We're a culture. We're an
idea. And you can't kill ideas—but we certainly can kill you."
―Ranah Teh Naas

"You can't rule Mandalorians. You just make sensible suggestions they want to follow.
And since we have Mandalorians needed to be told what makes sense?"
[Boba Fett]

“What one person sees as degrading and disgusting and bad for women might make some
women feel empowered and beautiful and strong.”
― Sasha Grey

“Dolls are hollow, you see? Completely hollow in body and soul. That void connects
them with death.  But hollow things seek to fill their emptiness.”
—  ~ Misaki Mei “Another”

‘Waldeinsamkeit’ is a German word which means the feeling of being alone in the

“The thing under my bed waiting to grab my ankle isn't real. I know that, and I also know
that if I'm careful to keep my foot under the covers, it will never be able to grab my

― Stephen King

People think that I must be a very strange person. This is not correct. I have the heart of a
small boy. It is in a glass jar on my desk.
Stephen King

The whole idea that a movie should be seen only once is an

extension of our traditional conception of the film as an ephemeral
entertainment rather than as a visual work of art.
[Stanley Kubrick]

The Key of Joy is disobedience.

[Aleister Crowley]

“There is a beast in man that should be exercised, not exorcised.”

― Anton Szandor LaVey

“Blessed are the destroyers of false hope, for they are the true Messiahs - Cursed are the
god-adorers, for they shall be shorn sheep!”
― Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Bible

“Hair on a man's chest is thought to denote strength. The gorilla is the most powerful of
bipeds and has hair on every place on his body except for his chest.”
― Anton Szandor LaVey

6. I dip my forefinger in the watery blood of your impotent mad redeemer, and write
over his thorn-torn brow: The TRUE prince of evil - the king of slaves!

12. Thrice cursed are the weak whose insecurity makes them vile, for they shall serve and
Since man's natural instincts lead him to sin, all men are sinners; and all sinners go to
hell. If everyone goes to hell, then you will meet all your friends there. Heaven must be
populated with some rather strange creatures if they all lived for was to go to a place
where they can
strum harps for eternity.

It is unnatural not to have desire to gain things for yourself. Satanism represents a form
of controlled selfishness. This does not mean that you never do anything for anyone else.
If you do something to make someone for whom you care happy, his happiness will give
you a sense of gratification.

The semantic meaning of Satan is the "adversary" or "opposition" or the "accuser". The
very word "devil" comes from the Indian devi which means "god". Satan represents
opposition to all religions which serve to frustrate and condemn man for his natural
instincts. He has been given an evil role simply because he represents the carnal, earthly,
and mundane aspects of life.

S ATANISM represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on


Anyone who says "we must try to understand" those who make life
miserable for those undeserving of misery is aiding and abetting a social cancer!

The chronic loser is always the man who, having nothing, if unable to make a million
dollars, will reject any chance to make fifty thousand with a disgruntled sneer.

"Rather be hated than ignored."

[Lower Class Brats]

"Hope is a strange thing. Hope is a currency for people who know they are losing. The
more familiar you are with hope, the less beautiful it becomes."
[16 years of alcohol]

"My real feeling is that anybody who believes in supernatural entities on some level is
insane. Whether they believe in the Devil or God, they are abdicating reason"
[Peter Gilmore]

How fine you look when dressed in rage

 Only the foolish believe that suffering is just wages for being different.

 Only the insane equate pain with success.

 Only the savage regard the endurance of pain as a measure of worth.

[American McGee's Cheshire]

I knew all these paths once, now they are as twisted as my own ambitions.

"Glittering gold, trinkets and baubles... Paid for in blood."

Where life had no value, death, sometimes, had its price.

“As a species we're fundamentally insane. Put more than two of us in a room, we pick
sides and start dreaming up reasons to kill one another. Why do you think we invented
politics and religion?”

― Stephen King

Movies don't create psychos. Movies make psychos more creative!


That's when you know you've found somebody special. When you can just shut the fuck
up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence.
[Mia Wallace]

"Nu e un animal mai asemănător omului ca porcul.

Nu e un animal mai dat dracului ca porcul pe lumea asta.
Când dracul a fost izgonit de fiul omului din iad, într-o turmă de porci s-a ascuns. Toate
animalele sunt oarbe o vreme după ce se nasc. Câteva zile, ori câteva săptămâni.
Doar porcii se nasc cu un fel de pânză de păianjen pe ochi pe care o topește prima lumină
a zilei.
Doar ei și copii încep să vadă atât de repede.
Omul și porcul. Ei sunt nerăbdători, sunt stăpâniți de un fel de curiozitate diavolească,
vor să vadă cât mai repede lumina divină.
Un porc e în stare să-și omoare fratele pentru o coajă de dovleac; porcul e fratele omului,
[Terminus Paradis]

If you’re African promoting African culture, it’s fine. Right? If you’re Asian promoting
Asian culture, it’s fine. But, if you’re European and promoting European culture, you’re
suddenly a neo-nazi. And that’s the problem.
—  Varg Vikernes

I think black metal is just a expression and (for fans) appreciation of the despair most
men feel from living in a world that is not built for them.
—  Varg Vikernes

"The sin is not in being outmatched - but in failing to recognize it."

“Some lose all mind and become soul, insane.
some lose all soul and become mind, intellectual.
some lose both and become accepted”

― Charles Bukowski

“I find beauty in the grotesque, like most artists. I have to force people to look at things.”

― Alexander McQueen

"Fett, I have a beautiful daughter..."

He shouldn't have said that. Now I'm angry, and I don't often get angry. Never use your
kids, scumbag. Never."
My father put me first. Any father should.

[Boba Fett]

„Mila, când nu e însoţită de o iubire infinită, e mai ofensatoare decât dispreţul”.

(G. Ibrăileanu, Opere, IX)

"Tanarul onest ar trebui sa faca o scoala, sa munceasca, sa nu asculte manele, sa nu se

imbrace ca un cocalar, sa citeasca, sa faca sport pentru autodisciplina si sa inceteze sa
inceteze sa mai fie o oaie fara minte dusa la pascut catre televizor. Atunci vom putea
vorbi despre afirmarea tanarului roman." (Catalin Stefan Ion).

In a society that profits from your self doubt, liking yourself is a rebellious act

All great truths begin as blasphemies.

[George Bernard Shaw]

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying
to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”

― George Bernard Shaw

А ну, чики-брики и в дамки

"It never troubles the wolf how many the sheep may be."

"I would say I am a very happy man, in a compulsively unhappy world."

-Anton LaVey
'An astronomically overwhelming majority of the people who could be born never will
be. You are one of the tiny minority whose number came up. Be thankful that you have a
life, and forsake your vain and presumptuous desire for a second one.'

- Richard Dawkins

“The true man wants two things: danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the
most dangerous plaything.”

― Friedrich Nietzsche

Blasphemy: A law to protect an All-Powerful, supernatural Deity from getting it's

feelings hurt.

Ricky Gervais

“Evil is a word used by the ignorant and the weak. The dark side is about survival. It’s
about unleashing your inner power. It glorifies the strength of the individual.”
Darth Zannah

“The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried”
– Stephen McCranie

"Gradually, I began to resent Christian school and doubt everything I was told. It became
clear that the suffering they were praying to be released from was a suffering they had
imposed on themselves—and now us. The beast they lived in fear of was really
themselves: It was man, not some mythological demon, that was going to destroy man in
the end. And this beast had been created out of their fear."
- Marilyn Manson

"Christians complain about losing their religious freedom when they can't bully other

God loves you, he really does. In fact he loves you so much, he created hell just in case
you don’t love him back.

-Christopher Hitchens

If you love others for no other reason than that a god or your faith commands it, your
love is insulting and worthless. You would hate for the same reason, plenty do.
"God is the immemorial refuge of the incompetent, the helpless, the miserable. They find
not only sanctuary in His arms, but also a kind of superiority, soothing to their macerated
egos: He will set them above their betters. "

H. L. Mencken

Be the villain you were born to be. Stop waiting for someone to come along and corrupt
you. Succumb to the darkness yourself.

"Faith is a declaration of immunity to the powers of conversation."

Sam Harris

I have a problem with religion or anything that says, “We have all the answers,” because
there’s no such thing as “the answers.” We’re complex. We change our minds on issues
all the time. Religion leaves no room for human complexity.
[Daniel Radcliffe]

Nu-ti inseli sotia (sau partenera ”oficiala”) cand faci sex sau dragoste, cu alte femei.

Însă înseli la modul mizerabil sotia cand îi spui ca este singura femeie importanta din
viata ta, sau cand îi spui ca doar cu ea faci dragoste în timp ce cu oricare altele faci sex
la fel de cum
înseli amanta cand îi spui ca relatia cu sotia nu mai inseamna nimic pt tine,
ca stai cu ea doar pentru copii, ca nu te mai atrage sexual
si ca urmeaza sa divortezi desi nici o clipa nu te gandesti la asta decat atunci cand riscut
sa-ti pierzi controlul asupra amantei este inevitabil.

Inseli in cuplu cand minti.

Cand te futi faci lumea mai buna si mai echilibrata.
Dezechilibrele , tensiunile , anxietatea sunt consecinta tradarilor si inselaciunilor.

Sexul este parte a solutiei la aceste probleme nu cauza.

Iar integritatea si sexualitataea este solutia completa, fireasca si la indemană..

[Cristi Popan]

"Religion is comparable to a childhood neurosis.

The whole thing is so patently infantile, so foreign to reality, that to anyone with a friendly attitude
to humanity it is painful to think that the great majority of mortals will never be able to rise above
this view of life."
(Sigmund Freud)

"decat impacat cu fruntea plecata sub palma aroganta a lui Zeus, mai bine damnat
melancoliei, cu tampla rezemata de genunchiul lui Prometeu"
“Yahweh: You've been unhappy because you've desired things that cannot be.

Lucifer: That's what desire IS. The need for what we can't have. The need for what's
readily available is called greed.”
― Mike Carey, Lucifer, Vol. 11: Evensong

[Cristi Popan "Nu relationez cu femei care se indragostesc de mine si modul meu de a fi
descurajeaza derapajele emotionale presupuse de fenomenul indragostirii.

Suferinta femeilor care trebuie sa imparta un barbat nu are de a face cu vreun sentiment ci
doar cu pretentiile de control asupra barbatului si cele de superioritate asupra femeilor.

Daca nu esti o femeie capabila sa te raportezi cu prietenie la toate femeile care dovedesc
bun simt si corectitudine est eabsolut imposibil sa ai o relatie cu mine.

Deci nu procedez nicicum când se indragostesc 2 femei de mine pentru ca nu ajung in

astfel de situatii."]

Mandalorian Proverb: "Age has never been a proper measurement of leadership ability,
even a child can inspire others to reach higher."

'technique is only a tool, humbly at the service of conception' (the purist manifesto)

We don't worship Satan, we worship ourselves using the metaphorical representations of

the qualities of Satan. Satan is the name used by Judeo-Christians for that force of
individuality and pride within us

Cheshire Dragos Consider ca da, esecurile au un rol important in dobandirea experientei;

dar gasesc ipocrita intentia de a-ti dobandi valoarea prin (expunerea la) suferinta- pentru
ca orice suferinta este in primul rand o expunere activa. Cu ce ii este de folos satisfactia
prin nesatisfactie a smereniei omului integru si vertical, care constientizeaza ca rolul lui
de organism pe fata pamantului este propria placere si placerea care se oglindeste in cei
cu care se inconjoara? Cum poate un om sincer care isi iubeste existenta sa apeleze la
satisfactiile marunte si prefacute ale smereniei?

Cristina Stefania Smerenia ca si "suferinta cautata" are ca scop constientizarea lucrurilor

pe care le primesti in mod constant si uiti de multe ori sa le apreciezi. Are un scop mai
mult decat important in multumirea pe termen lung, unde mai pui ca e si satisfactia
evolutiei, a lucrului nou invatzat fie el ceva concret sau abstract.

Cheshire Dragos Invataturile dobandite in urma expunerii voite la o suferinta evitabila ar

avea valoare nula in raport cu cele dobandite in urma curiozitatii sincere si carnale, daca
ar putea fi dobandite exchilibrat; dar cum cei care isi fac un scop din a castiga experienta
sau "virtute" prin suferinta sunt de cele mai multe ori departe de a fi echilibrati sau
curiosi in mod egal in fata altor forme de cunoastere, ma tem ca se poate vorbi de o
valoare negativa;
...... In incercarea de a-si incarca cu vinovatie iubitul pentru faptul ca nu o cere de nevasta
desi sunt de multa vreme impreuna, ... o tipa isi intreaba iubitul daca
Este normal ca o femeie sa si doreasca sa se casatoreasca?

Iar el m-a intrebat pe mine intrucat nu a stiu ce sa-i raspunda.

I-am spus doar nici o femeie nu-si doreste casatoria ca sa-si faca relatia mai buna.
Interesul pentru casatorie al femeilor este strict interesul pentru un control mai bun asupra
partenerului si mai ales pentru avantajele de imagine sociala, ... cu atat mai mult cu cat ai
un partener frumos sau de succes care te valideaza social si trezeste invidia concurentei
feminine pe care o urasti din tot sufletu tau.

Deci este incorect sa ti doresti casatoria pentru ca motivatiile pentru care vrei asta sunt
fundamental perverse si incompatibile cu increderea in cuplu.
Dar este dreptul nostru sa ne dorim lucruri incorecte cata vreme suntem pregatiti sa
suportam consecintele. Asta pe de o parte.
Iar pe de alta parte trebuie sa intelegi ca este complet anormal sa pretinzi casatoria cu o

De asemena este incorect sa te victimizezi, sa santajezi, sa manipulezi, sa ameninti si sa

te isterizezi ca sa fortezi pe cineva sa faca ceva imporiva sentimentelor lui. Poti sa incerci
sa o faci dar ia in calcul ca nu toti sunt prosti si s-ar putea sa pierzi totul pe calea asta.

Orice-ti doresti de la o relatie presupune ca amandoi sa si doreasca acel lucru. Orice

compromis la acest capitol ucide tot ce este sanatos in relatia respectiva daca totusi exista

Iar pentru cei care doresc ceva de la retatiile lor, ... trebuie ca inainte de a intreba
partenerul daca si doreste acelasi lucru, ... sa se asigure ca are discernamantul sa evalueze
oportunitatea obiectivului si consecintele pe care o alegere o are in viata lui.

Orice acord obtinut in afara maturitatii de a evalua responsabil si matur o situatie este nul

Deci va rog nu va marginiti la a cere consimtamantul partenerului pentru un plan comun.

Evaluati discernamantul si maturitate in evaluare si intelegere a partenerului vostru.

Pentru ca este mult mai usor sa evitati o problema decat sa rezolvati consecintele ei.
Stephane Mallarme - Apariție

Se-ndoliase luna. Serafi în dulci fiori

De plâns și cu arcușul în mână, printre flori,
Lăsau, visând, să curgă din veștede viole
Suspine albe,-n lunec pe azurii corole.
-Era a sărutării dintâi divină zi.
Savanta mea visare, plăcându-i a-mi trezi
Căinți, gusta savoarea unei tristeți discrete
Pe care, fără lacrimi, i-o lasă, nici regrete,
Culesul unui mult prea drag Vis cui l-a cules.
Cu ochii în vetustul asfalt și recules
Umblam, cand tu, în stradă și seară, apărându-mi
Râzând, cu soare-n plete, am tresărit, părându-mi
Că-i zâna ce, pe vremuri, sub luminosu-i bor,
Prin somn de copilandru-alintat lăsa, în zbor,
Din mâin întredeschise, mereu să-mi ningă,-n salbe,
Înmiresmate jerbe de stele mari și albe.

“Sa moara vrea Sinele vostru; de-aceea sunteti dispretuitori ai corpului! Pentru ca nu
puteti crea ceva care sa va depaseasca.”

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