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Many people still do not realize that health is their possession that is very precious.

They are
not afraid to risk their well beingh for something less important. They will notice the value of their
health only when they get sick. We don’t want to be like them. We must not wait until we lose our
health only to treasure our health.

Ladies and gentlemen, mental health is as important as physical health. To improve our
mental health. We should rest our minds. We should try to keep calm anda think positive in every
situation. That way, our bodies will receive positive energy. Believe it or not. Positivity can make us
healthier and let us enjoy life to the fullest. To end my speech, i would like to quote and arabian

Mental health is not just a concept that refers to an individual’s psychological and emotional well
being. Rather it’s a state of psychological and emotional well being where an individual is able to use their
cognitive and emotional capabilities, meet the ordinary demand and functions in the society.

Thus, there are many factors like cultural differences, body, judge, competing professional
theories, and subjective assessments that affect how mental health is defined. Also, there are many
experts that agree that mental illness and mental health are not antonyms. So, in other words, when the
recognized mental disorder is absent, it is not necessarily a sign of mental health. 

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