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Actions Worksheet: Lecture One

Mindset: First Forget Everything You Know

1. Make a list of all the fears, excuses, doubts and blockages in your mind that
are holding you back from making a full-time living from freelance writing

2. Now list all the actual obstacles in your way, i.e., lack of knowledge in
something specific, no writing portfolio etc. Be as honest as possible with
these – are they actual obstacles or obstacles of your mind’s creation? If they
are the latter, move them onto the first list above.
3. Look at both lists side by side. Which is longer? If your first list is longer than
the second – rejoice! The first list we’re going to dismiss entirely for the
duration of this course (and longer if you feel it works for you). Most of your
fears and doubts will be forgotten or dispelled as you take action as a result of
the instructions in this course. If the second list is of a healthy size too then
fear not; we’re going to work through this list with the modules that follow.

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