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1 Cable extension, straight barbell
3x 12-15 reps
1x 10 reps plate by plate (6-7 drops)
2 Cable rope forehead extension + Basic rope extension in super sets
3x 10 reps for both
3 Dumbbells French press + bodyweight dips in super sets
3x 10-12 reps and max of the dips
4 Smith Machine close grip bench press
1x 10-12 reps
1x SST cluster: 4x5 reps (10RM with 10" rest) + 5 negative (20%less weight) + 5
positive (20%less weight)
5 Both cable "push downs"
3x 10-12 reps
1 Cable extension, straight barbell
2 heavy sets of 10-12 reps
1 SST variable: 3x5 10" rest + positive reps
1x 10-12 reps + 6-7 reps, with 3" of stretch
2 Cable extension, laying on the bench + Cable rope extension
2 super sets of 10 reps for both
3 Bench Press close grip + Dumbbells extension, laying on the bench
2 super sets of 6-7 + 10 reps
4 One arm extension, with dumbbell
5x10 alternating, without stopping
5 Dips + Bodyweight extension against the barbell, smith machine
2 super sets 20 reps + max of reps til failure.

1Pre exhaust cable rope extension + SST set free barbell French press
( two sets like this )

2. Bench press close grip + dips,

2 super sets

3. Cable rope extension in front the head,

4X method

4. Cable pronation extension,

3 sets

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